View Full Version : Query - Dismounting Boyer Sons ??

08-05-2007, 12:58
Hi everyone ~:wave:

I am attempting to complete every faction on the short campaign and am currently playing the Russians. It mentions that Boyer Sons can fight as well on foot as on horseback. So far I have not worked out how to dismount them.

I just played a siege and thought you could dismount them on the battle deployment but no option was given.

Anyone have a clue?

~:cheers: in advance.


08-05-2007, 14:04
well, time ago finished my campaign as russian, and there is separate boyar suns :) meaning - thoses who only walk and those who only sit on horses, no possibilities to steel a horse from foe.. :sweatdrop:

08-05-2007, 17:50
Yep, they are like feudal knights; recruited as mounted or dismounted units. Infantry cannot be mounted and cavalry units cannot be dismounted. In M2TW that is. See the building browser to see what you need to recruit dismounted boyar sons.

- Guru

08-05-2007, 17:50
maybe theyre like armored seargants for england. they are for custom battle but not in campaign.

08-05-2007, 17:58
Yes they are available in campaign. From citadels, fortresses and high level barracks, IIRC. They are basically the same unit as dismounted druzina which can be recruited in cities. Or at least that's what I remember.

- Guru

08-05-2007, 18:36
Thanks guys ~:cheers:

I was hoping to have the flexibility of using them mounted/dismounted when needed not as seperate units.


08-05-2007, 23:08
Thanks guys ~:cheers:

I was hoping to have the flexibility of using them mounted/dismounted when needed not as seperate units.


Ah, weren't we all? I just looked at the Wish List, and Dismounting attracted a load of trolling.

Hopefully, it will happen in M3TW:yes:

08-05-2007, 23:28
In Medieval Total War you could dismount knight, and also you can`t produce their dismounted versions. This is far more better solution and is certainly more elegant. It is kinda stupid to recruit dismounted units. What happened to their horse? Why not naming them Feudal foot knights or something. Same goes to
Boyer sons.

08-06-2007, 10:01
I suppose to be strictly accurate we ought to train knights and horses seperately and then combine them to produce mounted knights. That at least would allow the game to represent the loss of horses and problems of obtaining them more accurately in the game. In wargame campaigns the care management and replacement of horses poses more problems than looking after the men, who can at least go and find their own food without getting lost.

08-06-2007, 10:48
I don't think that horses would get lost while they went to forage they just didn't want to return where this big heavy thing would get on its back and make it march where it didn't want to march.

08-08-2007, 04:24
I think it would be a great idea to train horses separately. They could be a resource to be traded by merchants or a separate structure in towns or castles. The availability of horses worthy of military use could be a very important factor in the development of armies that require masses of horse archers or horses that can support later era knights wearing plate armor.

08-08-2007, 07:06
The biggest 'duh' in this whole thing is Unhorsed Knights in the crusades, it even says in the unit description that they lost their horses on the way to their target, thats funny, because even on the first crusade of the campaign theres crusading knights stranded in the holy land without horses, really?

I know the English in particular dismounted their knights to fight on foot as a spearwall using their lances to provide protection for the longbows in defensive battles (choosing to fight on defense even when attacking enemy lands), first fighting against Scots at Dupplin Muir and others, then against French at Crecy and others. This was extremely effective, at Crecy the French lost over 1000 knights, 11 princes and 10,000 other men; the English lost a few hundred men despite being outnumbered 3 to 1.

The Badger
08-08-2007, 07:41
I'm with reiseX2 on this one...

With the EXCEPTION of the Unhorsed Knights for the crusaders; which i can buy...

I really miss the mount/dismount of MTW...

And when you win b/c the compy can't plan as well and his knights get creamed on a seige you know you should lose (but you just attrition his nobles from a wall because THEY CAN'T GET OFF THEIR HORSES to come get you...)

..I don't know about you but such "cheese" wins make me feel <b><i> Dirty</b></i>...

I haven't looked at the WishList yet -
but since i see polls from CA when i load up my game; this might be the time to really ask for what you want.

For me; I'd rather they fix the mount/dismount "bug" -
or *nods to Didz*improve the AI -

than add more "frills" and special abilities...

Perhaps thats just me; but - maybe not-
neither ShogunTW or MedTW were the prettiest or flashiest games of their time...

08-09-2007, 00:18
I really miss the mount/dismount of MTW...

So do I. CA had it right in Medieval and fumbled in M:TW2 by removing the feature.

Dismounting is all the more painfully missed because with walls to assault and defend, mounted troops are useless until a breach is made.

08-09-2007, 01:35
[...]CA had it right in Medieval and fumbled in M:TW2 by removing the feature. [...]
And this happened in other aspects. Take for example the 'elite unit' attribute of MTW1, which i mentioned in some other thread. It's the same case there