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View Full Version : Query - Ignorance

01-09-2008, 09:11
To me ignorance and its children are the most annoying vices. Mainly because I don't know where it comes from, and it has a tendency to slip in unnoticed in the middle of the list.

Does anybody have any info on how to keep generals from gaining this trait or what causes its development?

01-09-2008, 11:36
It's not so hard. Keep your generals in city's with town hall or higher or in castle with library or academy. Alchemist lab's and universities help to. The problem is that the citys have taverns and so on, so there is danger of your generals becoming smart, talented bureaucrats, corrupted to the core and with serious alchohol problem. But basically siting in highly developed citys is the way to have smart, talented governors.

01-09-2008, 12:37
There is a random chance they will get it when they come of age/are adopted/married into the family. Also if they have the first level there is a 4% chance every turn that they will progress to the next level. Not much you can do about that one. There are only 2 triggers that you can control.

I will just copy and paste, it is pretty self explanatory.

Trigger sitting_around_academic_free_settlement
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition IsGeneral
and EndedInSettlement
and RemainingMPPercentage (Movement Points) = 100
and not SettlementBuildingExists >= library
and not SettlementBuildingExists >= alchemists_lab
and not SettlementBuildingExists >= city_hall

Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 4

Trigger harsh_lifestyle2
WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

Condition not EndedInSettlement
and InEnemyLands

Affects Austere 1 Chance 2
Affects Ignorance 1 Chance 5
Affects Pragmatic 1 Chance 2
Affects Stoic 1 Chance 1

Also, having Ignorance prevents them from getting RhetoricSkill, StrategicSkill, TacticalSkill, MathematicsSkill, LogisticalSkill

01-09-2008, 12:45
I found those triggers in vanilla too harsh really.
Basically if you are not a faction that can build libraries, any general stored in a castle ends up ignorant.
If you cannot even start building city halls or alchemist labs (i.e. before you even get a city type settlement) you pretty much end up with loads of ignorant people too.

So when I worked that trait for my fixes, I added in a factor for turn number, i.e. you can only get it from staying inside settlements after a certain turn count, which is realistic given the time it takes to get a city and city hall structure while also building other things.

For factions that cannot build libraries I bound it in castles to not having a shipwright and paved roads (trade brings merchants, scholars etc).

01-09-2008, 14:02
Ignorance of most my generals vices, seems to be my vice. :clown:

I have a tendency to not look at their characteristics (vnv's) a lot of the time. I'm just happy if the Generals are leading their troops efficiently and are good at killing stuff.

01-09-2008, 21:04
To me ignorance and its children are the most annoying vices. Mainly because I don't know where it comes from, and it has a tendency to slip in unnoticed in the middle of the list.

Does anybody have any info on how to keep generals from gaining this trait or what causes its development? On a more philosophical note, ignorance by itself is a problem. However, when paired with an even more destructive trait, arrogance, ignorance can be very, very deadly.

Ignorance of a thing can cause us to make bad decisions based upon limited information. That is easily resolved with an open mind, access to a library, up to date news, facts, and figures, and if in a leadership position, the hiring of experts, accountants, and knowledgeable advisers. A leader can be completely ignorant of a thing and still be an excellent leader.

For example, a sitting president could know nothing about certain medical procedures being tested and experimented with. But as an able leader, with the right advisers, he or she could make a decision which fits the situation which benefits all. No one, no matter how educated, is without ignorance of something. Therefore we are all guilty of the sin of ignorance.

But there is a difference between incidental ignorance and deliberate ignorance; the belief that you are right in spite of the facts, in spite of evidence, in spite of advice contrary to your views. Willful ignorance is either cowardice, stubbornness, or malicious arrogance.

It all boils down to fear, inability to change, or pig-headedness. That compounds and amplifies our ignorance to the point where it can become fatal.

"Hey governor, these levees don't seem to be designed very well, perhaps we should reinforce, rebuild, or relocate..."

-"No, I believe money is better spent on other things, like stadiums and parks and bridges to nowhere and Big Digs and grasshopper research in Alaska and so forth. That will really boost my approval rating. Reinforcing levees isn't sexy. What are the odds we would need stronger levees anyway?"

Ignorance compounded by arrogance kills.

01-10-2008, 09:48
-"No, I believe money is better spent on other things, like stadiums and parks and bridges to nowhere and Big Digs and grasshopper research in Alaska and so forth. That will really boost my approval rating. Reinforcing levees isn't sexy. What are the odds we would need stronger levees anyway?"

What, and break with the long standing tradition of exploiting the general populous for profit. What are you an ignoramous?

Thanks for the enlightenment. Let's see if I can quit making all my heirs sadly ignorant.

Now if it were only so easy in real life.:titanic: