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Thread: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

  1. #61
    Jesus Member lobf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    I think the Victory Conditions mod is a necessary part of following this guide. It's not perfect, but it at least encourages the AI factions to head in the right direction.
    I guess you missed my question. Is the initial post ever going to get any more detail, Quintus? It seemed to drop off after your Romani AAR died, but I would personally love to see it updated for my future campaigns.

  2. #62
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by lobf View Post
    I guess you missed my question. Is the initial post ever going to get any more detail, Quintus? It seemed to drop off after your Romani AAR died, but I would personally love to see it updated for my future campaigns.
    It's one of those things I do intend to get round to, just keep getting sidetracked with other things. I haven't had time to play EB either, lately.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  3. #63
    Jesus Member lobf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    I figured, and I know how that is. I eagerly await more content.

  4. #64

    Default AW: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Great guide, though I prefer to change history :D However I want to have a typical roman army just because they work well. I also want to start battles in manipular order, so I need two Triarii maniples, but when I tried to change the EDU, it's always resetted when I start EB next time... I saved the file and after starting (and quitting) the game the Triarii have 162 units again, which is also displayed in the EDU. Is there a way to solve this problem? I just want to have half-sized Triarii maniples :(
    Would be kind if somebody can help me :)


  5. #65
    Wielder of a pointy-thing Member Olimpian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Change the EDU in EB/sp game edu backup.

  6. #66

    Default AW: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Thanks :) Now it works. Is there a way to add units per cheat? So I could revome the old Triarii units and add new ones...

  7. #67
    Wielder of a pointy-thing Member Olimpian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    add_unit <city or general name> "<internal name of unit>". In your case: add_unit Roma "roman infantry polybian triarii" (Roman generals' internal names are tricky, better just use cities) Also, for extra info, add_unit? or ?add_unit (can't exactly remember which) console command wiill further explain.

  8. #68
    Member Member Macilrille's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    This is nice, but I see you adhere to Badian et al's interpretation of Roman imperialism, saying, "Extermination is rare. Only two settlements were razed to the ground (and in the same year - 146BC), Kart-Hadast and Korinthos."

    This is definately not true. I recommend reading W. V. Harris; "War and Imperialism in Republican Rome", Oxford, 1976.
    Though a bit old and though some scepticism is definately necessary reading this as well as other accounts and original sources (Source Criticism is what differentiates History from fiction), he has some points on the mentality of Romans and their treatment of the conquered. And he lists several instances where subjugated cities and populations were massacred by Romans, even in the Hellenistic world where the good Quintus maintains Romans behaved benevolently.

    Good job on the guide though, this sort of thing is exactly what we need in order to not just conquer everything in two generations.
    'For months Augustus let hair and beard grow and occasionally banged his head against the walls whilst shouting; "Quinctillius Varus, give me my legions back"' -Sueton, Augustus.

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  9. #69

    Default AW: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    add_unit Roma "roman infantry triarii early"

    This command actually doesn't work... :( But no problem, I'll just cheat the money to build new ones and delete the old ones^^

  10. #70
    Not your friend Member General Appo's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Ahem. It should be:

    create_unit "Roma" "roman infantry triarii early"
    The Appomination

    I don't come here a lot any more. You know why? Because you suck. That's right, I'm talking to you. Your annoying attitude, bad grammar, illogical arguments, false beliefs and pathetic attempts at humour have driven me and many other nice people from this forum. You should feel ashamed. Report here at once to recieve your punishment. Scumbag.

  11. #71

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    could someone post a "guide" on how to reduce a unit of triarii for dummies?
    i always did it in RTR but that was ages ago. i can see recruitment cost but not sure which entry is to do with number of soldier.


  12. #72
    EBII Bricklayer Member V.T. Marvin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quite simple, just change this
    soldier          roman_infantry_triarii, 40, 0, 1.2
    into this
    soldier          roman_infantry_triarii, 20, 0, 1.2
    You could also half the cost and upkeep by changing this
    stat_cost        1, 1524, 381, 30, 40, 1524
    into this
    stat_cost        1, 762, 191, 30, 40, 1524
    Have fun!

  13. #73
    Devout worshipper of Bilious Member miotas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    In the files "Rome - Total War\EB\Data\export_descr_unit"

    and "Rome - Total War\EB\sp game edu backup\expot_descr_unit"

    For those who didn't know.

    They can be edited with notepad, but notepad++ or "crimson editor" would be better choices

    And remember to BACKUP!

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  14. #74

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    thanks guys!

  15. #75
    Member Member delablake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Bingo! Thanks a lot!
    Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man

  16. #76

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    cool guide but idk who are the Achaeans? Where is thei homeland or provinces

  17. #77
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by cosmyn12 View Post
    cool guide but idk who are the Achaeans? Where is thei homeland or provinces
    Wikipedia is your friend.
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  18. #78

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    I've been tracking this thread for a while now, and I've noticed that we've never had the historical Marian formations updated. Are we planning to do this at all?

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  19. #79

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    where do you get allied units such as the Samnite, Lucanian, Bruttium, Ligurian or Gallic infantry for your socii alae? the only way i've seen is by generals recruiting mercenaries.

  20. #80

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Unfortunately, it would seem the creator of this guide has dissapeared off the face of the .org.

  21. #81
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by froogle_king View Post
    where do you get allied units such as the Samnite, Lucanian, Bruttium, Ligurian or Gallic infantry for your socii alae? the only way i've seen is by generals recruiting mercenaries.
    Lukanians for the Romans are indeed mercenaries. The rest are just regional units (in Samnium, Bruttium, Liguria and Celtic regions).

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  22. #82
    Member Member Alexandros Megas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Hello to everybody. I am a new member of the forum. I want to play the campaign with the romani in a historical point of view. However, I would like to recreate a legion from the camillan times, but if I update the MICs to recruit for example the Equites Extraordinarii (to reproduce a consular army), when I reach the conditions of the Polybian reform, I can't update the MIC (these cavalrymen are only recruitable in the last MIC). Anybody had had this same problem?.

    My second question is about the second punic war. I`ve seen a script to recreate the presence of Hannibal in Italy, but many people couldn't reach this goal. So, I thought in a console command. Is it possible to create a unit or a general for another faction with a console command? And give him good traits (as logistics for example)? In the same manner, for the first punic war, I saw that carthaginians DON'T create a strong navy to fight against the romans. Can I give them several units of ships to fight against them?

    For the moment I will begin a new campaign with the romani, until reach the polybian reforms, without update the MIC.

    Thanks a lot for your attention and for your answers.

    Edition: I discovered the first question. I used the console command: add_unit Roma "roman cavalry auxilia equitesextraordinarii" to recruit them without the MIC and the command: add_money seleucid, -3088 to pay the cost of their recruitment. I have still the other question without solve.
    Last edited by Alexandros Megas; 09-18-2010 at 01:04. Reason: The first doubt is solved
    Αλεςανδροσ Μεγασ Ο΄ Μακεδονικε και Ασιασ Βασιλευσ

  23. #83
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hakomar View Post
    Unfortunately, it would seem the creator of this guide has dissapeared off the face of the .org.
    I genuinely did for a long while, life got in the way. :)

    I go through fits and starts with computer games, I have weeks of frantic activity then months (or even occasionally as long as a year) of not playing any game at all. I'm also now the father of a nearly-four-month old daughter, which impacts my free time. A lot.

    Having gotten on a Master of Magic kick lately (cheap from Good Old Games), I've been looking back at EB again. Though I'd have to do a thorough optimise job on my creaky old shuttle PC to make it playable, as I did last time.

    Anyway, to answer the question about the post-Marian reforms, I never got round to it, and never really got a good answer from anything I was reading as to how the allied part of the formation would be involved (besides the obvious taking the flanks inside the cavalry wings).
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  24. #84
    Member Member anubis88's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Well i can say that your guide has become highly referenced on this forum and on the TWC as well. When a debate on Roman armies or house rules starts, posting the adress of your thread is usually the first answer.

    Too bad you weren't active so long... You could become popular ;)
    Europa Barbarorum Secretary

  25. #85

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    I genuinely did for a long while, life got in the way. :)

    I go through fits and starts with computer games, I have weeks of frantic activity then months (or even occasionally as long as a year) of not playing any game at all. I'm also now the father of a nearly-four-month old daughter, which impacts my free time. A lot.

    Having gotten on a Master of Magic kick lately (cheap from Good Old Games), I've been looking back at EB again. Though I'd have to do a thorough optimise job on my creaky old shuttle PC to make it playable, as I did last time.

    Anyway, to answer the question about the post-Marian reforms, I never got round to it, and never really got a good answer from anything I was reading as to how the allied part of the formation would be involved (besides the obvious taking the flanks inside the cavalry wings).
    Ave Quintus!

    Seeing as you just popped back in, I would just like to thank you for your wonderful guide. Your army composition and general gameplay suggestions have really increased the enjoyment of this mod for me, and your AAR was also fine reading. Congrats on the new daughter as well!

  26. #86
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Someone was asking about the post-Marian "historical" army, I had one here.

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    Huge unit scale does a reasonable 1:10 ratio to real life, thus a "full stack" of around 2500 troops is about equivalent to a real army of 25,000. Thus a legion should only be around 4-5000 men, and thus 400-500 soldiers (ie two to three units).

    I'm thinking that a legion should basically be thus:
    1 x First cohort
    1 x Cohor reformata
    1 x "Veterans" - either evocati or antesignani

    That gives you a legion of around 500-ish men, or 5000 multiplied up in scale. Each legion would merit the addition of a single unit of skirmishers, and perhaps one of cavalry and one artillery for every two legions present. Having a first cohort in each legion adds to survivability quite a bit, and having one of veterans in each adds flexibility.

    As an option, perhaps a unit of allied line infantry for every legion as well.

    Thus a two-legion army would be thus:
    1st Legion
    1 unit of First Cohort
    1 unit of cohors reformata
    1 unit of antesignani

    2nd Legion
    1 unit of First Cohort
    1 unit of cohors reformata
    1 unit of cohors evocata

    1 unit of Scorpions/arrow throwers

    1 unit of allied javelin-men
    1 unit of allied slingers or archers
    1 unit of allied cavalry
    Optional: 2 units of allied close-order foot

    Plus a general and perhaps a legate/tribune for 11 or 12 units as a "full stack" (or up to 14 if you're including some allied infantry). You might just squeeze in a third legion if you were going with one general.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  27. #87

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    thanks for the guide.

    seems like there is lots of down time playing this way. how do you groom your FM's without constant expansion. seems like there will be lots of attuned governors and supervisors.

  28. #88

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by Perdiccas View Post
    thanks for the guide.

    seems like there is lots of down time playing this way. how do you groom your FM's without constant expansion. seems like there will be lots of attuned governors and supervisors.
    It is true that you can't expect lots of extraordinary generals, when following the guide, but you shouldn't really need them. Since you are expanding slowly, you will only have a limited number of armies in the field and the troops at your disposal should be good enough not to need a more than decent general.
    Read about glory and decline of the Seleucid Empire... (EB 1.1 AAR)

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  29. #89
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysimachos View Post
    It is true that you can't expect lots of extraordinary generals, when following the guide, but you shouldn't really need them. Since you are expanding slowly, you will only have a limited number of armies in the field and the troops at your disposal should be good enough not to need a more than decent general.
    Indeed, to be honest the quality of the general doesn't matter that much, and that's also part of the additional difficulty. You might have a provincial governor who's been fighting a lot and turned into an exceptional general, but when his time is up he has to go back to Rome and might be replaced by an incompetent proconsul or propraetor.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  30. #90

    Default Re: Quintus Sertorius' Guide to Conduct Becoming of a True Roman (Redux for EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    Indeed, to be honest the quality of the general doesn't matter that much, and that's also part of the additional difficulty. You might have a provincial governor who's been fighting a lot and turned into an exceptional general, but when his time is up he has to go back to Rome and might be replaced by an incompetent proconsul or propraetor.
    in an earlier post you mentioned letting your young FM serve as cavalry in the legions. do they actually get any benefit in game for this?

    e.g. i have and 17 year old FM with pretty good traits except he is of doubtful courage. will making him charge repeatedly eventually erase this trait?

    or is your suggestion just for historical purposes and not game purposes?


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