View Full Version : Chosen archers skin is messed up.

12-16-2005, 09:01
Found a flaw in 1.6, the skin of the chosen archers is messed up, you can even see through the archer from his side.

12-16-2005, 11:54
Hi - there is a workaround for this posted by Professorspatula in this thread:


Basically, the pertinent part is this, where the prof says:

The Barbarian factions' Chosen Archers now have old RTW chosen archer textures. Sadly, the patch didn't update my descr_model_battle.txt file, and with no old RTW archer model referred to, the unit is completely messed up. It's easy to fix (edit the chosen_archer entry, and replace the existing model_flexi lines with this:
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_barb_chosen_archers_400.cas, 8
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_barb_chosen_archers_300.cas, 15
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_barb_chosen_archers_200.cas, 30
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_barb_chosen_archers_100.cas, 40
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_barb_chosen_archers_70.cas, max)

12-16-2005, 15:10
There is something odd about the Hun horde spearmens' shields as well - There are 2 straight lines next to it (one on each side) when viewed from certain angles. I'm at work so can't post a screenshot. Anyone else seen this?

12-16-2005, 18:22
There are problems with lots of units shields. Some can be fixed with a bit of tweaking of the alpha channels (don't worry if you don't understand what that means) but others can't. There are still units with dodgy models and other texture probs too.