View Full Version : Macedonian Campaign and questions

~Isabella of Castile~
04-09-2007, 21:08
hey, I've started a Macedonian Campaign on R:TW, using the mod Roma Surrectum (it's so addictingly fun, kudos to the creators) and I've found it quite easy to beat the Eastern factions like Pontus, Armenia, and Parthia, is there any specific game related reason for that? or is just me? :o also, I've destroyed the Greek Allaince in the balkans, and the nearby islands, as their other cities have fallen to others (Romans, Carthaginians) and I've already swept through Armenia, Pontus, Pergamum, and half of the Seleucid Empire, I'm also fighting the Ptolemaic Empire too. (wow, neo-Alexander much?) but getting to my point. is it just that the Macedonian units are better than the other faction's I'm fighting/fought, or do I have some skill? :o. and finally my last question so far is: how do you take screenshots?... :sweatdrop:

04-09-2007, 21:16
A couple things. A question concerning RS should go in the RS forums.:beam:

I assuming patch 8 is what you are playing, because patch 10 is being workedon internally. It was quite apparent in patch 8 that money could come quite easily, especially for factions like Macedon which are in the Greek home area. Things were also not as balanced.

To take a screen use Fraps, or press the PRT SCR button, and then paste into MS Paint. The screen should also be saved into the TGA folder of the RTW, meaning you don't have to paste into MS Paint. I would suggest using fraps though.


WarLord of the East
04-10-2007, 14:08
it may be from versıon besıde your skıll:laugh4: but ıf you managed to not to get engaged the brutii and juli it will be very easy (i say most ımportant thing ıs your skıll but there may be some other factors:beam: )
the computer ıs not usıng the cav archers effectıve and always comes wıth armıes full of eastern ınfantry. also does not train archers to much (whıch are the arc enemy of phalanax )then pontus and armenıa becomes easy targets
agaınst selucıds the thıngs are balanced as long as they do not come wıth elephants
but the computer acts strangely at the battle fıeld lıke sendıng hıs charıots ın front of phalanaxes or sendıng all but 1-2 troops head to head wıth phalanax

greeks are the most dıffıcult target at early ı thınk because they come up wıth armored hoplıtes quıckly and they always beat phalaxes especıally leavy pıkes even from the front (except royal pıkeman a combo of hoplıte phalanax) ıf you dont have archers( the creatans are the savıors )fıghtıng wıth greeks becomes very dıffıcult usıng your 2 macedon heavy cav also helps very much
about the unıts macedon are sımılar to the selucıds wıth two major dıfferrence
royal pıkeman the best phalanax and selucıds have the elephants (ı dont use sılver legıons much sınce they come too late) and charıots just because of the startıng posıtıon macedons seems better .
ın my opınıon at the battle fıeld ı say that pontus are better than macedon
ıf ı were the computer ı wont be beaten by macedon so easy( of course your skıll mıght make slight dıfference :beam: )

LuckyDog Trojan
04-10-2007, 22:17
Isabella: I still play R:TW vanilla straight from the box. So, I don't know if my question applies - but does Roma Surrectum have difficulty selection settings like in R:TW? And if so, what levels are you playing on?

Also, as Warlord of the East suggested, maybe you're just a brilliant field general. Managed correctly, phalanxes can be awfully tough.

04-10-2007, 23:40
it may be from versıon besıde your skıll:laugh4: but ıf you managed to not to get engaged the brutii and juli it will be very easy (i say most ımportant thing ıs your skıll but there may be some other factors:beam: )
the computer ıs not usıng the cav archers effectıve and always comes wıth armıes full of eastern ınfantry. also does not train archers to much (whıch are the arc enemy of phalanax )then pontus and armenıa becomes easy targets
agaınst selucıds the thıngs are balanced as long as they do not come wıth elephants
but the computer acts strangely at the battle fıeld lıke sendıng hıs charıots ın front of phalanaxes or sendıng all but 1-2 troops head to head wıth phalanax

greeks are the most dıffıcult target at early ı thınk because they come up wıth armored hoplıtes quıckly and they always beat phalaxes especıally leavy pıkes even from the front (except royal pıkeman a combo of hoplıte phalanax) ıf you dont have archers( the creatans are the savıors )fıghtıng wıth greeks becomes very dıffıcult usıng your 2 macedon heavy cav also helps very much
about the unıts macedon are sımılar to the selucıds wıth two major dıfferrence
royal pıkeman the best phalanax and selucıds have the elephants (ı dont use sılver legıons much sınce they come too late) and charıots just because of the startıng posıtıon macedons seems better .
ın my opınıon at the battle fıeld ı say that pontus are better than macedon
ıf ı were the computer ı wont be beaten by macedon so easy( of course your skıll mıght make slight dıfference :beam: )

The game differs slightly in Roma Surrectum, because it there are new units. There are no Julii or Brutii, just Rome.

but does Roma Surrectum have difficulty selection settings like in R:TW? And if so, what levels are you playing on?

Every mod is based on RTW, and it's engine. You cannot take out the difficulty selection settings. If you can, it would take a lot of work. and I mean a lot.

@ Isabella

Just wait for Patch 10.:beam:


~Isabella of Castile~
04-11-2007, 16:47
Isabella: I still play R:TW vanilla straight from the box. So, I don't know if my question applies - but does Roma Surrectum have difficulty selection settings like in R:TW? And if so, what levels are you playing on?
hard :D, I think that the factions I've fought are bad, which might be part of it

A couple things. A question concerning RS should go in the RS forums.
if it's another site, no I've got too many forums to attend to already.

To take a screen use Fraps, or press the PRT SCR button, and then paste into MS Paint. The screen should also be saved into the TGA folder of the RTW, meaning you don't have to paste into MS Paint. I would suggest using fraps though. and ty :D

LuckyDog Trojan
04-11-2007, 19:07
hard :D, I think that the factions I've fought are bad, which might be part of it

if it's another site, no I've got too many forums to attend to already.

and ty :D

Agreed in that it might be good tactics on your part combined with the AI not making good & proper use of the eastern factions against a phalanx-based army. I say this because I know that an eastern faction (ala Parthia) can pose serious challenges for phalanx/hoplite based armies. Parthia's heavy reliance on horse archers (HA's) can actually wreak havoc on units in phalanx formation. Having played a Parthian campaign before, my HA's would simply chew up or often severly weaken their units as they approached my main battle line. Quite fun actually to see multiple routs before the two forces became engaged in close combat.

See how your campaign continues to play out. If some faction doesn't pose some challenge by the end-game, play it again on VH/H or VH/VH or switch to a different faction.

At any rate, have fun!

~Isabella of Castile~
04-11-2007, 21:31
yeah, I hope to get some screens up soon...

04-11-2007, 21:37
Well, there are Roma Surrectum boards here in the Hosted Mod section.

~Isabella of Castile~
04-11-2007, 23:33
if anyone here is interested in seeing a screenshot of my campaign, it'll be a little while, because while taking a city the game just quit. so I'll have to go back and do it again later, once I do I'll post screens