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01-27-2007, 18:03

Do you think the ESRB and other Rating System actually help partents make better chocies? Do you think they actually a good idea, or just waste of time?

01-27-2007, 18:48
Not sure if this should be in the Arena, but oh well.

I have no problem with them, and yes they are useful as a general guide to how suitable a game's content is for children.

01-27-2007, 19:29
My parents doesnt check that.
Its useless

01-27-2007, 20:25
They allow society to blame the parents for getting their children violent games everytime those scream for censorship.

01-27-2007, 20:40
I think it's good. It's taken awhile for parents to catch on to the rating system, but it now seems to be helping. I now regularly see parents checking the ratings of games before they buy them. Of course, there are still irresponsible parents out there- but that can't be helped.

01-28-2007, 04:07
So,me being almost 15 years old, some of you may say people liek Me or Caius for example should have our partents check the ratings, though we at that Age of Knowning What is Right and What is Wrong?

To Me, Being over 18 really doesn't make you exempt from trying to act like your character in Grand Theif Auto. I read stories of how both underage 16 year old kids, and 24 year old adults took sniper postions on a bridge, and snipe off a person or two.

Ratings are for partents who want to watch their young kids. I will say, My mom check the ratings for my games from when i was 7 or 8, till I was about 11, then she stop. Why? When I hit 12, I started to do Rated M games, but I know it was jsut a game, and should not try to do that stuff in Real Life. Period.

Like I said, it's for partents who don't want their young kids to view that stuff,which isn't anything wrong with that,but when you hit a certain age, the Rating system,like Caius said, Is useless..

01-28-2007, 04:29
lol, my parents used to care, but then when I was like 12, I was just like, "Oh yeah, I'm old enough mum, it's alright really."

01-28-2007, 11:06
Like I said, it's for partents who don't want their young kids to view that stuff,which isn't anything wrong with that,but when you hit a certain age, the Rating system,like Caius said, Is useless..

Some parents feel the need to monitor/control their kids behaviour until their 18 (and over...), be glad your parents aren't like that, and be glad that those controlling parents can look at M ratings instead of demanding a boycott against every violent game their 15y old wants to play.

01-28-2007, 11:41
I don't personally don't bother with the ESRB my parents do, but they don't stop buying them, there just very curious, I think the ratings are usually exagerated and so do parents,particually my dad... 15+ for RA2:Yuri's Revenge! What the ****, there isnt even BLOOD!!!

01-28-2007, 14:43
Well, I think those ratings do make sense.
My parents usually wanted to know about the violence in a game and had a look at the rating before buying me a game. When I was young, I wasn't really interested in the violence and I still don't install bloodpatches usually(ok, in Mafia the blood was useful to see whether you hit at all, but that was more of a gameplay concern).

I do think it takes a lot more than computer games to make people or kids kill anyone but it's a factor we can at least try to limit. And since I have seen guys enjoy killing pedestrians and seeing blood on a Playstation in GTA I can understand why some people are concerned. I'm not that against violence in the media myself but watching some kids cheer as they massacre virtual innocent people can be a bit scary.
Not long ago we had two 16 and 17 year-olds(I think) who watched some manga or anime, then took a girl hostage and killed two people in their home just to see how that would feel in reality. I'm not saying we should ban anything, but I think some serious thought about who can deal with what cannot really hurt anyone and parents whop control their kids usually do it because they love them. I remember hearing the opposite of love is not caring at all.


01-28-2007, 15:57
SWAT 3 is rated M, +15
And I used to play when i was 12.
My parents doesnt know what is that.
and I did not act like a SWAT team unit.
Well, I have to confess, i talked like one, but nothing more like that.

And something more, in all the cybers kids of all ages plays GTA:Vice City.Its bloody