View Full Version : Favorite BI faction

05-14-2006, 02:43
Huns for me :laugh4:.

05-15-2006, 17:58
Eastern Roman Empire and Sassanids for me. :balloon2:

05-15-2006, 18:16
hmm... i don't know... i'll pick Romano-British

05-15-2006, 18:29

05-15-2006, 18:52

05-15-2006, 19:03
Welcome, Alexan!

Favourite faction in campaign and history: WRE
Favourite unit roster: Sassanids

05-15-2006, 21:08
Hey there m8... its been pretty annoying for me to only be able to post here wich is mostly SP talk...lol

I like the huns... their flags... their colour...units etc. Coolest faction imo


05-16-2006, 00:23
Sassdians....Seleciud....My Heros....my Empires....

05-16-2006, 01:20

Though the Huns have great Cav.

05-16-2006, 22:04
Western Roman empire.

....what once was will be again!

05-16-2006, 22:47
WRE for me too. I like a "backs to the wall" situation and can't watch the excellent BI introductory movie without rooting for the Romans. Let's face it - what's the more noble endeavour, to protect a civilisation or to pillage it? And the Romans have to be in red, of course.

05-22-2006, 20:25
I liked the celtics the most out of all the other factions. This is because they could take british isle easily, and that they had some really awesome good units to fight with

05-22-2006, 20:40
Warman... the Sassanids and Selucids are radically different. The Sassanids are essentially a Persian successor dynasty. The Selucids were the goverened by the Greeks who had taken over the first famous Persian dynasty, the Achamenids (there have been others in the past, but never as famous or large as the Achamenids).

05-22-2006, 21:36
My favourites are above all the Sassanids, then the Western Roman Empire.

05-29-2006, 18:11
Franks or the Goths. The Franks have those awesome axe-throwing infantry. How do you beat that?!?! Seriously, there are like skirmishers that can actually fight. And I like the Goths because although you have to fight off the Hordes or go Horde yourself, you have time to buildup some forces before they attack you, making horde battles a little bit more fun, since you actually have a chance. Not like when you play Sarmartians, you are attacked maybe 5 turns in and have little or no forces to fight with.

05-29-2006, 18:14
Western Roman Empire and the Franks.


05-29-2006, 21:05
Western Roman Empire, I love a good challenge, the Celts a close second.

05-29-2006, 22:55
At the moment roxalani. ~:)

I never really have a perminant faction I like.

roman pleb
06-06-2006, 22:18
Sassinids. Franks and Goths aren't bad either.

06-08-2006, 13:29
1. Eastern Roman Empire
2. Huns
3. Sassinids

06-11-2006, 14:29
1 - Allemani
2 - Celts
3 - Sassacids

06-12-2006, 00:50

1 - Vandals.
2 - Sass.
3 - Allemani


1 - What wins the game.
2 - What gets some challenge into the game.
3 - What gets the most fun in the game.

06-15-2006, 00:54
i like the franks because they have a good selection of everything except horse archer and I don't like horse archers anyway so the fit me well

06-22-2006, 23:09
I've played WRE, ERE, Sassanids, Sarmatians and Saxons. I'd have to say that my favorite faction is the Saxons, although the WRE and ERE were a lot of fun with their units, and challenging with regard to their situations.

Alex the conqueror
06-23-2006, 14:34
ERE the best

06-25-2006, 13:25
Sassanids is my favorite.They were not only the most powerful faction in the game ,But Historically they alongside Romans were the only Civilized faction in the are represented in the game.


06-28-2006, 19:06
I've played the ERE, Sassanids, Saxons and Franks and I have to say I'd go for the Franks as my favourite.

I love the look of them, and a mass of francisca thrown before a charge is so much more satisfying than a load of pila!

06-29-2006, 17:33
As far as BI is concerned, I think I enjoyed the Celts the most... I find a certain level of satisfaction taking a tiny province and turning it into a global power. I found it perversely enjoying to slaughter the great cities of the Romans (esp. Rome) and convert the remaining populace to Paganism... They (the Celts) did have a tendancy to develop bad vnv's... So I spent a lot of the time running around suiciding those idiots that I did not want to ascend to the throne. Laughs.

In standard RTW, I liked the Selucids (spelling?). Great array of soldiery, good economy, a chance to smash the Eggies, and a level of cultured history that I found pleasing. And yes, I am hypocritical, but you see, Rome is overrated...

Though, a good friend of mine thought my fondness for sacking Jerusalem, letting it revolt, and sacking it once more (ad infinitum) was disturbing. Meh.

06-29-2006, 17:51
Personally I wish I could play as the slavs, but the game ctd's when you try to make them playable in the campaign. Heritage thing..it'd be nice to settle the horde down in Poland and turn it into the superpower that brought Rome to it's knees.

In vanilla my favorite faction was Pontus.

06-29-2006, 17:53
Er..sorry, forgot to actually mention what my favorite is.

Since I can't play the slavs, I find the Alemani to be the most interesting, they've got a whole slew of oppertunities to expand for someone who can take a small army and know how to defeat one 2-3 times the size of it. So it fits me just fine.

06-30-2006, 03:29
Saxons!!! x 30

Divine Wind
06-30-2006, 09:15
Sassanids for the brilliant unit roster, and WRE for campaign challenge.

06-30-2006, 13:01
Franks, without question. Mainly as it feels like I'm playing Medieval VI again.......:2thumbsup:

Roderic the Emptyhanded
06-30-2006, 13:31
1. Saxons (they remind me of Vikings :) )
2. Franks.
3. Celts.

06-30-2006, 16:09
1. Franks
2. Saxons
3. ERE

07-04-2006, 19:01
Wow, not one vote for Scythia? I've had the most fun playing them, beating Romans off with runaway slaves and horse archers. I even tried to hold onto my starting town and expand from there once. Sadly as soon as I would get developed the Burgundii or some other faction would come and take my outer provinces. Then they'd bash themselves to death at my city and start the cycle over with.

Divine Wind
07-05-2006, 12:24
Wow, not one vote for Scythia? I've had the most fun playing them, beating Romans off with runaway slaves and horse archers. I even tried to hold onto my starting town and expand from there once. Sadly as soon as I would get developed the Burgundii or some other faction would come and take my outer provinces. Then they'd bash themselves to death at my city and start the cycle over with.

Scythia are a RTW faction, this thread is for favourite Barbarian Invasion factions. I think perhaps youve got confused with the sarmatians?

07-07-2006, 05:20
Right, the Sarmatians. Been away from RTW/BI too long, but my point remains valid. Why no love for black sea nomads?

07-11-2006, 19:44
Saxons&Franks are the best

The Spartan (Returns)
07-11-2006, 20:06
1.Saxons&Franks (Saxon Hearth Troops and Francisca Heerban)
2.WRE (long live the Romans!!!!)
3.Alemmani (good axemen)

07-11-2006, 20:39
For BI I would go with the Vandals, I love taking a smaller faction across the map and building up from nothing.

For multiplay the faction I mostly use is WRE but I have been getting into the Saxons as of late, before my BI buggered up that is and stopped recognising my CD key :help:

07-11-2006, 20:49
TBH, I haven't played BI (or RTW for that matter) since, what, October? Whenever I got MTW. And then VI.

07-13-2006, 01:54
Then why bother posting in this thread?

07-13-2006, 07:55
1. Goths
2. Vandals

07-13-2006, 12:41
I would love to play as the slavs..but...alas they are an emerging faction. So in that respect, the Alemanii or the Goths suit me fine.