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Forum: M2:TW Hosted Mods

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  1. Modification for Medieval Total War II Kingdoms, set in Italy during Renaissance.


    1. Neadal,
    2. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 6
    • Posts: 22
  2. The Great Conflicts mod includes the wars before the 1st Crusade focussing on the wars between Bulgaria and Roman Empire of 10th-11th centuries.


    1. AnthoniusII,
    2. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 17
    • Posts: 60
  3. This forum is a central place to find artist, coders, composers or betatesters or to find a modification to use your talents.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 18
    • Posts: 34
  4. 2nd punic war to Gallic wars Rise or Fall of empires, Carthage versus Rome fighting for domination of the mediterranic sea along with their allies. Spawning from 2nd punic war to the Gallic wars and the fall of the republic.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 1
    • Posts: 1
  5. Dominion of the Sword is an ambitious project aimed at making a Supermod, we have a large team made up of several contributing mods as well as our own dedicated staff. The mod aims to maximise the possibilities in the M2TW engine to make a game with realism, historical accuracy and playability. Most of all we are concentrating on an atmospheric and fully immersible experience of medieval warfare and rulership.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 4
    • Posts: 8
  6. Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 76
    • Posts: 1,451
  7. The Renaissance Mod, running on the M2TW engine.


    1. edyzmedieval

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    • Threads: 5
    • Posts: 31
  8. This M2TW mod covers the turbulent period of world war that engulfed the great nations of the world from the year 989, on the Nordamian conquest of Manruni to the end of the Demon Scare in 1224.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 7
    • Posts: 18
  9. It's first campaign will be based on Northern Europe between 918 - 1066 AD.


    1. Ignoramus,
    2. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 6
    • Posts: 19
  10. A mod focusing on South American pre-columbian history. Recreating the rise of the Inca Empire, and it's fights with many different other nations.


    1. edyzmedieval

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    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1
    • Posts: 16
  11. Home of ProblemFixer Pure & Rebuild ProblemFixer. ProblemFixer Pure is pure bug-fixing only. Rebuild ProblemFixer rebuilds the AI and other parts of the game so as to produce a tougher challenge in campaign and, (eventually), custom battle play.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 6
    • Posts: 764
  12. A total conversion dedicated to recreating the epic fantasy world of Krynn.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 14
    • Posts: 59
  13. Warhammer Total War


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 142
    • Posts: 4,534
  14. Conan: Total War is a total conversion modification for Medieval 2: Total War which aims to recreate the dark fantasy world of Robert E. Howard's Conan tales. It mixes decadent civilization with savage barbarism, proud chivalry with darkest sorcery, and glorious wonder with hideous terror.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 42
    • Posts: 851
  15. Tsardoms: Total War is a M2TW and Kingdoms modification that focuses on the Balkan, Near East and part of Italy starting from uprise of Tsar Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in 1345 and concluding in 1530. Tsardoms allow you to take control of 8 factions (in later versions even more!) all complete with over brand new artistically crafted warriors ready to do your command!


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 18
    • Posts: 393
  16. Broken Crescent.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 62
    • Posts: 307
  17. Validus Regnum is a total conversion mod set between 1073-1218 AD. The map spans from Ireland in the west to the borders of China in the east, and from Norway in the north to Ghana and Somalia in the south. 31 factions are included, with new exotic factions such as the Wagadou Empire and the Kara-Khitans.

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 11
    • Posts: 46
  18. This modification aims to conserve a close to vanilla M2TW gaming experience while at the same time removing a host of annoying bugs and oversights.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 58
    • Posts: 466
  19. This mod allows the player to start the campaign at different time points (such as after gun powder is invented or after America is discovered).


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 25
    • Posts: 223
  20. A modification for Medieval 2: Kingdoms, set on the North American continent. Play as one of four colonial European factions and claim the Frontier as your own, or attempt to resist as a native american tribe. You have between the years 1655 and 1774 to make a mark on the New World, whether it be brutal conquest or steadfast resilience.


    1. edyzmedieval

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 5
    • Posts: 41
  21. Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 4
    • Posts: 56

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