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Thread: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

  1. #1
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    About the Mod

    Q: What is EB?
    A: Europa Barbarorum was started to more accurately represent the barbarian factions in Rome - Total War as more than unwashed hordes but quickly expanded into accurate representations of all of the factions. Over the X years that EB has existed, EB has completely remade the Rome - Total War game with the goal of historical accuracy and fair representations of all factions. With the completion of Europa Barbarorum Version 1.1, the team has moved on to the M2TW engine to recreate the Roman Era with the new features available therein.

    Q: Is EB2 going to be for the Kingdoms expansion?
    A: Yes, EB2 will be designed for Kingdoms and will only work with the Kingdoms expansion, patched to 1.05

    Q: Why not use the engines of TW Empires or Shogun 2 ?
    A: Because MTW2 is the only reasonably moddable engine after RTW.

    Q: What is the start date / end date?
    A: 272BC - AD14

    Q: Is this a Roman-centric mod?
    Q: Is this a barbarian-centric mod?

    A: EB attempts to give all included factions an equal share and portray them as they historically were, without favouring one faction or culture.

    Q: Are you affiliated with Europa Barbarorum for Rome : Total War?
    A: The EB2 team started from the EB1 team, but now very few remain. Although never in great numbers, the team has managed to recruit enough modders to keep working, even if at a slow pace.

    Q: When will EB2 be released?
    A: Although research and concepting from Europa Barbarorum can be used for Europa Barbarorum II, all unit have to be remade. This will take a large amount of time and an accurate estimate of a release date cannot yet be ascertained. If you can model/skin units in M2TW and want to help us finish EB2 quicker, visit the Recruitment Thread and tell us what you can do.

    Q: Will it be released completely in one big-bang event?
    A: No. Due to the huge scope and lack of manpower, we have decided to release it partially. The 1st release will have most of the mechanics, traits, scripts, battlemap settlements and a large number of units. Subsequent releases will allow to improve those aspects considering the players' feedback and will also include more units.

    Q: What previews have there been?
    A: All previews are linked in this thread:
    All the Previews In One Thread...

    About the Factions

    Q: What are the new factions that will be in EB2?
    A: The list of factions is not closed yet, but EB2 will have the following factions in the 1st release:
    (from EB1)
    - Rome
    - Carthage
    - Makedonia
    - Epeiros
    - Koinon Hellenon
    - Seleukid Empire
    - Ptolemaioi
    - Baktria
    - Hayasdan
    - Pontos
    - Parthia
    - Aedui
    - Arverni
    - Pritanoi (replaces the Casse)
    - Lusotannan
    - Sweboz
    - Getai
    - Saba
    - Saka Rauka
    - Sauromatae
    (new in EB2)
    - Numidia
    - Pergamon
    - Taksashila
    - Lugia
    - Bosporan Kingdom
    - Arevaci
    - Boii
    - Nabatean Empire

    Q: Will the Koinon Hellenon be devided into a Spartan, Athenian, and Rhodian Faction?
    A: The Koinon Hellenon will remain as a faction and will not be divided up. Individually, each city-state was not strong enough or expansionistic enough to warrant the usage of a faction slot during this time period. Based on the EB system of deciding factions, if the Koinon were divided, it would be best represented by strong rebels. Therefore, the Koinon Hellenon will remain as a united league.

    Q: Will there be factions available to play later in the campaign, like the Cimbri or Yuezhi?
    A: No, the EB team have stated numerous times that we want all our factions to be playable from 272 BC.

    About the Units

    Q: How many units there will be?
    A: The 1st release will have around 200 units.

    Q: Units will have different faces?
    A: Units will not only have different faces but also different individual features (armor, shields, weapons, etc). Armies in this period rarely were uniformly dressed and equipped.

    Q: Will there be Lorica Segmentata in EB2?
    A: Lorica Segmentata was not widely used within the games time frame. Even though it could be argued that it was used to a minimal extent at the very end of the time frame the team has decided not to include any Lorica Segmentata in the official EB2 releases.

    Q: Will there be camel-mounted units for the Arab factions?
    A: Most probably not in the 1st release. The list of 200 units is already closed, although some units may yet "creep in" until release day.

    About the Gameplay

    Q: Will settlements/forts/etc look Medieval or Ancient?
    A: They will look Ancient.

    Q: Will we see the RTW ancient formations in EB2 (phalanx, testuto, etc)?
    A: The phalanx formation is in EB2, but Testudo will not be in because we can't make it work under the MTW2 engine.

    Q: Will there be Roman civil wars?
    A: The use of a Roman counter-faction has been decided against. Not only does this require the use of a faction slot as a non-playable faction, but this would be too Roman-centric. The Romans were not the only ones with civil wars and devisive conflicts at the time. If the Romans got a counter-faction then many other factions should get them too, such as Arche Seleukeia and the Ptolemaioi. Internal conflicts can and will be represented, however, with scripting and the loyalty feature of M2TW, for many factions.

    Q: Will the new agents be used (merchants, priests/imams, & princesses)?
    A: There was a lot of discussion about possible uses but since none of them involved historical necessity, we have basically ignored them for now and they won't be in the 1st release at least.

    Q: Will the Pope and Cardinal elections be used in any way?
    A: No, since there is no historical perspective that could require them in the Hellenistic period.

    Q: Will the Crusades/Jihad features of the M2TW engine be used?
    A: No, since there is no historical perspective that could require them in the Hellenistic period.

    Q: Is the campaign map larger?
    A: Both Rome - Total War and Medieval 2 - Total War have the same hardcoded number of provinces (199), so no additional settlements can be added to the game, although there are new regions in place of others that we removed. However, the scale of map will increase (approximately 1.3x).

    Q: Will historical characters be scripted to appear throughout the campaign (eg. Hannibal, Julius Caesar, etc).
    A: No. EB is commited to the philosophy of setting the stage in 272 then allowing the game to play out as it will. Characters who are not alive by 272 will not appear later in the game as this would conflict with this. There are too many causes that cannot be replicated in the game to accurately represent these characters later in the game. EB is about making your own Hannibal, or your own Julius Caesar.

    Q: Will historical invasions like the Cimbri invasion in 113 BC or historical events like Spartacus' slave revolt appear?
    A: Any invasions and mass-migrations that originated in the geographical area represented by our map will not be in, but invasions that originated outside the map will. When it comes to major invasions & events on our map, they will only be included if they can be recreated with the MTW2 engine following a set of conditions that simulate what happened historically.

    Q: Will you represent cultures? How and which ones?
    A: We will use the religion mechanism to represent socio-political affinities, which are in competition in varying degrees in any given settlement. This competition may end up in civil unrest, if a culture gets closer in importance to the dominant one. Certain factions will need to evolve to another culture, which will certainly trigger unrest throughout the territory, and that transition will be harder if the player wants to do it too fast. The cultures are:
    - Arid Nomadism
    - Steppe Nomadism
    - Eastern Imperial
    - Eastern Tribal
    - European Tribal
    - Forest Tribal
    - Western Mediterranean Polities
    - Hellenistic Polities
    - Indian Tribal
    Last edited by Kull; 08-08-2014 at 19:27. Reason: FAQ reformed

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  2. #2
    Member Member Hax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    A: Both Rome - Total War and Medievil 2 - Total War have the same hardcoded number of provinces (199), so no new settlements can be added to the game. However, the scale of map will increase (approximately 1.3x).
    Marcus, the word is actually medieval. Furthermore, good that you posted this, will avoid some unwanted questions.
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  3. #3
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Lets not clog up the FAQ with spam please. (not you Hax). With a new FAQ we'll be deleting posts that don't contain suggestions or questions.

    EBII Mod Leader
    Hayasdan Faction Co-ordinator

  4. #4
    Combustion Member beatoangelico's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Q: Will we see the RTW ancient formations in EB2 (phalanx, testuto, etc)?
    A: The phalanx formation will definately be in EB2

  5. #5
    Master of Puppets Member hellenes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    A question:
    Will EBII include the faction leaders separate model feature from M2TWK? Like Manuel Komnenos having his own model on the battlefield....? I mean just for the starting leaders....Like Antigonos...Ptolemaios?
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  6. #6
    Last user of scythed chariots Member Spendios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by hellenes
    A question:
    Will EBII include the faction leaders separate model feature from M2TWK? Like Manuel Komnenos having his own model on the battlefield....? I mean just for the starting leaders....Like Antigonos...Ptolemaios?
    Not decided yet but it's a really low priority.

  7. #7
    Member Member Spartiaths's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    it could be nice thought
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  8. #8
    WotD 2D graphic Dude Member Gebeleisis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    good faq

  9. #9
    Master of Puppets Member hellenes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Spendios
    Not decided yet but it's a really low priority.
    Hey guys no pressure...just a nice feature....
    Impunity is an open wound in the human soul.


    The best choose one thing in exchange for all, everflowing fame among mortals; but the majority are satisfied with just feasting like beasts.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Will religion be used in EBII, or will it be used to represent culture etc.?

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  11. #11
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignoramus
    Will religion be used in EBII, or will it be used to represent culture etc.?
    Neither, it will represent something different.

    EBII Mod Leader
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  12. #12
    Not your friend Member General Appo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Damn, now I´m getting all overtly excited again about what the hell the EB team is planning.
    The Appomination

    I don't come here a lot any more. You know why? Because you suck. That's right, I'm talking to you. Your annoying attitude, bad grammar, illogical arguments, false beliefs and pathetic attempts at humour have driven me and many other nice people from this forum. You should feel ashamed. Report here at once to recieve your punishment. Scumbag.

  13. #13
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    So are we, we haven't seen how it will all work together yet.

    EBII Mod Leader
    Hayasdan Faction Co-ordinator

  14. #14
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Who cares


    I have a question:

    did the makedonians/ hellenistic armies really paint their helm? if so, will there be such a thing in EB2 (I ask: a) out of curioasity, and b) someone else is bound to ask, and start up a another war)

    Quote Originally Posted by JMRC
    Thank you for your enthusiasm. We are currenty working on a development FAQ, where we are going to put all the relevant questions and (the possible) answers to them. This way we can have a single frontend for fans requests and questions, instead of a chance-basis. So, stay tuned!
    I hold him up in posting my Q
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  15. #15
    Jesus Member lobf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Will Religion represent ehtnic groups somehow?

  16. #16
    EB on ALX player Member ziegenpeter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Foot
    Neither, it will represent something different.

    Last edited by ziegenpeter; 05-04-2008 at 14:01.

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  17. #17
    EB2 Baseless Conjecturer Member blacksnail's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by lobf
    Will Religion represent ehtnic groups somehow?
    To elaborate, hardcoded representation of the M2TW religion limits us because of the way it displays on some of the scrolls. Essentially you can only have so many before the scroll barfs.

  18. #18
    Jesus Member lobf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Last edited by lobf; 05-10-2008 at 07:18.

  19. #19
    NOBAΛO AYΣE Member Ayce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by blacksnail
    To elaborate, hardcoded representation of the M2TW religion limits us because of the way it displays on some of the scrolls. Essentially you can only have so many before the scroll barfs.
    What about culture groups? ((W) Greek, (E) Greek, Roman, Semitic, Phoenician, Thracian, Celtic, Germanic, (Slavic), Schytian, Iberian, Indian)

  20. #20

    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    thill when will i have the time to download this current mod because the came i ordered is still underway and i will like to play it before this current mod ends

  21. #21
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    I am afraid I do not understand what you wrote. EB2 is not available for download, and I doubt it will be before 2009. Until that time, you can play EB1.1.
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  22. #22
    Member Member Hax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Is the culture limit still 7?
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  23. #23
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Yes, the culture limit is still 7. We did make a request to CA to have the limit upped, but unfortunately the increase has not appeared in any of the patches.

    EBII Mod Leader
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  24. #24
    Member Member Hax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Huh, that would make it indeed harder for the inclusion of say Gandhara. Doesn't feel really just to give them the eastern attribute.
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  25. #25
    EB2 Baseless Conjecturer Member blacksnail's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayce
    What about culture groups? ((W) Greek, (E) Greek, Roman, Semitic, Phoenician, Thracian, Celtic, Germanic, (Slavic), Schytian, Iberian, Indian)
    I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean culture groups with similar UI interfaces as in EB1?

  26. #26

    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    my suggestion in the form of a question: why must the time frame be limited to 272BC - AD14?
    to have a little longer time (perhaps until AD50 or so) would be nicer. i'd hate my campaign to suddenly be over just because it's already AD14 and i haven't yet totally vanquished the seleukids. Hawooh.
    "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." ~Salvor Hardin

  27. #27
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Some 1144 turns is not enough for you? No one that I can recall has ever hit 14AD. There are no plans to change the end date.

    EBII Mod Leader
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  28. #28
    Not your friend Member General Appo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Wumpus, if you can show me anyone (I mean anyone) who has ever played to 14AD I will... well I won´t believe you.
    The only way I´d ever play to 14AD was if I got really addicted to a campaign. Seeing it suddenly end would be a true relief.
    The Appomination

    I don't come here a lot any more. You know why? Because you suck. That's right, I'm talking to you. Your annoying attitude, bad grammar, illogical arguments, false beliefs and pathetic attempts at humour have driven me and many other nice people from this forum. You should feel ashamed. Report here at once to recieve your punishment. Scumbag.

  29. #29
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Since the game engine does not have unlimited immerging factions; civil wars; internal unrest; realistic famine, disease, and rioting; or population troubles, by around 100BC you'll run out of things to do in a campaign. You would have to be going super slow to even have much left to conquer. And if you didn't conquer the map, an AI faction will have and you'll be bogged down in a war with a superpower. As it is, AD14 is almost too late...

    Besides, game engine unit limits means that the Romans won't be getting any new units or anything.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Europa Barbarorum II FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusAureliusAntoninus View Post
    Since the game engine does not have unlimited immerging factions; civil wars; internal unrest; realistic famine, disease, and rioting; or population troubles, by around 100BC you'll run out of things to do in a campaign. You would have to be going super slow to even have much left to conquer. And if you didn't conquer the map, an AI faction will have and you'll be bogged down in a war with a superpower. As it is, AD14 is almost too late...

    Besides, game engine unit limits means that the Romans won't be getting any new units or anything.
    BTW, some MTW2 mods, like The Long Road, implemented revolts of nobility. Any plans for putting something like that in? Having the player to worry more about internal struggles would be realistic and cool.

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