View Full Version : Modding generals and governers?

07-28-2006, 11:57

sorry for asking all these modding questions, but i am need of your professional advice. When ever i play rtw all my gov's become corrupt, inparticular the trait "Wildly extravagant" keeps showing up in all my gov's trait lists. Is there anyway you can erase this trait?

07-29-2006, 10:31
here is a tutorial: https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=38481

but basically you go to C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\Data and find and open export_descr_character_traits. Then you can Ctrl+f to use the search for wildly_extravagant and you'll find:

Trait ExpensiveTastes
Characters family
NoGoingBackLevel 2
AntiTraits Cheapskate, Austere

Level Mildly_Extravagant
Description Mildly_Extravagant_desc
EffectsDescription Mildly_Extravagant_effects_desc
Threshold 1

Effect Management -1

Level Extravagant
Description Extravagant_desc
EffectsDescription Extravagant_effects_desc
Threshold 2

Effect Management -2

Level Wildly_Extravagant
Description Wildly_Extravagant_desc
EffectsDescription Wildly_Extravagant_effects_desc
Threshold 3

Effect Management -3

now either change the 'Threshold' to a higher number so it takes longer for your character to receive the trait or delete it completely in which case you'll have to search again for ExpensiveTastes and delete all records or just delete the wildly_extravagant section

another way is to search for its trigger so search for TRIGGER and then ExpensiveTastes and you should find

(just two examples but there are more)
Trigger dads_expensive_tastes
WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

Condition FatherTrait ExpensiveTastes >= 1

Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 25
Affects Cheapskate 1 Chance 10

Trigger luxurious_lifestyle1
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
and SettlementBuildingExists >= temple_of_love_awesome_temple

Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 5
Affects Epicurean 1 Chance 5
Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 5
Affects Gambling 1 Chance 3
Affects Girls 1 Chance 3

Now either remove the expensive tastes all together by deleting the whole line or lower the 'Chance' now these are just examples for you and there are plently more triggers with 'expensivetastes' which you might want to change

Hope this has helped and look at the tutorial at the top of my post for more details :thumbsup:

07-31-2006, 14:46
Thank you very much!