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Seamus Fermanagh
01-25-2007, 17:53
Will a new director also be elected next day? Or is it the day after?

A new Director will be elected on Day 5, serving as Director for Days 6 & 7.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 17:59
Hugh you are reading far, far too into my PM and not realizing with every mafia family also comes goals of individual self preservation. but if it makes you happy, sure, Pannonian is my Don. Whatever. I hope the town doesn't win, you are all so inept thus far with the obvious starting advantage. Misdirection is a wench, ain't it?

...I want to know who killed you... You're mafia... but which family...

01-25-2007, 18:00

Redleg... you're stupid...

So your response is that I am stupid. Rather a stupid comment to be making.

01-25-2007, 18:04
It was no threat... as the PM title said... REQUEST...

Actually it was a threat notice your last line. Wanting me to kill someone for you to prove my innocence - is an attempt at blackmail - which is a threat.

It makes me wonder if you really are the townie that you claim to be. Advocating the death of individuals by murder is normally a sign of a criminal desire. Using blackmail is also normally associated with someone who has a criminal intent.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 18:10
No you misread my PM... I said when you kill I'll bring up the evidence to prove that the person you killed was Mafia, which would set you free of any guilt, when investigated you show up guilty but thats because you killed a mobster...

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 18:13
Also I'm sorry for my 1st reply...

Í meant you are acting/being stupid... I don't think yur stupid, I think you're rather smart, thats why I was stunned you posted that...

01-25-2007, 18:25
Also I'm sorry for my 1st reply...

Í meant you are acting/being stupid... I don't think yur stupid, I think you're rather smart, thats why I was stunned you posted that...

Tsk Tsk - clouded accusations and demands sent via PM was your undoing.

No you misread my PM... I said when you kill I'll bring up the evidence to prove that the person you killed was Mafia, which would set you free of any guilt, when investigated you show up guilty but thats because you killed a mobster...

If you wanted someone to kill another - you should present the evidence to that individual so that they can determine if they wish to pursue your desired course of action.

The way you wrote the message implied a threat. Which returns me to the way the wording of Andres's message in PM was done. So it seems that your more guilty of playing others as the patsy then a few other possiblities.

Playing people as Patsy's is also a technique used by those wanting to support the criminal element.

I think you have some explaining to do. You can either do it by PM or you can do it here. However attempts at vague and inconsistent explainations are your downfall.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 18:40
I wouldve provided you with the info when you replied... When you say I'm willing to consider but send me the info, I wouldve... but you didnt... too bad... Now you have to wait...

01-25-2007, 19:27
Redleg, who did TS want you to kill? I think I know who. And I know he has the evidence. But it's evidence he can't just show in public.

Anyway, why are you guys still after TS so much? I think almost every accusation he made has been quite true. Krazilec, pevergreen, beirut,...

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 19:41
not to mention MRD...

Omanes Alexandrapolites
01-25-2007, 19:48
I have just realised: each mafia family has one secret role:

One still remains
One mafia member of that family still remains alive....

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 19:54
I was thinking exactly the same Omanes... but Redleg clearly disagrees...

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 20:11
is it almost time?

Seamus Fermanagh
01-25-2007, 20:13
Night 4 concluded, no further PM's. Summary posted shortly.

01-25-2007, 20:17
Hey Moros, you missed this question:

Hey Moros, how is it that you know it's the corleone and tagatalia families?

Seamus Fermanagh
01-25-2007, 20:25
Night Four Summary

Caius Flaminius was moving cautiously – these days, he always did. When the masked stranger popped up from behind the steps of the browstone 25 yards ahead of the portico of the Hotel Abbatoir where Caius was standing, Caius did not hesitate. His Smith and Wesson was up and firing as fast as the masked gunman could close half the distance and squeeze off a burst from his Thompson. Both figures went down, Caius’ revolver flung from his hand by the impact of a round from the Thompson.

Both men struggled to their feet – for both had been wearing bulletproof vests. Caius really was cautious and he had all the extra inserts – hat, vambraces, upper legs and knees as well – so despite absorbing a couple of rounds each, neither man was more than bruised. The gunman once again raised his weapon, this time aiming for Caius’ face…when out of the foggy skies above came a blood-curdling scream!

“Goooodbyyyye…Cruuuuuel …Wor…!”

The last word was cut off by the crash of Copperhaired Berzerker as he smashed the Tommy gun out of the shooter’s hands and crushed the gun – and himself – on the pavement. The gunman was knocked down, but quickly got up and jogged off into the dark.

Caius was dumbfounded, but before he could move to retrieve his gun, before people in the lobby of the hotel had a chance to come forward and see what happened, more figures stepped out from behind cars across the street. Curiously, each was dressed, rather incongruously, as a Gypsy fortune teller…

“We know your past,” the figures chanted, “and it was not Ichigo’s time.”

Cauis began to edge backwards.

“We know your future,” the chanting continued, “and here’s your swan song!”

Each carried a Thompson and all of them had the big drums attached. They walked forward behind a stream of .45 caliber projectiles. It didn’t matter that Caius flung up his vambraced arms to protect his head. It didn’t matter that he was armored as well as – and a lot more stylishly than – Ned Kelly. The shooters each had more than one drum and between them fired nearly 400 rounds at Caius. Almost half of the rounds hit, pinioning him against the façade of the hotel and punching dozens of holes in his arms and legs and shattering most of his ribs, both collar bones, and both arms with the repeated impacts of nearly 200 slugs at less than 30 feet. The assassins faded back into the night. Rapidly bleeding out from his many wounds and internal injuries, Caius simply faded to black.

For Sir Moody, it was his innate sense of chivalry that proved his undoing. Observing one well-dressed fellow in opera hat, white tie and tails fending off a shabbily dressed and club wielding, would-be mugger with his walking stick just outside of the Yebba Road theatre, Moody darted forward to render assistance. As he reached the pair, the scruffy fellow backed away from the opera fancier – while holding onto and removing the ferule of the posh fellow’s walking stick. Ferule removed, the walking stick revealed itself to be a slim but exceedingly sharp Wilkinson blade. The blade proved its quality by transfixing Moody with a neat thrust up and in between the ribs of his left side and out between spine and scapula. Moody stared at his well-dressed killer, not even really feeling any pain, and tried to speak…


“Don’t worry about it,” said the dandified swordsman. He quickly rotated the blade ninety degrees, watching the light fade in Moody’s eyes. “Don’t trouble yourself about anything.”

He pulled the blade from Moody’s body as Moody crumpled to the ground, cleaning the blade on his left glove. Handing his blade to his partner to sheathe, the swordsman gingerly stripped off the soiled glove to deposit it in a nearby trashcan. The second glove was also removed and dropped gently onto Moody’s body. Both men quietly walked away from the scene.

Sir Boo was enjoying a late dinner in front of his radio. The sky outside was dark and overcast. Boo’s room was lit only by the light from the big radio dial. Boo liked listening in the dark, as he could imagine he was there in the scenes with the characters he so enjoyed. So intently was he listening to the show, a crime drama he enjoyed called The Shadow, that he did not hear the gentle click of the front door as the lock was picked and it swung softly open. Nor did he hear the footsteps approach down the hall.

Then, coming into the room, one of the figures spoke, “Good evening, Mr. Boo.”

Boo froze in fear, then slowly straightened in his chair, squinting and straining to see the several dark figures standing in the entryway, but the light from the big radio dial was between Boo and the figures – he could barely make out their silhouettes in the dark – shadows within shadows.

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?” said the figure, mimicking the voice of Boo’s radio hero. “The Shadow knows.”

And with that, the stranger shot him in the head. Another figure placed a white glove on his body, then all exited the house. The light from the dial cast weird shadows over Sir Boo's injured face. On the radio, the Shadow triumphed again.

AndrestheCunning hadn’t gotten all that much sleep during the night, so when his alarm woke him at 5 a.m. and sent him downstairs to begin the day he wasn’t quite at his most cunning and observant. He missed the cup with the first half-ounce of coffee he poured from the percolator; he missed the edge of the rug and nearly stumbled into his own front door while navigating his hallway; he even missed the trigger wires of the two “Bouncing Betties” that some unkind soul or souls had placed under his morning paper. They bounced, he blinked, they blew, and he bled. Riddled by dozens of ball bearings, Andres could barely moan as he rapidly bled out from multiple wounds. As his vision faded, he couldn’t help but notice the headline of the torn front page of his paper lying next to him: Fermanagh Says Things Looking Up! <<Fermanagh…what an assh->> Then nothing.

Fermanagh was his usual business-like self at that morning’s briefing.

“AggonyDuck grew up as a criminal and for years had been what the gangsters call a wise guy, but hadn’t done anything really bad since his last stint in jail. As far as we know, he was behaving himself – we even have a few unconfirmed rumors that he was trying to go straight. Maybe that’s what got him killed in so horrible a fashion. These monsters are just plain mean to someone they view as a traitor.”

<<Holy Mother save me from a death like that>> thought Seamus.

“Major Robert Dump, on the other hand, was an even worse character. A few of our snitches have confirmed that he was what the mobsters call a “Made Man” – a confirmed criminal working for one of the crime outfits we’re fighting. It seems he was rubbed out by some of his competitors. They’re all a bunch of rats but this time they got rid of someone this town didn’t need.”

Seamus’ mood was brightening with each passing utterance. The night had been bloody, but so had the days been – for the mafia.

“We’ve discovered the same thing about Beirut. He may have been gen-teel on the surface, but he was clearly conducting recruiting efforts for one of the gangs when you folks stamped paid on his account. He too was a Made Gangster and we’re better off without him.”

Seamus smiled – a small grim smile.

“We’re winning this one folks, you’ll make TosaInu proud. Still, keep a good eye out; we’re reasonably certain we haven’t got them all rounded up yet. Good luck with your voting. I wish you continued success.”


The Butcher’s Bill to Date:

Attacked: Proletariat (N1), Sasaki Kojiro (N1), Redleg (N2), Moros (N3), theRTWGuru (N3)

Lynched: Kralizec (D2) [mafia don], Beirut (D3) [mafia made], pevergreen (D4)

Murdered: GeneralHankerchief (N1) [mafia luca], Stig (N2) [wise guy], AggonyDuck (N3) [wise guy], Major Robert Dump (N3) [mafia made], Caius Flaminius (N4), Sir Boo (N4), Sir Moody (N4), AndrestheCunning (N4)

Suicided: Ichigo, (D2) [townie], Tribesman (D2) [townie], Copperhaired Berzerker (N4)

WoGged: Nobody, and please keep it that way. Warning: several are close! Get active! Warning PMs have and will be dispatched.

Day 5 Session begins. Vote for Lynchee of choice; Select Director for Days 6 & 7. Votes/Selections will be accepted through 1400 EST 1/26/7.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 20:34
I'd like to call AndresTheCunning to the stand.

The case of The Town vs AndresTheCunning can begin.[/B]

Andres, isn't it true that you PM'd atleast Moros but maybe even more (Dutch?) members this PM?

Beste GG,

Ik neem met dit bericht een berekend risico. Als je detective of FBI bent, ben ik nu dik gescheten.

Statistisch gezien is de kans groter dat je een andere rol hebt, dus ik waag het er maar op.

Ze wouden alle Nederlandstalige leden lynchen een tijde terug, welnu, laten we ze een Nederlandstalige maffia familie geven ~;)

Als we samenwerken met de andere Nederlandstaligen, kunnen we een paar moorden plegen en stilaan samen opklimmen tot mafia status (voor zover je al geen maffiosi bent momenteel).

Ik stuur dit voorlopig enkel naar jou. Vermits gij al langer in dit spelleke meedraait, neem ik aan dat ge al wat informatie hebt kunnen vergaren of al mee in een of ander complot zit.

Wie denk jij dat zou willen meedoen? Ik dacht aan Doc_Bean, Drisos en Dutch_guy. Kralizec en Stig zijn dood, maar misschien willen ze de levenden wel helpen door wat foute informatie door te spelen aan de anderen. Persoonlijk denk ik dat we daarin Stig meer kunnen vertrouwen dan Kralizec.

Waarom TheStranger er niet bij? Hij bevindt zich in de gevarenzone en zou ons mogelijks kunnen verraden om z'n hachje te redden.

Laat maar weten wat ge van m'n voorstel vindt.



Now, I'm aware that not everyone speaks Dutch, so I'll give a rough and free translation and summary, there are enough Dutch members though to confirm whether I'm lying or not.

In this PM Andres is trying to recruit members to start a Dutch Mafia, the plan is to kill a few members and get promoted to mafia eventually. He did not want me in because I would rat on him, how true is that :P. But he mistaked himself in Moros, Moros being a sincere Townie immediatly PM'd it to me. That was a few days ago. Now why didn't I posted it earlier? Well, because IMHO Pevergreen was a bit more dangerous. So I wanted to wait for the next round, but then I got info about other Mafia, again Andres slipped to the background. I didn't wanted him to go free so I decided to kill him, based on this PM and the PM's he had sent earlier and his very suspicious behaviour even when he was not in the game.

01-25-2007, 20:41
Hey Moros, you missed this question:
Don't worry sir Don, I wasn't one of your rivals if that is what you think is the reason I know/knew or think/tought he to be tagatalia. Now why is it that I do know? Well sir Don, people make networks in this game. And I'm not an exception. I also do this. Some have mafia networks, but pro townies have also their networks. And mine is let us say rather large. I have tried to lay connection with quite a lot of people. And I had the luck to stumble on some pro townie groups. And you may or may not know but there are quite a few of these and they all have connections. Now they swap information, now the thing is how bigger your network the more and better your information gets. (tough you do get contradictions quite a lot.)

01-25-2007, 20:44
One general note for the town, in a reprise of my appeal from Mafia III.

Have as much public discussion as possible. Unless the information will endanger specific individuals, share the information in public, and don't hint at the grapevine, something you've heard, etc. The more public debate there is, the greater the chance the Mafia will slip up somewhere. Kommodus' famed formula works on analysing behavioural patterns, and that can only work if he is given material to work with. As I noted in Mafia III, lurking is a viable Mafia strategy, to deny the analysts this material. In a game like this, where even detectives are not omnipotent, this becomes even more important, as it is possible to spread rumours in private which cannot be refuted because the public cannot verify these rumours for themselves before it becomes a bandwagon.

This is general Mafia advice which has been proven in practice. Mafia or their equivalents tend to win in games where there is little discussion. Games with more discussion tend to result in town victories, one fo the reasons why the popular GH-hosted games are considered so difficult for the mafia. This would seem to mean a certain town victory in this game. However, there is more private discussion here than in previous games, which clouds matters a great deal (the chatroom was considered the mafia's greatest asset for the same reason). Also, detectives aren't as certain in their investigations as before, which makes their private activities less useful.

So bring that discussion into the open, people.

Omanes Alexandrapolites
01-25-2007, 20:47
Vote: Proletariat
Select: Banquo's Ghost

Isn't she just a little bit inactive?

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 20:49
The white glove mafia is still alive... Also... I noticed they are the ones that make clean headshots... pro killers... sofar... One mafia is dead, one severely crippled but ONE IS ALIVE AND KILLING!!!

01-25-2007, 20:54
I have tried to lay connection with quite a lot of people.

That's what I did. I was looking for allies. You turned down my offer rather harsh. Check the time of my first pm to you, you'll notice it was not long after I got my role description. I tried to network and was in search of allies. I also needed information.

You turned me down.

Now I am killed.

Was I killed because you wanted to protect the town or was I killed because you feared the competition of another mafia family?

The only "evidence" you have is my pm's adressed at you asking for an alliance. Was this reason enough to kill me? Why not trying to convince me or manipulate me?

You could have used the pm's to blackmail me, to vote in favor of the town. I have posted quite alot of information during my short participation. I could have been a useful tool in your hands.

But maybe I had a bit too much information to your taste? Information that didn't serve your intrest? Dangerous information?

Were you getting scared? Why killing me so quickly?

I think TS and you have to explain and point out a bit more instead of posting one PM and giving a (deliberately?) very short and not at all clear translation.

01-25-2007, 20:58
RMD,Krazilec, GH, Beirut, Pevergreen were mafia. ANd yet they still doubted you, TS. :no:

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:04
:laugh4: Cmon... Andres, you're little attempt was already known to the world... If I hadnt killed you, you would have been lynched... I just saved the town some time...

I don't care about your info, I'm not frightened... Even more, I want you to post it right now... Just prove I was wrong in killing you and you are/were actually pro-town...

01-25-2007, 21:06
So, Moros have you told as yet how you knew the names of the mafia families ?

Vote: Moros

unless you can give me a very good reason...

01-25-2007, 21:07
That's what I did. I was looking for allies. You turned down my offer rather harsh. Check the time of my first pm to you, you'll notice it was not long after I got my role description. I tried to network and was in search of allies. I also needed information.

You turned me down.

Now I am killed.

Was I killed because you wanted to protect the town or was I killed because you feared the competition of another mafia family?

The only "evidence" you have is my pm's adressed at you asking for an alliance. Was this reason enough to kill me? Why not trying to convince me or manipulate me?

You could have used the pm's to blackmail me, to vote in favor of the town. I have posted quite alot of information during my short participation. I could have been a useful tool in your hands.

But maybe I had a bit too much information to your taste? Information that didn't serve your intrest? Dangerous information?

Were you getting scared? Why killing me so quickly?

I think TS and you have to explain and point out a bit more instead of posting one PM and giving a (deliberately?) very short and not at all clear translation.
I donnot want to be an ass but your pm's talk about a dutch mafia, going for a mafia victory. I may not be a lawyar or something, but I believe that the mafia victory conditions somehow are against the law my freind. Also don't tell me I didn't gave you a chance. I think I showed it pretty clear that I was pro town.Yes I didn't say it completly and I left in the chance that I could be mafia. But evryone could see that I was pro-town or at least a mafia who pretended to be pro-town not wanting to take risk. You are no mafia, yes I know that you were a wiseguy wanting to become a mafia. You know as much as I that I couldn't convince you of anything else. And yes I culd have blackmailed you, but I didn't know how much power you, now did I? I also gave you two days and a night to prove your innocence and to join up with the pro-town team. If I waited much longer you might had become mademan already. Also if I were mafia, I wouldn't need a killgroup of four men, now would I? And I and TS didn't need to look for poeple willing to join up. Now do we?

I must say that you really got me convinced that I'm a mafia and that you are peacefull townie killed by ruthless mafiosi. Please.

01-25-2007, 21:08
The town never got an answer to this: your pm to me and my (much better then yours) translation (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400088&postcount=1101)

Nor did the town ever get much ad rem explanations to this (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400613&postcount=1166)

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:11
Instead of a wild goose chase... let's find DON #3 shall we...

01-25-2007, 21:11
So, Moros have you told as yet how you knew the names of the mafia families ?

Vote: Moros

unless you can give me a very good reason...
I believe I did, yes. Networking. You know you have detectives, right? Well I'm in undirect contact with him. I however will not tell his name, not by pm nor in public as I cannot trust this. And if I need to protect his name by dieing so be it. His role is more important than his.

Suspect me of all you want, to isn't it strange I've been helping town so much? that me and TS had so manny mafia lynched? WHile making ourselves suspect. A mafia might want to get other rival mafia killed. But would they ever do it if it make them suspicious, no.

So go a head lynch me, the post mortem will only make you feel sorry. We have lycnhed so manny mafia in a row. So why not let a pro-towner burn.

01-25-2007, 21:13
The town never got an answer to this: your pm to me and my (much better then yours) translation (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400088&postcount=1101)

Nor did the town ever get much ad rem explanations to this (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400613&postcount=1166)
I don't see a translation...
And That other post, well I don't see my name directly in it so I guess there's no thing for me to explain. Ask me a question and if I'm not sleeping yet I'll awser it. Iif it is reasonable and doesn't bring anyone in danger, except myself.

01-25-2007, 21:13
So Doc,what were you doing last night? Killing people maybe. It seems you are going hard after Moros&TS.Whats your motivation behind that?

Vote Doc Bean

Select Omanes Alexandrapolites the Idiot

Well,why not.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:15
I have a better case than you... and I'm 16 :P

Well for the PM, I said it didnt matter to me whether you were townie or mafia because I couldnt care less what you are/were when you give me the name of more Powerfull mafia... you were just in... also remember... you left that out... it wasnt the first time i asked you to give me the name... it was the second...

Later when you didn't want to cooporate... started to blame 6 people in a row without real evidence... and send the PM to Moros i decided it was time to kill you before you really did get an important role and stable foothold in this town/game...

01-25-2007, 21:18
I never thrusted you from the start, doc, I'm sorry to say. And well tough I would die protecting the detective I'd rather live and protect him.
vote: doc_bean
select: noone for now

01-25-2007, 21:19
I have a better case than you... and I'm 16 :P

Well for the PM, I said it didnt matter to me whether you were townie or mafia because I couldnt care less what you are/were when you give me the name of more Powerfull mafia... you were just in... also remember... you left that out... it wasnt the first time i asked you to give me the name... it was the second...

Later when you didn't want to cooporate... started to blame 6 people in a row without real evidence... and send the PM to Moros i decided it was time to kill you before you really did get an important role and stable foothold in this town/game...

~:confused:Stranger you need to start quoting people.Who are you talking to Andreas?

01-25-2007, 21:19
The white glove mafia is still alive... Also... I noticed they are the ones that make clean headshots... pro killers... sofar... One mafia is dead, one severely crippled but ONE IS ALIVE AND KILLING!!!

A mafia might want to get other rival mafia killed


But would they ever do it if it make them suspicious, no.

Maybe they would... It would be a very cunning strategy: at the beginning of the game you have three family members. You try to recruit a few more and you sacrifice two others who try to get as much rival mafia lynched as possible. Don't tell me you are not capable of this. I checked some threads here and there and it appears you, Moros aka GertGregoor, are pretty good at this game...

As for my post #1277 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402060&postcount=1277) : the first sentence was adressed to TheStranger, the second to the town as a whole. Sorry if I wasn't clear :bow:


I have a better case than you... and I'm 16 :P
No need to flame,
it's just a game.

Besides, I already told you I am not a lawyer. Gah! Lawyers! Gah!

01-25-2007, 21:24
Suspect me of all you want, to isn't it strange I've been helping town so much? that me and TS had so manny mafia lynched? WHile making ourselves suspect. A mafia might want to get other rival mafia killed. But would they ever do it if it make them suspicious, no.

So go a head lynch me, the post mortem will only make you feel sorry. We have lycnhed so manny mafia in a row. So why not let a pro-towner burn.

In one of my first games of mafia, we played a game with multiple families too, I was a don, my tactic was to play the helpful villager and get rid of the other family as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for me that backfired because I revaeled a bit too much in a post. Kinda what you did with the family names.

I figure you might be trying a similar tactic.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:29
@ATC: I'm sorry, You know I like you :D. I'll make it up to you in the TYOLT, Honey... oh make sure your wife doesn't read that ;)

@Kagemusha: That post was aimed at Andres.

01-25-2007, 21:30
So Doc,what were you doing last night? Killing people maybe. It seems you are going hard after Moros&TS.Whats your motivation behind that?

Vote Doc Bean

Select Omanes Alexandrapolites the Idiot

Well,why not.

Oh look, someone who made a public statement that he was a wiseguy hoping to become mafia is accusing me. Got recruited yet ?

I never thrusted you from the start, doc, I'm sorry to say. And well tough I would die protecting the detective I'd rather live and protect him.
vote: doc_bean

Why don't you trust me ? Because I ask questions ? Because I find it suspicious that you have information that only the mafia should have ? You're getting awfully defensive for someone prepared to die.


Can someone confirm whether or not detectives get the mafia family name after a succesful investigation ? I thought they'd only get a 'criminal' or 'innocent' result.

If that's the case, then you appear to be lying. First rule of mafia: when in doubt, lynch the liars

01-25-2007, 21:32
Maybe they would... It would be a very cunning strategy: at the beginning of the game you have three family members. You try to recruit a few more and you sacrifice two others who try to get as much rival mafia lynched as possible. Don't tell me you are not capable of this. I checked some threads here and there and it appears you, Moros aka GertGregoor, are pretty good at this game...

Well I guess I'll take it as a compliment. Tough I only survived long in one game, got killed in two other in first or something rounds, before being able to do an action. Kommodos, my partner might disagree with you tough. Bacause of me he couldn't finish his story and he called me stupid. ~:( ~;)
Anyway back to being serious. It could be a strategy but if I were to be mafia and had recruited several guys working for me. Wouldn't than I let them be the ones who get the others lynch and escape from suspicion and would have got the same thing. Also if you read MAFIA III that tought I was an average poster it was when I was accused when I started to be an "active" pro-townie. Now I was from round 2 (Missed round 1 because of chirsostemos. which is understandable.) The only thing is you are accusing me of so much without evidences or decent argument. Saying something could be a good startegy or saying someone is a good player doesn't make him a mafia. Just admit you want revenge for your death. That's all.

btw: you had contact with doc_bean.

As for my post #1277 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402060&postcount=1277) : the first sentence was adressed to TheStranger, the second to the town as a whole. Sorry if I wasn't clear :bow:
doesn't matter. TS is inocent that I am sure of.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:33
Andres... If i was Mafia, we would have left a glove... or some other token.

The Mafia of Kralizec has as token, a note with your Name on it... So I believe.

The White Glove Mafia, leaves a white glove as we seen so many times.

Pevergreen's mafia seems not to have performed a kill, because they were cripled after night one, loosing their luca.

Did I leave a trace...? no... so I'm not mafia... I could be a wise guy though... but which side? I think I've proven that enough, just to underline that with Capital Letters by killing you... a Mafia or a Pro-Mafia player...

01-25-2007, 21:35
Oh look, someone who made a public statement that he was a wiseguy hoping to become mafia is accusing me. Got recruited yet ?

Thats the thing Doc.Now think twice if i declared to be wiseguy/ criminal on the second round. That confirms me to be on the town side on this game.Since if i would kill anyone id come out guilty always after that.So maybe the reason that i have not been attacked or killed is that i still come out criminal,since i havent attacked anyone.Care to share us your role?~:)

01-25-2007, 21:35
In the spirit of my appeal, here's something interesting I've seen. It will expose me to the danger of lynching because it to incriminate me, but what is more interesting is what the source tries to hide or inadvertently reveals.

The source is pevergreen. Isn't he scum, and hence untrustworthy? I'd agree, except this isn't material that he's trying to mislead us with, but material which he's tried to cover up. The post in question is #1219 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400912&postcount=1219). Note it says " Last edited by pevergreen : Today at 00:50" at the bottom. Why was it edited? What did it say before? This is where it becomes interesting.

Here's the original post, as written at 00:37.

Well! Looks like i got my wish!

That was without doubt the coolest death yet.

To clear a few things up:

I wrote the death speech, but the wording changed slightly towards the end, Seamus just made it sound better.

MRD did not accidently pm as a made.
I have lost day 1 and night 1 pm's but his first PM was to me.

I was hoping my last line or two would cause some investigation

'One still remains/roams" whatever.
But "you wiped out all Corelones"

From my role PM


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

*** *** = ****** ******

The last one has been edited out. Because of this:

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington. Though not a member of your family...

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

So one don is close to winning.

And just for The Stranger, the word i was asking you for came from this paragraph, it should also help a bit.

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

My ambitions went downhill as soon as my Luca was killed. Then when *** **** betrayed me and my Made died, i had no chance.

Im gunning for a townie victory and *** ****'s death.

Originally Posted by *** ****
hey man i dont know what your playing at but i'm through with you and your family. i've contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on. don't know what your playing at.

Thats why i had ToS FoS HoS at Pannonian.

Go Town!

This was edited at 00:43, to read.

edited out for a sec

Then the current version was posted at 00:50, as follows.

Well! Looks like i got my wish!

That was without doubt the coolest death yet.

To clear a few things up:

I wrote the death speech, but the wording changed slightly towards the end, Seamus just made it sound better.

MRD did not accidently pm as a made.
I have lost day 1 and night 1 pm's but his first PM was to me.

I was hoping my last line or two would cause some investigation

'One still remains/roams" whatever.
But "you wiped out all Corelones"

From my role PM


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

So one don is close to winning.

And just for The Stranger, the word i was asking you for came from this paragraph, it should also help a bit.

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

So from now on, Im gunning for a townie victory!

I noticed this as I was writng a reply to something, and saw that pevergreen's original post had been edited out (and was the 2nd version). I decided not to post the reply, and instead just watch what happens, and see what the edited post would look like. So what had been edited out?

Well! Looks like i got my wish!

That was without doubt the coolest death yet.

To clear a few things up:

I wrote the death speech, but the wording changed slightly towards the end, Seamus just made it sound better.

MRD did not accidently pm as a made.
I have lost day 1 and night 1 pm's but his first PM was to me.

I was hoping my last line or two would cause some investigation

'One still remains/roams" whatever.
But "you wiped out all Corelones"

From my role PM


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

*** *** = ****** ******

The last one has been edited out. Because of this:

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington. Though not a member of your family...

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

So one don is close to winning.

And just for The Stranger, the word i was asking you for came from this paragraph, it should also help a bit.

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

My ambitions went downhill as soon as my Luca was killed. Then when *** **** betrayed me and my Made died, i had no chance.

Im gunning for a townie victory and *** ****'s death.

Originally Posted by *** ****
hey man i dont know what your playing at but i'm through with you and your family. i've contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on. don't know what your playing at.

Thats why i had ToS FoS HoS at Pannonian.

Go Town!

The question is, who are ****** ******" and *** ****? I'm not sure about the exact allocation of roles, but something in the role description made me recall an earlier comment in post #627 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1395213&postcount=627). "

CountArach: Also pevergreen, why are you voting for Sasaki?
Pevergreen: Hmm..i think his win conditions dont allow me to live.

Compare with the line in the role description.

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

Is this conclusive? No, but note that Sasaki posted very soon indeed after the original post, but did not jump on it as he normally does.

So I would say ****** ****** is Sasaki Kojiro. What his *** *** role is I'm not sure, though I'd guess one of the *** stands for Don. Whatever his role, I'm sure he's connected to the Mafia one way or another.

If the Dons know who each other are, then why don't they kill each other to ensure only their family can win? That I can't answer, since I don't have full access to definitions of what the mafia can and cannot do.

Who is this *** **** who betrayed pevergreen and contacted me offering to work for me? Looking at that quote, I don't recognise the style. However, I have been in contact with various people offering to work with me in various activities. Early in the game, I suggested to Major Robert Dump and Kagemusha that we should form a protection group to protect likely targets, of whom I nominated HughTower and Redleg. That fell through because both replied too late, as I've described in an earlier post, and I dropped the idea after GH's exposure as a Luca despite renewed offers from MRD and Kage. Later on, when I was pursuing the trio of pevergreen, The_Stranger and Motep, Jimbob suggested that we should get together with Redleg to protect pevergreen. I agreed on the condition that pevergreen should investigate TS and Motep. Redleg fulfilled his part of the group (AFAIK), but Jimbob didn't turn up (or at least didn't send a confirmatory PM).

Other contacts include pevergreen when he was saying The_Don was threatening him (I couldn't get much substance from the conversations despite much wheedling, although I can quote the PMs here if anyone's got the patience to read them), GH when I asked him if he was a doctor (fishing for roles as he accused me of doing), and Luigi VI in general discussions.

As I've advocated, I've been as open as I can, not omitting any details which might make me seem suspicious. Discuss in public as I've thus disclosed my thoughts.

Based on the above,

Vote: Sasaki

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:36
@Moros: I'm not innocent :P I'm guilty of Murder :laugh4:

01-25-2007, 21:36
btw: you had contact with doc_bean.

Huh ? If you mean by PM (or any other means not in public and related to this game) then NO he didn't.

Get your act together Gert, the lies are pileing up...

01-25-2007, 21:40
Thats the thing Doc.Now think twice if i declared to be wiseguy/ criminal on the second round. That confirms me to be on the town side on this game.Since if i would kill anyone id come out guilty always after that.So maybe the reason that i have not been attacked or killed is that i still come out criminal,since i havent attacked anyone.Care to share us your role?~:)

I'm not a detective so I have no idea how you come out. I'm just a helpful townie.

01-25-2007, 21:40
Oh look, someone who made a public statement that he was a wiseguy hoping to become mafia is accusing me. Got recruited yet ?

Why don't you trust me ? Because I ask questions ? Because I find it suspicious that you have information that only the mafia should have ? You're getting awfully defensive for someone prepared to die.


Can someone confirm whether or not detectives get the mafia family name after a succesful investigation ? I thought they'd only get a 'criminal' or 'innocent' result.

If that's the case, then you appear to be lying. First rule of mafia: when in doubt, lynch the liars
Just give Seamus time to respond. Prepared to die, yes the same way a soldier is prepared to die for it's country. That doesn't mean he will not fight? The soldier protects it's country I the detective and the town.

Also when has kage claimed, this. I want to read that. As I trusted him. Even if I die I want to keep my contacts and work for town. I still trust him but if you got evidence he's willing to be mafia please tell and show me.

Also what is your basing for saying me I'm a mafia. Because I defend myself...? Because I know the family names? While I told you where I got thel from. OR because you are a mafia trying to lynch one of the most active pro-townie who has contacts with a detective? I'm not the only one who heard rumours about you. And the information I had has been awefully correct. Another question even if I was mafia how could I know the names and guy of two different mafia families and some of their assciates? I'd only know those of my family. The only other way was by contacts, which would be as hard to get as for a normal townie. Hmmm you really have a great theory there Doc, really.

01-25-2007, 21:40
btw: you had contact with doc_bean.

Huh ? If you mean by PM (or any other means not in public and related to this game) then NO he didn't.

Get your act together Gert, the lies are pileing up...

I entered the chat when I just joined the game. I asked doc_bean in dutch if he would be so kind to tell me his role and I added ;) . He anwered in duch that he would be crazy if he told me that. Then he quit. Without even saying goodbye. How rude ~:angry:

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:41
Well since Pannonian started to what I wanted to. Ill finish the job.

This is my case against Sasaki

Andres: Pro-Mafia, Guilty and Charged.
Sasaki: The Wolf, Pro-Mafia, Guilty and Charged

First here's some old info, I had already posted, though I left a part out, the italics are old info, the rest is new info. Again, copy and paste it into a text file to make reading easier.

MSN conversation between me and Pevergreen.
[I]Datum Tijd Van Aan Bericht
24-1-07 14:45:46 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? hello, hello, yes yes
24-1-07 14:46:03 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hi
24-1-07 14:46:27 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? watch in amazement as i get lynched
24-1-07 14:46:43 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW you watch or i?
24-1-07 14:47:06 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Pfsh... you did an even worse job in defending yourself than I :P
24-1-07 14:47:19 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? lol
24-1-07 14:47:42 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Really... you made a fatal mistake... first I was criminal... and later innocent...
24-1-07 14:47:52 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i saw that
24-1-07 14:47:54 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? dam
24-1-07 14:48:01 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ehhehe...
24-1-07 14:48:03 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? cant believe i didnt look over it
24-1-07 14:48:13 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Hmm... so what was i?
24-1-07 14:48:33 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? no idea
24-1-07 14:48:50 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? kk
24-1-07 14:48:51 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ehehhe... Knew it... yur no detective...
24-1-07 14:48:56 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? how about a deal
24-1-07 14:49:02 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW tell me
24-1-07 14:49:11 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i reveal who i am, and my death speach
24-1-07 14:49:21 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? and you dont tell anyone, or hint to it, until im dead
24-1-07 14:49:25 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ok
24-1-07 14:49:34 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? right
24-1-07 14:49:42 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? lets see if you can work it out off my death speech
24-1-07 14:49:49 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW spill it :)
24-1-07 14:50:05 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? "You killed my Luca, you killed my Made, your lynching me, but one still remains. Who is it you think, As you sip on your drinks. You killed all Corlones, [Omnious voice]But One still roams....[/omnious voice]"
24-1-07 14:50:13 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Don...
24-1-07 14:50:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? should be drink
24-1-07 14:50:20 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW not so hard...
24-1-07 14:50:25 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? lol
24-1-07 14:50:26 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yeah
24-1-07 14:50:41 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW You really revealed too much in our first convo...
24-1-07 14:50:45 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? meh
24-1-07 14:50:52 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? after my luca died
24-1-07 14:51:01 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I knew it from that on... I never trusted you :P
24-1-07 14:51:08 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Oke... I'll keep my word.
24-1-07 14:51:13 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? bloody Hanky
24-1-07 14:51:18 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? should have stayed alive longer
24-1-07 14:51:39 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... well... go any more info... and I keep my mouth shut till just before the autopsy
24-1-07 14:51:52 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? who do you think my made was?
24-1-07 14:51:57 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Beirut
24-1-07 14:52:00 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? bah
24-1-07 14:52:01 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW or maybe MRD
24-1-07 14:52:04 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? hes another family
24-1-07 14:52:06 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke.
24-1-07 14:52:13 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? :bow:
24-1-07 14:52:13 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I knew they were mafia all along
24-1-07 14:52:17 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? mrd
24-1-07 14:52:26 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke...
24-1-07 14:52:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? and my remaining member?
24-1-07 14:52:33 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Well... im onto another mafia
24-1-07 14:52:39 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Ehm.. Doc Bean?
24-1-07 14:52:42 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? nup
24-1-07 14:52:52 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? im very suspicious of this person
24-1-07 14:53:10 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW You know who your other member is?
24-1-07 14:53:13 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yeah
24-1-07 14:53:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? secret role
24-1-07 14:53:19 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Moros?
24-1-07 14:53:33 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i dont think this persons win conditions allow me to live
24-1-07 14:53:38 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Sasaki?
24-1-07 14:53:43 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? mm, mm
24-1-07 14:53:50 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Is that yes or no
24-1-07 14:53:52 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? up the shut **** you must about this.
24-1-07 14:54:10 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Till just before the autopsy
24-1-07 14:54:11 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? laugh4
24-1-07 14:54:14 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Yes or no?
24-1-07 14:54:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yeah
24-1-07 14:54:22 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? you might not want to tattle on Sasaki
24-1-07 14:54:26 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW So sasaki it is then...
24-1-07 14:54:31 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? hes not really mafia
24-1-07 14:54:31 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I never trusted him
24-1-07 14:54:38 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW but i did tell him too much
24-1-07 14:54:46 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? he can protect mafia from investiagtions
24-1-07 14:54:50 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW He attacked moros?
24-1-07 14:55:06 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? but if he does that, i owe him a favour
24-1-07 14:55:14 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? and i have to do everything in my power to repay it
24-1-07 14:55:20 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? but he never said how he wins
24-1-07 14:55:31 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I will lynch him.
24-1-07 14:55:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? so i thought straight away his win was for me to die
24-1-07 14:55:43 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? now hes defected to Pannonian
24-1-07 14:56:14 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmmm
24-1-07 14:56:24 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on
24-1-07 14:56:35 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro hey man i dont know what your playing at but i'm through with you and your family. i've contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on. don't know what your playing at
24-1-07 14:56:36 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW So pannonian is mafia too?
24-1-07 14:56:59 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW heheh is this payback time for Sasaki or not? :P
24-1-07 14:57:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i hope he dies
24-1-07 14:57:27 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I will look into it
24-1-07 14:57:37 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Next round he goes
24-1-07 14:57:41 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i hope so
24-1-07 14:57:50 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? you pro town or what?
24-1-07 14:57:53 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i revealed
24-1-07 14:57:53 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW What do you know about Doc_Bean
24-1-07 14:57:56 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? nothing
24-1-07 14:58:05 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I'm pro-town
24-1-07 14:58:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i havent been in contact or had contact through anyone else with him
24-1-07 14:58:25 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Pannonian is a mafia from another family?
24-1-07 14:58:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? redleg is leader of wise guy group
24-1-07 14:58:48 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? and one guy is feeding infomation from Beiruts family
24-1-07 14:59:01 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? HughTower is plain townie
24-1-07 14:59:04 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Giving info to Beiruts family
24-1-07 14:59:11 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW or to the redleg
24-1-07 14:59:11 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? from
24-1-07 14:59:15 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke
24-1-07 14:59:21 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Hughtower is alright
24-1-07 14:59:30 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? you should be able to get into redlegs group easily enough
24-1-07 14:59:36 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I dont want to
24-1-07 14:59:37 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? take my place XD
24-1-07 14:59:41 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I have my own group
24-1-07 14:59:48 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? so exactley what are you
24-1-07 14:59:54 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? is it a basic role or a secret one
24-1-07 15:00:06 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW A basic... I'm a mere townie
24-1-07 15:00:12 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW but I have influence
24-1-07 15:00:41 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? well, lynch Sasaki :whip: Im off to bed
24-1-07 15:00:53 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW sasaki will die... but youll go first
24-1-07 15:01:05 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW it would be a shame if youve writen your poem for nothing
24-1-07 15:01:11 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yeah
24-1-07 15:01:16 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i spent a while on that
24-1-07 15:01:58 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Now... Im going to check this info out... if you lied... I reveal this right away... otherwise... youll family shall live a bit
24-1-07 15:02:30 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Cya, :)

Another conversation between me and Pevergreen. Same procedure, only no old news.

[SPOIL]25-1-07 1:30:55 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? that was the coolest death ever
25-1-07 1:31:09 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ehhehe :P
25-1-07 1:31:32 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW though... please edit your post... yure screwing up my plan...
25-1-07 1:31:57 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? what do you want me to edit
25-1-07 1:32:24 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW no... nevermind... as long as you dont name names untill after this night
25-1-07 1:32:34 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? nah tell me
25-1-07 1:32:37 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oh no wait
25-1-07 1:32:40 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i took the post of
25-1-07 1:32:45 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW edit that sasaki PM on the end
25-1-07 1:32:59 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I dont want him to get his story together before I accuse him
25-1-07 1:33:10 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke
25-1-07 1:33:30 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? can i say that *** **** went to pannonian?
25-1-07 1:33:34 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? without the PM
25-1-07 1:33:57 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW no... just edit your entire post ;P
25-1-07 1:34:07 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW just say sumthing about your death
25-1-07 1:34:20 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW tomorrow when the day phase starts you can repost your post
25-1-07 1:34:24 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ok
25-1-07 1:34:30 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW just copy and save it on a text file or sumthing
25-1-07 1:34:49 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i am
25-1-07 1:35:37 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke... if you got anymore info i could use... that will lead to more mafia death and more so more concrete evidence of sasaki's mafia activities
25-1-07 1:35:49 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW also could you forward me the Don RolePM
25-1-07 1:35:50 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? pannonian
25-1-07 1:35:53 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yep
25-1-07 1:35:56 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? just a sec
25-1-07 1:36:02 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW yeah Ill get them hanged both :D
25-1-07 1:36:02 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? you can open word there yes?
25-1-07 1:36:36 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW yeah
25-1-07 1:36:44 omfg thread hijack FTW verzendt speech.doc
25-1-07 1:36:49 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? revised post
25-1-07 1:37:03 Je hebt C:\Mijn documenten\Mijn ontvangen bestanden\speech.doc van omfg thread hijack FTW ontvangen.
25-1-07 1:37:08 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW you havent edited your post.. sasaki has read it... that is too bad...
25-1-07 1:37:14 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ive edited it
25-1-07 1:37:19 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW now i have to work harder to get him convicted...
25-1-07 1:37:23 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Re: Capo de Tutti Capi (in play) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edited out for a sec
25-1-07 1:37:29 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? thats what it reads
25-1-07 1:37:50 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... yeah but sasaki read it... I'm sure
25-1-07 1:37:57 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? I find Drisos interesting. I recall in several past games he has posted a "Shucks, I didn't get a mafia role once again" post after the pm's were out. He hasn't this time. He's also lurking. What's going on Drisos?
25-1-07 1:38:07 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? he would have said something about it.
25-1-07 1:38:21 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... oke...
25-1-07 1:38:42 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Tomorrow... after Seamus' narrative you can repost it... not earlier
25-1-07 1:38:45 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ok
25-1-07 1:38:51 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW so got some more info?
25-1-07 1:39:26 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... maybe yur right... a small chance exists that he did not read it... I hope so... :)
25-1-07 1:39:47 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? luigi wants info on Pannonian so he can NK him
25-1-07 1:39:58 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW NK?
25-1-07 1:40:01 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW kill?
25-1-07 1:40:04 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? night kill
25-1-07 1:40:23 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... no... I want to bring Pannonian in
25-1-07 1:40:32 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW do you know if Pannonian is a Don?
25-1-07 1:40:51 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? very sure
25-1-07 1:41:05 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW allright... :D he's dead and after that Sasaki
25-1-07 1:41:16 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? says: Tomorrow... after Seamus' narrative you can repost it... not earlier Is that after the night narative?
25-1-07 1:42:07 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW yeah... the narrative in which he says whos killed THIS night
25-1-07 1:42:17 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? k
25-1-07 1:42:36 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW have you given me the RolePM ttoo?
25-1-07 1:42:51 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? its sent
25-1-07 1:43:19 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW dude... why is your post back?
25-1-07 1:43:28 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? its the edited one
25-1-07 1:44:36 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW hmm... this version is oke
25-1-07 1:44:41 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW i got yur PM
25-1-07 1:44:45 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? good
25-1-07 1:46:06 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW any info I could use to screw Pannonian... because I'd like to accuse them seperatly...
25-1-07 1:46:23 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? the PM from Sasaki
25-1-07 1:46:40 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW because when I use the PM Sasaki gets time to think of a gameplan to prove his innocence
25-1-07 1:46:43 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? he was in contact with my family
25-1-07 1:46:50 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? MRD
25-1-07 1:47:11 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW yeah... oke... Maybe yur right... He's somehow trying to protect andres too
25-1-07 1:47:17 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW he's definitly promafia
25-1-07 1:47:23 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? If we (the townies) need a target i suggest pannonian, as i sent him/her a cryptic message but i think it may backfire because he/she doesnt seem to be playing along
25-1-07 1:47:27 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke I'll use the PM
25-1-07 1:47:43 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Who said that?
25-1-07 1:47:48 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? MRD
25-1-07 1:47:52 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW when?
25-1-07 1:48:04 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? day 2
25-1-07 1:48:14 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? first half
25-1-07 1:48:27 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW why did he wanted him dead? because he was rival gang?
25-1-07 1:48:27 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Date : 2007-01-19 01:22
25-1-07 1:48:55 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? thats my time
25-1-07 1:49:18 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke...date's enough
25-1-07 1:49:45 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? in MRD n3 investigations
25-1-07 1:49:46 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Pannonian:innocent
25-1-07 1:49:57 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Yur family is dead?
25-1-07 1:50:05 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke, so he's don
25-1-07 1:50:22 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Well it seems that there is an interest in protection Pannonion because of his comments to The Stranger. If your willing to protect him please send the following Message to Seamus
25-1-07 1:50:23 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? but
25-1-07 1:50:31 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Pann was group protected wasnt he?
25-1-07 1:50:33 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? or was that redleg
25-1-07 1:51:16 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW redleg was director protected... I dunno about Pann
25-1-07 1:53:37 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW what does that ToS etc mean?
25-1-07 1:53:44 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ToS FoS HoS
25-1-07 1:54:16 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Toe of Suspicion
25-1-07 1:54:22 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Finger of Suspicion
25-1-07 1:54:26 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Hand of Suspicion
25-1-07 1:54:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? Finger of minor Suspicion
25-1-07 1:54:43 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? points out who you think is mafia
25-1-07 1:55:05 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke
25-1-07 1:55:27 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? with the chat log you posted
25-1-07 1:55:35 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? that was what it was wasnt it?
25-1-07 1:55:46 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW huh?
25-1-07 1:56:00 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW about you? and MRD?
25-1-07 1:56:03 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ill see if i can find it
25-1-07 1:56:11 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i didnt read the whole thing
25-1-07 1:56:13 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I still have it...
25-1-07 1:56:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? only first few lines
25-1-07 1:56:23 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Its not the entire convo of us
25-1-07 1:56:40 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ok
25-1-07 1:56:58 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I left out bits... because I didnt want to give Sasaki and Pann the advantage of a day to prepare their defence against my accusations
25-1-07 1:57:04 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? good
25-1-07 1:57:06 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW thats why you needed to edit out the PM
25-1-07 1:57:14 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? thats why i did
25-1-07 1:57:18 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW ;)
25-1-07 1:58:09 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW You know anything about Andres/
25-1-07 1:58:22 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? nup
25-1-07 1:58:27 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? i had no infomation for a while
25-1-07 1:58:58 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke... any info on other players besides Sasaki, Pann, MRD, GH and Redleg?
25-1-07 1:59:19 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? everyone i grouped with i presume to be townie
25-1-07 1:59:22 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? BKS
25-1-07 1:59:26 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke
25-1-07 1:59:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? was infiltrating Beiruts family
25-1-07 2:00:02 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Beirut's don was Kralizec, right?
25-1-07 2:00:10 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? we arent sue
25-1-07 2:00:12 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? sure
25-1-07 2:00:23 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW me neither... but i assume that for now
25-1-07 2:00:32 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yea
25-1-07 2:00:53 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW An idea who might be Pann's made and or Luca
25-1-07 2:01:14 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? nope
25-1-07 2:01:15 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? this game is so awsome
25-1-07 2:02:26 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW I nkow =D and its my first... but i doubt ill be playing another... its toooo time consuming
25-1-07 2:02:55 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW Any idea who might be Beirut fams Luca?
25-1-07 2:03:07 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? ive got no more info
25-1-07 2:03:20 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke... youve been very helpful :D
25-1-07 2:03:56 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW one more thing... a family from the start knows whos in his family? and it exists of 3 members... a don, a luca and a made... and more can be recruited
25-1-07 2:04:27 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? yeah
25-1-07 2:04:56 Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? omfg thread hijack FTW oke... I'm going off, cya... thanx again :bow:
25-1-07 2:04:59 omfg thread hijack FTW Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right? cya

Case against Pannonian and Sasaki:

Sasaki please explain this PM, what is your role with Pannonian and his Family?:

Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro
hey man i dont know what your playing at but i'm through with you and your family. i've contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on. don't know what your playing at

How I plan to explain the attacks and murders? Here it goes.

Moros told Sasaki of his plans and of his role, an important one so it seems because he was attacked. AggonyDuck told Sasaki of his plans and of his strong group able to kill and protect, Aggony's death was a bitter blow to the town. The attack on GH can't be explained but I do think that I have an explanation for MRD's death. Sasaki first worked for Pevergreen and Pevergreen without a doubt told him who his family was. When Sasaki switched sides, MRD was killed. Sasaki ratted MRD to Pannonian and Pannonian ordered a kill, or maybe Sasaki did it himself.

Please, WOLF, what do you think of that? Not good enough? How about this?

Originally Posted by Seamus Fermanagh
Your Role: Don Corleone

You are the boss of a crime family, and your goal is to take over Fatlington and become the Capo de Tutti Capi (Captain of Captains). To do this, you will need to eliminate all of the other Dons and establish a crime family that outnumbers the remaining Mafiosi and citizens of the town.

Powers and Limitations:

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

You will almost always appear innocent in investigations because, normally, the Don makes no moves him/herself – that’s what your family members are for!

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

If you have no other family members left, you may perform one of the following once per night: a) attempt to kill one target, or b) attempt to investigate two other citizens. Your investigation will parallel those of a made and help you identify further possible recruits.

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington – The Wolf. Though not a member of your family, this person can provide unusually effective protection once in a while making it easier for your Family to achieve success and harder for detectives to track you. This is not without a price however, as you then owe The Wolf a favor which he/she can collect when they see fit and which you MUST honor, unless it would involve attacking a member of your own family.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” OR if solo “kill so-and-so” or “investigate so and so”


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

The Wolf = Sasaki Kojiro

[B]Combine that with the PM he send...

I rest this case for now...

01-25-2007, 21:43
In case of doubt, lynch them all.

Organise the votes so you get a tied vote between TheStranger, Moros, Proletariat and Doc_bean. Lynch the four of them. If Redleg refuses, he is suspicious and should be lynched next round together with the ones he saved.

Just my humble opinion...

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:44
Dammit.. my spoils arent working.. can a mod please fix that... my edit button is taken so i cant do it.

Vote: Sasaki...

I got more evidence... ill post it later...

01-25-2007, 21:44
I entered the chat when I just joined the game. I asked doc_bean in dutch if he would be so kind to tell me his role and I added ;) . He anwered in duch that he would be crazy if he told me that. Then he quit. Without even saying goodbye. How rude ~:angry:

When was this ? The last time I talked in the chat was months ago, I logged on once about a week ago but then no one was on, so I just quit. I'm pretty sure you weren't added to the game at the time.

Someone is impersonating me ????? :inquisitive:

01-25-2007, 21:46
Huh ? If you mean by PM (or any other means not in public and related to this game) then NO he didn't.

Get your act together Gert, the lies are pileing up...
Hmm supposed to have a question mark behind it. Check my post they miss question marks a lot. Because I automatically type points after sentences. Soemtimes because at the end I forget I was typing a question.

Anyway I'm finishing of my history task (cold war, quite interesting but not as interesting as mafia.) I'm back to awser all your questions good sir.

01-25-2007, 21:46
Oh this is very intresting indeed.:smash:

01-25-2007, 21:50
The_Stranger, I'm not going to bother defending myself as you are determined to throw stuff without indicating sources or other things we can check for ourselves. However, if you are pro-town, then revelaing this particular bit of information will not hurt any innocents. Where did you get the mafia information from? What is The Wolf? How did you come by the mafia information if you're a townie? Please explain in public so the rest of us can verify for ourselves.

And if you're wondering whether I've told the truth about my activities, ask the people I've named about our conversations. I've been open about my reasoning, and the bits that remain hidden you can find out by asking the witnesses.

01-25-2007, 21:51
Don't worry sir Don, I wasn't one of your rivals if that is what you think is the reason I know/knew or think/tought he to be tagatalia. Now why is it that I do know? Well sir Don, people make networks in this game. And I'm not an exception. I also do this. Some have mafia networks, but pro townies have also their networks. And mine is let us say rather large. I have tried to lay connection with quite a lot of people. And I had the luck to stumble on some pro townie groups. And you may or may not know but there are quite a few of these and they all have connections. Now they swap information, now the thing is how bigger your network the more and better your information gets. (tough you do get contradictions quite a lot.)

The thing is, Moros, me and my underlings agreed from the start on to keep our family name a secret to outsiders. We never mentioned the family name to anyone we approached for recruitment or services. My family name only turned up in the beginning when Seamus started the thread, and when you posted your earlier remark.
By the number of mafioso lynched and some other information, any thinking townie can conclude that at least 2 of the original families have been crippled. But how can you know their names? You could only know the name of one family through your contacts, and could only deduce the name of the other one (mine) if you're closely related to the third family (the Barzini) wich has managed to stay clear so far.

01-25-2007, 21:51
Also what is your basing for saying me I'm a mafia. Because I defend myself...?

Basic mafia game logic. The town wins if the mafia gets lynched, regardless if you survive or not, so the average twonie would have less reason to defend himself than the average mafiosi. Of ocurse, it's more fun when you're in the game, and you might have a special role that is pro town.

But really, why are you accusing me just because i'm accusing you ? If I were mafia i'd just kill you in the night phase, much easier and cleaner, I wouldn't draw suspicion like this.

Because I know the family names? While I told you where I got thel from.

I'm waiting for confirmation if it's possible, if it is true detectives get the names, there's a good chance I'll withdraw my vote for you.

OR because you are a mafia trying to lynch one of the most active pro-townie who has contacts with a detective? I'm not the only one who heard rumours about you.

Still, i wonder were the lies and rumours about me come from, like I said, I'm just a helfpul villager.

And the information I had has been awefully correct.

Which is pretty weird, I'd really like to know how you guys did that after the game. :smart:

Another question even if I was mafia how could I know the names and guy of two different mafia families and some of their assciates? I'd only know those of my family. The only other way was by contacts, which would be as hard to get as for a normal townie. Hmmm you really have a great theory there Doc, really.

Thank you :2thumbsup:

01-25-2007, 21:53
When was this ? The last time I talked in the chat was months ago, I logged on once about a week ago but then no one was on, so I just quit. I'm pretty sure you weren't added to the game at the time.

Someone is impersonating me ????? :inquisitive:
The idiot still doesn't get's that it was me. sigh. I told him by pm (my internet dropped out) but he still didn't get I was fooling him. sigh.

Ask at the chat I change my name's a lot to that of toher people. Especially when someone changes his name, then I steet it. This time I changed my name quite a bit, then at a moment when I had your name he entered chat so I tought I'll fool him for couple of minutes then reveal myself. But no stupid belgacom had to make problems again, sigh. Anyway I told him in pm and apparently he idn't even read my pm's. And then he claims that said various things in it. He didn't even read them it seems. :no:

01-25-2007, 21:55
Which is pretty weird, I'd really like to know how you guys did that after the game. :smart:

This part I don't understand, I hope Seamus will confirm soon.
oh wel off to the COld war.

back in half an hour!

01-25-2007, 21:56
Well now, if the name thing gets resolved we can be friends again :medievalcheers:

Kralizec makes an interesting comment about it too...

Big King Sanctaphrax
01-25-2007, 21:56
The thing is, Moros, me and my underlings agreed from the start on to keep our family name a secret to outsiders. We never mentioned the family name to anyone we approached for recruitment or services. My family name only turned up in the beginning when Seamus started the thread, and when you posted your earlier remark.

How come you revealed it to me, then?

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 21:58
Pann, I accused you in that convo... but I'm not so sure now as then... I'm just backing up your info about Sasaki.

I got the info partly from the same source as you. Pevergreen. As you might have read... I told him to edit his post. Why? Because I didnt want anybody to know untill i was absolutely certain and I didnt want to give Sasaki the advantage of one day to prepare his defence.

SASAKI... please, tell us what do you have to say.

01-25-2007, 22:00
I forgot about that instance. I was usually careful with that piece of information, but at that time I was about to get lynched (and eventually I was indeed)

I think I still have that PM on my hard drive, actually.

01-25-2007, 22:01
I want to hear his explanation also: Unvote Doc Bean, Vote Sasaki.

The Stranger
01-25-2007, 22:01
Vote Tally:

Sasak - 2 (Pann, TheStranger)
Doc_Bean - 2 (Moros, Kagemusha)
Proletariat - 1 (Omanes)

01-25-2007, 22:12

1) His excessive posting is getting annoying.
2) He's made no attempt to answer several of Andres' accusations, and even committed a murder to attempt to get Andres off his case.

This strikes me as unhelpful (he could have organised a protection group instead - which would have been *much* more useful). Also, he's been generally suspicious.

Of course, no doubt he'll start another bandwagon on me by sheer posting volume (backed up by Gertgregoor).

Sasak - 2 (Pann, TheStranger)
Doc_Bean - 2 (Moros, Kagemusha)
Proletariat - 1 (Omanes)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)

Seamus Fermanagh
01-25-2007, 22:12
Re: Rules query.

The three possible results for a Detective's investigation in this game are:
Innocent, Criminal, or Guilty. If Guilty, there is a chance of additional information/evidence.

01-25-2007, 22:14

1) His excessive spamming is getting annoying.
2) He's made no attempt to answer several of Andres' accusations, and even committed a murder to attempt to get Andres off his case.

This strikes me as unhelpful (he could have organised a protection group instead - which would have been *much* more useful). Also, he's been generally suspicious.

Of course, no doubt he'll start another bandwagon on me by sheer posting volume (backed up by Gertgregoor).

Sasak - 2 (Pann, TheStranger)
Doc_Bean - 2 (Moros, Kagemusha)
Proletariat - 1 (Omanes)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)

Fixed the word "posting".


01-25-2007, 22:16
Re: Rules query.

The three possible results for a Detective's investigation in this game are:
Innocent, Criminal, or Guilty. If Guilty, there is a chance of additional information/evidence.

Okay Gert time to come clean, how did you know who belonged to which families ? Your detective couldn't have told you and you should have known this if you were actually in contact with a detective.

Why did you lie ?

01-25-2007, 22:19
Since we're selecting a director today,

Select: Banquo's Ghost

For the same reason as the 1st round. I would rather have an attention-drawing bumbler as diredtor than someone who can manipulate his position if he's mafia.

01-25-2007, 22:31
You have detectives and you have detectives, my son.

01-25-2007, 22:32
You have detectives and you have detectives, my son.

THAT's your explanation :laugh4:

01-25-2007, 22:32
Okay Gert time to come clean, how did you know who belonged to which families ? Your detective couldn't have told you and you should have known this if you were actually in contact with a detective.

Why did you lie ?
was beirut, not guilty? So did he not have the possibility to gain that info. And I also had contact with BKS and freinds of BKS. So now what?

EDit: I think you should have typed the YOUR in capitals, no?

01-25-2007, 22:33
Latest (correct) tally

Proletariat - 1 (Omanes)
Moros - 1 (doc bean)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 3 (Pannonian, The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 1 (Kagemusha)

01-25-2007, 22:36
was beirut, not guilty? So did he not have the possibility to gain that info. And I also had contact with BKS and freinds of BKS. So now what?

It all sounds a little to convienent to me. Besides, you'd have said sooner that you'd gotten that info from others instead of mentioning the detctive over and over again.

But hey, if you know a detective and our doubting me, have him investigate me, by all means, i'll take the 10% criminal chance.

EDit: I think you should have typed the YOUR in capitals, no?

I don't think so, although, given your answer, I might as well have capitalized every word :laugh4:

01-25-2007, 22:38
was beirut, not guilty? So did he not have the possibility to gain that info. And I also had contact with BKS and freinds of BKS. So now what?

Can BKS confirm this?

01-25-2007, 22:39

1) His excessive posting is getting annoying.
2) He's made no attempt to answer several of Andres' accusations, and even committed a murder to attempt to get Andres off his case.

This strikes me as unhelpful (he could have organised a protection group instead - which would have been *much* more useful). Also, he's been generally suspicious.

Of course, no doubt he'll start another bandwagon on me by sheer posting volume (backed up by Gertgregoor).

Sasak - 2 (Pann, TheStranger)
Doc_Bean - 2 (Moros, Kagemusha)
Proletariat - 1 (Omanes)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Well so much for your bandwagon. The only thing I've bandwagonned for now, appeared to be mafioso. And usually I was one of the first to vote on them.

And why should he awser Andres quotes. A. wasn't pro-town. An yes, he killed Andres together with me and two others (another proof that I'm not mafia not even wiseguy) he also take care of a protection group. As I was attacked last time he protected me. And why do I back him up or the same reason I will when someone I know is accused of stuff he didn't do. I know he's innocent. The number of dead mafia are proof enough to show that TS is innocent and that we're in contact with a detective.

01-25-2007, 22:43
It all sounds a little to convienent to me. Besides, you'd have said sooner that you'd gotten that info from others instead of mentioning the detctive over and over again.

But hey, if you know a detective and our doubting me, have him investigate me, by all means, i'll take the 10% criminal chance.

I don't think so, although, given your answer, I might as well have capitalized every word :laugh4:
I have the info of Krazilec form BKS, the info on Beirut from the detective. SO I guess I wasn't clear in my last post.

BKS and Sasaki (he got me connected with BKS, to be clear he's not he detective, just someone who knew about bks and linkd me trough) told me about this and can confirm this. Just like I can confirm that sasaki is pro town.

And Doc_bean, he will. So if he's still alive by then we'll now the awser next day (or is it the day after?) anyway we'll know it.

01-25-2007, 22:48
Just like I can confirm that sasaki is pro town.

Wait a minute? I thought Sasaki was "The Wolf" always working with the mob? TS called Sasaki to the stance and brought up all the evidence?

Did you make a mistake by typing too fast, Moros? :inquisitive:

If Sasaki is pro town, then tell your buddy The Stranger to stop his accusations.

Or was this a capital mistake?

Lynch The Stranger and Moros townies!

01-25-2007, 22:58
No, this is something I and TS just disagree. I've been talking with Sasaki alot. And I frankly can't believe he's anti-town. He has givin me advice, we swapped iformation,... There's no reason I think he could be mafia.
He's a townie. And unless there come some hard proves I will not believe sasaki is mafia. And I will defend him. Tough he probably coud do a better job on his own. lol.
EDIT: However I also believe TS being pro-town. I just think there's some wrong information, misunderstanding and or mis read stuff I think. Both are pro town if you ask me.

01-25-2007, 23:00
And don't you go editing this post 1327:

I have the info of Krazilec form BKS, the info on Beirut from the detective. SO I guess I wasn't clear in my last post.

BKS and Sasaki (he got me connected with BKS, to be clear he's not he detective, just someone who knew about bks and linkd me trough) told me about this and can confirm this. Just like I can confirm that sasaki is pro town.
And Doc_bean, he will. So if he's still alive by then we'll now the awser next day (or is it the day after?) anyway we'll know it.

Compare the above to this:

The Stranger's case against Sasaki (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402117&postcount=1298)

TheStranger and Moros called themselves repeatedly "a team".

I say Moros was too quick and posted his typo before rereading. Now he comes with some cheap explanation like: "we are a team, but we disagree". And you post your disagreements freely in this thread? I can't believe that you are so stupid. We have some more of this jokes in this game: remember Kralizecs error which got Beirut killed?

But hey, I'm just an idiot, or should I say a Moro(s)n, so maybe somebody else can explain this very Strange contradictions to the town?

Edit: puns intended :)

01-25-2007, 23:03
Yes I work toegther with TS, does that not mean that we can't have different opinions? I have been more in contact with sasaki than TS. he got alot of information from sasaki trough me. But I was the one with the most contact. And from the convo's I had with him and the way he helped me I can hardly understand why he'd be mafia.

EDIT: the only things I change are spelling and grammar.

01-25-2007, 23:08
Yes I work toegther with TS, does that not mean that we can't have different opinions? I have been more in contact with sasaki than TS. he got alot of information from sasaki trough me. But I was the one with the most contact. And from the convo's I had with him and the way he helped me I can hardly understand why he'd be mafia.

EDIT: the only things I change are spelling and grammar.

Oh, for heaven's sake! Townies, get rid of these two jokers :hanged:

01-25-2007, 23:08
But hey, I'm just an idiot, or should I say a Moro(s)n, so maybe somebody else can explain this very Strange contradictions to the town?

Edit: puns intended :)
you can do better than that. I know. When is the next round gonna be in the caption game?

01-25-2007, 23:10
Oh, for heaven's sake! Townies, get rid of these two jokers :hanged:
Yes, what I just said is definate proof that I'm a mafia, you really got me now.

Andres, Andres. I know you're upset you're killed but you're going low now.

EDIT: I awsered all the questions I responded everything. Yet you still have to keep going on. Oh no I have a different opinion of something than TS, oh no! Now I must be mafia! Jeezzz. Get YOUR act together and grow up.

01-25-2007, 23:13
Well so much for your bandwagon. The only thing I've bandwagonned for now, appeared to be mafioso. And usually I was one of the first to vote on them.

Which is why I said 'Start a bandwagon' rather than 'jump on a bandwagon'.

repeating my case against TS (with ATC alterations)

1) His excessive spamming is getting annoying.
2) He's made no attempt to answer several of Andres' accusations, and even committed a murder to attempt to get Andres off his case.

This strikes me as unhelpful (he could have organised a protection group instead - which would have been *much* more useful). Also, he's been generally suspicious.

Of course, no doubt he'll start another bandwagon on me by sheer posting volume (backed up by Gertgregoor/Moros).

Just repeated since I won't be on for a few days.
Why don't you just try to murder me like you did Andres TS and get it over with?

Helpful Townies, don't let TS use his obscene amounts of posting time to overwhelm you with spam and drown out the evidence against him. Please note that between Gertgregoor's explanations such as "There are detectives and there are detectives" and "
you can do better than that. I know. When is the next round gonna be in the caption game?" in a couple of hours our Dutch friends have drowned out a voice of reason. Very original tactics, but I'm seeing a lot of words and no actual defences.

01-25-2007, 23:19
May I ask what you changed? As it's quite familiar at it's difficult to compare both posts as they are on different paged.

Anyway I have no reason to vote for you, unless you bring suspicion upon yourselve or if I get information that you are mafia. And if the information is to be trusted. However I will indeed defend TS. Killing you, no. If you send a pm like Andres asking me to join a mafia. Then I might.

01-25-2007, 23:21
Yes, what I just said is definate proof that I'm a mafia, you really got me now.

Andres, Andres. I know you're upset you're killed but you're going low now.

EDIT: I awsered all the questions I responded everything. Yet you still have to keep going on. Oh no I have a different opinion of something than TS, oh no! Now I must be mafia! Jeezzz. Get YOUR act together and grow up.

Feeling a bit annoyed by this? (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402278&postcount=1330)

No need to flame,
It's just a game


01-25-2007, 23:25
You don't really hve to post and pm that. Just posting or pmm'ing is enough. I already reply to much, while I shiuld be finishing my cicero's task

01-25-2007, 23:30
I don't think it's too smart to lynch Sasaki.

01-25-2007, 23:32
I don't think it's too smart to lynch Sasaki.
I second that.

Big King Sanctaphrax
01-25-2007, 23:37
I can confirm what Moros said. I'm 99% sure he's town. Lynching him would be a bad move.

01-25-2007, 23:37
Unvote: Moros

You got confirmed.

01-25-2007, 23:40
Thanks BKS! if I can ever help you again, just ask.

01-25-2007, 23:42
Oh, and let us all conveniently forget what useful information the BIG BAD EVIL ANDRES WHO NEEDED TO DIE posted in post 944 of this thread:

Do you enjoy being the messanger boy?

Sounds like a boring job, i hope you get workers compo. :laugh4:

Im gunna hang around, see what my post stirs up, then off to bed.

Do you enjoy being the messanger boy?

Sounds like a boring job, i hope you get workers compo. :laugh4:

Im gunna hang around, see what my post stirs up, then off to bed.

Well, being the messenger boy became funny once my name got mentioned in the game. Suddenly they all started to vote for me, while I don't even participate :laugh4:

All these speculations, well, let's just say it's pretty funny if you know the truth.

i still dont know who he is. But i have talked to him.

I really want to know who he is!

If you wouldnt mind telling your mafia friend asap.

I know 2 dons, 2 mades (plus him) and 2 lucas. All confirmed. And that he will find itmost if he votes as i am.

Convincing evidence against Don Pevergreen!

But oh no, Andres was the big bad gangsta playing against townie who needed to get killed by the mafia scumbags noble vigilantes The Stranger and Moros.

Are you townies still going to believe these two amusing clowns?

01-25-2007, 23:44
I can confirm what Moros said. I'm 99% sure he's town. Lynching him would be a bad move.

I'm not convinced: BKS + Moros + TheStranger = 3 Wiseguys ?

3 Wiseguys = murder without a special signature ?


01-25-2007, 23:58
Another unsuccesful protection for me. Hmm....who to save this time...:idea3:

01-26-2007, 00:01
Another unsuccesful protection for me. Hmm....who to save this time...:idea3:

Are you claiming to be a doctor now, sure seems like Seamus included a lot of doctors...

01-26-2007, 00:09
Are you claiming to be a doctor now, sure seems like Seamus included a lot of doctors... No. I am a townie, and what sucks, is that one of my fellow protectors has been murdered...this sucks...

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 00:12
Ah, so this is what that was all about. TS you really are cryptic over pm.

Long story:

Beginning of the game I pm'd various people trying to find some townies. pevergreen answered the question correctly, we buddied up. I began to find some things very suspicious though, especially when GH posted the townie pm after nominating pevergreen for director. So I started going after pevergreen. He began to act betrayed. When he claimed detective with a criminal result on me, I pm'd him pretending to have a special mafia role and said I would now help him. He responded that he wanted my help, ergo he is mafia. I had sent the same pm to Kralizec in an attempt to learn the names of his subordinates. For this reason I was unwilling to mention this evidence in the thread (and pannonian this is why I didn't respond to pevergreens original, unedited post which I did indeed see). He realized the game was up and concocted a story based on my pm. BKS and Ichigo can confirm this part of the story.

This is quite clever of him but then he got greedy:

Originally Posted by *** ****
hey man i dont know what your playing at but i'm through with you and your family. i've contacted pannonian and told him i'll be working for him from no on. don't know what your playing at.

From the pm's TS has been sending me, pevergreen is claiming this message was sent from me to him, informing him of my betrayal. This is why TS thinks pannonian is guilty. Now I'm sure pannonian can confirm I sent him no such pm, in fact the pm is written by pevergreen. Does it make any sense that I would tell pevergreen who the enemy don was? No.

I know Moros is innocent. I believe TS to be as well, or at least I will once he admits he's been bamboozled by pevergreen.

01-26-2007, 00:19
Yes, we all know that Pevergreen is guilty. Very Guilty. And new evidence is pointing at pannonian. I have nothing new to add on the situation, but I will simply state that I am fairly sure he is guilty.

Vote: Pannonian

Now, as for the Director...I do not know who to vote in. I will decide later.

could sombody add this to the tally? I cant find it.

01-26-2007, 00:36
Yes, we all know that Pevergreen is guilty. Very Guilty. And new evidence is pointing at pannonian. I have nothing new to add on the situation, but I will simply state that I am fairly sure he is guilty.

Vote: Pannonian

And this is the kind of hinting at hidden knowledge that I was warning of. Nothing public that people can discuss and look at, just a hint that the grapevine that we are not privy to says this person is guilty. Look in the glossary for the definition of meatballing, except this doesn't even have the grace of a flimsy excuse, but offers no excuse at all.

As I've said to Luigi, my reasoning is out in the open, my sources are named. To find out if I'm telling the truth, all you have to do is double check with these people to see if our stories match. And to see if I'm pro-town or pro-mafia, read my posts in this thread and check with those of my fellow conversants whom you believe to be innocent and see if my activity is consistently pro-town or pro-mafia.

I was reluctant to point at Sasaki to start with, given that his exchanges on page 21 was what pointed me to pevergreen in the first place, and there were certain aspects of pevergreen's story that didn't make sense. I ask once more, can Sasaki provide a description of his role and activities so far, so we can check with other sources? To make it less one-sided, here's mine.

Role: townie
D1: Select: Banquo
N1: Sleep
D2: Vote: Reenk Roink
N2: Sleep
D3: Vote: Beirut, Select: Redleg
N3: Protect: pevergreen, with Jimbob and Redleg
D4: Vote: Sasaki
N4: Sleep

01-26-2007, 00:42
hmmm...If you want an excuse, Ill tell you the truth. I will not reveal the name of the person who pmed me the information, and I have deleted the pm for space (I really should have saved it...)

01-26-2007, 01:16
I really don't know where to go from here. We have eliminated IMO our main suspects.

I'll wait for Sasaki's response to Pannonian before deciding my votes.

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 01:19
You guys know you can save PMs to your computer, right?

Ok, so far I gather that TS is accusing Sasaki of being mafia because of information from a now dead don- who says Sasaki betrayed him to help Pannonian, who also accused Sasaki.

Seems that both cannot be true.

Andres thinks Moros and TS are mafia, Motep is claiming to be part of a townie protection group.

Now, to me it seems Moros, or at the least TS, are pro-town, making me wonder why Andres is so adamant - because of Moros' saying he supports Sasaki? I believe others accused Andres of trying to start a Dutch mafia.

And then, for reasons I don't exactly recall, Moros voted for Doc_bean.

Right now I'm going to Select: Redleg if I can, as he seems sincerely pro-town.

I don't know who to vote for right now.

Crazed Rabbit

01-26-2007, 01:23
What is tihs, people were voting for other people because they were posting too much? Why were people trying to vote for peop e which were 'annoying' when we could be voting for people who may certianly be mafia? The people who are voting for the 'annoying' people (As they are called by some people) should be the ones who lynch, they are trying to knock out townie when they could be knocking out mafia!

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 01:24
Pannonian, I responded in post 1349.


01-26-2007, 01:26
I can prove Motep is on a group.

01-26-2007, 01:27
We should await to pass judgement on Pannionian till pevergreen's autopsy. The only evidence that we have that pevergreen was a Don was from his own words. If pevergreen is not a Don, then Pannionian is one.

The White Glove mafia are now killing people relentlessly - they are growing stronger by the day. They are the threat & I hope Seamus' WOGs will clear out some names so we can start narrowing lurkers down.

Until then, I'd also like to see Omanes fill the director's chair, simply as a kind of Ross Perot, left-field candidate, about whose role I have no definitive opinion.

For a lynching, I would like us to consider those people who have been 'protected' so far in previous attacks. My understanding is that list reads:


Can anyone stand up & say that they protected these people on the nights they were attacked? If you're a doctor & don't want to be revealed, then tell your name to Ichigo & let him be trusted with revealing that information. If no-one stands for these people, then can we assume that they might have been protected by a Luca (esp in the first round)?

Sasaki has been accused recently, I have my doubts, but Ichigo has claimed his innocence. I must follow my own lead & trust Ichigo then.
Redleg's murder attempt came later on in the game when he was becoming a force for the good, & so I can believe that he might have been looked after.
By elimination then, I return to Proletariat for my own personal vote, an inconsistent poster but came straight out & defended herself when Pannionian offered his bizarre suicide pact to her (so a self-interested lurker with no though for the town), & protected in the very first round of the game.

So, in summary,

Vote: Proletariat
Select: Omanes

01-26-2007, 01:31
I can prove Motep is on a group.

I can as well, but ultimately I am not sure of his motives...

01-26-2007, 01:33

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 3 (Pannonian, The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

01-26-2007, 01:40
Ah...found an older one in my inbox from my discussion with Redleg.

Note: Names have been saved for protection reasons (all except those we were protecting)

Edit: Why will it not place it in the letter format?

Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore
Originally Posted by Redleg
Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore

Somebody but I can not get a confirmation from him right now. If you can get Sombody to commit that will be great. I also think Pannion is also going to get hit, and I am trying to arrange an additional protection party of three others to protect him.

I think I may become a doctor now...more noble profession...

I can possibly get Somebody to help on that...

I doubt that I can persuade Somebody to help.

I made a correction to my previous note - I can not get Somebodies confirmation yet on protecting Pevegreen - so I think if you got confirmation from Someone we can get that one down between the three of us.

I got Someone else's committment to be on a protection committee and with sombody and sombody else (brillant minds think alike.) committment we can have protection set up for pannonion also. (got to check the spelling on that one)

Thats good. Somebody is very certainly likely to help us. We are on very good terms.

But get Someone to help on protecting pannonion (spelled it the way you did, as I cannot spell it). I have dispatched pms to someone and to someone else to help you. I told them to contact you.[/quote]

Okay its a done deal. someone, You and me protect, Pevergreen.

I will attempt to get someone, somebody, somone else, and somebody else to protect pannonion.

Hopefully three of them will commit.

01-26-2007, 01:43
Pannonian, I responded in post 1349.

What was the question you asked, and who else did you ask? That's what I mean by corroboration, name names as I've done so we can check up.

We should await to pass judgement on Pannionian till pevergreen's autopsy. The only evidence that we have that pevergreen was a Don was from his own words. If pevergreen is not a Don, then Pannionian is one.

Has anyone bothered to check up on the sources I've named? I've been more open than anyone else in this game, I've offered advice which has been proven to be successfully pro-town in previous Mafia games, yet people still nail me as a Don. I feel like Lemur in M3. As I've said, ask the soiurces I've named, surely at least some of whom you trust as townies, and see if our stories match. Once you've verified that I'm telling the truth, see if my behaviour is pro-mafia or pro-town.

hmmm...If you want an excuse, Ill tell you the truth. I will not reveal the name of the person who pmed me the information, and I have deleted the pm for space (I really should have saved it...)
This is the worst excuse I've yet seen, and you've offered a few prize ones. Absolutely nothing anyone can check on or refute, just an unverifiable hint that I'm guilty. Based once again on your accusations and subsequent dilly-dally on page 21 (like Lemur's spicy meat-a-balls in M2), your non-explanations of your supposed role as dentist (similar to Sigurd's terrorist in Gotta Have More Mafia), and this most recent and extreme example yet of meatballing.

Unvote: Sasaki
Vote: Motep

Let someone else keep track of the score. I cleaned up once, then people dropped it again in the torrent of spam.

01-26-2007, 01:44
I said i can prove it

01-26-2007, 01:46

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 2 (The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 1 (Pannonian)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

01-26-2007, 01:46
This is the worst excuse I've yet seen, and you've offered a few prize ones. Absolutely nothing anyone can check on or refute, just an unverifiable hint that I'm guilty. Based once again on your accusations and subsequent dilly-dally on page 21 (like Lemur's spicy meat-a-balls in M2), your non-explanations of your supposed role as dentist (similar to Sigurd's terrorist in Gotta Have More Mafia), and this most recent and extreme example yet of meatballing.

Reat the post above the one you most recently posted

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 01:47
I said i can prove it

Caius, you gave the names of the three from your group. But have you made a successful protection of someone?

01-26-2007, 01:49
Caius, you gave the names of the three from your group. But have you made a successful protection of someone?
No, because neither of both were attacked.

01-26-2007, 01:52
No, because neither of both were attacked.

I can back him up on that one.

01-26-2007, 01:52
Reat the post above the one you most recently posted
Then let's wait for Redleg to confirm the truth or otherwise of that claim. Why don't you give a full explanation of what you are and what you've done so far, so people can have some material to work with? I've detailed just about every activity of mine in this game so far, which people can check up on if they don't trust me on it. Why don't you do the same?

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 01:53
What was the question you asked, and who else did you ask? That's what I mean by corroboration, name names as I've done so we can check up.

Hey, pevergreen, just to let you know it's not in your best interest to vote me. I know your not the detective now, so I figure you're mafia. Well I have one of the special roles, I can protect your subordinates from cop investigation. How about we work together?


Very well.

Still a bit unclear on what you can do though.

All these new roles, im used to cards mafia :laugh4:

All righty! Lets take over this dump of a town.

Not sure why he bought it so easily.

01-26-2007, 01:55
first night: failed murder round up (only got three people...)
second: protection of pevergreen
third: I think I was protecting pannonian
fourth: protecting Redleg (forgot he was director)

And was there a fifth night so far?

I think that this is the fifth day and I think Im forgetting something...

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 01:57
Who was the failed murder of?

01-26-2007, 01:58
Also: it sucks my buddy Caius died....he was my helper with protection missions along with someone

The failed murder was on Pevergren

01-26-2007, 02:01
Once again, let me repeat this plea that I originally made in M3. Make your discussions public. Put your evidence and reasoning out into the open, so people can double check its validity. Someone noted that the chatroom was the mafia's best friend, as it allowed them to persuade select people without exposing the discussion to public scrutiny.

01-26-2007, 02:01
Here are some PMs I have recieved from Motep. Remember that he wanted to protect Pevergreen later:

Lord Motep of Kendermore
Tho One True Mazzat

Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Relaxing in Solace after a long battle.
Posts: 957

Total Awards: 1 (more&#187; ...) Its time that we discuss things....


I will organize a murder. We must kill pevergreen for some random reason I do not wholly understand. Understanding that there is a good possibility that you are a townie, (I am, so if you are not, do not be cruel) I will send a pm to Ichigo as well...If both of you accept, you will hear from me again...

Now, why would he want to kill Pevergreen? It seems eratic and bloodthirsty. The idea I have is that he is a townie, workign with the Mafia, perhaps a rival family?

Also the next line after that, "I understand that there is a good possibility that you are a townie"... why would he be scared of that? I think he has some evil ideas.

Then I get this PM:

Disregard that last PM

So my conclusion is that Ichigo did not accept.

Note: I was never planning on working with Motep.

So for this PM, I choose to:

Vote: Lord Motep of Kendermore

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 2 (The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, CountArach)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

01-26-2007, 02:03
first night: failed murder round up (only got three people...)
second: protection of pevergreen
third: I think I was protecting pannonian
fourth: protecting Redleg (forgot he was director)

And was there a fifth night so far?

I think that this is the fifth day and I think Im forgetting something...
I'm not going to ask you who else were in your protection groups. But who else was in your murder group?

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 02:06
Hughtower, you've been after Proletariat for quite a while, haven't you?

Do you not recall who claimed responsibility for the attempt on Proletariat and who you say you trust? Ichigo, aka Csar?

He seemed to imply to was only himself that went after Proletariat - which would be why the kill failed, as a single townie will not succeed.

In other news, Pannonian makes a good point:

This is the worst excuse I've yet seen, and you've offered a few prize ones. Absolutely nothing anyone can check on or refute, just an unverifiable hint that I'm guilty. Based once again on your accusations and subsequent dilly-dally on page 21 (like Lemur's spicy meat-a-balls in M2), your non-explanations of your supposed role as dentist (similar to Sigurd's terrorist in Gotta Have More Mafia), and this most recent and extreme example yet of meatballing.

Unvote: Sasaki
Vote: Motep

His 'I deleted it' reminds me of a detective claim laden with errors in a previous game-

Vote: Motep

Crazed Rabbit

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:08
Also: it sucks my buddy Caius died....he was my helper with protection missions along with someone

The failed murder was on Pevergren

As a matter of game mechanics (mentioned in the role sheets):

1. Any attempt to kill someone will generate part of the narrative for that night.

2. ANY of the following could generate a narrative of a failed murder:

a) Protection by a Doctor

b) Protection by a Luca

c) Protection by a Surgeon [chance for would be killer to die]

d) Protection by a Townie Group

e) Attack by a group lacking sufficient numbers or the right type of role-players to effectively perform the attack. In the case of a Townie operating solo, the kill not only fails, but the Townie has a 1 in 3 chance of ending up dead. The same is true of a failed solo effort at protection.

f) Specia effects associated with one of the Secret roles.

3. My narratives will allude to some of these possibilities, but well never do so in a fashion that is definitive. This is, after all, more "film noir" than documentary....

You just lied. Vote:Motep

01-26-2007, 02:10
Here are some PMs I have recieved from Motep. Remember that he wanted to protect Pevergreen later:

Now, why would he want to kill Pevergreen? It seems eratic and bloodthirsty. The idea I have is that he is a townie, workign with the Mafia, perhaps a rival family?

Also the next line after that, "I understand that there is a good possibility that you are a townie"... why would he be scared of that? I think he has some evil ideas.

Then I get this PM:

So my conclusion is that Ichigo did not accept.

Note: I was never planning on working with Motep.

So for this PM, I choose to:

Vote: Lord Motep of Kendermore

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 2 (The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, CountArach)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

Yes...well that bloodlust was on the basis that I was very bored that day. And since then, I have let it cool. And I was not afraid of him being a townie, but of him being a mafia who wanted to go townie hunting.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:11
Once again, let me repeat this plea that I originally made in M3. Make your discussions public. Put your evidence and reasoning out into the open, so people can double check its validity. Someone noted that the chatroom was the mafia's best friend, as it allowed them to persuade select people without exposing the discussion to public scrutiny.

Oddly enough, that was Sigurd, who has been remarkably absent from this thread.

01-26-2007, 02:11
Rabbit, you were a detective in a previous game so you'll know about the economics of it. I've been accused of being a Don, to which my response was to suggest a double suicide with the accuser, or others. HughTower says this is unreasonable. Given your experience of detectiveness, would you have thought it an acceptable exchange if you got a mafioso killed in M3 in return for your own life? Given the rules of this game, would a Don for townie exchange be a good deal for the town?

01-26-2007, 02:12
And also: I did not send Seamus any pm about the murder. I failed to round up four people and I called it off.

01-26-2007, 02:13
Hughtower, you've been after Proletariat for quite a while, haven't you?

Do you not recall who claimed responsibility for the attempt on Proletariat and who you say you trust? Ichigo, aka Csar?

He seemed to imply to was only himself that went after Proletariat - which would be why the kill failed, as a single townie will not succeed.

In other news, Pannonian makes a good point:

His 'I deleted it' reminds me of a detective claim laden with errors in a previous game-

Vote: Motep

Crazed Rabbit

And I did delete it damnit!!!

01-26-2007, 02:17
Clap Clap Clap.

Sasaki deserves to win this game. Lets see if he can continue to fool everyone.

The role PM TS posted, is my Don Role PM.

Krail, can you post yours? With your mafia buddies edited out of it, of course. Did you get told of The Wolf (aka *** ****) who is Sasaki Kojiro (aka ****** ******)

When was that pm sent Sasaki? I really wish i didnt delete day1/night 1 pms.

Wow, looks like i have night one pm's, now to find day 1 pm's.

What exactly is Ssakis role? I need another Made or Wise guy so I can team up to kill. GH can kill by himself.

I'll let you know before I log off who my first two investigations will be since it doesn't look like i'll be able to kill until our team gets bigger

I can investigate one person each night like your made can. I can also protect two of your men each night. They won't get "guilty" status if I protect them, so can avoid getting taken down by detectives.

Protect while you kill or protect from kill, i am not sure, but thats what he said he does.

roger. i still cant kill until i get anothermade or wiseguy to play with, which means we need to recruit. once a townie gets a kill in they will become recruitable, not sure how recruiting other mafia family guys goes tho

Are you wondering where GH got that townie PM? You can thank Sasaki!

Mucho thanks to Sasaki for getting his hands on this. :grin:

If anybody can get their hands on other PMs let's spread it around.

Your Role: Townie

Your basic mode for success is to vote to lynch Mafiosi, eventually removing the mafia threat from Fatlington and creating a town win.

Role Changing:

At your discretion, however, this role can change. This will take time, effort, and coordination with other townies. If you:

Combine with 3 other townies you can attempt to kill one target per night (after two successful kills, you will become a “Wise Guy” and can progress from there).

Combine with 2 other townies you can attempt to protect one target per night (after two successful protections, one of you may become a “Doctor “ and can progress from there).

Creating these combinations is up to you however, and you will have to work out your own deals/contracts/arrangements for forming such a combo with the other players.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” “Protect so-and-so in combination with player 1, player 2…” or “kill so-and-so in combination with player 1, player 2…”

Warning: if the requisite number of townies is NOT available, the protection/kill effort will almost certainly fail. If a townie attempts a kill/protection solo, the effort will certainly fail, and there will be at least one chance in three that the townie will perish in the attempt.


It is most probable that, if investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will be discovered as “innocent.” Remember, however, that a significant minority (20%) of townspeople will register as “unclear” rather than innocent if investigated by a Made and as “criminal” (5-10%) if investigated by a detective. You will only register as “guilty” if you have participated in a killing.

Getting Recruited:

What if a Mafioso seeks to recruit you? You can respond as you wish to such an offer. However, if they believe you to be a Wise Guy and use you as part of a kill team, that team will very likely fail unless you are an “extra” and they already have sufficient killers on the team.

I don't know the bolding or italics though.

Hello Pevergreen,

I who wrote this message, am of the Maffia. Let me get to the point at once: we might be interested in recruiting you.
At this point we can't be sure if you're just a regular townie, or have a special role. As you could have derived from the rules, we only may investigate two people every night.
Since we can't be sure of you, you must start earning our trust...if you're interested, of course.
We want you to kill a person. Assuming you're just a regular townie: you'll need to find 3 co-conspirators to carry out a succesful murder. You'll need to do this yourself.
As for your victims: pick one of the following:
Doc_Bean, General Hankerchief or Redleg
Your conspirators may not include: Banquo's Ghost, Beirut, ByzantineKnight, Cowhead418, Hepcat, HughTower, Ichigo, Ignoramus, Kommodus, Kralizec, Proletariat, Reenk Roink, Sasaki Kojiro, Sir Moody, The Stranger, Ultrawar or Zalmoxis. You may not include one from the list of potential victims either, even those you did not select for the kill.
If you manage to pull it off this night-phase, well done. The next nigh-phase would be acceptable as well, however.
You may mention to your fellow conspirators that this act is to bring you into the good graces of one of the crime families (and that they’re also eligible), but you may not mention the contents of this PM.
When you have arranged the conspiracy and sent a PM to Seamus Ferganagh indicating that you want to kill someone from the list of potential victims, PM AndrestheCunning back and ask him to deliver it to his Maffia contact, before Seamus Ferganagh posts the results. When you’ve completed your mission, we just might have a career opening for you.

Signed: a maffioso

Lalalal Miss Saigon!...i mean SCORE!
Plus, im planning to get a townie group to kill someone, so it will count as me, for all they know. But they want you killed GH.... but Sasaki is in the clear... which is good.

Ive got at least 2 townies convinced im a townie, will show you how if you request.

GH needs to kill that guy. LOL i love his set of "conditions", what a retard. This is far too crazy for me, im gonna back off

Finally, a pm from Sasaki to me.

Nice immersion work by General, but now hes dead.... ive got no protection. I have two wise guys and possibly a third doing a kill tonight, we must recruit them.

Yeah, it sucks about the general. That's great about the wise guys. If you have three you could do two kills.

I found 2 wise guys but they want to help the town. I've paired them up with two townies and they'll be killing louis tonight.


Following Pm

Nice immersion work by General, but now hes dead.... ive got no protection. I have two wise guys and possibly a third doing a kill tonight, we must recruit them.

Yeah, it sucks about the general. That's great about the wise guys. If you have three you could do two kills.

I found 2 wise guys but they want to help the town. I've paired them up with two townies and they'll be killing louis tonight.


Ive got 3 wise guys who want the town to win

AggonyDuck, BKS and Warluster.

I may send them a PM in the fashion of the Andres one, what do you think?

BKS told me he was town. You have at least one liar.

AggonyDuck and Warluster were my two wise guys.

I wouldn't advise trying to bring any of them into the group. You will most likely die trying.


This CC'd to Aggony, PG and WL.

Intrigued by GH's assertion that Beirut was Mafia, I decided to use the my good relationship with him to attempt to confirm or deny this. I stated that I was a wise guy, and wanted to join his family. Beirut responded by saying that he would ask his boss to let me in. So, he is definitely mafia, and we need to kill him off as soon as he is no longer director-as well as preventing him getting elected again.

Keep this confidential, or I am dead. By the by, does anyone have a wise guy pm I could use to help convince Beirut?



I don't entirely trust him, but it is interesting.

This CC'd to Aggony, PG and WL.

Intrigued by GH's assertion that Beirut was Mafia, I decided to use the my good relationship with him to attempt to confirm or deny this. I stated that I was a wise guy, and wanted to join his family. Beirut responded by saying that he would ask his boss to let me in. So, he is definitely mafia, and we need to kill him off as soon as he is no longer director-as well as preventing him getting elected again.

Keep this confidential, or I am dead. By the by, does anyone have a wise guy pm I could use to help convince Beirut?



I don't entirely trust him, but it is interesting.

This CC'd to Aggony, PG and WL.

Intrigued by GH's assertion that Beirut was Mafia, I decided to use the my good relationship with him to attempt to confirm or deny this. I stated that I was a wise guy, and wanted to join his family. Beirut responded by saying that he would ask his boss to let me in. So, he is definitely mafia, and we need to kill him off as soon as he is no longer director-as well as preventing him getting elected again.

Keep this confidential, or I am dead. By the by, does anyone have a wise guy pm I could use to help convince Beirut?


I've sent you my Wiseguy letter. Hopefully it will do.
Anyway good work with Beirut. There seems to be another similar Townie group and I know Sasaki is a member of it. Perhaps it might be worth it to cooperate with them and use their help to remove Beirut from the director-position.

For the next night, we need to decide upon someone who is highly suspect and whom we believe is the mafia.

Here is the message I was going to post to all of you.

[QUOTE]Okay mates. This is our team:


As you can see we now have the sufficient numbers to actually kill someone that we suspect of being a mafioso. A couple of things need to be done though.

Firstly we need to gather a list of whom we think are likely to be mafia. Then we need to agree upon whom to kill and then everyone will have to pm Seamus with their action and who you are cooperating with for the action. Thirdly; we need a fancy name, so please come up with suggestions.

Anyway lets try to get some sort of discussion going, also we might want to look into alternative methods of communication.

Thank you guys for joining the team and hopefully all will go well.


Ive also got 1 person in a protection group for me.

Disregard what I said about louis, it's come to my attention that he is innocent.

I would instead suggest ReenkRoink as a good target for protection.


Disregard what I said about louis, it's come to my attention that he is innocent.

I would instead suggest ReenkRoink as a good target for protection.


For protection? I have no Luca, what-you-want-me to do ah?

We need to get some people recruited, yeah, so i can have my mafia family back yeah.

I was thinking of those people you were in contact with.


Right, in respone to my post a while back

blah blah balh you left out a *

Okay, here's my e-mail: milanjanssen19@hotmail.com

*Andres says Hi pevergreen, I'm having a helluva lot of fun :laugh4:

"Hmm..i think his win conditions dont allow me to live."

What does this mean?


Then Sasaki continues not to tell me his win conditions

"Hmm..i think his win conditions dont allow me to live."

What does this mean?


I am doubtful of how you win.

because of how i act in the thread and in pm's with other people ??

I understand why your posting what you are, it makes you look very much like a townie. But how do you win?

i already told you. how else could i?

Well Sasaki the evidence is piling up.

For those interested, my case against Pannonian is pretty much based off Sasaki's pm.
Thats been posted a number of times.

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 02:34
Motep, its not just that one thing, its a compilation of several things.

Rabbit, you were a detective in a previous game so you'll know about the economics of it. I've been accused of being a Don, to which my response was to suggest a double suicide with the accuser, or others. HughTower says this is unreasonable. Given your experience of detectiveness, would you have thought it an acceptable exchange if you got a mafioso killed in M3 in return for your own life? Given the rules of this game, would a Don for townie exchange be a good deal for the town?

It would seem good to reveal to take one mafioso with you - Kagemusha would be the more experienced one to talk to about that. You seem to be saying that if you're accusers were pro-town and thought you mafia, then they should be alright with sacrificing themselves to take you out.

However, these people may not be detectives (as they will find a don innocent) but merely suspicious townies, and thus may not be assured of your alleged guilt. Also, it was somewhat odd that you wanted them to suicide first, and said you'd suicide the next day.

Is your point that people accusing you of being a don are insincere?

Pevergreen - you are an admitted don, how can the town trust you? How do we know you're not just trying to get some guy you wanted to recruit, but who wanted to help the town, back? Several people have come forward to say they believe Sasaki is innocent - people I'm more likely to believe than you.

And given Pannonians' offers of a double suicide, I'm inclined to put him in the more likely townie category.

Crazed Rabbit

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:37
God that must have taken you a long time. At least you've gotten better at imitating my style, except in that last one. It's funny how you didn't post these earlier but "just happened to find them". Accept it pever, you fell for my trap and I got lynched. No need to hold a grudge this long.

I skimmed the don pm before. Now things make a lot more sense. I wondered why you trusted me so easily, it turns out there is a special role.

Answer me this pever, why would I betray you if you had all those pm's? And why would I name the don I was going to be working for?

01-26-2007, 02:37
I must once again protest to my innocence!

I think I may have some proof:

Today, 13:51 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/icons/icon0.gif N4 Protection Results
Protect Redleg: Inconclusive -- no attack made

Note: Redleg, as director, is immune to kill missions while serving as director.

Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12


This was of my failed attempt to protect Redleg (because I was stupid and forgot he was dirctor) I was protecting with Caius and someone

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:39
That doesn't prove your innocence in the slightest motep.

01-26-2007, 02:43
Pevergreen - you are an admitted don, how can the town trust you? How do we know you're not just trying to get some guy you wanted to recruit, but who wanted to help the town, back? Several people have come forward to say they believe Sasaki is innocent - people I'm more likely to believe than you.

I can't believe how many bloody posts there are to wade through. I'm confused. Pevergreen is dead and was a don right? What is the value of a dead mafioso posting to get another lynched, in this case Sasaki? Is this a personal issue, some kind of revenge mechanic? Am I missing something from the game's dynamics? ~:confused:

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:44

Fatal mistake, pever. You messed up the quote tags here. When you quote a pm to copy and paste it puts QUOTE in caps, not lower case. It's only lower case if you type it manually, as in when you are fabricating the pm.


Again, my name if quoted is "Sasaki Kojiro".

It's funny you wanted a huge list of pm's for evidence but couldn't be bothered to fake that many so you posted some twice and included the townie one and some random ones of you talking to your scum partners.

01-26-2007, 02:44
That doesn't prove your innocence in the slightest motep.

...I have night thre...i think....

Private Message: N3 Protection Efforthttps://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-23-2007, 10:54 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/icons/icon0.gif N3 Protection Effort
Protect AndrestheCunning: Inconclusive

No attack was made.

Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12

updated "what I was doin" list:

first night: failed murder round up (only got three people...)
second: protection of pannonian
third: protecting Andres
fourth: protecting Redleg (forgot he was director)

Private Message: Re: Protection group for gamehttps://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-19-2007, 22:46 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/statusicon/user_offline.gif Redleg (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=5433) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Feeding the Peanut Gallery
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https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/m/RTW_118.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=5433)

Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 9,455

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/rtw/icons/icon0.gif Re: Protection group for game
Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore
Originally Posted by Redleg
Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore

Hugh Tower but I can not get a confirmation from him right now. If you can get Byzantineknight to commit that will be great. I also think Pannion is also going to get hit, and I am trying to arrange an additional protection party of three others to protect him.

I think I may become a doctor now...more noble profession...

I can possibly get pevergreen to help on that...

I doubt that I can persuade Masy to help.

I made a correction to my previous note - I can not get HughTower's confirmation yet on protecting Pevegreen - so I think if you got confirmation from Byzantineknight we can get that one down between the three of us.

I got Kagemusha committment to be on a protection committee and with Hughtower and Pevergreen (brillant minds think alike.) committment we can have protection set up for pannonion also. (got to check the spelling on that one)

Thats good. Byzantine is very certainly likely to help us. We are on very good terms.

But get Hughtower to help on protecting pannonion (spelled it the way you did, as I cannot spell it). I have dispatched pms to Masy and to pevergreen to help you. I told them to contact you.[/quote]

Okay its a done deal. Byzantine, You and me protect, Pevergreen.

I will attempt to get Pevergreen, hughtower, kagemusha, and masy to protect pannonion.

Hopefully three of them will commit.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 02:45
But Motep, if you were mafia you could still pretend to be part of a townie group.

01-26-2007, 02:48
But Motep, if you were mafia you could still pretend to be part of a townie group.

I can never explain to you that I am truly a townie. Go ahead and hang me. You will only be sending the best dentist this town has ever seen away from this world.

01-26-2007, 02:58
Also: it sucks my buddy Caius died
Cmon.When you are dead you can fly.:bounce:
I dont have worries.I hope if you still live you protect someone.

01-26-2007, 03:03
Cmon.When you are dead you can fly.:bounce:
I dont have worries.I hope if you still live you protect someone.

I will not let your hope die (I know it sounds corny, but it is)

01-26-2007, 03:06
Ok. Sasaki, i copied every one of those from a saved text file.

The reason that one was not in caps, was i had to put all of the first ones in myself.

Example of what it looks like:

From : Sasaki Kojiro
To :
Date : 2007-01-19 09:54
Title : Re: Daam

Nice immersion work by General, but now hes dead.... ive got no protection. I have two wise guys and possibly a third doing a kill tonight, we must recruit them.

Yeah, it sucks about the general. That's great about the wise guys. If you have three you could do two kills.

I found 2 wise guys but they want to help the town. I've paired them up with two townies and they'll be killing louis tonight.


EDIT: The "to" field is always blank, i dont know why.
MRD and GH can confirm Sasaki was working with us, As can my role PM

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 03:13
wow. Your fellow mafioso can back you up you say? Color me convinced.

Nice excuse for the pm's though. If you had them saved why don't you have the rest?

I noticed you avoided this question so I'll repost:

Answer me this pever, why would I betray you if you had all those pm's? And why would I name the don I was going to be working for?

01-26-2007, 03:20
Ah...found an older one in my inbox from my discussion with Redleg.

Note: Names have been saved for protection reasons (all except those we were protecting)

Edit: Why will it not place it in the letter format?

Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore
Originally Posted by Redleg
Originally Posted by Lord Motep of Kendermore

Somebody but I can not get a confirmation from him right now. If you can get Sombody to commit that will be great. I also think Pannion is also going to get hit, and I am trying to arrange an additional protection party of three others to protect him.

I think I may become a doctor now...more noble profession...

I can possibly get Somebody to help on that...

I doubt that I can persuade Somebody to help.

I made a correction to my previous note - I can not get Somebodies confirmation yet on protecting Pevegreen - so I think if you got confirmation from Someone we can get that one down between the three of us.

I got Someone else's committment to be on a protection committee and with sombody and sombody else (brillant minds think alike.) committment we can have protection set up for pannonion also. (got to check the spelling on that one)

Thats good. Somebody is very certainly likely to help us. We are on very good terms.

But get Someone to help on protecting pannonion (spelled it the way you did, as I cannot spell it). I have dispatched pms to someone and to someone else to help you. I told them to contact you.

Okay its a done deal. someone, You and me protect, Pevergreen.

I will attempt to get someone, somebody, somone else, and somebody else to protect pannonion.

Hopefully three of them will commit.[/QUOTE]

I can confirm I had this discussion with Motep. I can confirm that there was a planned protection mission, and I can confirm I sent my message to Seamus. Since Motep brought up the issue, he can confirm the names.

01-26-2007, 03:25
pevergreen told me nothing about this.

I don't know why he wants to go after Sasaki (no screenshots btw) but it's obvious he thinks that Sasaki is part of another family. Revenge, possibly?

(also, my friend mentions nothing about Sasaki being anything related to a criminal)

01-26-2007, 03:30
Okay its a done deal. someone, You and me protect, Pevergreen.

I will attempt to get someone, somebody, somone else, and somebody else to protect pannonion.

Hopefully three of them will commit

I can confirm I had this discussion with Motep. I can confirm that there was a planned protection mission, and I can confirm I sent my message to Seamus. Since Motep brought up the issue, he can confirm the names.

see post 1391

01-26-2007, 03:33
Lots of posts - current vote tally so we don't have to wade to much

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 2 (The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, CountArach)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

I am really looking forward to a three way tie for a lynching..... I get to have a say.

01-26-2007, 03:40
Well. Sasaki, how would you like me to prove those PM's are real?

MRD, if you still have the PM (which is in my post already) you can post it.

Im not really in it for revenge, just blantant curiosity of why you wont say your win conditions.

Stop with the "Im a townie" you are a wolf.

The Wolf. A special role that can protect mafia from investigations, or investigate one person per night. As you yourself said.

If you want to believe sasaki's "I fooled him easily" then why does his name show up as The Wolf in my role PM from Seamus?

01-26-2007, 04:24
Lynch Sasaki I've changed my mind. Sasaki PMed me asking me if I was a townie and I showed him my Townie PM. I think he's guilty now because he refused to show me his.

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 04:32
Redleg, you left off a couple of votes:

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 2 (The Stranger, Kagemusha)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, CountArach, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

Banquo - 2 (Omanes, Pannonian)
Omanes - 2 (Kagemusha, Hughtower)
Redleg - 1 (Crazed Rabbit)
Moros - 1 (Sasaki)

I think this is funny...

MRD and GH can confirm Sasaki was working with us, As can my role PM

pevergreen told me nothing about this.

I don't know why he wants to go after Sasaki (no screenshots btw) but it's obvious he thinks that Sasaki is part of another family. Revenge, possibly?

(also, my friend mentions nothing about Sasaki being anything related to a criminal)

Crazed Rabbit

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 04:40
@pever: once again you can't answer my questions and can only say "my pm is my proof"

@Csar: I remember that you were very careless. How many other people did you reveal it too? The mafia got it somehow obviously. I didn't give you mine because I didn't trust you. I never asked you for your pm.

Are you mafia? I will not reveal your role on the thread if you are, my position is **** ***, figure that out and you will know. i am not Townie, but i am not a mafia, or don or Luca. If you are mafia please tell me.
* **** **** ** *********

That obviously stands for wise guy. But I'm townie.


Sorry about that last message, anyway, do you know any mafia contacts, I um.. may be interested in finding stuff. So do you know any mafia?!

Why do you want to find mafia?

Well i can tell you if you are mafia, if you arent I can still tell you, but froma diffrent view man its cold here,its snowing.

I do know who some wise guys and former mafia are...but I have to know, are you working for the town?


me? I am a wise guy of course, and I am working for not for the town, but I am not working for the mafia either. I wish to tell the mafia a message.

And what is that message?

Well, I could say, but then again i couldn't, I dont really not want to say it, so I will really not say it.

Unvote, Vote:Warluster

01-26-2007, 04:43
Wow, that is suspicious, but I think that either we go for the tied vote with him and Motep, or we go with just Motep, who currently has the majority votes.

01-26-2007, 04:44
lol, nice one wasnt it Sasaki, your final clinging hopes. And your going to post the next one soon as well?
This is to everyone who goes to the chat room, does everyone see me saying in some posts, 'man its cold here,its snowing.' how could that be? I live in Australia! it hasnt snowed here for years, ask pevergreen, when was the last time it snowed up here?

Anyway, I am a wise guy, not mafia! There is the proof I am not mafia! The message? there was no message! I am part of a townie protection group!


Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 3 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, CountArach, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

01-26-2007, 04:45
That is funny. Once GH died, we kind of cut contact.

GH did, however know that Sasaki is the Wolf. I sent all three of them(MRD, GH and Sasaki) a document, that was a collaberation of all the infomation we knew.

And i was contacted by a Don, (living or dead, i wont say) confirming that Sasaki works for multiple families!

Lynch Sasaki!

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 04:51
lol, nice one wasnt it Sasaki, your final clinging hopes. And your going to post the next one soon as well?
This is to everyone who goes to the chat room, does everyone see me saying in some posts, 'man its cold here,its snowing.' how could that be? I live in Australia! it hasnt snowed here for years, ask pevergreen, when was the last time it snowed up here?

Anyway, I am a wise guy, not mafia! There is the proof I am not mafia! The message? there was no message! I am part of a townie protection group!


Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 3 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, CountArach, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

Did you really think adding "its cold here, its snowing" would make people believe I forged the pm's? You were looking for a mafia family to join.

If you wanted to convince people I forged them, you shouldn't have showed up 4 minutes after I revealed the pm's to claim they were false.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 04:52
That is funny. Once GH died, we kind of cut contact.

GH did, however know that Sasaki is the Wolf. I sent all three of them(MRD, GH and Sasaki) a document, that was a collaberation of all the infomation we knew.

And i was contacted by a Don, (living or dead, i wont say) confirming that Sasaki works for multiple families!

Lynch Sasaki!

pevergreen told me nothing about this.

I don't know why he wants to go after Sasaki (no screenshots btw) but it's obvious he thinks that Sasaki is part of another family. Revenge, possibly?

(also, my friend mentions nothing about Sasaki being anything related to a criminal)


01-26-2007, 04:55
(No seriously, I have never been in the snow)
I work for a townie protection group! i am innocent, and even if those PM's were real, it proves I am NOT mafia, and I was not looking to joina family, I was looking for info for my group, and there was Nomessage, I was to make one randomly up.

01-26-2007, 04:57
@pever: once again you can't answer my questions and can only say "my pm is my proof"

@Csar: I remember that you were very careless. How many other people did you reveal it too? The mafia got it somehow obviously. I didn't give you mine because I didn't trust you. I never asked you for your pm.
Unvote, Vote:Warluster

I was careless? Your the only person I showed my PM too buddy. If I remember correctly you were the one who PMed me. Well trying to get you killed is one of my hobbies in these games :grin: jking. Not. nah I'm jking

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 05:03
I was careless? Your the only person I showed my PM too buddy. If I remember correctly you were the one who PMed me. Well trying to get you killed is one of my hobbies in these games :grin: jking. Not. nah I'm jking

I could careless if I die so here you go.

BKS sent me his pm as well iirc. Your mistake doesn't make me guilty. Here, I'll send you my townie pm, now you're guilty! :balloon2:

Csar, are you a townie in Seamus's game?

What do you think?

I think Seamus's "townies can work together" idea is doomed to fail.


Are you a townie? If you show me your PM I can believe you.

This was our correspondence. Half an hour later you sent me your townie pm. That's not refusal, that's "dinner".

01-26-2007, 05:05
BKS sent me his pm as well iirc. Your mistake doesn't make me guilty. Here, I'll send you my townie pm, now you're guilty! :balloon2:

This was our correspondence. Half an hour later you sent me your townie pm. That's not refusal, that's "dinner".

We're going to dinner? How nice. If I was guilty do you really think I would have killed myself? I haven't had any role since the Black Hand where I was a doctor. I'm so obviously guilty.:dizzy2:

Oh and like I said you contacted me not the other way around.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 05:07
We're going to dinner? How nice. If I was guilty do you really think I would have killed myself? I haven't had any role since the Black Hand where I was a doctor. I'm so obviously guilty.:dizzy2:

I don't think your guilty ~:confused:

I was pointing out the fallacy of assuming someone is guilty because you sent them your townie pm.

01-26-2007, 05:09
I don't think your guilty ~:confused:

I was pointing out the fallacy of assuming someone is guilty because you sent them your townie pm.

Meh. I think your guilty just because your Sasaki.

PS. I guess were not going to dinner anymore. :shame: :bigcry:

01-26-2007, 05:14
Did you really think adding "its cold here, its snowing" would make people believe I forged the pm's? You were looking for a mafia family to join.

If you wanted to convince people I forged them, you shouldn't have showed up 4 minutes after I revealed the pm's to claim they were false.

What day were they written Sasaki?

You are forgeting that this is Summer here in Australia...

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 05:26
What day were they written Sasaki?

You are forgeting that this is Summer here in Australia...

I posted them immediately after receiving.

I gather Warluster included the "snowing" bit so that people wouldn't believe he wrote the pm's.

01-26-2007, 05:35
He seems to be on the up and up and I feel pretty comfortable with having him as director.

vote: Sasaki
There seems to be too many accusations aimed at him for them all to be dismissed as nonsense. Further, I don't like the possibility of an unknown role with unknown victory conditions.

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 4 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, CountArach, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

01-26-2007, 05:43
Looks like I have some work cut out for me later to look at all these posts so that I can determine whom is attempting to decieve the group.

I have my assumptions now I just need to find the misdirections in the posts.

01-26-2007, 05:48
People, don't be fooled by Sasaki! He is just trying to deflect attention. If we remove him, we remove a threat.

Unvote: Motep
Vote: Sasaki
Select: Redleg

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 05:48
I think Xiahou's vote count may be off - considering Sasaki is voting for warluster, its 5 for sasaki and 2 for motep.
Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster - 1 Sasaki

Warluster, what people has your group been protecting?

Crazed Rabbit

01-26-2007, 05:53
Wow!! thats like 8 pages since I've been gone!!

I only had time to skim all the pages, I have to go to school, but it seems that Sasaki is guilty, Vote: Sasaki.

As far as director goes, Select: ByzantineKnight. (are you allowed to do that?)
I don't know who to trust, this game is crazy (awesome)!!

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 05:55
People, don't be fooled by Sasaki! He is just trying to deflect attention. If we remove him, we remove a threat.

Unvote: Motep
Vote: Sasaki
Select: Redleg

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

Look count, how can you not find Warluster suspicious?

He sends me those pm's, and then 4 minutes after i posted them he says this:

lol, nice one wasnt it Sasaki, your final clinging hopes. And your going to post the next one soon as well?
This is to everyone who goes to the chat room, does everyone see me saying in some posts, 'man its cold here,its snowing.' how could that be? I live in Australia! it hasnt snowed here for years, ask pevergreen, when was the last time it snowed up here?

Anyway, I am a wise guy, not mafia! There is the proof I am not mafia! The message? there was no message! I am part of a townie protection group!

followed by this:

(No seriously, I have never been in the snow)
I work for a townie protection group! i am innocent, and even if those PM's were real, it proves I am NOT mafia, and I was not looking to joina family, I was looking for info for my group, and there was Nomessage, I was to make one randomly up.

He is claiming he did this as part of his group, but it doesn't look like it. If he has townie group members that can vouch for him (he indicates that it was a pre made plan) then I'll unvote.

01-26-2007, 05:59
He is claiming he did this as part of his group, but it doesn't look like it. If he has townie group members that can vouch for him (he indicates that it was a pre made plan) then I'll unvote.

He has PM'd me about Protection groups, and we have set them up before night and all.

01-26-2007, 06:01
I think Xiahou's vote count may be off
Yeah, my bad. I grabbed the last tally I saw and just edited it, I apparently missed some votes in between. :shame:

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 06:01
He has PM'd me about Protection groups, and we have set them up before night and all.

He was part of a wise guy group I know. But unless some townies were in on the "pm sasaki" thing I think he was trying to find a mafia family.

01-26-2007, 06:02
He was part of a wise guy group I know. But unless some townies were in on the "pm sasaki" thing I think he was trying to find a mafia family.

Oh, sorry I thought you were talking about Protection Groups...

01-26-2007, 06:02
That is funny. Once GH died, we kind of cut contact.

GH did, however know that Sasaki is the Wolf. I sent all three of them(MRD, GH and Sasaki) a document, that was a collaberation of all the infomation we knew.

And i was contacted by a Don, (living or dead, i wont say) confirming that Sasaki works for multiple families!

Lynch Sasaki!

Inconsistencies and lies I say!

1) GH can vouch for you first.

MRD and GH can confirm Sasaki was working with us(post 1396)
But then he can't because you "Cut contact with him"
2) And then there's this. "And i was contacted by a Don, (living or dead, i wont say) confirming that Sasaki works for multiple families"
Why would you, a Don, have contact with another Don. If they knew your identity wouldn't they kill you especially with GH dead? And this also raises questions about your purpose and motivation. If you are trying to help the town by outting your last mafioso why aren't you outing our possible third and final Don? So you either have your own motives first, or are lying through your teeth. Either way I don't like it.

All things considered I have not gotten a satisfactory response from Moros about his knowledge of the names of the families. It reads to much like someone who knows holding back and pretending to know less.

Vote: Moros
Select: Banquo

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 4 (Pannonian, Sasaki, Crazed Rabbit)

01-26-2007, 06:05
Select: Banquo

Why is everyone selecting Banquo's Ghost, he rarely posts and he doesn't help the town alot, then why are we wanting him Director??

01-26-2007, 06:08
Sasaki, I am not claiming that Warluster is innocent, I am claiming that you are guilty.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 06:10
Sasaki, I am not claiming that Warluster is innocent, I am claiming that you are guilty.

And why is that? pevergreens own subordinate revealed him on his lie. I've pretty clearly shown that his case is fabricated.

01-26-2007, 06:11
And why is that? pevergreens own subordinate revealed him on his lie. I've pretty clearly shown that his case is fabricated.

You have been throwing around accusations left right and centre, after someone voted for you. Honestly, this is just ridiculous.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 06:13
You have been throwing around accusations left right and centre, after someone voted for you. Honestly, this is just ridiculous.

I've voted for two people this round.

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 06:13
Good grief man, make sure your vote tally is correct! Gah!

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)

For what it's worth, Warluster's behavior does seem suspicious.

Crazed Rabbit

01-26-2007, 06:16
Good grief man, make sure your vote tally is correct! Gah!

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)

For what it's worth, Warluster's behavior does seem suspicious.

Crazed Rabbit

You forgot me...

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 6 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)

EDIT: @Sasaki, do mods have the ability to increase PM box size without changing Member Group?

01-26-2007, 06:17
Vote: Sasaki

This is partly because I believe that even if he were originally a townie or wise guy, he would try to become mafia.

Select: Kommodus

...because I kinda want to be the director for a turn or two.

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)

EDIT: Fixed vote tally

01-26-2007, 06:22
Good grief man, make sure your vote tally is correct! Gah!
I took the one ahead of me, apologies :bow:

As to Banquo. I dunno, its a flight of fancy. Maybe if he's director he'll get drawn into the game more. Then he might say something incriminating.

There's 41 of us left. 14 dead people. 5 through and through mafia.

01-26-2007, 06:24
From : Sasaki Kojiro
To :
Date : 2007-01-26 13:24
Title : Re: CDTC (I think thats howe you spell it)Question
I do know who some wise guys and mafia are...but I have to know, are you working for the town?


that was what I received from Sasaki shortly after my PM's, Mafia contacts, where did you get them, why didnt you tell us? Tihs ones from my saved Pm's on my computer.

01-26-2007, 06:29
of course, before, I did believe Sasaki innocent, so I offered to help him, but over the several bits of Eveidence put forward, i believe Sasaki is in fact Mafia.

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 06:37
From : Sasaki Kojiro
To :
Date : 2007-01-26 13:24
Title : Re: CDTC (I think thats howe you spell it)Question
I do know who some wise guys and mafia are...but I have to know, are you working for the town?


that was what I received from Sasaki shortly after my PM's, Mafia contacts, where did you get them, why didnt you tell us? Tihs ones from my saved Pm's on my computer.

Now I know you're working for mafia. The pm said "former mafia", it's in my original post. I was trying to get you to admit you were looking for a family. Of course I know former mafia, they are revealed after death. You've put the formatting similar to when it's saved in a text file, why? Surely you haven't removed it from your pm box already? Why are you now admitting to pm'ing me when you said I'd made the pm's up before? I have news for you, no one here thinks I'm stupid enough to say that.

01-26-2007, 06:41
(OOC- I got it out of my PM box because of lack of space)
i never said I thought those PM's were fake, i never said anything like that!
And also, read the whole post, at the bottom of my post I said that it was saved to my computer!

Crazed Rabbit
01-26-2007, 06:45
From : Sasaki Kojiro
To :
Date : 2007-01-26 13:24
Title : Re: CDTC (I think thats howe you spell it)Question
I do know who some wise guys and mafia are...but I have to know, are you working for the town?


that was what I received from Sasaki shortly after my PM's, Mafia contacts, where did you get them, why didnt you tell us? Tihs ones from my saved Pm's on my computer.

The PMs you originally said were forged by Sasaki? The PM were he said 'former mafia' not just mafia?

What tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive...it seems possible we might have another mafioso.

lol, nice one wasnt it Sasaki, your final clinging hopes. And your going to post the next one soon as well?
This is to everyone who goes to the chat room, does everyone see me saying in some posts, 'man its cold here,its snowing.' how could that be? I live in Australia! it hasnt snowed here for years, ask pevergreen, when was the last time it snowed up here?
That seems to be saying the PMs are fake - or what did you mean by it?

Crazed Rabbit

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 06:50
(OOC- I got it out of my PM box because of lack of space)
i never said I thought those PM's were fake, i never said anything like that!
And also, read the whole post, at the bottom of my post I said that it was saved to my computer!

This is to everyone who goes to the chat room, does everyone see me saying in some posts, 'man its cold here,its snowing.' how could that be? I live in Australia! it hasnt snowed here for years, ask pevergreen, when was the last time it snowed up here?

You did.

01-26-2007, 06:52
Holy crap! So many pages to sift through each day! I really don't have anyone that I'm very suspicious of, but there are many possible suspects out there. It's hard to make sense of things when there is so much spamming from the Stranger. I will not vote someone for the sake of it, so I shall Vote: Abstain for this round. Also, I like Redleg as director so I Select: Redleg for director once more.

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 1 (Cowhead418)

01-26-2007, 06:53
I shall not argue anymore, i know I am innocent and there are plenty of people to prove it.

01-26-2007, 07:24
Interesting possibilities continue to present themselves. A couple of exchanges have happen that demonstrate that some are attempting to deceive us into taking a course of action that might or might not end up being correct for the town.

These posts raises some interesting issues




I have one question - Sasaki has done an execellent job of redirecting the focus on other areas and on other people but I have missed the answer to one of the questions posed in the initial exchange.


The question missed is in the exchange latter on but the answer is not clear nor is it concise. In a desire to clear up the confusion I would like to see a response concerning the allegation of the mafia role of "Wolf"

Edit: Late at night for me after working a double shift, does anyone have the running tally for the lynch and the director selection.

01-26-2007, 07:49
Vote: Abstain
Select: Redleg

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 1 (Orb)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 2 (Cowhead418), Pindar

Sasaki Kojiro
01-26-2007, 08:01
Right, I have to go to bed and have no desire to wake up lynched. I urge you all to vote for Warluster or Motep. Congratulations pevergreen, you've forced me to reveal:

01-16-2007, 16:48 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/icons/icon0.gif CDTC: Your Role

Your Role: Rogue Detective

As with any pro-townie role, your basic mode for success is to vote to lynch Mafiosi, eventually removing the mafia threat from Fatlington and creating a town win. You’re not too worried about playing by the rules, however. In the style of Mike Hammer/Sam Spade, you are more than willing to dispense justice as needed with the help of “Betsy” (your Colt Model 1911 .45 ACP, hand loaded cartridges with dum-dums and armor piercing in a 2-1 ratio—and yes you always carry a full clip and one in the tube). On odd-numbered nights you may investigate up to 2 people. On even-numbered nights, you may attempt to kill anyone whom you have learned to be “guilty” or “criminal” in your investigations. If you give up this kill option, you may investigate 1 additional person on that even-numbered night phase.

Role Changing:

At your discretion, however, this role can change. This will take time, effort, and coordination with other townies. If you:

Combine with 2 Independent Wise Guys or 1 Made/Family Wise Guy to attempt a killing. 3 successful killings and the permission of the family Don and you become a Made member of that family (losing your Rogue Detective status).

Combine with 3 other townies you can attempt to kill one target per night (after two successful hits, you will become a Wise Guy (losing your Rogue Detective status).

Combine with 2 other townies you can attempt to protect one target per night (after two successful protections, one of you may become a “Doctor “ losing your Rogue Detective status).

Creating these combinations is up to you however, and you will have to work out your own deals/contracts/arrangements for forming such a combo with the other players.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” “Investigate so-and-so” “ Kill so-and-so” “Protect so-and-so in combination with player 1, player 2…” or “kill so-and-so in combination with player 1, player 2…”

Warning: if the requisite number of townies is NOT available, the protection/kill effort will almost certainly fail. If a townie attempts a kill/protection solo, the effort will certainly fail, and there will be at least one chance in three that the townie will perish in the attempt.


You will always register as “criminal” if investigated. When investigating others, your information will be significantly delayed – but much more accurate – then a regular detective. Rather then receiving your information at the conclusion of the night phase (when the regular detective gets their answer), you will receive yours at the beginning of the 2nd DAY phase following the investigation (e.g. investigate night #1, receive answers Day #3). Your sources are great, and have access no cop could duplicate, but they move at their own pace.
When investigating others, remember that “innocents” include Townies and Dons, that “Criminal” includes some Townies as well as mafia Mades and Lucas. “Guilty” includes Mades and Wise Guys on the night of a kill as well as any Townie who has been involved in a killing. When you’ve identified a “guilty” target you may (60% if Made/Luca, 80% if Wise Guy, 100% if Townie) get additional evidence about other crimes or other data as well.

Special Note: You have one chance in 10 on each investigation to learn the exact role of the player investigated as well as the “normal” detective information above. This chance drops to 1 in 20 for identifying the Dons.

Getting Recruited:

What if a Mafioso seeks to recruit you? You can respond as you wish to such an offer. Your “shady” past will let you function as a Wise Guy at need. If recruited by a townie group, you can function as a normal townie – and sometimes use your special function as well. Beware – participation in either of these approaches has the potential to alter your role as noted above.

Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12

Private Message: N1 Investigation Results https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-20-2007, 23:05 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/icons/icon0.gif N1 Investigation Results

Beirut: Criminal, Made Gangster (Tataglia)
Banquo's Ghost: Innocent.


Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/sendpm.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&u=13105) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/forward.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&forward=1&pmid=141136) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/reply_small.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&pmid=141136) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/top.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=141136#top)

Private Message: N2 Investigation Results https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-23-2007, 12:29 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/icons/icon0.gif N2 Investigation Results

Luigi: Innocent

Moderator stuff.

Please append to info thread as per usual.

Having PM problem.

Here's what my box reads:

Welcome, Seamus Fermanagh.
You last visited: Today at 10:49
Private Messages: Unread 65534, Total 77.

Can you assist? I'll save what I need no later than 1300 EST.

Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/sendpm.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&u=13105) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/forward.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&forward=1&pmid=142891) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/reply_small.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&pmid=142891) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/top.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=142891#top)

Private Message: N3 Investigation Results https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/post_old.gif Yesterday, 14:33 https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif Seamus Fermanagh (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105) vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Praefectus Fabricum
Senior Member

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/avatars/rtw/Bar_dip/Barbarian_diplomat_004.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/member.php?u=13105)

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: The USA's historic triangle.
Posts: 2,284

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/icons/icon0.gif N3 Investigation Results

Dutch_guy: Innocent

doc_bean: Innocent

Please forward the summary sheet as appropriate, thanks.

Let me bring you all things refined:
Galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
Greetings, well-met fellow; hail!
-- Ian Anderson

When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide.
-- Proverbs 29:12

https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/statusicon/user_offline.gif https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/sendpm.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&u=13105) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/forward.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&forward=1&pmid=144436) https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/images/sdojo/buttons/reply_small.gif (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/private.php?do=newpm&pmid=144436)

Omanes Alexandrapolites
01-26-2007, 09:21
That is dangerously realistic. What is wrong with a simple copy and paste job? Why all the validity?

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 09:42
Warluster was in the killing group with me and before that he served in a protection group with me...

Hey, pevergreen, just to let you know it's not in your best interest to vote me. I know your not the detective now, so I figure you're mafia. Well I have one of the special roles, I can protect your subordinates from cop investigation. How about we work together?


Originally Posted by Seamus Fermanagh
Your Role: Don Corleone

You are the boss of a crime family, and your goal is to take over Fatlington and become the Capo de Tutti Capi (Captain of Captains). To do this, you will need to eliminate all of the other Dons and establish a crime family that outnumbers the remaining Mafiosi and citizens of the town.

Powers and Limitations:

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

You will almost always appear innocent in investigations because, normally, the Don makes no moves him/herself – that’s what your family members are for!

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

If you have no other family members left, you may perform one of the following once per night: a) attempt to kill one target, or b) attempt to investigate two other citizens. Your investigation will parallel those of a made and help you identify further possible recruits.

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington – The Wolf. Though not a member of your family, this person can provide unusually effective protection once in a while making it easier for your Family to achieve success and harder for detectives to track you. This is not without a price however, as you then owe The Wolf a favor which he/she can collect when they see fit and which you MUST honor, unless it would involve attacking a member of your own family.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” OR if solo “kill so-and-so” or “investigate so and so”


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

The Wolf = Sasaki Kojiro

C'mon sasaki... you couldnt just have GUESSED that role existed... YOU KNEW... HOW!!!


01-26-2007, 09:43
I still do not trust you Sasaki, however I do not change my vote.
Like someone would make that up :laugh4::laugh4::laugh4::laugh4:

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 09:46
Sasaki Youre No Rogue Detective You Lying *******************

That's Not How Rogue Detective Results Look Like!!!!!!!!

You Got That Post From Someone Else, Don't Believe Him....

I'll Post A Sample Of A Rogue Detective's Investigations...

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 09:50
:shame: :P... that's how rogue detective investigations look like :sweatdrop:

but... you're still no rogue...

How did you know about The Wolf character...?

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 09:59
Now, I have to say, do NOT reveal me to the rest of the group, they may be mafia, because i have done a little trick, I have contacted pevergreen, and if he is mafia, I can get into the mafia, where I can give the group INSIDE info on them, no body suspects me so the plan is easy, plus I should do it because pevergreen knows you have accused him, so I'll stay low, get in to the mafia, give you inside info on who there attacking, and who they are, like it? But DONT TELL ANYONE!]

oke. but you should contact someone else maybe... Pevergreen is about to die and hell rat on you to save his life. Contact someone else hear me. Also hes about to die so he cant help you that much.

after that he probably contacted Sasaki

01-26-2007, 10:03
Why is The Stranger still alive?
He is obviously a rouge player and we can't have that. Member of a killing group? Off with his head!!

Vote: The Stranger

I see the director job is up for grabs again..

Select: Sasaki

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 10:14
Lynch Tally
Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 2 (Orb, Sigurd)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 2 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 2 (Cowhead418), Pindar
Director Tally

Well, Well, Sigurd... Here to save Sasaki?

01-26-2007, 10:19
Hmm Sasaki's reveal does look real, the writing style looks similar to that of Seamus. And the lay out of the PM match that of the townie PM. Forging always remains a possibility, but it seems sincere, to me at least...

...I'm voting Motep, Sasaki is too valuable a player to lynch.

Tally, including Sigurd's addition:* TS beat me to it*

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 2 (Orb, Sigurd)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 3 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 2 (Cowhead418), Pindar

Also, having some sort of investigator at the head of things is a good thing, hence:
Select: Sasaki[/B].


01-26-2007, 10:19
Talking about The Stranger, allow me to quote myself:

And don't you go editing this post 1327:

I have the info of Krazilec form BKS, the info on Beirut from the detective. SO I guess I wasn't clear in my last post.

BKS and Sasaki (he got me connected with BKS, to be clear he's not he detective, just someone who knew about bks and linkd me trough) told me about this and can confirm this. Just like I can confirm that sasaki is pro town.
And Doc_bean, he will. So if he's still alive by then we'll now the awser next day (or is it the day after?) anyway we'll know it.

Compare the above to this:

The Stranger's case against Sasaki (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402117&postcount=1298)

TheStranger and Moros called themselves repeatedly "a team".

I say Moros was too quick and posted his typo before rereading. Now he comes with some cheap explanation like: "we are a team, but we disagree". And you post your disagreements freely in this thread? I can't believe that you are so stupid. We have some more of this jokes in this game: remember Kralizecs error which got Beirut killed?

But hey, I'm just an idiot, or should I say a Moro(s)n, so maybe somebody else can explain this very Strange contradictions to the town?

Edit: puns intended :)

The town never got an answer to this: your pm to me and my (much better then yours) translation (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1400088&postcount=1101)

Add to that his annoying spamming to make valuable information "disappear". I most say, I never thought about that tactic... It's one that suits him very well :grin:

01-26-2007, 10:21
Well, Well, Sigurd... Here to save Sasaki?

Yes.. I can't let my Luca die now can I ? Who will be there to protect me when he is gone?

01-26-2007, 10:29
I always wondered TS, you seemed to have valuable information about Don pevergreen and Wolf Sasaki Kojiro.

Why did you post it after pevergreen died? Is it because there is no harm in giving away information about your deceased Don? Our Don is dead, might as well bring up some evidence against him to make us look innocent??

If you are not lying, Sasaki is a powerful character serving the mafia. Why did you keep that information for you just 'til now?

I don't understand this.

What I would understand is this: you leak information about your already dead Don (thnx to useful information af Big Bad Andres whom you needed to kill so bady) to make you look pro-townie + the accusations of Sasaki are based on fake evidence.

Why would a Don (pevergreen) play pro town? This is too illogical to be true.

01-26-2007, 10:51
Why would i play pro-town? Because me entire family is dead.

The Corelones are dead. We are no more.

Hey, pevergreen, just to let you know it's not in your best interest to vote me. I know your not the detective now, so I figure you're mafia. Well I have one of the special roles, I can protect your subordinates from cop investigation. How about we work together?


I know your not the detective now, so I figure you're mafia.

That intrigues me. When i logged in the morning of Day 1 (I woke up around 4 hours after the game started, the game started around 3 am) I had 3-5 pms.

1 was my role pm
1 was from sasaki... within ten minutes of the role pm's being sent
1 was from MRD or GH saying "Hello my don"etc
1-2 were from random people asking if i was townie.

The One from Sasaki..from memory

(Not exact wording)

"Hello Don Corlone, I am your wolf.

I can protect your luca and made from investigations, making them appear innocent, allowing you to pass unnoticed" and more random stuff.

But then after he knows im a don...i believe i told him that i deleted my day 1 pm's, and after that he never reffered to me as a don... Clearing himself.

Why would TS not put any of his infomation foward? Because i only gave it to him an hour or so before he posts it.

The chat were i revealed i was don and who my family members were was about 8 hours before i got lynched.

01-26-2007, 12:03
Let me just chime in with all the other people here, oggling at the huge number of posts generated by this game. But with four kills last night seems like the game's heating up. There really is just too much evidence and counter-evidence floating around to sift through it all and find out the forgery and missteps.

One thing that has been bothering me about Sasaki and no one has been commenting on was his vote on Moros. He did not give a reason for it at all, quite to the contrary he wrote the following in post 1349.

I know Moros is innocent. I believe TS to be as well, or at least I will once he admits he's been bamboozled by pevergreen.

(Emphasis added by me)

Then he suddenly changes his vote, which indicated clear Mafia behaviour to me and I was all set to jump on the Sasaki bandwagon that had formed. However his reveal looks very genuine to me. He posted everything he's got, how it should be done. Of course Sasaki as a player is experienced enough to pull off such a thing, but there's enough suspects that are as dangerous as Sasaki.

I'm gonna go with Motep just because of the evidence piled against him.

Vote: Motep
Select: Redleg

Don't know where that "Sasaki for Director" is coming from, but the only thing that will help him from getting lynched is changing votes. Ask Beirut how much his Director role helped him once the Mob arrived. :beam:

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 12:17
@Andres, but also the rest,

This must clear me for now.

When a mafia makes a kill, they leave a sign (hence the white glove) just check this, it's a part of the Don Role.

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

I can prove that Moros, Warluster, Someone Else and I killed Andres.

Kill AndresTheCunning: Succes!

Each one of you is credited with one kill. Remember when investigated Townies will show "guilty"

Now, read the Narrative. Did our kill show a "signature"? Then we are not part of a family, though we could be Pro-Mafia... But I tried to lynch Pevergreen long before you guys... I killed Andres because he tried to set up a Mafia...

Would I really be Pro-Mafia?

01-26-2007, 12:21
I call Krailzec. If Krail says that he was in contact with Sasaki, then that proves Sasaki is criminal.

I also call the Living Don to the stand, same conditions. Reveal yourself :laugh2:

01-26-2007, 12:22
Just a quick note, that I don't support this self-justice system by The Stranger and his friends. If you have good reasons to kill someone get him lynched and offer us your evidence. The whole self-justice thing is just wide open to abuse and I will not trust it, nor will I ever count it in your favour when I have to consider whether you're pro-Town or pro-Mafia.



The Stranger
01-26-2007, 12:32
Here ya go Pever, Evidence that he contacted Kralizec.

I told him some story about us working together and he went for it. I'm trying the same thing on Kralizec so don't post this in thread. Sent this to Ichigo days ago to show him pever was guilty.



Originally Posted by Seamus Fermanagh
Your Role: Don Corleone

You are the boss of a crime family, and your goal is to take over Fatlington and become the Capo de Tutti Capi (Captain of Captains). To do this, you will need to eliminate all of the other Dons and establish a crime family that outnumbers the remaining Mafiosi and citizens of the town.

Powers and Limitations:

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

You will almost always appear innocent in investigations because, normally, the Don makes no moves him/herself – that’s what your family members are for!

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

If you have no other family members left, you may perform one of the following once per night: a) attempt to kill one target, or b) attempt to investigate two other citizens. Your investigation will parallel those of a made and help you identify further possible recruits.

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington – The Wolf. Though not a member of your family, this person can provide unusually effective protection once in a while making it easier for your Family to achieve success and harder for detectives to track you. This is not without a price however, as you then owe The Wolf a favor which he/she can collect when they see fit and which you MUST honor, unless it would involve attacking a member of your own family.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” OR if solo “kill so-and-so” or “investigate so and so”


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

The Wolf = Sasaki Kojiro

C'mon sasaki... you couldnt just have GUESSED that role existed... YOU KNEW... HOW!!!


01-26-2007, 12:34
That proves it to me.

But Krailzec still needs to say it himself.

01-26-2007, 12:36
Just a quick note, that I don't support this self-justice system by The Stranger and his friends. If you have good reasons to kill someone get him lynched and offer us your evidence. The whole self-justice thing is just wide open to abuse and I will not trust it, nor will I ever count it in your favour when I have to consider whether you're pro-Town or pro-Mafia.


For one thing, it messes up detective investigations.

Investigation: Criminal
Excuse: I'm a wise guy

Investigation: Guilty
Excuse: I was part of the group that killed MRD/GH/Andres, etc.

Investigation: Innocent
Interjection: Ha! That means you're a Don!

What TS and co are doing may be coincidentally useful to the town, but on a logical level it harms the town's chances, as it means no amount of reasoning and discussion can work due to the massive foul up in the townie system provided by the rules. If TS wanted Andres dead, all he had to do was wait a few rounds and he'd have been inevitably lynched given the bandwagon against him. Instead, he's gang-killed the easy lynch target but left the difficult one alone until I took the lead against Sasaki. For that reason, TS and the other members of successful night-kill groups must die, if only to clear the system for the detectives and FBI agent. Therefore I call on The_Stranger to reveal who the successful night-kill mobs are - we don't need the unsuccessful ones since they won't affect detective investigations - so we can eliminate them from the system.

However, I'm still gunning for Motep next round, as I think his behaviour is classically mafia, and a strong suspect ranks above a rogue townie mob on my lynch list.

01-26-2007, 12:37
C'mon sasaki... you couldnt just have GUESSED that role existed... YOU KNEW... HOW!!!



I don't recall Sasaki mentioning the special "Wolf" role...

He only reveald himself as "a rogue detective". He never used the term "Wolf". You were the first to use that word in this thread.


01-26-2007, 12:49
No, Sasaki said it to me in a PM.

If Sasaki manages to bluff his way out, he deserves to win.

01-26-2007, 12:50
The Role PM looks real, but I still think Sasaki should die, he seems to be taking the "Dark" side of his role...

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 13:02

Hey, pevergreen, just to let you know it's not in your best interest to vote me. I know your not the detective now, so I figure you're mafia. Well I have one of the special roles, I can protect your subordinates from cop investigation. How about we work together?


check that part... check this

ou, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington – The Wolf. Though not a member of your family, this person can provide unusually effective protection once in a while making it easier for your Family to achieve success and harder for detectives to track you. This is not without a price however, as you then owe The Wolf a favor which he/she can collect when they see fit and which you MUST honor, unless it would involve attacking a member of your own family.

Awefully Awkward he just made up that he can protect mafia players, isn't it?
Check is rogue RolePM, it doesn't say anything about protecting mafia.

And more, he's not the rogue, someone else is... I know who... and I'm stunned that one is still helping Sasaki... I won't be naming names or make accusations but he should really PM me and explain that...

01-26-2007, 13:06
And more, he's not the rogue, someone else is... I know who... and I'm stunned that one is still helping Sasaki... I won't be naming names or make accusations but he should really PM me and explain that...

Could you PM me your sources, you seem to be the only person who knows what is going on...

Are you a special role that knows who everyone is and is holding back on the mafia for unknown reasons?

01-26-2007, 13:16
No, im just feeding him infomation, and i get a lot...Or i did.

01-26-2007, 13:18
Could you PM me your sources, you seem to be the only person who knows what is going on...

Are you a special role that knows who everyone is and is holding back on the mafia for unknown reasons?
He's a teenager getting off on having the power of life and death over others, with no chance of arbitration or even a fair trial. By forming night-kill mobs, he has the power to inflict death on others. By only using private networks that he's keeping from the public, he manages to convince people he has overwhelming evidence against this individual or that, and since there is little evidence (apart from his conversations wth pevergreen, a known scum), there is nothing the defendant can reasonably refute. In so doing, he has provided a perfect hiding place for any mafia who may have managed to insinuate themselves into his gang, rendering the pro-town roles of detective and FBI agent useless.

The_Stranger must die, along with his murdering buddies, so the pro-town roles can have a clear field of sight again.

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 13:21

Who was it again... oh yeah... a few days ago even more people had to die...

Pevergreen, Moros, Sasaki, I (TS) and Motep... but atleast I have proof against my victims and most people i have accused turned out to be Mafia... most if not all...

01-26-2007, 13:35

Who was it again... oh yeah... a few days ago even more people had to die...

Pevergreen, Moros, Sasaki, I (TS) and Motep... but atleast I have proof against my victims and most people i have accused turned out to be Mafia... most if not all...
But what you are doing is nullifying the abilities of the detectives and other similar pro-town roles, and providing perfect cover for mafia whom you can vouch for, even if you don't think they are. If one of them has joined one of your successful murder groups, he'll have an alibi for the rest of the game. He can just carry on killing, this time on his own account as a mafioso, and investigation results of "Guilty" can always be shrugged off as a townie who was part of your group. For this reason you should name your fellow successful vigilantes, along with the successful targets so we can check them off, so we can eliminate this possible cover for the mafia.

If you're wondering if I'm mafia looking to knock off a few more townies, note that in the past I've analysed the rules of Mafia games, and come up with viable Mafia strategies and thereby townie counter-strategies. The Wrath of God event was a result of one of my musings, along with other proven anti-mafia strategies that have since made GH's games notoriously difficult for the mafia to win. Go through the logic of this and you'll see I'm right. Your strategy renders logic, discussion, and the game's rules redundant for the town. You may feel good about having this power, but it is arbitrary, and all too open to abuse as I've shown. Even if you don't abuse it, others will. So do the town a favour and name your gangs.

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 13:43
What you did in other mafia games is irrelevant... you could just got a mafia role or a special role... I was Townie last game is not argument...

I've already named 2 of my fellow killers... I wont name the other one but If he wants to step forward and tell the world he killed Andres, i have no problem with that, its his call...

I'm aware of that, that mafia can hide in my group, therefor I've carefully assembled my group... I have proof that 2 out of 3 (not including me) are innocent (not anymore :P) and pro-town townies... one is presumably a wiseguy so I cant really say whether he is or will become a mafia but for now I'd bet a whole lot for it that he is Pro-Town...

I have contact with a detective... a rogue detective... so I'll be getting info on those 2 quite soon... since a rogue detective gets great info though it takes a while... within 1-2 turns I can confirm without a doubt that my group houses no mafia.

01-26-2007, 13:50
What you did in other mafia games is irrelevant... you could just got a mafia role or a special role... I was Townie last game is not argument...

I've already named 2 of my fellow killers... I wont name the other one but If he wants to step forward and tell the world he killed Andres, i have no problem with that, its his call...

I'm aware of that, that mafia can hide in my group, therefor I've carefully assembled my group... I have proof that 2 out of 3 (not including me) are innocent (not anymore :P) and pro-town townies... one is presumably a wiseguy so I cant really say whether he is or will become a mafia but for now I'd bet a whole lot for it that he is Pro-Town...

I have contact with a detective... a rogue detective... so I'll be getting info on those 2 quite soon... since a rogue detective gets great info though it takes a while... within 1-2 turns I can confirm without a doubt that my group houses no mafia.
All we have on this is your word, backed up by your gang of vigilantes who may or may not be mafia in disguise. My strategies and counter-strategies have had a successful track record in previous Mafia games, proving my reasoning to be sound. If people doubt the reasoning I've put forth, they can go through it themselves and decide without recourse to unnamed outside sources whether or not I'm right.

Don't say you've named this and that. I'm not asking you to give a detailed explanation of this and that that will take half an hour to write. All I'm asking for is a simple, clear list of successful night-kills and the gang composition for each. Something like the following will do.

Victim (TosaInu) - Martok, Mithrandir, Ser Clegane, Dariush
Victim (The_Don) - Martok, Frogbeastegg, Epistolary Richard, Ser Clegane

01-26-2007, 14:12
Arrgh too much information to dig through :wall:

Cannot dig through all this properly, to make a vote that I feel comfort with.

Vote: Abstain
Select: Redleg

What I can say is that if Sasaki gets lynched and proves to be a dective, then the_Stranger should certainly end up lynched.

The admitted mob kill is also a bit annoying as it covers pro-mafia members quite well (Pannonian covers that part more throughly than me), so Moros and Warluster (a detective Sasaki case would even increase the suspicion) is added on the suspicion list.

Feel free to add more analysises on suspicious people, like Motep.

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 2 (Orb, Sigurd)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 3 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 3 (Cowhead418, Pindar, Ironside)

Anybody willing to set up the selection list again? It seems to have been lost a while back in here.

The Stranger
01-26-2007, 14:39
Ive only killed one person

Victim AndresTheCunning: TS, Moros, Warluster and Someone Else (If he wants to step forward, he may choose to do so... I wont name him)

01-26-2007, 14:54
Well frankly I don't trust pevergreen at this point because of the duplicity he was attempting earlier.

The Stranger could be pro-town but the desire to have others committ murder because of his information, leads me to conclude he is also not being honest about his role, or his information. That he has correctly help identify several mafia players helps me ignore his inconsistent thread messages, and his attempt at having me murder someone on his say so, but it does not remove my suspecion (SP) of his actual role. I have asked him a direct question via PM that he has refused to answer, only a vague attempt at misdirection.

Sasaki could or could not be telling the truth. His information is consistent in the thread, and the PM evidence that is being posted can easily be made up. Sasaki has made several correct calls concerning the individuals that we have lynched and has done more visibly in this thread to bring the mafia players to our attention then most others

Pannonian has posted enough evidence in this discussion to condemn himself as one of the mafia, but seems to be ignored for the most part.
"It will expose me to the danger of lynching because it to incriminate me, but what is more interesting is what the source tries to hide or inadvertently reveals."

So what we have to do before the voting cycle is to determine who is telling the truth and who is indeed lying. What I have seen so far is that all four have committed deciet of one type or another. Pevergreen was indeed mafia so we know that his deciet was for a mafia win. The Stranger has been using deciet, using crypted and vague posts and PM, for a role that he claims to be for a town victory, but when asked direct questions he avoids answering. Sasaki falls into that same catergory but his answers are more concise in nature. Pannonian if one is to believe his post has self-condemned himself with the nature of his post as mafia in a desire to have Sasaki lynched. Whom to trust, whom to not.

Frankly I don't trust The Stranger because of his actions. I don't trust Pevergreen because of his actions. That leaves Pannonian and Sasaki, and Pannonian has confessed in all but name to being a pro-mafia member. And frankly because of that - its hard to discount his information but it could be a desperate tactic by the last family to remove a player that has provided a lot of information to others.

Basically I distrust those who have proven themselves to be decietful to me, of the four people mentioned only Sasaki has not attempted in one shape or form to be decietful to me via PM, can the others claim such, only Pannonian comes close and he has self-confessed to being part of the criminal element in an earlier post alreadly linked in my previous post.

01-26-2007, 15:19
I'll echo some of the other's frustrations on keeping up with this gargantuan thread. How the The Stranger has stayed alive throughout all his muck raking is a bit surprising, tho. For the reasons Pan has pointed out, I think he needs to go. He's making it all around difficult for any conclusive detective work, and when the pool of players alive is whittled down even further, this should hamstring the town at this rate.

Sasaki's PM looks legit to me, and Warluster's slip up and TS flittering all over the place are enough for me to doubt their cases against him.

Vote: TS
Select: Redleg

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 7 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight, Kommodus)
The Stranger - 3 (Orb, Sigurd, Prole)
Pannionian - 1 (Motep)
Motep - 3 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 3 (Cowhead418, Pindar, Ironside)

01-26-2007, 15:20
Wait, are we in the voting round yet? I thought it was night


01-26-2007, 15:31
Its Day.

Wow. I never realised how good Sasaki is at this! :bow: I bow to you, master of deception.

Pann is scared...and he should be...White Glove mafia know all....or so they say. Bah Pah and Gah i say!

Yes i was deceitful. But it was kind of pointless once my family members died, and Sasaki defected to Pannonian, who i now know not to be a Mafia don, just conntected/wanted by them.

The Stranger has been doing a lot of weird stuff, but most of the infomation is true. Ive given some of it, and he has given some of it.

He wont even tell me what his role is "Plain Townie my ass"

Who Will win? At this point in time, two people hold the infomation key. One isnt named and the other is me.

But I'm dead, and discredited. You want town to win? Vote Sasaki. You want Sasaki to stay alive? then watch out as he rips everyone around him to get his win condition. Which he still wont tell me :laugh4:

Night all.

01-26-2007, 15:32
Unvote: Sasaki
Vote: Pannonian

For now; however, I'm going to revisit this later on.

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 6 (The Stranger, Kagemusha,Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight)
The Stranger - 3 (Orb, Sigurd, Prole)
Pannionian - 2 (Motep, Kommodus)
Motep - 3 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 3 (Cowhead418, Pindar, Ironside)

01-26-2007, 15:34
I say we create a tie between Sasaki and The Stranger and let the boys come clean. And show up their sources.

Unvote Sasaki and Vote Stranger

Vote Count:

Proletariat - 2 (Omanes, HughTower)
doc bean - 1 (Moros)
Sasaki - 5 (The Stranger, Warluster, Xiahou, CountArach, ByzantineKnight)
The Stranger - 4 (Orb, Sigurd, Prole, Kagemusha,)
Pannionian - 2 (Motep, Kommodus)
Motep - 3 (Pannonian, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch)
Warluster- 1 (Sasaki)
Abstain - 3 (Cowhead418, Pindar, Ironside)

01-26-2007, 15:41
For reaons mentioned by me and others and looking at the scarce 'evidence' against Motep again, I will change my vote and go with The Stranger instead.
I'd rather see him die for now than Sasaki. The Stranger has posted so much in this thread that he's too difficult to judge for most people.

Thanks also for Redleg for his quite conclusive post. With so much information around it's good when someone takes his time and tries to sum up some of the happenings a little bit.

Unvote: Motep
Vote: The Stranger

And for all people, now flustered by my change of vote. I voted Motep after speed-reading eight to ten pages, because his actions struck me as odd. Also the information against most main suspects did not add up for me. I did not want Sasaki to be lynched so I chose someone who already had some case built against him.
Now The Stranger seems a better target for this strategy though, as many people have made valid points against him. Also he proved to have killed someone, who might have just been a townie, after my initial vote, damning him in my eyes.

01-26-2007, 15:56
Pannonian has posted enough evidence in this discussion to condemn himself as one of the mafia, but seems to be ignored for the most part.
"It will expose me to the danger of lynching because it to incriminate me, but what is more interesting is what the source tries to hide or inadvertently reveals."

Erm, if you read the post and TS' reply through, you'll find the incriminating parts refer to the msn conversations between The Stranger and pevergreen, evidence you explicitly distrust. If you don't believe me, copy and paste the relevant text from post #1298 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402117&postcount=1298) into notepad, and weed out the following phrases.

omfg thread hijack FTW
Tour of Honesty - So, you were there untill the time you left? Is that right?

Once you've done that, you'll see pevergreen naming me as a Don, and being angry at Sasaki for offering to work for me instead of him, having announced so in a PM. A PM which I haven't seen, which means either Sasaki lied to him about it, or pevergreen made it up. You decide.

Personally, it wouldn't hrt me to see Sasaki lynched since, as I've explained before, he's too dangerous to leave as a possible mafioso. As you can read for yourself in Mafia V's writeups, and in Sigurd's comment on liveplay on the 1st page of Graffiti Mafia, or Banquo for that matter in M5, Sasaki latches on to anyone who has the audacity to accuse him, making people wary of upsetting him even if he happened to be Mafia. Now in this game it was I who took the lead, or took point as you might say. I'm less convinced now than I was about Sasaki, since I'm even more doubtful of the veracity of pevergreen's claims, but I'll switch the vote should it ever become close, for the reasons above.

So what we have to do before the voting cycle is to determine who is telling the truth and who is indeed lying. What I have seen so far is that all four have committed deciet of one type or another. Pevergreen was indeed mafia so we know that his deciet was for a mafia win. The Stranger has been using deciet, using crypted and vague posts and PM, for a role that he claims to be for a town victory, but when asked direct questions he avoids answering. Sasaki falls into that same catergory but his answers are more concise in nature. Pannonian if one is to believe his post has self-condemned himself with the nature of his post as mafia in a desire to have Sasaki lynched. Whom to trust, whom to not.

As I've commented to HughTower before, there are contradictions in your accusations. If you accept the truth of pevergreen's claims, then I am a Don and Sasaki was now working for me as he stated. If so, why would I draw attention to Sasaki and accuse him of being a *** *** pro-mafia role? Note that the evidence was gone from the forum before I posted it again, thanks to pevergreen's editing out of the original post. As I've asked before, look at my behaviour patterns. Are they more believable from a pro-town or pro-mafia POV? I've virtually written up my life story in this thread, so people who suspect me of lying or deceiving can go to the many names I've mentioned and check for themselves. Has anyone actually taken the trouble to do so?

Frankly I don't trust The Stranger because of his actions. I don't trust Pevergreen because of his actions. That leaves Pannonian and Sasaki, and Pannonian has confessed in all but name to being a pro-mafia member. And frankly because of that - its hard to discount his information but it could be a desperate tactic by the last family to remove a player that has provided a lot of information to others.

Basically I distrust those who have proven themselves to be decietful to me, of the four people mentioned only Sasaki has not attempted in one shape or form to be decietful to me via PM, can the others claim such, only Pannonian comes close and he has self-confessed to being part of the criminal element in an earlier post alreadly linked in my previous post.

I have sent 2 in-game PMs to you. The first was a reminder to you and Jimbob to notify the others once you've sent the protection orders for N3 so we can't hide should it fail and pevergreen was killed. The second was to you only, asking if you had heard any news from Jimbob, since I received a confirmatory PM from you but not from him. If you don't trust me, ask Jimbob yourself, and ask him for full details of any previous conversations we had. I believe you are a cop, or at least have some experience with cops, so you'll know how difficult it is to maintain a lie when there are multiple witnesses to interrogate. I've provided some names, surely at least some of whom you trust, so why don't you interrogate them?

01-26-2007, 16:19
Erm, if you read the post and TS' reply through, you'll find the incriminating parts refer to the msn conversations between The Stranger and pevergreen, evidence you explicitly distrust. If you don't believe me, copy and paste the relevant text from post #1298 (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1402117&postcount=1298) into notepad, and weed out the following phrases.

Its not the point of believe what you state or not. Its a matter of attempting to find the correct information. You made a statement, I looked at the statement. The line quote could refer to multiple things - you left it open to how I interpate the information given. In other words you chose of words lead me to conclude that you were incriminating yourself. Ie look at what you actually stated in the sentence.

""It will expose me to the danger of lynching because it to incriminate me, but what is more interesting is what the source tries to hide or inadvertently reveals.""

Danger of lynching implies that the townies should view you as a possible mafia role, which is exactly the point I brought up.

Once you've done that, you'll see pevergreen naming me as a Don, and being angry at Sasaki for offering to work for me instead of him, having announced so in a PM. A PM which I haven't seen, which means either Sasaki lied to him about it, or pevergreen made it up. You decide.

A concise explanation is better then the post that you first referenced. Your statement alreadly quoted is what cast you in as a suspect.

Personally, it wouldn't hrt me to see Sasaki lynched since, as I've explained before, he's too dangerous to leave as a possible mafioso. As you can read for yourself in Mafia V's writeups, and in Sigurd's comment on liveplay on the 1st page of Graffiti Mafia, or Banquo for that matter in M5, Sasaki latches on to anyone who has the audacity to accuse him, making people wary of upsetting him even if he happened to be Mafia. Now in this game it was I who took the lead, or took point as you might say. I'm less convinced now than I was about Sasaki, since I'm even more doubtful of the veracity of pevergreen's claims, but I'll switch the vote should it ever become close, for the reasons above.

Previous games have no bearing on me in this game. When I believe Sasaki is a better candidate for a lynch I will pursue that course. Right Now I don't.

As I've commented to HughTower before, there are contradictions in your accusations. If you accept the truth of pevergreen's claims, then I am a Don and Sasaki was now working for me as he stated. If so, why would I draw attention to Sasaki and accuse him of being a *** *** pro-mafia role? Note that the evidence was gone from the forum before I posted it again, thanks to pevergreen's editing out of the original post. As I've asked before, look at my behaviour patterns. Are they more believable from a pro-town or pro-mafia POV? I've virtually written up my life story in this thread, so people who suspect me of lying or deceiving can go to the many names I've mentioned and check for themselves. Has anyone actually taken the trouble to do so?

HughTower also believe the message the Major Dump tried to pull off. One that was easily proven incorrect when the results came back that he was made. You might want to go back and read what I have claimed, very few accusation made, most have been directed at the attempts by General Handercheif post and Andres PM message. I normally avoid making accusations, I normally focus on trying to sum up what has been stated. One accusation has been made by myself and that was pointed at Andres. SO your response here doesn't really face the facts of reality if you attempting what I think your attempting. If your telling the truth - good, if not then you will be discovered out. One of the game detectives can easily investigate and determine what role you might have or not.

I have sent 2 in-game PMs to you. The first was a reminder to you and Jimbob to notify the others once you've sent the protection orders for N3 so we can't hide should it fail and pevergreen was killed. The second was to you only, asking if you had heard any news from Jimbob, since I received a confirmatory PM from you but not from him. If you don't trust me, ask Jimbob yourself, and ask him for full details of any previous conversations we had. I believe you are a cop, or at least have some experience with cops, so you'll know how difficult it is to maintain a lie when there are multiple witnesses to interrogate. I've provided some names, surely at least some of whom you trust, so why don't you interrogate them?

Oh its rather easy - look for inconsistency in the stories. Which is exactly what I pointed out in my last post. The Stranger has a lot of inconsistency in his posts, they are vague, misleading and cyrptic, and he also refuses to answer direct questions. Now Pevergreen showed the same inconsistent messages in the night and day phase before his lynching. And if you paid close attention to the last sentence I also clearly stated that "Basically I distrust those who have proven themselves to be decietful to me, of the four people mentioned only Sasaki has not attempted in one shape or form to be decietful to me via PM, can the others claim such, only Pannonian comes close and he has self-confessed to being part of the criminal element in an earlier post alreadly linked in my previous post." The problem you presented was the self-confession of incriminating yourself, that draws attention to what you have stated. Focus on removing that incrimination has you attempted in the first paragraph and you can probably explain better what your intent was from that post.

Seamus Fermanagh
01-26-2007, 16:41
The Current Tallies:


Sasaki Kojiro = 5 (ByzantineKinght, CountArach, The Stranger, Warluster, Xiahou)

The Stranger = 4 (Ituralde, Kagemusha, Orb, Sigurd Fafnesbane)

Lord Motep of Kendermore = 3 (Crazed Rabbit, Dutch_Guy, Pannonian)

Abstain = 3 (Pindar)

Doc_Bean = 1 (Moros)

Moros = 1 (JimBob)

Pannonian = 1 (Kommodus)

Proletariat = 1 (Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot)

Warluster = 1 (Sasaki Kojiro)

No Vote = 21 (Alexander the Pretty Good, Banquo’s Ghost, Big King Sanctaphrax, Destroyer of Hope, Doc_Bean, Drisos, Hepcat, Ignoramus, Luigi VI di Fatlington, MarcusBrutus, Masy, Lord Motep of Kendermore, Papewaio, Peasant Phill, Redleg [director], Reenk Roink, theRTWGuru, Tom_Hagen, Ultrawar, Xdeathfire, Zalmoxis)


Redleg = 8 (CountArach, Cowhead418, Ironside, Ituralde, Pindar, Proletariat, Redleg, Xiahou)

Banquo’s Ghost = 3 (JimBob, Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot, Pannonian)

Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot = 2 (HughTower, Kagemusha)

Sasaki Kojiro = 2 (Dutch_Guy, Sigurd Fafnesbane)

ByzantineKnight = 1 (ByzantineKinght

Kommodus = 1 (Kommodus)

Moros = 1 (Sasaki Kojiro)

No Selection = 25 (Alexander the Pretty Good, Banquo’s Ghost, Big King Sanctaphrax, Crazed Rabbit, Destroyer of Hope, Doc_Bean, Drisos, Hepcat, Ignoramus, Luigi VI di Fatlington, MarcusBrutus, Masy, Moros, Lord Motep of Kendermore, Orb, Papewaio, Peasant Phill, Reenk Roink, The Stranger, theRTWGuru, Tom_Hagen, Ultrawar, Warluster, Xdeathfire, Zalmoxis)

Please correct me if you find these to be off.

01-26-2007, 16:46
You got my selection for Redleg, but missed my lynch vote on The Stranger.

Think this is accurate now..

Sasaki Kojiro = 5 (ByzantineKinght, CountArach, The Stranger, Warluster, Xiahou)

The Stranger = 5 (Ituralde, Kagemusha, Orb, Sigurd Fafnesbane, Proletariat)

Lord Motep of Kendermore = 3 (Crazed Rabbit, Dutch_Guy, Pannonian)

Abstain = 3 (Pindar)

Doc_Bean = 1 (Moros)

Moros = 1 (JimBob)

Pannonian = 1 (Kommodus)

Proletariat = 1 (Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot)

Warluster = 1 (Sasaki Kojiro)

01-26-2007, 16:47
How long before night fall ?

Seamus Fermanagh
01-26-2007, 16:56
Votes/Selections close at 1400 EST oh servant of the machine cult. I believe that's 1900 GMT.

01-26-2007, 17:43
Are you guys stupid or something? Why would you want to waste a detective? Perhaps you five are the mafia? I mean, that pm is as real as it gets. Do you understand now, why I didn't agree with TS? Because I was the only one who knew sasaki was a detective.

damn it!

I'll just have to vote for you TS as I can't allow a detective to be killed.
vote: The Stranger.
select: sasaki

Edit: I really don't get you guys. Clearly a lot of you have bad intentions. Suspecting the ones who have been the most active off getting rid of mafia and than you go for the detective. Bloody hell, Sasaki is the detective and you want him to be killed. Together with TS? You guys are mad or the only active pmayers left appear to be mafia. Jeezzz.

01-26-2007, 17:47
@Jimbob; aboiut that pm you sended me asking how I knew. Read the thread, I got my info from Sasaki and BKS. BKS and Sasaki verified.

01-26-2007, 17:47
Are you guys stupid or something? Why would you want to waste a detective? Perhaps you five are the mafia? I mean, that pm is as real as it gets. Do you understand now, why I didn't agree with TS? Because I was the only one who knew sasaki was a detective.

damn it!

I'll just have to vote for you TS as I can't allow a detective to be killed.
vote: The Stranger.
select: sasaki

Edit: I really don't get you guys. Clearly a lot of you have bad intentions. Suspecting the ones who have been the most active off getting rid of mafia and than you go for the detective. Bloody hell, Sasaki is the detective and you want him to be killed. Together with TS? You guys are mad or the only active pmayers left appear to be mafia. Jeezzz.

Is Sasaki YOUR detective ?

01-26-2007, 17:51
Is Sasaki YOUR detective ?
YEs! He got the information I was talking about, about Beirut being tagatalia (or how was it written again?). He was the one. So stop trying to lynch him or TS. If you want a mafia, pannonian or motep are the town's best chances.

So lets vote motep, so w can save a known pro-towner and a DETECTIVE! for a perhaps mafia.

Sasaki Kojiro = 5 (ByzantineKinght, CountArach, The Stranger, Warluster, Xiahou)
The Stranger = 5 (Ituralde, Kagemusha, Orb, Sigurd Fafnesbane, Proletariat)
Lord Motep of Kendermore = 4 (Crazed Rabbit, Dutch_Guy, Pannonian, moros)
Abstain = 1 (Pindar)
Moros = 1 (JimBob)
Pannonian = 1 (Kommodus)
Proletariat = 1 (Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot)

Warluster = 1 (Sasaki Kojiro)

Louis VI the Fat
01-26-2007, 17:53
I also call the Living Don to the stand, same conditions. Reveal yourself :laugh2:Sorry Pevergreen, you're not going to like this:

I am not the living 'white glove' don I told you I was. I was fishing for information about your last remaining henchmen. Here's our latest PM exchange for those interested:

I can not reveal myself in the thread of course. That's suicide. But if you send me the names of your old mates / some wiseguys looking for a mafia position that you know of, I will provide some damning evidence against Sasaki in the thread.

Then we both have what we wanti hope they lynch TS, just for the fun of it.

You have to admit, my death was so uber.


My contacts were

[Edited out by Luigi VI]

Sasaki: Death..
Just on Sasaki, did you have him as a wolf? Or did he just pm you saying stuff. Cause i got that he was pro Mafia in my role pm from seamus.

If you can get a group to, kill TS and Sasaki. Then rape/pillage Pannonian. What did he do/whats his killer role?
The Stranger has been taken for a ride by Pevergreen. I wonder how TS feels now that he reads Pever wants him dead? :laugh4:

Here ya go Pever, Evidence that he contacted Kralizec.

I told him some story about us working together and he went for it. I'm trying the same thing on Kralizec so don't post this in thread. Sent this to Ichigo days ago to show him pever was guilty.


Originally Posted by Seamus Fermanagh
Your Role: Don Corleone

You are the boss of a crime family, and your goal is to take over Fatlington and become the Capo de Tutti Capi (Captain of Captains). To do this, you will need to eliminate all of the other Dons and establish a crime family that outnumbers the remaining Mafiosi and citizens of the town.

Powers and Limitations:

Your death is part of the victory conditions for the other Dons, and will also severely limit your families chance of success as creating a new Don is time-consuming.

You will almost always appear innocent in investigations because, normally, the Don makes no moves him/herself – that’s what your family members are for!

You will choose some “signature” component that will feature in all of your family’s killings. This may be a consistent method, a symbol or calling card, or some other distinctive characteristic – but it must be used in each killing without exception. You must notify me of this characteristic with your first nighttime PM.

If you have no other family members left, you may perform one of the following once per night: a) attempt to kill one target, or b) attempt to investigate two other citizens. Your investigation will parallel those of a made and help you identify further possible recruits.

You, and only you from your family, are aware of a special “friend” of the Mafiosi of Fatlington – The Wolf. Though not a member of your family, this person can provide unusually effective protection once in a while making it easier for your Family to achieve success and harder for detectives to track you. This is not without a price however, as you then owe The Wolf a favor which he/she can collect when they see fit and which you MUST honor, unless it would involve attacking a member of your own family.


Each night you are still alive, PM me with instructions for your actions that night. These may be:

“Get some sleep” OR if solo “kill so-and-so” or “investigate so and so”


If investigated by a Detective or by a Made Gangster, you will almost certainly be discovered to be “innocent.” You will only register as “criminal” or “guilty” if you have personally participated in a killing.

Corleone Luca = GeneralHankerchief

Corleone Made = Major Robert Dump

The Wolf = Sasaki Kojiro

C'mon sasaki... you couldnt just have GUESSED that role existed... YOU KNEW... HOW!!!

No, Sasaki said it to me in a PM.

If Sasaki manages to bluff his way out, he deserves to win.Either the Stranger or Pevergreen is lying here. Either Pevergreen was send this role description with Sasaki's alleged role, or he was informed of it through PM by Sasaki.

Also, ask yourself this question, whom do you believe: A killed Don (Pevergreen), or the one that brought him down (Sasaki)? Now, even if Sasaki is 'the wolf' of the Corleones, then their Don, Luca and Made are already dead. They're neutralized. No point in lynching Sasaki.

Here's what I know:

I can confirm everything Pannonian and Sasaki said in the thread.

Sasaki made Pevergreen believe he had a special role. Pevergreen has been deceived by Sasaki. This is what brought Pevergreen down, now he wants revenge. The Stranger received his information about Sasaki from Pevergreen, and thought it was for real. The Stranger has been deceived by Pevergreen.
I witnessed it happen, and have seen PMs of it.

Moros and TS can't be mafia, at least not yet. We may agree or not with their killing of Andres, but no white glove means they're not mafia.

Meanwhile, this white glove family has gained in strength, and is much stronger than we expected. We should get a list of all the players who are still active, minus the ones who are not participating anymore. Then we kill off all the lurkers, who are no doubt having a ball at right now at this spectacle of an inter-townie tussle.

I don't think either TS, Pannonian or Sasaki are good candidates for a lynch.

Select: Redleg

Vote: Motep

(Just to try and get him to level with TS and Sasaki)

Sasaki Kojiro = 5 (ByzantineKinght, CountArach, The Stranger, Warluster, Xiahou)

The Stranger = 5 (Ituralde, Kagemusha, Orb, Sigurd Fafnesbane, Proletariat)

Lord Motep of Kendermore = 4 (Luigi VI di Fatlington, Crazed Rabbit, Dutch_Guy, Pannonian)

Abstain = 3 (Pindar)

Doc_Bean = 1 (Moros)

Moros = 1 (JimBob)

Pannonian = 1 (Kommodus)

Proletariat = 1 (Omanes Alexandropalites the Idiot)

Warluster = 1 (Sasaki Kojiro)