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Thread: FE_MINIMAP_LUKUP_f1.bif

  1. #1

    Default FE_MINIMAP_LUKUP_f1.bif

    I've just finished changing this file. Extracted to .bmp, edited accordingly imported back in and working fine. The only problem is, as far as I can see, two provinces: Corsica and Milan. The palette index of Corsica is 178 and Wessex is 10, the problem is that Paint Shop Pro refuses to just force 178 for Corsica and keeps using 10 because it is the same RGB value and comes earlier in the palette. The same goes for Milan which is using 16 (unused as far as I can tell) instead of 184 because again 16 comes earlier in the palette. For example picking 184 with the eyedropper and then drawing with that colour still gives 16.

    Any ideas? Does the gimp or Photoshop have this problem?

    Last edited by caravel; 03-10-2008 at 17:57. Reason: .bif not .big!!

  2. #2
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Ratae Corieltauvorum

    Default Re: FE_MINIMAP_LUKUP_f1.bif

    Hmmm - there shouldn't be any repeated colours in the palette - I did have a similar problem with Milan and Corsica getting confused on one I did, but I put it down to going through a non-indexed colour mode en route to the final map (was making big border changes so had it in RGB a while so I could use layers to "trace" through from one to another).

    I'd suggest opening a virgin file and recheck the colours in the palette, then manually edit the entries in the palette of your new BIF file using BIFReader.

    Actually, no, I have the figures to hand

    INDEX no., followed by RGB

    000  0,128,0            
    001  16,120,56           	 
    002  32,128,64
    003  48,136,64
    004  64,152,72
    005  80,160,80
    006  96,176,88
    007  112,192,96
    008  128,200,96
    009  128,216,104
    010  144,232,112 *
    011  160,240,120
    012  184,0,128
    013  200,16,136
    014  216,32,144
    015  232,48,152 **
    016  240,216,88 
    017  240,224,88
    018  0,240,96
    019  24,0,104
    020  40,16,112
    021  56,24,120
    022  72,40,128
    023  88,56,136
    024  104,72,144
    025  120,80,152
    026  136,96,160
    027  152,112,160
    028  168,128,176
    029  184,144,184
    030  200,160,192
    031  216,176,200
    032  96,224,16
    033  96,232,24
    034  112,248,24
    035  136,8,32
    036  152,24,32
    037  168,40,40
    038  184,48,40
    039  200,64,48
    040  232,80,56
    041  248,96,64
    042  8,112,64
    043  24,120,72
    044  40,136,80
    045  72,152,88
    046  88,168,96
    047  104,184,104
    048  0,0,0
    049  16,0,0
    050  32,0,0
    051  48,0,0
    052  64,0,0
    053  80,0,0
    054  96,0,0
    055  112,0,0
    056  128,0,0
    057  144,0,0
    058  160,0,0
    059  176,0,0
    060  192,0,0
    061  208,0,0
    062  224,0,0
    063  240,0,0
    064  48,48,112
    065  48,56,120
    066  64,64,128
    067  80,80,136
    068  96,88,144
    069  112,104,152
    070  128,120,168
    071  144,136,176
    072  160,152,184
    073  176,168,192
    074  192,192,200
    075  208,208,208
    076  224,224,224
    077  0,248,232
    078  24,16,240
    079  56,40,248
    080  8,0,32
    081  24,16,32
    082  40,32,32
    083  56,48,32
    084  72,64,40
    085  88,80,40
    086  104,96,40
    087  120,112,40
    088  136,128,48
    089  152,144,48
    090  168,160,48
    091  184,176,56
    092  200,192,56
    093  216,208,56
    094  232,232,56
    095  248,248,64
    096  160,128,112
    097  176,136,120
    098  192,152,128
    099  208,168,136
    100  224,184,144
    101  240,192,152
    102  0,208,168
    103  16,224,176
    104  32,240,184
    105  56,0,192
    106  72,16,200
    107  88,32,208
    108  104,48,224
    109  120,64,232
    110  136,88,240
    111  168,104,248
    112  0,192,48
    113  16,200,48
    114  32,216,56
    115  48,232,56
    116  64,248,64
    117  88,8,64
    118  104,32,72
    119  120,48,72
    120  136,64,80
    121  152,80,80
    122  168,96,88
    123  184,112,96
    124  200,136,96
    125  216,152,104
    126  232,168,104
    127  248,192,112
    128  112,208,56
    129  128,216,64
    130  144,232,72
    131  160,240,80
    132  168,0,80
    133  184,16,88 
    134  200,24,96
    135  216,40,104
    136  232,48,112
    137  248,64,120
    138  24,80,136
    139  40,80,144
    140  56,104,152
    141  72,112,160
    142  88,128,168 
    143  120,144,184
    144  224,128,64
    145  240,136,64
    146  0,152,72
    147  0,160,80
    148  16,176,88
    149  32,192,96
    150  48,208,104
    151  48,224,112
    152  64,240,120
    153  88,0,128
    154  104,16,136
    155  104,32,144
    156  120,56,152
    157  136,72,160
    158  152,88,168
    159  168,112,184
    160  208,120,104
    161  208,128,104 
    162  224,144,112
    163  240,160,120
    164  0,168,128
    165  16,184,136
    166  32,200,144
    167  32,216,144
    168  48,232,152
    169  64,248,160
    170  88,16,168
    171  104,32,176
    172  120,48,184
    173  120,72,184
    174  136,88,192
    175  152,112,200
    176  112,208,104
    177  128,216,104
    178  144,232,112 *
    179  160,240,120
    180  168,0,128
    181  184,16,136
    182  200,24,136
    183  216,40,144
    184  232,48,152 **
    185  248,64,160
    186  24,80,168
    187  40,88,168
    188  56,104,176
    189  72,112,184
    190  88,128,192
    191  120,144,200
    192  128,128,104
    193  128,136,112
    194  144,152,120
    195  160,160,120
    196  176,176,128
    197  192,192,136
    198  208,208,144
    199  224,224,144
    200  240,240,152
    201  8,0,160
    202  24,16,168
    203  40,32,168
    204  56,56,176
    205  72,72,184
    206  88,88,192
    207  120,112,200
    208  80,176,16
    209  80,184,16 
    210  96,192,24
    211  112,208,32
    212  112,216,40
    213  128,232,48
    214  144,248,56
    215  152,0,64
    216  168,16,72
    217  184,32,80
    218  200,48,88
    219  200,64,96
    220  216,80,104
    221  232,96,112
    222  232,104,128
    223  248,128,136
    224  224,136,48
    225  240,144,48
    226  0,168,56
    227  16,184,64
    228  48,200,72
    229  64,216,80
    230  80,232,88
    231  104,0,96
    232  120,16,112
    233  136,40,120
    234  152,56,128
    235  184,80,136
    236  200,96,152
    237  216,120,160
    238  232,144,176
    239  248,168,184
    240  208,208,104
    241  224,224,112
    242  240,240,120
    243  8,0,128
    244  24,16,136
    245  40,40,144
    246  56,56,152
    247  72,72,160
    248  88,88,168
    249  104,104,176
    250  136,128,192
    251  8,248,248
    252  8,248,248
    253  8,248,248
    254  8,248,248
    255  216,216,232
    And suddenly I'm confused There shouldn't be any repeats - I notice though that 184 is the same as 15 (not 16, but did you start counting from 0?), and 10 and 178 are identical, just as you say.

    But I expect a work-around would be re-edit the brushes in BIFReader, even if the colour is the same, this app maintains the index number, so it should work. Now I need to work out why my own BIF palette above has duped colours??? I wonder if you used my palette and this introduced the dupe??

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  3. #3

    Default Re: FE_MINIMAP_LUKUP_f1.bif

    Quote Originally Posted by macsen rufus
    Hmmm - there shouldn't be any repeated colours in the palette - I did have a similar problem with Milan and Corsica getting confused on one I did, but I put it down to going through a non-indexed colour mode en route to the final map (was making big border changes so had it in RGB a while so I could use layers to "trace" through from one to another).

    I'd suggest opening a virgin file and recheck the colours in the palette, then manually edit the entries in the palette of your new BIF file using BIFReader.

    Actually, no, I have the figures to hand

    INDEX no., followed by RGB

    000  0,128,0            
    001  16,120,56           	 
    002  32,128,64
    003  48,136,64
    004  64,152,72
    005  80,160,80
    006  96,176,88
    007  112,192,96
    008  128,200,96
    009  128,216,104
    010  144,232,112 *
    011  160,240,120
    012  184,0,128
    013  200,16,136
    014  216,32,144
    015  232,48,152 **
    016  240,216,88 
    017  240,224,88
    018  0,240,96
    019  24,0,104
    020  40,16,112
    021  56,24,120
    022  72,40,128
    023  88,56,136
    024  104,72,144
    025  120,80,152
    026  136,96,160
    027  152,112,160
    028  168,128,176
    029  184,144,184
    030  200,160,192
    031  216,176,200
    032  96,224,16
    033  96,232,24
    034  112,248,24
    035  136,8,32
    036  152,24,32
    037  168,40,40
    038  184,48,40
    039  200,64,48
    040  232,80,56
    041  248,96,64
    042  8,112,64
    043  24,120,72
    044  40,136,80
    045  72,152,88
    046  88,168,96
    047  104,184,104
    048  0,0,0
    049  16,0,0
    050  32,0,0
    051  48,0,0
    052  64,0,0
    053  80,0,0
    054  96,0,0
    055  112,0,0
    056  128,0,0
    057  144,0,0
    058  160,0,0
    059  176,0,0
    060  192,0,0
    061  208,0,0
    062  224,0,0
    063  240,0,0
    064  48,48,112
    065  48,56,120
    066  64,64,128
    067  80,80,136
    068  96,88,144
    069  112,104,152
    070  128,120,168
    071  144,136,176
    072  160,152,184
    073  176,168,192
    074  192,192,200
    075  208,208,208
    076  224,224,224
    077  0,248,232
    078  24,16,240
    079  56,40,248
    080  8,0,32
    081  24,16,32
    082  40,32,32
    083  56,48,32
    084  72,64,40
    085  88,80,40
    086  104,96,40
    087  120,112,40
    088  136,128,48
    089  152,144,48
    090  168,160,48
    091  184,176,56
    092  200,192,56
    093  216,208,56
    094  232,232,56
    095  248,248,64
    096  160,128,112
    097  176,136,120
    098  192,152,128
    099  208,168,136
    100  224,184,144
    101  240,192,152
    102  0,208,168
    103  16,224,176
    104  32,240,184
    105  56,0,192
    106  72,16,200
    107  88,32,208
    108  104,48,224
    109  120,64,232
    110  136,88,240
    111  168,104,248
    112  0,192,48
    113  16,200,48
    114  32,216,56
    115  48,232,56
    116  64,248,64
    117  88,8,64
    118  104,32,72
    119  120,48,72
    120  136,64,80
    121  152,80,80
    122  168,96,88
    123  184,112,96
    124  200,136,96
    125  216,152,104
    126  232,168,104
    127  248,192,112
    128  112,208,56
    129  128,216,64
    130  144,232,72
    131  160,240,80
    132  168,0,80
    133  184,16,88 
    134  200,24,96
    135  216,40,104
    136  232,48,112
    137  248,64,120
    138  24,80,136
    139  40,80,144
    140  56,104,152
    141  72,112,160
    142  88,128,168 
    143  120,144,184
    144  224,128,64
    145  240,136,64
    146  0,152,72
    147  0,160,80
    148  16,176,88
    149  32,192,96
    150  48,208,104
    151  48,224,112
    152  64,240,120
    153  88,0,128
    154  104,16,136
    155  104,32,144
    156  120,56,152
    157  136,72,160
    158  152,88,168
    159  168,112,184
    160  208,120,104
    161  208,128,104 
    162  224,144,112
    163  240,160,120
    164  0,168,128
    165  16,184,136
    166  32,200,144
    167  32,216,144
    168  48,232,152
    169  64,248,160
    170  88,16,168
    171  104,32,176
    172  120,48,184
    173  120,72,184
    174  136,88,192
    175  152,112,200
    176  112,208,104
    177  128,216,104
    178  144,232,112 *
    179  160,240,120
    180  168,0,128
    181  184,16,136
    182  200,24,136
    183  216,40,144
    184  232,48,152 **
    185  248,64,160
    186  24,80,168
    187  40,88,168
    188  56,104,176
    189  72,112,184
    190  88,128,192
    191  120,144,200
    192  128,128,104
    193  128,136,112
    194  144,152,120
    195  160,160,120
    196  176,176,128
    197  192,192,136
    198  208,208,144
    199  224,224,144
    200  240,240,152
    201  8,0,160
    202  24,16,168
    203  40,32,168
    204  56,56,176
    205  72,72,184
    206  88,88,192
    207  120,112,200
    208  80,176,16
    209  80,184,16 
    210  96,192,24
    211  112,208,32
    212  112,216,40
    213  128,232,48
    214  144,248,56
    215  152,0,64
    216  168,16,72
    217  184,32,80
    218  200,48,88
    219  200,64,96
    220  216,80,104
    221  232,96,112
    222  232,104,128
    223  248,128,136
    224  224,136,48
    225  240,144,48
    226  0,168,56
    227  16,184,64
    228  48,200,72
    229  64,216,80
    230  80,232,88
    231  104,0,96
    232  120,16,112
    233  136,40,120
    234  152,56,128
    235  184,80,136
    236  200,96,152
    237  216,120,160
    238  232,144,176
    239  248,168,184
    240  208,208,104
    241  224,224,112
    242  240,240,120
    243  8,0,128
    244  24,16,136
    245  40,40,144
    246  56,56,152
    247  72,72,160
    248  88,88,168
    249  104,104,176
    250  136,128,192
    251  8,248,248
    252  8,248,248
    253  8,248,248
    254  8,248,248
    255  216,216,232
    And suddenly I'm confused There shouldn't be any repeats - I notice though that 184 is the same as 15 (not 16, but did you start counting from 0?), and 10 and 178 are identical, just as you say.

    But I expect a work-around would be re-edit the brushes in BIFReader, even if the colour is the same, this app maintains the index number, so it should work. Now I need to work out why my own BIF palette above has duped colours??? I wonder if you used my palette and this introduced the dupe??
    Sorry I meant 15 and not 16 - my mistake.

    I haven't used your palette in the file, only as a reference (and very useful it was too, thanks) the duplicate values exist in the palettes inside the actual BIFs themselves. 009 and 011 are also duplicated RGB values as 177 and 179 respectively. There may be more but I can't see any yet.

    Manually colouring in with bif reader is the only option unless I can find another image editor that doesn't have this problem. Thanks for your assistance.

    -Edit: Manually colouring in from readbif, though tedious worked. First I had recolour as blank, so that I can see the difference, and then colour in again with the correct index.
    Last edited by caravel; 03-10-2008 at 21:24.


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