View Full Version : Observation - New Kingdoms video - Teutonic campaign

06-13-2007, 18:03
Get it here (http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=2528&id=11407).:2thumbsup:

The features sound very, very interesting IMO, the castles are quite beautiful and I hope they will put those new teutonic knights into the main campaign.:2thumbsup:

However, there is a unit shown toward the end, about which I'd like to hear the opinion of our historical acurracy experts, I think you'll know which unit I mean after watching the trailer.:laugh4:

06-13-2007, 19:11
Thanks for posting !
I'm having some trouble D/L ing from this site.
Can someone post a direct link or another site please ?

06-13-2007, 19:15
Try filefront

06-13-2007, 19:24
Tried a search, did'nt find anything on filefront. Do you have a link ?

06-13-2007, 19:25
Err use the OP's link, then use mirror 2 US. That ones links to filefront.

06-13-2007, 19:26
Got it:

Thanks !

06-13-2007, 19:36
The features sound very, very interesting IMO, the castles are quite beautiful and I hope they will put those new teutonic knights into the main campaign

I wholeheartedly agree. One way or another (modders ho!) I am sure they'll wind up in the regular campaign. :laugh4:

06-13-2007, 19:48
EXCELLENT preview.

I can't wait to see the Americas preview.... GERONIMO !!!

06-13-2007, 19:50
What was more or less interesting was seeing "Konisberg" which really should be "Konigsberg" "Königsberg" or "Kaliningrad"

06-13-2007, 20:15
The Americas campaign is actually the one I think will work least well. The tuetonic and holy land ones look amazingly promising though.

06-13-2007, 20:34

Looks amazing! Also, I really like the sound of the Kalmar Union and Hanseatic League features...

Also, is there another campaign video already out? It said Chapter 2 of 4???

06-13-2007, 20:36
Also, is there another campaign video already out? It said Chapter 2 of 4???

Yes - a very informative English campaign video.

06-13-2007, 20:40
I checked the TW site and googled it, but I can't find the English video anywhere. :embarassed:

Also, sorry about the :hijacked:

06-13-2007, 20:42
Its the Britannia campaign video.

06-13-2007, 20:47
Thanks, found it, downloading it now.

I suppose I shouldn't be really, watching all these gameplay videos makes it even more painful waiting for my new PC to arrive so I can play M2TW.

06-13-2007, 20:56
I checked the TW site and googled it, but I can't find the English video anywhere. It is available at IGN (http://media.pc.ign.com/media/897/897232/vids_1.html). (That "sort threads by number of replies" feature on this forum is rather useful.)

EDIT: I see you already found it.

06-13-2007, 21:04
I'll download and look at them when I get home. In the mean time - do we know yet if Kingdoms will require DirectX 10?

I am in the process of making a buy decision on a new video card and, that will influence the decision ;)

06-13-2007, 21:06
I can't wait to chop up some crusaders. 8]
Seems like Lithuania gets heavier gunpowder artillery even when pagan. What use are shiny helmets when you're hit by a cannon ball?
Lithuania is cool.
But Wales is even cooler.


06-13-2007, 21:12
I'll download and look at them when I get home. In the mean time - do we know yet if Kingdoms will require DirectX 10?

I seriously doubt Kingdoms will have changed specs from M2.

06-13-2007, 21:20
What was more or less interesting was seeing "Konisberg" which really should be "Konigsberg" "Königsberg" or "Kaliningrad"
From what I seen it looked like Konigsberg, should be Koenigsberg if not Königsberg though.

I can't wait to chop up some crusaders. 8]
I cannot wait to convert you lousy pagans. :yes:


06-13-2007, 22:27
Has there been any word on when the patch for expansion is coming out? It obviously won't be ready to play when it's released, so it would be nice of CA to post the release date that actually matters.

King of Kings
06-13-2007, 22:33
Has the crusades one of these come out yet?

Monsieur Alphonse
06-13-2007, 22:33
It is Konisberg. I hope they will fix that. Awesome video. Nice new fireworks :verycool:

06-13-2007, 22:36
What was more or less interesting was seeing "Konisberg" which really should be "Konigsberg" "Königsberg" or "Kaliningrad"
I'm pretty sure we will correctly translate that to Königsberg.:2thumbsup:

But I'm still unsure about the nature of that barrel-throwing catabuchet that's shown in the end? Looks like some sort of clusterfire artillery or so, I mean, did these things exist? While it does look doable, I've never heard of such a weapon before and it looks a bit too devastating for my tasteI(then again, it's a trailer, they're always made a bit more spectacular).

Oh, and I like the nobles who come over for a crusading holiday from all over the world who you then have to protect or kill, depending on which faction you play.

06-14-2007, 02:24
Fantastic video, as usual!

At the point where they're talking about the "Order's awesome red brick castles...", I think I can see a new piece of siege equipment. It looks like some sort of movable mantle for protecting against missile fire.

Fun stuff.

As for the firework-thingy, I'm with Husar. I've never heard of the like. That's okay, though, it looks fun in night battles. ^_^

Yun Dog
06-14-2007, 03:32
fireworks??? flamethrowers, wtf?? , and some skins (castles and units), some new maps - same flawed strategic, tactical game, unit balance = play once per campaign

sorry just cant get excited about RTW/M2TW with slightly diffferent clothes

mutton dressed as lamb - is still mutton :yes:

06-14-2007, 03:50
Medieval airburst shells ? Gotta love that :)

I must say I'm more queasy about those Teutonic helmets, with the horns and crests and all... weren't those more like ornamental and useless or even dangerous to wear in battle ? I mean it's one thing to ride into battle with a fearsome hat, and another to have you neck snapped off because said hat happened to get snagged in a banner or enemy spear :/

I also wonder wether the different campaigns specificities will make it in the game à la VI. T'would be nice to have the Hanseatic League in a grand campaign for example. Same goes for the permanent forts of the English campaign.

06-14-2007, 04:01
Medieval airburst shells ? Gotta love that :)

I must say I'm more queasy about those Teutonic helmets, with the horns and crests and all... weren't those more like ornamental and useless or even dangerous to wear in battle ? I mean it's one thing to ride into battle with a fearsome hat, and another to have you neck snapped off because said hat happened to get snagged in a banner or enemy spear :/

I also wonder wether the different campaigns specificities will make it in the game à la VI. T'would be nice to have the Hanseatic League in a grand campaign for example. Same goes for the permanent forts of the English campaign.

It's an art style of portraying the knights.

I am looking foward to playing as the tutonic order.

06-14-2007, 04:03
This has been discussed on another TW forum more times than I'd care to count, but crests on medieval helmets were only ever used as fancy decorations on tournament and parade armor, and never in battle...


... by the Teutonic Knights. ^_^

They had a big intimidate-your-enemy thing going on, and the crests I've seen in Kingdoms, so far, are 100% accurate. Definitely an historical anomoly, but accurate.

Crests, by the way, were usually made of paper mache or light, painted wood, and wouldn't really contribute to broken necks any more than the big metal pot you're wearing on your head, anyway.

06-14-2007, 04:18
Oh. All right then, I humbly stand corrected Master Rhedd. :bow:

Now, on to butch... errm I mean, bring the Light of civilization to those pagan bast^H^H^H^Hfuture dutifull sons of Christ. :charge:

06-14-2007, 05:09
Oh. All right then, I humbly stand corrected Master Rhedd. :bow:
I hope I came off as just informative, and not arrogant and overbearing.

Because, you know, I am arrogant and overbearing, so I try really hard to hide it. ^_^

06-14-2007, 06:19
I'm pretty sure we will correctly translate that to Königsberg.:2thumbsup:

But I'm still unsure about the nature of that barrel-throwing catabuchet that's shown in the end? Looks like some sort of clusterfire artillery or so, I mean, did these things exist? While it does look doable, I've never heard of such a weapon before and it looks a bit too devastating for my tasteI(then again, it's a trailer, they're always made a bit more spectacular).

Oh, and I like the nobles who come over for a crusading holiday from all over the world who you then have to protect or kill, depending on which faction you play.

Standard artillery w/ explosive shells or fire ammo look awesome too. They barely hit anything, though, so I'm sure that artillery likely wouldn't be that devastating.

Alexander the Pretty Good
06-14-2007, 07:14
gametrailers.com reliably has video media for every game. Also in HD, without having to sign up.


Now then, the trailer. I couldn't stand the narrator's voice. :bigcry: Still, I think I'll enjoy that campaign.

06-14-2007, 07:55
I hope I came off as just informative, and not arrogant and overbearing.

Because, you know, I am arrogant and overbearing, so I try really hard to hide it. ^_^

Don't worry, being a pompous elitist arsehat myself, I can wholeheartedly condone your condescending spite of my ignorance regarding minute historical miscellania. :clown:

06-14-2007, 16:05
I must say I'm more queasy about those Teutonic helmets, with the horns and crests and all... weren't those more like ornamental and useless or even dangerous to wear in battle ?

But they look...so...cool

If they were good enough for Alexander Nevsky they are good enough for me! :laugh4:

06-14-2007, 16:27
I seriously doubt Kingdoms will have changed specs from M2.


Good point.

Sometimes me brain doesn't work right.

06-14-2007, 16:55
Sadly, I just can't get all that worked up about Kingdoms. I haven't even played through all the vanilla campaigns yet, so the last thing I really want or need is a whole lot more to plough through, then mod to make more difficult, remove the bugs, balance the units, etc, etc...

What I'd like more than anything else is a really challenging AI; one that I don't have to artificially enhance with money scripts and spawned garrisons. These can only do so much anyway, since no matter how many stacks the campaign AI throws at you there's a tried and tested method to smash them to smithereens on the battlefield....

Maybe Civ IV Beyond the Sword is a better option.