View Full Version : A Song of Ice and Fire Mod (Recruiting)

11-29-2005, 22:41
Hi all, I'm new on the fourms posting wise but, not to TW in general, I have been playing since Shogun.

Anyways, the mod

A Song of Ice and Fire is a book series written by the brilliant author George R.R. Martin. The series is fantasy and sounds very fantasy like, but it really isn't heavy fantasy but very medieval oriented. The basis of the series is around the houses which are like clans and kingdoms with complex diplomatic affairs. The units are perfectly fitted for Rome TW BI. The reason why I am using BI is because there are religions in the series (three main ones).

The things that would be needed are new banners, change of names, and campain map to Westeros (there is a very good one in the book).

I plan on starting the mod at the beginning of the very first book, so right after the war with the Tarygens (spelling?), for those who have read the awsome series.

I have no modding experience, but I can research and help all I can with the maps and banners and people (so a researcher).

We are gonna have an awsome mod:
Factions like:
Starks, Lannisters, Freys, ... and even Wildings

All the characters from the book like Ned Stark, Stannis Barethon, Balon Greyjoy... and Lord Tyrell

Awsome units from the book like spearmen, swordsmen, wilding warriors... and even the kings guard.
And So much MORE!!!:charge:

So I need your help modders and other people who want to help:
Campain Map modding
Script Modding
Faction Modding
Name Modding
Unit modifying

I can fill volunteers in more after they have shown interest.

I hope to see some support, this mod is gonna be awsome.

11-30-2005, 01:44
Very interesting idea, l3asu, and I agree that that excellent series could be readily adapted for TW, but it bears noticing that there already is such a mod in development: Westeros: Total War (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=42828) At least, there was, that post hasn't been updated for months, but I think they may have moved to another website.

Of course, just because someone else is making a similar mod doesn't mean you can't attempt one as well, but full total-conversion modifications are very difficult to create (as I'm sure you're aware) and they tend to be more likely to succeed if people with similar projects cooperate, so it might be an idea to check with them to see if it's still going.

Anyway, good luck with your project, and welcome to the Org. ~:)
