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  • {DIK} >>> Download - Version 4.0 <<<

    Almost forty years have passed since the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice agreed on the shaky peace of Lodi.
    Now, with the invasion of the French king Charles VIII., This phase of prosperity seems to end with a hammer blow.
    Doubtful claims on Naples and the Duchy of Milan led him and his many soldiers on the peninsula.
    But he is not the only one who casts covetous eyes on the richness of Italy.
    Although the Republic of Venice loses ground against the Ottomans in the Aegean Sea, they gain new possessions but at the expense of the emperor in the north.
    He is just concerned about securing his Burgundian inheritance, must now also march to the south, if he wants to preserve the imperial authority.
    At the other end of the boot, Sicily and large parts of southern Italy are under Spanish rule, which competes with the corrupt popes for power and land.
    Located in the misery the Duke of Milan has actually lost the battle, it seems that his opponents are too strong. His only hope seems to be the dreaded Swiss mercenaries.
    But they seem to have their own plans and won't miss their change to prove their power.
    On the edge is the Hungarian Kingdom that arms itself against the onslaught of the Ottomans.


    Timeframe: 1493 - 1559 (4 Rounds per year), that means 264 rounds total


    • Kingdom of France
    • Holy Roman Empire
    • Duchy of Milan
    • Kingdom of Hungary
    • Republic of Venice
    • Kingdom of Spain
    • Papal States
    • Swiss Confederation
    • Ottoman Empire
    • Signoria Florence
    • Swabian League
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany
    • Rebels

    Map: cut out of Adornos 'Reconquista', which shows Italy, northern Germany, parst of the Balkan and north Africa - more than 130 provinces.

    Units: Complete reworked units for every single faction

    Buildings: No castles. Modified building times, cots and attributes. Many new buildings (check Changelog for more)

    Events: Many new events, which will influence your campaign play or inform you about ongoing events outside the map.

    Scripts: four seasons, effects for every single event, scripts for supporting the AI, Germaicu's Bad AI mod, city construction stage (every city only can be build up to a specific level, for example: Venice (metropolis) and the city of Forli only to small town), mercenariesscript, field cots, etc.

    Ancillaries: for every single province is a secular titel, as well as spiritual for the episcopal sees. New historical companions and items.

    New historic quotations. Permanent stone forts. Blood mod Crimsion Tide. Smoothed coastlines. New menu and loadingscreesn.

    Downloadlink Version 4.0:


    Download English translation Version 1.00:

    Within the next month or weeks

    File: extracted ca. 2,75 GB
    Requirements: Medieval II Total War + Kingdoms + Patch 1.5
    Installation: Setup installation

    If there is any earlier version, please delete them, if necessary the map.rwm (\mods\Italian_Wars\data\world\maps\base) as well!

    Changelog Version 4.0:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Changelog "Die Italienischen Kriege" Version 4.0

    ;----------- Contents: --------------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Strat Map ----------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Strat Models -------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Factions -----------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Units -------------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Scripts ------------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- UI -----------------------------------------------------------
    ;--------------- Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------

    Strat Map:
    - 15 new regions
    - no salt mines

    Strat Models:
    - Captain
    - Generals:
    - Faction Leader
    - Heir
    - Familiy Member

    - Individual Generals:
    - Knights of St. John
    - Mercenaries

    - Protestant Priests:
    - Priest
    - Bishop

    - Ships from 1648 mod

    - Stone Forts by Gigantus

    - Agart’s. City strat models
    - New factions:
    - Swabian League
    - Grand Duchy of Tuscany
    Units / Models:

    Every unit has been reworked!

    - Spain:
    - Sardinian Cavalry
    - Marines

    - Venice:
    - Marines

    - France:
    - Argoulets
    - Marines

    - Swabia:
    - Waldburg Knights
    - Montferat Knights
    - Burgau cuirassiers
    - Imperial knights
    - Landsknecht Halberds
    - Landsknecht Pikemen
    - Upper Swabian Pikemen
    - German spear militia
    - Waldburg hand gunners
    - Baden sword militia
    - Black Forest hunters
    - Lancer
    - Württemberg crossbowmen
    - Swabian Doppelsöldner

    - GHZ:
    - Arquebusiers
    - Marines
    - Italian cavalry
    - Ducal bodyguard
    - Dismounted Nobile
    - Florentine sword militia
    - Halberd militia
    - Siena crossbowmen
    - Pisan hand gunners
    - Italian spearmen
    - Ducal mounted arquebusiers
    - Bodyguard
    - Nobile
    - Ducal guard
    - Tuscan Pikemen

    - Florenz:
    - Arquebusier militia
    - Hand gunner militia
    - Patrician militia

    - Osmanen:
    - Azap
    - Cebelü
    - Akinji
    - Ottoman spearmen
    - Janissary archers
    - Janissary halberdiers
    - Turkmen
    - Serdengecti
    - Bodyguard
    - Mounted Sipahi
    - Janissary musketeers
    - Anatolian javelinmen
    - Ottoman halberdiers

    - Ungaren:
    - Hungarian speermen
    - Hussars
    - Winged hussars
    - Hungarian noblemen
    - Transsylvanian saxons
    - Hungarian axemen
    - Hungarian guardsmen
    - Hungarian halberdiers
    - Transsylvanian crossbowmen
    - Hungarian arquebusiers
    - Uskoks
    - Hajduken
    - Royal banderium
    - Black sword guardsmen

    - Söldner, Freie Einheiten:
    - Ulm cityguard
    - Augsburg cityguard
    - Württemberg arquebusiers
    - Nobles from Montferrat
    - Ferrares halberdiers
    - Ferrares arquebusiers
    - Ducal guard
    - Ducal arquebusiers
    - Siena cityguard
    - Order knights of St. John
    - St. John's crossbowmen
    - St. John's dismounted order knights

    - General events:
    - Pope election
    - Independence of Ragusa
    - Independence of Genua
    - Independence of Gaeta
    - Independence of Ancona
    - Support for the Knights of St. John
    - Drydocks
    - Wheellock
    - Mimar Sinan
    - Kopernikus
    - Reinforcement for major factions
    - Knight without fear and blame
    - Fight the Orsini
    - St. Peter's Basilica

    - Early campaign play:
    - Charles invasion of Italy
    - League of Venice
    - Alliance of BLois
    - League of Cambrai
    - Venetian-popal Alliance
    - Holy League
    - Venetian-French Alliance

    - Middle campaign play:
    - Contract of Granada
    - The Emperor is dead..
    - ...long live the Emperor!
    - Wars of 1521 - 1526
    + Start
    + Englands entry into war
    + The case Bourbon
    + An unusual alliance
    + Contract of Madrid

    - Swabian events:
    - Swiss War
    - War of Landshut successions
    - Robber knights
    - Poor Konrad
    - Raid of Reutlingen
    - War of the knights
    - Peasant uprisings
    - Reformation
    - Supporting the Habsburg
    - Support against the Ottomans

    - Hungarian events:
    - Fall of Sinj
    - Fall of Bihac
    - Disbanment of Serbia
    - Siege of Kaniza
    - Polish support

    - Ottoman events:
    - Destruction of the Mameluks
    - Conquest of Belgrad
    - Ban of Bosnia
    - Fall of Rhodes
    - Balkan invasion

    - Florentine events:
    - Attack of France/Savonarola
    - Threatened by the Pope
    - The fire of vanity
    - Savonarola's excecution
    - Restoration of the Medici
    - Uprising against the Medici
    - Founding Grand Duchy of Tuscany
    - Machiavelli's militia

    Events Grand Duchy:
    - Uprising of the republicans with french support
    - criminal court
    - Support for Habsburg

    - new interface
    - new event images
    - new unit cards
    - new unit info cards
    - new strat map textures
    - new loading screens
    - new menu
    - new titel images
    - bishop titles

    - new intro video
    - new event videos

    - Lusteds Battle AI and Campaign AI
    - Faction Florence from Reconquista (thank's to Wüstenkrieger)
    - Untis from OuO (thank's to Bob)
    - Titles for Holy Land Mod by billydilly (Eventpics, ANC pictures)
    - Lacs Byzantine Heavy Spearmen
    - Blingerman - New Spanish Banners
    - Agart’s. City strat models
    - My little Mod by riczu74
    - Lord_Calidor's Weapon Pack
    - Splash by EthicallyChallenged
    - Landsknecht within the menu by ShumElkin
    - Ottoman units from Tzarsdom (Many thank's for that!)
    - Stone Fort 1.0 by Gigantus
    - Strat ships from 1648 (thank's to Monti!)
    - Ui buildings (Palazzo Ducale, silk factory, School of Prince,
    Imperial Court) by Hyretic
    - Videos by Medici
    - Models and skins from Rusichi TW
    - Uprising peasants by Cesco
    - ReallyBadAI by Germanicu5

    - Loadingscreen 12, 13 by Theramines

    TIW-Modding Team:

    Special thank's to:
    - Vlad Tepes, who allowed me to continue his mod :thumbsup2
    - Monti & Gigantus for answering my many questions ;)

    Best regards, the TIW-Team :legio:

    The Italian Wars - Org forum
    This article was originally published in forum thread: {DIK} >>> Download - Version 4.0 <<< started by Neadal View original post
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