View Full Version : The age of Arsaces

06-07-2007, 13:58
When the game starts, the faction leader of the Pahlava, Arsaces is 60 years old. Is that really correct? Historically, he died 211 BCE, so that means that he would be about 120 years old when he died. This seems highly improbable. His year of birth might be unknown, but isn't there any more probable year than 332 BCE?

06-07-2007, 14:02
It seems to me that all of the faction leaders stat older than 50, with a few exceptions. (like the Casse)

Teleklos Archelaou
06-07-2007, 14:09
I've heard something is wrong with that before too - we should get TPC to take a look at it again. I think it was set up before he joined the team, but even if it is correct now we need a little answer for a historical FAQ type thing since I've seen the question before.

06-07-2007, 15:40
I've read similar information while I was creating the Pahlava faction for EBCIV. Although it should be pointed out that there is some conjecture as to when he died. According to some historians he was killed in around 250 bce, however it is correct that most modern historians believe he ruled until 211 bce.

The Persian Cataphract
06-07-2007, 15:45
We're in the midst of adjusting Pahlavân authentic names foremostly, however there is a dilemma regarding Arsaces, and Arsaces' father who was also called Arsaces, that needs to be sorted out first. Then of course who becomes heir is another issue since Arsaces and his brother Tiridates seemed to have participated in a joint rule. There are many issues with the numismatic evidence currently in our hands, but as it is currently in-game is obviously not the final output.