View Full Version : Campaign map and custom battle maps questions.

03-28-2006, 10:19
Okay, im changing the map used for the imperial campaign to the mundus magna, and i know how to do that, but im not sure how to edit the custom battle mpas so they work with the new map, and how do i create new custom battle maps?

03-28-2006, 11:53
Okay, im changing the map used for the imperial campaign to the mundus magna, and i know how to do that, but im not sure how to edit the custom battle mpas so they work with the new map, and how do i create new custom battle maps?
I found the same problem some time ago, and I wasn't able to make the editor work properly in RTW 1.5.

For a solution (but not too easy) I followed these steps:

- I made a mini-mod for RTW 1.2, containing the files necessary for Data\world\maps\base folder, together with the map for the editor interface (map_composite in Data\menu folder, if I remember well).

- The new maps are then generated and modified in RTW 1.2 (using the desktop icon with -enable_editor command line, not sure about the exact syntax) and then exported to modded RTW 1.5.

- In the case of historical battles, the unit names are finally changed by hand in the descr_battle file, to fit with the names of the mod.

This method has been used only for historical battles at the moment, but it has worked correctly in the three cases we have tried.:juggle2:

03-28-2006, 12:42
Im guessing there no easier way right? Damn, then it looks like ill have to keep the imp camapign map just disable the imp campaign ingame, and make the players play a provincial campaign.

Epistolary Richard
03-28-2006, 23:10
The majority of custom battle locations are specified in the custom_locations.txt file in the data folder. You just have to choose valid co-ordinates for the tile to place on.

The first few custom battlefields (Macedonian Wasteland etc.) are in the custom folder somewhere under the world folder. They use their own wfc file so they're not dependent on the underlying map, however I believe they do use the climate from the underlying map. To edit their coordinates you need to go into each one's descr_battle file and place them somewhere in the right climate zone.

03-29-2006, 11:04
Nice, so i can change the campaign map without too much hassle, im guessing the same thing applies to historical battles as to custom battle maps like rome - they only get climate info from the map, as the have their own .wfc files.

03-29-2006, 11:47
Are you sure ER?

When I tried one custom battle with my new imperial campaign map, all the soldiers appeared in the middle of the sea. All I could see were corpses in perfect formation floating. :dizzy2:

Moreover, we have had to make again the historical battles, as the old ones didn't work since the moment we changed the ITW campaign from provincial to imperial, in spite of having their own .wfc map.

03-29-2006, 12:04
Okay, after looking through custom_locations.txt im confused, how does it get the x, y coordinates, is it by taking the position and taking it aware from the width or height, because im confused by some of the locations on the map im getting for some custom battle tiles.

Epistolary Richard
03-30-2006, 00:12
Go to your map, put your mouse over the tile you want for your custom battle, type show_cursorstat into the console and it will provide you with the coordinates of that tile.

Are you sure ER?

When I tried one custom battle with my new imperial campaign map, all the soldiers appeared in the middle of the sea. All I could see were corpses in perfect formation floating.

I just tried the Macedonian Wasteland custom battle - changed its coordinates to 0,154 (the very top left of the map). Tried it and it works, it just appears to be on an island.

03-30-2006, 09:39
But i was looking at the existing custom locations, and some of them are in very strange places, thats all.

04-02-2006, 18:29
Okay it didn't work, i implemented the new campaign map as the imp campaign, used show_cursorstat to get coordinates and modified custom_locations.txt and it crashed.

04-02-2006, 21:44
Lol, forget to change the regions_and_settlements.txt in the text folder, im sure that was probably causing the crash, ill try it again and if it still crashes ill come back asking for more help.

04-02-2006, 23:12
Ah yeah it works!!!!!!!!

Epistolary Richard
04-03-2006, 00:57

04-03-2006, 10:46
Its strange you need a working imp campaign to have custom battles working, but now mine does everything is okay.

04-03-2006, 11:46
Hmm could it be that the game takes the location info from map.rwm?

04-03-2006, 11:56
Maybe, but i already had a working map.rwm, as i was transfering a working provincial camapign to the imperial campaign.

04-04-2006, 01:59
RTW runs on voodoo instead of logic imo.

04-04-2006, 04:25
While we're on the subject of the camgain map, does anyone here know if the number of provinces in the BI and RTW camp maps are counted as one? I've been customizing my BI map but ran into a wall at 90 provinces. I think I have about 110 on my RTW camp map so the numbers line up.

04-06-2006, 11:58
It should be 200 provinces for each campaign, i have an edited Bi map and the mundus magna in RTw and it works fine.

I have got all custom and historical battles working now after converting the imperial campaign map, apart from custom battle mpas which have a settlement, what might be causing the problem?

04-07-2006, 10:58
Anyone know why the custom battle maps with cities aren't working?

04-07-2006, 12:47
Anyone know why the custom battle maps with cities aren't working?
Did you change any building in export_descr_buildings?
We had a problem with a historical battle that had a settlement, and it was necessary to change or eliminate a building that didn't fit with EDB.

Good luck!

04-07-2006, 13:39
It turned out i just needed to make sure the x y coordinates in descr battle.txt pointed to a tile with a settlement on. Everything works now. Te 4.0 is getting closer to release.

Epistolary Richard
04-07-2006, 18:11
Check out EB 0.74 for an example of a city with a custom tile (Alexandria).

04-07-2006, 22:33
Oh no im not doing a custom settlement thing, i measnt the custom battle maps like Rome, i messed them up but everything works now!