View Full Version : Screw the NE-- an Electrical Storm Rant

Del Arroyo
08-15-2005, 23:58
So Saturday afternoon we here in St. Louis were hit by a mostrous electrical storm, 70mph winds and tornados which toppled hundreds of trees and flung splinters, leaves and bits of electrical lines every which way. This afternoon, after 45 hours, the power finally came back on in our house (about half a million were out initially).

Today I was also driving down the road with the radio on, and happened to catch this news report--

"and the NORTHEAST is still reeling from the effects of monster storms over the weekend, blah blah blah, it was really bad, blah blah blah...." With not even a PASSING REFERENCE to what had happened out here. So my question is....

WTF is up with you goldurn coasterners and your flipping self-absorption???! If bad weather happens in other parts of the country is it just not news?? The same thing happened with the supposed "Great NY Blackout"-- which was supposedly a HUGE burden and harrowing event for New Yorkers. That same year there was a storm and the power went out for the ENTIRE St. Louis Metro Area for 20 hours-- and not a peep from the media.

Not that there should have been-- people here just got on with their lives, and 3 years later not alot of people specifically remember this outage.

So I guess the discussion question is-- what's the deal with our media? And my personal note, even as a Connecticut native, is-- Screw the North East!!


Marshal Murat
08-16-2005, 03:36
I think its probably because they think that happens "often"
I mean, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, they get little press about storms because there isn't much new.

If St. Louis loses power because of storm, well that occurs somewhat often, doesn't it.?

If New York has a power outage, than its just up there because it hasn't happen in known history (I guess)

Its like the New Madrid fault. If there is an earthquake in New Madrid, then news coverage will increase, because its something out of the ordinary.

Crazed Rabbit
08-16-2005, 05:43
Apparently you forget that the left and other-left coasters regard all the land in between merely as 'fly-over' country.

Crazed Rabbit

Marshal Murat
08-16-2005, 10:27
I lived in Arkansas, and there was some interesting things. Then they left.

Reverend Joe
08-16-2005, 19:56
WTF is up with you goldurn coasterners and your flipping self-absorption???! If bad weather happens in other parts of the country is it just not news?? The same thing happened with the supposed "Great NY Blackout"-- which was supposedly a HUGE burden and harrowing event for New Yorkers. That same year there was a storm and the power went out for the ENTIRE St. Louis Metro Area for 20 hours-- and not a peep from the media.

You forget, my friend, that the media is almost all based in California, and in the northeast (which is ironic, considering that they are a pack of right-wing liars ~D). Therefore, the only national events they will care about is what happens in their hometowns.

I would make a crack about New Yorkers, if I wasn't afraid that one would come storming up to my house, demanding an apology.

Alexander the Pretty Good
08-16-2005, 20:02
That's not fair, Crazed. Give the New Jersey resistance organizations credit!


08-16-2005, 22:15
Hmmm... so this gives you a window into how media organisations treat overseas events as well... it is far to easy to get a warped world view from the media sanitised and marketed drip feeds... Blame the Aussies.