View Full Version : -enable_editor and modded imperial campaign?

02-14-2006, 10:17
Just a short question:

Has anybody used the editor for battles with a modded imperial campaign?
I mean if the map is completely different from the vanilla one.

In our case, the editor gives dummy information about height. For example, one point on the sea has 1200 height.:dizzy2:

We are trying to edit custom maps (and historical battles) from the new campaign, but it seems impossible:no: . Custom maps can be simply chosen with the x,y coordinates, but for historical battles they require additional work.

Duke John
02-14-2006, 10:23
Never experienced any problems. What you encouter is very weird since normally you cannot pick a sea tile to edit in the battlemap editor. Does it really say sea, or is it just that the graphical map makes it appear that it is sea but it is in fact land... You do realize that the image of the map that you see when picking a tile has nothing to do with the actual campaign map? It's just an image nothing more.

02-14-2006, 12:44
Never experienced any problems. What you encouter is very weird since normally you cannot pick a sea tile to edit in the battlemap editor. Does it really say sea, or is it just that the graphical map makes it appear that it is sea but it is in fact land... You do realize that the image of the map that you see when picking a tile has nothing to do with the actual campaign map? It's just an image nothing more.
As you can imagine, it's not me who is in charge of it.
If I'm not wrong, the old historical battles didn't work because they are related with some coordinates in the vanilla map. With the new modded map, the starting point for the modified battle map is different.

I must check with the team member who tried the editor with the modded map.
Can the image of the map be changed in the editor?
Could you briefly explain how do you create new battle maps from a modded campaign?:help:


Duke John
02-14-2006, 13:00
You can edit the image map. The quickest of doing that is just using the heightmap as a base for it as that is most likely what you are basing the choice of location on.

How I create battlemaps? I just pick a tile and edit it.

02-14-2006, 15:59
The image is named map_composite and is located in data/menu. You can place your own image there with the same dimensions and it will work fine.

02-14-2006, 17:01
The image is named map_composite and is located in data/menu. You can place your own image there with the same dimensions and it will work fine.
Thanks, I really needed this information.:2thumbsup:

Epistolary Richard
02-14-2006, 21:17
As far as I'm aware, historical (and some custom) battles use the map.wfc file in their battle folder along with the descr_battle file. The descr_battle file does reference a tile (probably in the base folder) and that's used for climate information (ie, which folder it looks for textures in).

Personally, I do a custom tile from the vanilla map which looks approximately right and then make my adjustments to that.

02-15-2006, 01:58
As far as I'm aware, historical (and some custom) battles use the map.wfc file in their battle folder along with the descr_battle file. The descr_battle file does reference a tile (probably in the base folder) and that's used for climate information (ie, which folder it looks for textures in).

Personally, I do a custom tile from the vanilla map which looks approximately right and then make my adjustments to that.
What do you mean? Don't you use the editor? How can you generate the map.wfc file?

Well, I've tried the editor with the modded campaign. I've created a map_composite, selected a location and followed the instructions in the file "Using the Total War Battle Editor" from totalwar.com.

I've used only the part one (the basics), just to test a simple battle.
I've created two armies, with the corresponding generals, in their deployment areas. I've set the alliances and victory conditions (the most simple ones) and saved the battle.

From the tutorial it is said that the battle should be playable. But I'm kicked back to menu. The "funny" thing is that in the faction selection menu for the battle it is said that none of the two factions is playable.
When I open descr_battle this is the result:
At the beginning everything is normal:

battle prueba_editor
Also the descriptions of the armies seem normal.
But this appears in the alliances part:

army germans, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0, fe_non_playable

What is fe_non_playable? I've tried to delete it from the file, but the battle kicks me again back to the menu.

Any idea?:help:

Epistolary Richard
02-15-2006, 13:37
I don't know what that means :sad:

When I said I used vanilla, I mean I used a battle editor in vanilla to get the map.wfc file.