View Full Version : Bladestorm

Leet Eriksson
02-25-2007, 03:29
Because it needs more ripping apart ~:)


The official website. This will be made available for the Playstation 3, and rumored for the Xbox 360, the director is known to have taken extreme liberty with the history portion of his games, and thus we get masterpeices like the Kessen series and the Dynasty Warriors game.


The above link are the characters, which include a french king with a funny hat and a really creepy looking Gilles De Rais.

Also check out the Troops section on the main website, Britain and France aren't content with duking it out with their own troops, they bring on diverse troops from the whole world (and possibly from space and time), such as arab camel riders, samurai warriors, roman legionnaires, chinese fire lancers and mongol horse archers, and if thats not enough, you'll also have to deal with vikings, elephants and landsknechts.

I would love to hear your comments guys, so let er rip ~D