View Full Version : Egyptian influence in Americas?

Patriarch of Constantinople
06-03-2006, 01:25
I read an article (im srry i didnt put a link ill try to find it again) saying that Egypt couldve used papyrus boats to go to the Americas where they influenced the peoples including the ability to make pyramids. What is your opinion?

Patriarch of Constantinople
06-03-2006, 01:34
Actually Mesopotamian influence could vhave gotten there too seeing as America pyramids looked a lot like ziggurats

06-03-2006, 02:19
I think Occam's Razor should be applied first. The simplest explanation which fits the available facts is usually the correct one.

If you've ever watched children play in mud, you'll notice that their building efforts almost always produces pyramid shapes, although not exclusively. It's an easy and stable configuration which doesn't require much in the way of engineering supports or arches and such. It's a natural way to build an edifice. Think of it as a human way of building a mountain.

Looked at in that light, it isn't all that surprising that widespread cultures would build their monumental edifices in the shape of pyramids, ziggurat-style especially. They're easy to build, resemble mountains when done and can be made taller than any other primitive building.

Could ancient civilizations have influenced each other? Possibly. But it's not a necessary explanation for the occurence of pyramidal structures in early building. Pyramids are simply the easiest way to achieve large imposing buildings, as any child who plays in mud can readily grasp. :wink:

Patriarch of Constantinople
06-03-2006, 03:39
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor_HeyerdahlOK i got the link look for the article "The Boats Ra and Ra2"

06-03-2006, 05:03
Yeah, but Thor Heyerdahl had an advantage didn't he? He knew there was something on the other side of the vast ocean, he knew how long approximately it might take so he could take an appropriate amount of food, and more. Having the technology to cross the Atlantic doesn't necessarily translate into having the will to make the great leap of faith necessary to travel out of sight of land in a direction which you don't know is anything other than more water.

Banquo's Ghost
06-03-2006, 10:38
Could ancient civilizations have influenced each other? Possibly. But it's not a necessary explanation for the occurence of pyramidal structures in early building. Pyramids are simply the easiest way to achieve large imposing buildings, as any child who plays in mud can readily grasp. :wink:

Thank you Aenlic, for saving me the task of writing the same post. :bow:

To add, we should not be surprised when civilisations come to similar conclusions independently. We should also be wary of patronising other cultures as if they could not have evolved technologies without 'outside' help - usually from a culture we know and 'approve' of.