View Full Version : RTW: Favorite and Funnest Units

12-20-2005, 03:23
Just want to start a thread to see what everyone's favorite RTW or BI units are and why.

Mine are Celtic Gallowglasses from BI for a heavy infantry.
Sassanid's Clibinarrii for heavy horse (plus is a nice archer unit).

I love these guys for hard hitting middle of the battle line types.

I think the funnest units though are the Screaming Women and the Hounds of Coullan. They both kick some butt and are good at showing the enemies backside....

12-20-2005, 03:46
Screaming woman? I hate those, espically when the enemy has 3+ units of them and you can't focus, all you hear is AHHHHHHHHH!!! Myn has to be sacred band calvary, this is one of the best cav units in the game if not the best :Its fast, doesnt tire quickly, and hits as hard as heavier armenian calvary.

12-20-2005, 04:39
Incendiary pigs! I mean who could ask for something funnier than using a barbecue as a weapon.

And Urban Cohorts because I could swear one of them gave me the finger once :) :)

Uesugi Kenshin
12-20-2005, 04:51
I love Gallowglasses, though they aren't the best soldiers with high valor (especially the Celtic war temple) they will match just about anything, plus they're Celts!

I also really like the Francisca Heerbans because I like a good axe, and adding throwing axes makes it even better.

12-20-2005, 09:31
Don't really have a favourite unit but I think the funniest are the Sassanid Peasants lol. I just like the look on their faces lol. :san_laugh:

12-20-2005, 10:20
I can't help it, i like bowmen in general a lot...especially in cities...on the other hand: Kataphrakts are fun to play with too.

The funniest fighters 4 me are those "Naked Fanatics"....

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
12-20-2005, 19:00
I love war elephants. Great job Dumbo!

12-21-2005, 04:41
There's nothing more fun than watching a stack of scythed chariots cut through everything in their path.

12-21-2005, 12:55
REAPTING BALLSTIA in a bridge battle just salughters

12-21-2005, 16:35
In BI:
Hun Elite Archers

In R:TW:

Urban Cohort
HeadHunting Madians
Cataphracts (And generally all other units :) )

12-21-2005, 21:01
Thanks for all the replies those are some great units, without those I don't think the game would have nearly the same longevity. What's more fun then watching humans and horses get tossed skyward by a nice charge.

Just played as the British and those Head Hurlers might just be the best artillery/light unit ever. Not only do they cause fear but their decently ranged limed heads CRUSH KATAPHRACTS!!! Plus they can close for the kill.

(note I like Kats)

12-21-2005, 21:40
Armored Elephants. They do not merely crush your enemies. They make them FLY away.

Rodion Romanovich
12-21-2005, 22:28
I think chariots are very fun both to meet and command. I recently found out they were best used by charging an enemy, then immediately double-clicking behind the enemy line to make them continue moving. A double line of chariots attacking that way is very nice. Once the chariots are on the other side, I turn them around and repeat the procedure if necessary. Roman hastati and principes don't do well against an attack of that kind. Some warcrying swordsmen/warband following up the chariot attack is just lovely to watch.

For infantry, I like steady and reliable cohorts, and phalanx pikemen, as I'm usually using infantry based tactics. Cavalry is cooler and more interesting, but infantry is cheaper and more reliable IMO. The poeni infantry are also fun to watch. Neither too strong, nor too weak, keeping it interesting. Balearic slingers and cretan archers are cool when I'm in the missile mood.

But horse archers are, in the end, what I'm most effective at handling. I seldom kill less than 4-5 enemy units with each of my horse archer units. They fill a function for harassing, splitting up enemies, killing, and be kept as reserves for flank charges at crucial moments. They can do everything. However I often tend to get tired with them, as they sometimes make things too easy. Then I don't mind playing Crassus for a while, when the AI sends hordes against me, and I must stick to mostly infantry.