View Full Version : Bribery: RTW Style

Digenes Akrites
10-29-2005, 04:38
I'm new to RTW and I have a question regarding bribery. Whenever I attempt to bribe a rebel army, my diplomat offers to pay the army to disband, and yet from other posts, it sounds like I should be able to bribe those units to join my side. How do I accomplish this?

10-29-2005, 04:50
Don't quote me but AFAIK you may bribe genarals (family members) of whatever faction into yours but captains only have disbanded.

10-29-2005, 04:58
You can only bribe units available in your faction slots* or mercenaries to join you; the rest will disband, unlike MTW.

Generals, on the other hand, will discard their old bodyguards when bribed to your side, and "create" a new bodyguard unit of your faction. (i.e. if you're Britannia and bribed a Roman general, the Roman cavalry general's unit will disappear to be replaced by a Briton chariot general's unit; albeit it's the same general). Captains, unless they are of your faction's unit/mercenaries, will disband.

*by units available in your faction slots I mean units in your tech tree only. As Romans you can never bribe Carthaginian infantry to your side, for example, even though you can bribe them to disband; while you (as Romans) can bribe rebel Hastati to your side.

So, unless you're Parthia or Seleucids, no Katanks for you. ;)

Digenes Akrites
10-29-2005, 23:44
Ah, now I understand! Thank you both! :bow:

10-30-2005, 03:51
If you play as a Roman army you can sometimes bribe the Roman units to join your side. Gaulic barbarian units will not be able to join because they are not the same.

The general and captain also factor I think as well

10-30-2005, 05:36
Playing as Brutii I bribed last family member of Dacia the other day and it's fairly handy in a few ways...

Got a general in an isolated area to occupy settlements when I need to and helps with expanding territory faster.

Can recruit mercenaries, build watchtowers and forts.

And, better than mucking around trying to get a 'Man of the Hour' with one of my Captains.~:handball:

All for a nice 17k denarii.


10-30-2005, 06:18
Actually I like running my captains after rebel meat peasants with barely sufficient force to farm men of the hour. :charge:

10-31-2005, 11:25
with regards to MotH it is nearly impossible to do if you have a lot of familiy members but all too easy when you start running out of family. I don't bother with bribing so much in BI as I usually spend my money on troops. Besides when you play romans in BI you usually have to keep culling family members anyway because they are so expensive and often end up with no loyalty.

10-31-2005, 15:45
The MotH and bribery system is much better than losing your campaign in MTW due to sterility, or having to cheat. :charge:

11-01-2005, 16:56
I don't want to knock the bribery and MotH system. I really need the MotH to replace all the disloyal generals I have to send Horde Chasing. My only problem is bribery costs so much I usually end up spending less to kill off the army and get a fresh MotH. This also helps with command stars as well because they usually start with one or two stars whereas proper family and in laws usually are lucky to have more than honest as a V&V