View Full Version : Persistant Roma CTD in 180BC-ish

03-10-2007, 18:54
I have a CTD during the AI turn which I cant seem to get past. Sometimes I can get it past another turn, but I have now had about a dozen CTDs in a row.
I am playing with 0.81, but I dont really wish to move to 0.81a as I have spent ages getting to where I am now.

I am playing with BI.exe, and have installed the rebel city hotfix in the hope that would help (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=80268).

here is my savegame: http://www.axifile.com?3976588

03-10-2007, 19:49
The game works fine for me, I loaded up twice, both times playing for 4 turns. I had no ctd, so I wont be able to help you out.

03-10-2007, 23:28
It gets wierder.
I managed to get past the CTD, but now I can recruit rorarii everywhere. I mean everywhere, even places I have just conquered, which have no barracks. And I have had the Marian reforms, so I shouldnt be able to recruit them at all. It is very strange.
I just had another CTD, but I hope it isnt a persistant one... I really dont want to lose this game, as it is becoming very interesting. Bactria, Macedon and Armenia have carved up Seleucia between them, and are still allies even though they are interlocking. I dont fancy the Ptolies chances, as I think they may be turned on next, and I am attacking them in the rear, and am one city short of Alexandria.
In europe I have taken the Casse as a protectorate, and have managed to get them to go to war with the Sweboz, which is easing my struggle up there.
Hopefully the game will continue to run *fingers crossed*

03-10-2007, 23:43
The rorarii are added as recruitable from the governor's palace. This is what the fix is, because at least one unit must be recruitable when the city rebels or the game crashes. In 0.81a we've restricted the palace recruitment to settlements which will be able to rebel to a given faction. Fallen's fix gave recruitment across the board though, and that's what you see. Understandably, as it's pretty much impossible to manually edit the recruitment availability in EB.

Of course you spent ages getting to where you are when you insist on wading through CTDs that can be avoided by playing 0.81a :clown:!

03-10-2007, 23:48
Ah, but I have been playing this game for about a month now (including a solid week when I was on holiday). The CTDs only started in earnest today.
By the time the 0.81a patch came out I was well into my third wave of expansion (following the marian reforms). Playing through the early game again is not something I want to do again until v1.0...
I play a slow game. Each turn takes me between half an hour to a couple of hours, depending how many battles there are.

03-11-2007, 00:13
What version are you playing?
Did you continue a campaign you started in one version in a different version?

03-11-2007, 00:23
0.81 with BI. The only change I have made was to add fallen's anti-CTD fix.
I started this campaign the moment 0.81 came out, and have been playing it ever since. I am holding off on installing 0.81a until I finish this campaign.

03-11-2007, 02:32
It happens during the AI's turn? Who's turn does it happen on?
Do you know if there is a certain settlement that is trying to rebel?