View Full Version : Converting brutii and scipii from roman to greek

03-24-2006, 20:08
Okay, im looking to convert the brutii and scipii to the greek culture, and what exactly do i need to do. I know i need to change the culture in descr_sm_factions and know everything i need to do in the unit files, but what else do i need to change?

03-24-2006, 21:33
the 'super_faction senate' (or something like that) in descr_strat right at the start of a roman faction, a bunch of stuff in the models text file, a bunch of stuff in the EDU and EDB... and that's all i can think of right now


03-24-2006, 21:47
I know about the descr_strat, im already running a unified rome with the julii, and i know what i need to do in the unit files and EDB. Also, i would like to give the brutii the greek citie character names and the scipii to have eastern names as im turning them into bactria.

03-24-2006, 22:03
well when you convert them into greek culture they should automatically recieve the greek names from the descr_names...

03-24-2006, 22:14
The names in descr_names.txt are referenced by faction, so just changing the culture wont work. I wonder if replacing the brutii section wit hthe greek cities section would work, and same with scipii and parthia.

03-24-2006, 22:38
man i seem to be wrong all the time these days... i've really got to install BI again and get back into modding 1.5 version etc

well in that case by replacing the scipii and brutii names with other names then it should work...
but i am wondering why not just change the romans into seluecids, bactria and either parthia or armamia... i believe that is what EB did and it works quite well... that way you can have the egyptians as the romans (since they have their own culture type) and the original seluecids etc as whatever you want... but i suppose that is a lot of work

03-24-2006, 23:19
For the names you can replace the Scipii names in the descr_names.txt files with greeks ones. Also, the sound files in the...sorry forgot the file name, I will look to it. I say the units' sounds in that file can also be changed from roman to greek ones. Some, text files in the folder text must be changed like expanded.txt, shared.txt and strat.txt files with the proper names for the faction, victory announcment..etc by replacing everything from Scipii to ex Bactria.

Litile help but I think will light the way. :sweatdrop:

03-25-2006, 00:31
You can copy all the greek names and copy them over the brutii ones then make sure to change the names of the brutii starting generals and their relatives to only use the names from the new greek list.

03-25-2006, 19:43
As far as the names are concerned, just edit the descr_names in the text folder, since that´s what´s shown on screen. Be sure to edit only the part not in these {} brackets, those are the references

03-26-2006, 12:35
I've managed to do the names, and i've worked out the rest as well, it was much easier than i thought it would be.

03-26-2006, 14:31
excellent... that's good to here
out of interest is this for Terrae expugnandae (spelling?) 4.0?

03-26-2006, 15:36
Yes im going to include Baktria and Epirus in it, check this thread for pics of some of the Baktrian units.
