View Full Version : Disabling Quick Battles

05-05-2006, 10:23
Is there any way to disable quick battles? Because in my mod there is a new campaign map and all the unit names have changed so trying to play one will result in a CTD, and there doesn't appear to be anyway to create new ones. So how can i disable them?

Lord Adherbal
05-05-2006, 11:20
edit the data\menu\rome.lnt file and remove the "new_game_quick_battle" UI piece

Dol Guldur
05-05-2006, 11:46
Adherbal is correct about the LNT file but try emptying your quick folder first and attempting a Quick Battle. It should base the quick battle off your mod though I am not fully clued up on how they generate - but they work for me in the fa:tw mod.

05-05-2006, 11:56
Thanks for the help guys. Ill try that when i get home from college Dol Guldur.

05-05-2006, 12:15
Adherbal']edit the data\menu\rome.lnt file and remove the "new_game_quick_battle" UI piece

Excellent! I've been trying to this in the "menu_english" file, but CA seem to have changed the "disable option" that you can use in RTW 1.2.

So all i do in the "menu_english" file is change quick battle to a full stop..which is not desirable...

Dol Guldur
05-05-2006, 12:44
No you remove the whole section from the Rome.LNT file - do not comment it out as this will not work. It must be removed. So keep a backup. The LNT code is *sort* of like html.

Lord Adherbal
05-05-2006, 13:51
It should base the quick battle off your mod though I am not fully clued up on how they generate - but they work for me in the fa:tw mod.

I know that quick battles have the same extension as saved custom battle setups. How this works in combination with the random generation of battles I do not know.

Teleklos Archelaou
05-07-2006, 17:41
Well, at least it (deleting the quick folder's files) stopped automatic CTD's in EB's quick battles. Still puts you in water often though. But sometimes it works well now.