New Battle Video - Skirmish = Macedon vs Rome
Published on 08-14-2013 03:42
Video description:
"In our latest Let's Play video, Studio Communications Manager Al Bickham's Macedonian forces take on the might of Rome in a straight-up, open terrain skirmish match. He's playing on Very Hard difficulty, so it won't be an easy task to supress the Roman war machine.
We're playing from the defender's viewpoint, so it's very much a case of "Come at me, bro!" as the enemy assaults his position. See how they employ their abilities and hardened military tactics to wear down our very own hero's forces, with a sprinkle of cunning thrown in for free.
Will Mr. Bickham survive? Is this the end of the Macedonians? There's only one way to find out..."
Two take aways:
- That VH AI seemed pretty handy to me but the Roman general did have quite a few (as in perhaps too many) buffs at his disposal.
- NO phalanx - only hoplites. I am getting very nervous about the lack of phalanxes in these previews.