View Full Version : Developers

11-28-2005, 17:50
There was another thread listed something like "Rome 4 What do you want?"

This thread made me sit back and think alot it has r5un through my mind an awful lot. I have tried to think about what I didn't like in past versions and what made me like this version so much. Some of it was iggnorrance to previous versions storyline and some was just the drastic imporvements.

One thing they did great was the interaction in cities, I dont remember being able to fight within the city walls in previous versions and they did it so well with the city being dynmic in the structures you have built.

The campaign is also in my opinion a great campaign and My thoughts are what would make it better it is long as hell. So what would make it even better.

I think there are a few things they could add to this already great game and make it a game that could go on for a long time without ever becoming tired of it.

First things first,
Spies.....Have you ever played hitman?? I think spies, assasins and diplomats should interact in a first person view within the walls they shouldn't die as quick as they do in fact they should be hard to kill. But because they trained well Take spies, assasins and diplomats and make them able to train at their craft and almost kind of level let them see that they have the ability to take out a series of bodyguards and that they can also die by doing it wrong if they get caught their country is now at war. Let them take hostages and ransom the kings daughter,

Let diplomats interact with the senate, other religious and statelike figures in distant lands also in a first person view within the beautifulk cities that they have gone through the trouble of making.

If done right this game could go on forever without ever playing the same game twice.

Keep in options to not use these features and give more options on campaigns so that people that didnt want to spend a year playing a game didnt have to, But still others could go on for very long periods of time maybe even a year with the development of charachters spies diplomats and assasins maybe 3 per faction or base the amount on the amount of cities you have control over..

But That would kind of blend in an RPG with the already great strategy game we have, it would also bring storlines to life in a much more real way. allows you to never play same game twice and also allows you to play a more stealth, diplomatic game whatever you choose. The Hitman game i think is a good comparisson cause you didnt need a gun, I think the age era that rome is in is very well done I think I like the era of rome better then the exspansion but im not sure yet just as long as we dont get into guns.

I also think formations and discipline in the troops should be better improved but I really hope the developers see this idea or if you know where I can post it so they do I'd like to copy and paste it there.


11-30-2005, 07:01

This links to the forum at Totalwar.com. The developers sometimes respond to posts there.