View Full Version : France preview #1

03-11-2007, 08:00
Hi all,

This thread is for the first preview of the Faction of France.

All unit info here is done by Aldaceleb.

French Kingdom Preview #1

The French were eager for more land, there rulers always dreamed of new lands to conquer. The Kingdom of France had always been poor, the Peasents always revolted, while the leaders sta in luxury in there Geat Palaces.
French colonization of the Americas began in the 16th century, and continued as France established a colonial empire in the 17th century. Major French colonies were located in Canada and the Mississippi River Valley, along the Gulf coast in what is today Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, on the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and St. Lucie, and at French Guiana in South America. Most colonies were developed to export products such as fish, sugar, and furs.

As they colonized the New World, the French founded cities such as Quebec and Montreal in Canada, and Detroit, Michigan, St. Louis, Missouri, Mobile, Alabama, Biloxi, Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and New Orleans, Louisiana in the United States.


Positon of French Kingdom
It has many options, its people are calm, they have no troubles for now with First Nation Tribes. the only worries they withhold is the Peasents at home, who seem to be restless. And The British, there natraul enemies. They will be a easy faction, but all who deal in America, shall one day have troubles of other nations to deal with.

A Preview of Several units(Done by Aldaceleb)

French Settlers

First French settlers were not very skilled in warfare nor agriculture. Noticing that any troops without muskets were no match for Iroquois warriors, only the ones with muskets were called to arms. French Settlers are still only a bunch of undisciplined rabble with guns, no match for native warriors.(Historically, French were very weak until 1665 when they got regular troops to punish Iroquois raiders and more settlers to secure better population growth. 1650-1680)

French Explorers:
These men are hardy explorers and frontersmen. They know a lot about Idian warfare and have already adopted some elements of native warfare. French Explorers are the backbone of French frontier defence before 1665.(This unit is a troop comprised of more educated settlers and frontiersmen. 1650-1680)

Canadian Frontiersmen:
Unlike most militia units, Canadian Frontiersmen are quite disciplined. They are men who have spent most of their life in wilderness, and have adopted completely forest-warfare tactics and weaponry of the natives. They are skilled marksmen with musket, but can also hold their ground in melee with tomahawks. Fighting in loose skirmish line, Canadian Frontiersmen can be horribly effective when fighting in forests.(?1680-1750? and ?1750-?. Later timeframe is for newer unit with better equipment, maybe rifles?)

All unit info done by Aldaceleb

more to come, now all we wait for is the coming of Mod Tools!

03-17-2007, 02:36
your spoiler button wont pop open when I click it but I like the info you have up so far

03-17-2007, 02:54
Its nothing big, jsut a map of French territory.

Thanks for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated!

03-17-2007, 03:11
Very nice. I have studied Canadian history a lot, so I can help you. You may want to add Coureur des bois, as a skirmisher unit or something.


Mind you, the main reason the French founded cities in areas of Louisiana was because the English kicked them out of the Maritime Provinces, and shipped them all to southern USA.

You may want to add in some First Nation Levies or Allies as well for units.

Please, do not call the First Nations people Indians, it is very untrue, and I do not like it at all. People who reside in India are Indians. I would appreciate it if you called them First Nations, at least in public previews. If you want it to be as correct to the time period as possible, you can call them Indians.

The only reason they are called Indians is because Colombus though he discovered India, while in reality, it wasn't.


03-17-2007, 03:37
Thanks again, I changed the name 'Indian' to First Nation.

We do ahve some other untis whcih Alaceleb thought up of, which I did not post, a sI am leaving them for next time!

And from what i've read, didn't Columbus think he discovered Japan or something?

Couruer des bois hey? ( SOunds liek Cure The Boss)
i will think on that one,

And once again, thansk for feedback!

Boyar Son
06-02-2007, 06:38
And from what i've read, didn't Columbus think he discovered Japan or something?

He thought he discovered india, which was his gaol. thus we Noth Americans call native american "indians".

07-02-2007, 16:59
Coureur des bois are the French explorers you mentioned in the preview. It'd be redundant to have both the French explorers and Coureur des bois, as they are the same thing. They went everywhere in canoes, traded furs with the Indians (or Native Americans or First Nations, whatever we want to call them), and sometimes even went to live with them. Usually they travelled down a river as far as they could go, then took the canoes and portaged (ie, carried them) to the next river. Helped explore most of Canada and started the economy with the fur trade. Their military usage would be mainly as scouts, so in the game, I'd add all the special stuff that the Indian units can do (hiding, etc) to these units.

Not sure about Canadian frontiersmen, but they sound alot like these explorers as well. I'd essentially have one unit type of the settlers (women often took up muskets to defend themselves as well, not sure how you'd put that into the game though) who are the main force, and then the explorers/frontiersmen who are useful both as scouts and can be very effective in defending. These two would probably form the main force until later, although if you wanted, you could add in Jesuit priests (they had Christian priests in RTW: BI...), or some sort of native convert unit that are Christian natives. The Hurons were one tribe in which many converted to Christianity and fought for the French, while the Iroquois were the main ally of the English, so you instead of generic tribal levies for both, you could have Huron units available to the French and Iroquois for the English.

07-15-2007, 17:14
Here's also some info on the French regulars (sent in 1665).
