View Full Version : Horse breeders

03-27-2007, 01:06

I'm experimenting with adding guilds as resources to certain regions to increase their occurence in the game.
However, the one guild I seem to be having problems with is the horse breeders' guild.

In the export_descr_guilds file, it is referenced as horse_breeders_guild
In the descr_regions file, all other guilds are referenced as they appear in the export_descr_guilds file, but adding horse_breeders_guild as a resource to any region will return in the error log:

00:50:24.875 [script.err] [error] Script Error in data/world/maps/base/descr_regions.txt, at line 200, column 32
Unrecognised: 'horse_breeders_guild' as a region resource class (or hidden resource)
00:50:24.875 [script.err] [error] Script Error in data/world/maps/base/descr_regions.txt, at line 290, column 55
Unrecognised: 'horse_breeders_guild' as a region resource class (or hidden resource)

What is the proper reference that should be used for this specific guild or is it inherently broken?

03-27-2007, 12:36
Have you added in horse_breeders_guild as a hidden resource in export_descr_buildings.txt?

03-27-2007, 13:15
Actually, no I have not. I have to eh?
Thanks for the tip :)