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King Ragnar
08-17-2006, 13:45
Just incase you guys didnt know your mod got a mention in the mag and the beta was on the DVD of Septembers Issue of PC Gamer in the UK...

08-17-2006, 16:26
Yeah,I found out with some people posting that they got it from PC gamer. I din't even know. Oh well, advertisement can't hurt I guess.

Epistolary Richard
08-19-2006, 16:09
This is excellent news and proper recognition for an exceptional mod. Congrats! :thumbsup:

08-19-2006, 16:19
Yeah, hoggy really created something, didn't he?

08-27-2006, 17:16
You would figure they would at least the mod team in some way.
I say send 'em a letter :P

08-27-2006, 20:33
Yeah that was pretty weird that the people who made the mod didn't know about the feature in the mag. Might have been a last-minute inclusion.

Duke John
08-27-2006, 20:39
That is quite common, I had the ME:TW beta spread over quite a few download sites and featured in gaming magazines without any notification. It's nice that it got so much attention but it would have been nicer if I knew from whom.

Geoffrey S
08-27-2006, 23:19
Congratulations! Though I'd have thought it'd be better if they waited until the final version was released, crashes may give a bad impression to people trying the mod and not realising it's a beta.

Though perhaps they mention that, I haven't yet received my latest issue.

08-29-2006, 12:30
Yeah, I wished it would have been a later version too for that reason. But it's nice they found it worth to add.