Epic 3v3 Large Funds Battle - Assault on Foritifed Hill! (pt 2)

Epic 3v3 Large Funds Battle - Assault on Foritifed Hill! (pt 2)
Epic 3v3 Large Funds Battle - Assault on Foritifed Hill! (pt 2) (5 min 50 sec)
04-16-2011 at 23:27
Uploaded by GambleFish

Rating: 5 after 1 votes

Battle Replay
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Comments: 2

This fight was too long originally, I had to break it in half to upload it.

This turned out to be one of the most epic clashes I've been a part of. My allies and I were on the Foothills map, and were geared to be aggressive - I brought and all-cavalry army.

Unfortunately, our opponents brought mostly infantry, and deployed on one of the ridge-lined hills on the map. They set up a really solid defensive position, which led to a protracted skirmishing fight, while I harassed the flanks with cavalry. Eventually, we sent one of our armies up one side of the hill, prompting our opponents to over-commit troops to pushing it back. Taking advantage of the momentary gap in defenses, we assaulted the other side of the hill, breaking the defensive position and freeing up space for the cavalry to come through the woods and hit them in the center of their formation. We won despite being at a significant tactical advantage and being heavily outnumbered. Great fun!
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  1. GambleFish -
    That's really nice of you to say that =D. Keeps me motivated to keep making videos!
  2. Myrddraal -
    Thanks a lot for posting this. I haven't got S2TW yet, I'm considering it, and these vids are so much more informative and entertaining than any official gameplay video.
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