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Cecil XIX

Vassals & Valour Rules Pt. 3

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*3.10 The AI factions can also seize a nobles treasury in the manner outlined in 3.9. AI factions will always take the treasury for themselves, and it will be subtracted from the Player Faction and given the AI Faction via console command.

3.11 Players are encouraged to sell, trade, loan, gift or otherwise barter with each other using there property. History is replete with examples of diplomatic deals where one party agrees to loan it’s soldiers to another party, for example.

3.12 (A noble can only hold a limited number of provinces and still collect their full income. This number is equal to half the noble’s piety stat, rounded down. Should a noble exceed this number of provinces, then each province in excessive will reduce the noble’s income by twenty percent.)

4. Crusades and Missions

4.1 Any noble may decide to use his property towards completing a mission assigned to a faction, where he is able. The rewards from successful missions are given to those nobles whose property was used to complete them, or is split amongst them if multiple nobless are involved.

4.2 The player faction can call a crusade in two ways: Either the King does so unilaterally at any time, or the Body votes to do so with a (2/3rds?) majority if the Player faction is already at war with the crusader target‘s faction.

4.3 Characters are free to then join the Crusade, using their property in any way they see fit to the task. They can act together or separately.

5. The role of the Deliberative Body

5.1 The Deliberative Body will meet in session every 10 turns. Out of session, there can be open debate and deliberations. Each session lasts 3 days of real time with.

5.2 At each session, nobles can propose edicts. These require two seconders to be put to the vote, and a simple majority of voters to pass, calculated as in rule 5.7. Edicts are laws that express the official opinion and standing of the Kingdom on whatever subject matter the nobles choose, and are considered in effect until the next session. Should a noble violate the edict, it is as if he is going against the will of the realm.

5.3 Each Noble may only propose ONE edict or charter amendments per session. In addition, Dukes may propose three additional ’House Edicts’ per session. These edicts operate normally, with the exception that the must have the public backing of two House Members, or every House Member if the House has less than three members. Avatars whose players have officially taken a temporary leave of absence will not count against their Duke for the purposes of rule 5.3.

5.4 Certain rules of the game can be changed by a Charter Amendment, both of which are permanently in effect. This is an IC vote that requires a two-thirds majority to pass, calculated as in rule 5.7.

*5.5 Rules marked with a (*) can only be changed by a ‘Rules Change’. This requires an OOC vote where a two-thirds majority passes, where every person’s vote weighs the same. Such a change is permanent, and requires another Rules Change to itself be changed.

5.6 Tied legislation fails. When contradictory legislation is passed, Rules Changes take precedence over Charter Amendments, which in turn takes precedence over regular edicts.

5.7 Certain avatars get bonus votes, up to a maximum of +6. This extra influence comes from the fact that the Body is made of more characters and just the nobles, and powerful nobles and sway more of these anonymous legislators. Below is the method in which this influence is calculated. The King has the option of adding his authority stat to his vote instead, if it would give him a bigger bonus.

Appointed Influence: (Max +5 Points)
Duke: +3
Prince: +2
Count: +1

Stat Influence: (Max +2 Points)
15 or more total stat points: +1
6 or more ranks in one stat: +1

6. The Role of the Upper Ranks - Kings, Princes and Dukes

6.1 The King presides over the body. He calls the body to order and maintains decorum; if necessary he can bar nobles whose behavior offends him from entering the body. If I cannot attend for whatever reason, he can appoint the Prince to act as his deputy to exercise the powers of rule 5.1.

6.2 The King is the only noble who can control the faction’s diplomats; he also pays for their upkeep. Other nobles cannot recruit diplomats without his permission. He can use his diplomats unilaterally for any action, with the exceptions that he cannot give away provinces that he does not have. This also means he can start and (attempt to) stop wars at any time for any reason.

6.3 The King adjudicates on rules disputes, unless the dispute directly involves the King. In that case, rules disputes will be solved by a council of the Dukes of the Realm.

6.4 The capital of the faction must be a province owned by the King. If this is not so, then the King can move the capital to any settlement that he owns.

6.5 The King can grant excess provinces to a character. When he does so the King has an option to make the receiver a count, loyal directly the crowns. He could even bestow upon a character the rank of Duke, whereupon a new house would be born. Both of these moves should be seen as a great threat to the authority of the existing Dukes.

6.6 (Both King and Prince can only be they who are chosen by the game. Players are encouraged to think of roleplaying-reasons for a character to become the new Prince and publicly identify him as such as soon as possible.)

6.7 Houses will exist at the start the game, the exact number to be determined based on the number of provinces and generals the chosen faction starts out with.

6.8 Dukes can grant one of their excess provinces to a character, making him Count of the Province within the Duchy. A Duke must retain one province to act as the Ducal capital. Dukes and Counts are part of the feudal chain, each owing his loyalty to his immediate superior.

6.9 Dukes and Counts should name a successor, who will take over their titles and settlements when they die. If no successor is named, the oldest natural son inherits, (if none, oldest adopted son; if none again, then the oldest son-in-law).

6.10 (Both Kings and Dukes have the authority to demand payment of scutage tax from their direct vassals. This can take any form the lord can think of. This tax is not collected automatically, the vassal must explicitly decide to pay it.)

7. Civil Strife

*7.1 A noble must make a public declaration of war against another noble before he takes the save to attack his opponent. Other nobles can then choose to join the conflict on either side, or start their own separate wars.

*7.2 An internecine conflict will end when all participants are dead or agree to peace. Peace is hard when all parties either simply decide to stop fighting, or sigh a treaty. It is not necessary for all parties involved in a conflict to agree to stop fighting at once, nor must a peace treaty include all participants. Should a treaty be signed to end a conflict, the terms will go into effect automatically as soon as the treaty is signed and either posted publicly or PMed to the GM. Terms which stay in effect over time can also be canceled at will by either party. (Should peace terms call for one part to receive property occupied by a hostile party, the hostile party must first remove it’s soldiers before the transfer can take place.)

*7.3 While two nobles are at war, the game plays most as usual. However, in keeping with the TW series, players in involved in war are given a set turn order, just as the factions are. Players must take their turn in order thirty-six hours to do so. When nobles are at war with each other, the GM will make every effort to have it be as similar as fighting an AI faction as possible, including using the console. When two player controlled armies meet in battle, an army must have a noble in it in or it will be controlled by the AI.

*7.4 Whenever a battle occurs where both sides have a noble present, it is a PvP battle. The GM or a someone designated by him will act as umpire; the umpire cannot be a player who’s avatar is participating in the battle. If both players agree, the battle can be fought via online multiplayer, however since withdrawal is impossible in online multiple the loser of such a battle will have his entire army wiped out. The umpire will determine what unit’s the players can bring to battle online, as well as what their valor/armor etc. level is. The players must post a screenshot to verify they did not use an illegal units, as well as a screenshot showing how much damage each unit took.

*7.5 If the battle is not fought online it will be fought using the normal throne room style, or an abbreviated version thereof. Which of the two will be used shall be determined by an OOC poll of all players, to last until the battle has finished it’s deployment phase. Regardless of the result, is the duty of the umpire to determine the map and army composition, as well as other relevant settings. The umpire must have the battle reflect what would happen in an in-game battle as best as possible. The umpire will also have the final say as to what the results where, including what units need to be disbanded due to casualties, whether a nobles was captured or killed, whether a settlement has been conquered, and whether a ancillary will be removed to change hands. Console commands will be used when necessary.

*7.6 The shorter style of Throne Room PvP acts much the same as normal, except it has two phases. The first phase has each side deploy it’s forces as normal. The second phase as each side submit a detailed battle plan, which the umpire will then follow to fight the battle in it’s entirety. The results will then be PMed to all players involved.

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Updated 07-23-2010 at 00:19 by Cecil XIX

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