Jackie_fish:Shogun2 Tosa Cup Quarter Finals Game1 AggonySwoosh so Vs AggonySpoon

Jackie_fish:Shogun2 Tosa Cup Quarter Finals Game1 AggonySwoosh so Vs AggonySpoon
Jackie_fish:Shogun2 Tosa Cup Quarter Finals Game1 AggonySwoosh so Vs AggonySpoon (13 min 27 sec)
05-28-2011 at 15:57
Uploaded by jackie_fish

Rating: 5 after 1 votes

Tosa Cup Replays May 2011
Favorites: 1 - Views: 4216
Comments: 2

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  1. jackie_fish -
    Really :s what a messed up replay :L
    Sorry :/
    I Try make sure the next battle is fine
  2. Sp00n -
    :P I 'd like to think I won but Swoosh was the victor :)
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