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Forum: E&N:TW Hosted Mods

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  1. A modification that aims to add the sound of Drum & Fife and new Sound Effects to the battlefields of Empire: Total War.


    1. Caligula,
    2. Fisherking

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 2
    • Posts: 8
  2. A modification for Empire: Total War with the aim of adding and expanding as much of the vanilla content with all new content based on historically accurate sources.


    1. Fisherking

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    • Threads: 5
    • Posts: 22
  3. 'European Wars' - a mod which takes us in 18th century. It is an age of 'Empire: Total War' which was announced long time ago. There are 2 developing versions of this mod: for 'Rome: Total War' and 'Medieval 2: Total War'. After 'Empire TW' release, 'European Wars' will be a Realism-Mod for this game. Age of 'European Wars' seems to be very interesting for a gamer, because it is age of many military and economical changes. 'European Wars' is an adventure full of wars and battles for every fan of Total War series. An action will take place in times of Great Northern War, The War of Spanish Succession, The War of Polish Succession, Scottish Jacobite Rebellion and Seven Years' War (military actions in Europe and Northern America). 'European Wars' has to offer many great units for a gamer, for example: Prussian Grenadiers, Hussars of Death, Polish Winged Hussars, French Mousqetaires (Elite Guards) and many others!


    1. KLAssurbanipal,
    2. Fisherking

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 12
    • Posts: 32
  4. Mod for Empire: Total War, which retains the core gameplay, just fixes bugs and rebalances a few things to make the game a bit harder if it needs to be. In time I also hope to add an extended map.


    1. Fisherking

    Forum Actions:

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    • Threads: 8
    • Posts: 228
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 23,627
    06-10-2011, 15:06 Go to last post
  1. Infinite Money Mod

    Started by ColIndyJones1958, 02-14-2011 19:05
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,283
    02-14-2011, 19:05 Go to last post
  2. Request hosted mods forum

    Started by TosaInu, 02-02-2009 22:24
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,604
    02-02-2009, 22:24 Go to last post

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