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  • Tomisama

    by Published on 06-08-2012 11:17

    This was originally written as an invitation to only those who presented videos for the Org contest this month. But being that they all may not be able to participate, and there may be others in the community who were not able to submit entries to the Org contest, who would be. I am providing the following as an open invitation to any interested in having their names in the credits, ...
    by Published on 04-24-2012 22:28

    First Win of the First Round

    Compressing over an hour of battle into just over four minutes, watch as fortunes are made and lost on this radar screen review of a Clan Wars Competition battle between La Garde Royale and the Round Table Knights.

    Please note that the major fighting was over at about 25 minutes in, and with all four dojos captured, the Garde Royale missed ...
    by Published on 03-22-2012 23:16
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    Clan Wars Competition XXX (30 Contests 2003-2012)

    Classic Battle, 3v3, Double Elimination, Land Battle competition.

    For more information:

    Starts April 6th ...
    by Published on 10-30-2011 14:21
    Article Preview

    Original Shogun and Warlord Edition in full screen mode displays no units.

    But by streching the battlefield display screen using F3 (srink) and F4 (increase), you can get your men back!

    This was running NVIDA default configuration for STW/WE on Vista 32 bit with dual 8800s in SLI.

    I had no idea that this would work, and it seems to in all ...
    by Published on 10-29-2011 17:28
    Article Preview

    Original Shogun and Warlord Edition in full screen mode displays no units.

    But by streching the battlefield display screen using F3 (srink) and F4 (increase), you can get your men back!

    This was running NVIDA default configuration for STW/WE on Vista 32 bit with dual 8800s in SLI.

    I had no idea that this would work, and it seems to in all ...
    by Published on 10-22-2011 00:08
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    Classic Mode for a Classic Clan Wars Competition

    No Avatars - No Retainers - No Vets - No Bling - No Art – No Keys - No Bull

    A Real head-to-head Balanced Test of your Generalship and Teamwork Skills.

    Rise of the Samurai Multiplayer – Autumn 2011 Championship

    Join us in this - 3v3 - 10k - Gempi game-clans only - large unit ...
    by Published on 01-30-2011 06:52  Number of Views: 2147 

    The psychology of Total War gamming.

    An amateurs attempt.

    I would like to know if you agree or disagree with my observations and opinions, so please read the following statements carefully, and with that in mind.

    There will be a test


    Total War players basically polarize to either single or multiplayer self descriptions.

    A few are both, and some switch back and forth, but the camps are fairly well separated and distinct at any given time.

    I am writing this to explore the differences between the two, mainly to be able to make suggestions in game design that will be beneficial to both players and designers.

    Basic motivations for the two groups, at least at their extremes, are quite different.

    Single players play to win, multiplayers play to play.

    The SPs play against the machine at progressive levels, and to the end of learning how to, and then beating the game.

    This can be a great deal of fun, and is great interactive entertainment.

    The MPs play against other people, they too want to win, but their expectations are very different.

    Because of the nature of multiplayer, MPs can achieve winning only half the time, and still be comfortable with the game.

    In fact they might consider the game to be very well balanced, if their equally skilled opponents won half their games together.

    A SP might become discouraged winning only half the time, and there by unable to progress to total victory at some point.

    MPs might also become disinterested in the single-player game because of the imbalance of testing a person against a program, preferring their opponents to be at least equally people like them selves.

    SPs have an offline community of like-interest players, to compare progress and share tips and advice with.

    MPs play in an interactive real time community, that encourages natural gang groupings to both learn from and team together for multi-partner encounters.

    Most MPs at some point become community-aware.

    By that I mean that they begin to understand that teaching new players, forming clans, and participating in events, are necessary to maintain the community of multiplayers.

    New MPs are constantly arriving, but there is no guarantee that they will fit in the culture, and become integrated into the society of avid players.

    MP community needs to be maintained to keep a pool of qualified players active enough to provide challenging partners for games.

    What does this mean to game design?

    You can encourage SPs to participate in multiplayer, and the reverse, but their personalities will not be changed, and they will always gravitate back to their respective core groups.

    You can’t really mix the two, except those who already play both sides of the fence; it is like the apples and oranges comparison.

    The must-win orientation and accompanying aggressive attitude of the first-person-shooter SP, versus the “good luck and have fun” real-time-strategist community sustaining MP, are a bad mix.

    They aggravate each other, but are happy to coexist, if left to satisfy their own needs in their own games.

    Needs correction.
    Needs explanation.
    Or, I have a totally different understanding or view.

    Thanks in advance!
    by Published on 09-19-2010 06:41

    Clans are sharpening their swords and polishing their armor getting ready for the release of Shogun2.

    One way to get in some quality battle time is to join in the now open Napoleon Total War;

    Clan Wars Competition –Top Team Tournament XXVII - Autumn 2010 Championship

    This contest will be 32 Clan Teams in a 3v3, seeded, one Battle per Round, knock-out Championship.

    To the best of my knowledge this Clan Team single battle knock-out, is the first contest of its kind.

    As the result of our last competition, we have a Clan Team ranking ladder of those Clan Teams who completed that contest (just now finishing).

    These Clan Teams will be the individual hosts of a new competition where they will set the map and conditions of each of the single battle matches, and then take on the responsibility as Attacker in that battle.

    The challenger assigned will defend according to our rules, and the winning Clan Team will proceed to the next round.

    It is highly possible for a winning challenger to become a host and set the map and conditions for battles in future rounds.

    Any of the 3v3 capable maps may be used except Grassy Flatlands, and all parameters of each individual battle will be posted in advance.

    This process will continue every three weeks until there is a single winning Champion Clan Team.

    This contest will also produce a point system ladder to provide the seed order for our next contest, hopefully in Shogun2.

    If you have any questions please see the Autumn Rules first, and if more explanation is needed, post on our Autumn Discussion forum.

    by Published on 03-21-2010 21:38


    Our current Napoleon Total War 3v3 Clan vs. Clan five round contest starts tomorrow March 22nd 2010. If you are in one of our 32 contestant Clans, we wish you well in the competition. If you are not, please don’t miss the next one. Watch here for announcements concerning that event.


    Good Luck and Have Fun, and enjoy Napoleon Total War multiplayer until then!

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