View Full Version : What the...

11-04-2005, 08:54
I was playing my Spain campaign conquering the italian peninsula and one of my cities had an ampitheater that i captured so i decided why not , make everyone heppy and host some games... the next turn.. were if you have games held the thing saying games held comes up... welll


11-04-2005, 11:31
you are not supposed to hold games as abarbarian faction so you get that as an error message.

11-04-2005, 17:27
That's happened to me (in BI) as well. Overran Iberia and North Africa as the Berbers, including several Roman cities with a Hippodrome/Circus Maximus, and, despite the fact that I couldn't hold races I still got a "Races Held" message after a couple of turns. Curious.

11-04-2005, 23:06
Play as the Gauls on 1.3 and you can build the Pantheon of Epona.. you get an error message for that too...

11-05-2005, 07:59
Play as the Gauls on 1.3 and you can build the Pantheon of Epona.. you get an error message for that too...

Interesting. The reason is probably the change in the export_descr_building.txt file. See my recent posting in the Julii guide.

Seasoned Alcoholic
11-14-2005, 17:27
Its a bit weird that as Spain you can host games because as BO says, only Roman factions should be able to do this, as from export_descr_buildings. Which text file is this error message stored in?

I'd originally modded RTW v1.2 so that several other factions were able to construct more buildings, roads, mines etc. EG, Seleucids were given access to the Eastern trade routes, Barbarians could build academies, Eastern factions could build paved roads, and so on. Changed the options firstly in export_descr_buildings, and then in export_buildings in the Data\Text folder. Also sorted the building cards, as default is army barracks. Similar method applies to units.

11-14-2005, 18:09
Its a bit weird that as Spain you can host games because as BO says, only Roman factions should be able to do this, as from export_descr_buildings. Which text file is this error message stored in?

In the Data/text/event_strings.txt file, search for the {games_held_body_barbarian} event

But it was symball who said this about the games, though I donĀ“t disagree to his statement ... ;)