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Thread: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

  1. #91
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    But the Demetrids (Baktria) doesn't have any units with chainmail. All of their elites use either scale or lammolar... segmented armor. Their kataphraktoi use a mix of both and even their Thorakitai have scalemail. Since chainmail is a western invention, I didn't want to add it to any of the eastern Arche Makedonia troops.

  2. #92
    Not your friend Member General Appo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusAureliusAntoninus
    I made sure that they could recruit Hoplitai in Sparte and I was going to give them move options (such as Spartan Hoplites), but they just sat there and didn't do anything, so I didn't end up doing anything. I could give them Spartan Hoplites, because it fits with my roleplaying. They were I Type4 for a long time and when I integrated all of Hellas, I never did so to Sparta.
    Hmmm.... I see. But sometime you´re going to have to take back the city, ´cause I don´t recon the Spartans as the kind to just roll over and admit defeat. So when you do, spawning a few Spartan Hoplites should be quite... adequate, right?
    The Appomination

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  3. #93
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    I'm just about to deal with Sparta at the point I'm playing in the game. Not quite sure what all I'm going to do...

  4. #94
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Chapter 57 : King of Babylon

    All across Anatolia, Kappadokia, and Pontos the Pyrrhic offensive is at its highest. After ensuring the reign of the new Galatian king in Amaseia, the Galatian army moves south to conquer Kappadokia and cut the supply line to Anatolia by cutting the Persian Royal Road. The Illyrians who had been heading into southern Anatolia are then ordered by Pyrrhos into Kappadokia. There, they would assist and keep an eye on the Galatians. After the fall of Amaseia, the Galatians had promised that all Arche Makedonia land conquered by them would be returned to Pyrrhos, but the Illyrians, who were extremely loyal to Pyrrhos personally, are sent in just to be sure.

    To the north, Lysippos continues his siege of Sinope, where the last Demetrid forces in Pontos are hiding:

    To the west, Sotades, first-born son of Pyrrhos, continues his own siege on Pergamon. There, the Pergamese are beginning to show signs of complete surrender. Pyrrhos, himself, also moves forward again. This time he corners a small Demetrid army within the city of Ipsos. In the back of his head Pyrrhos remembers that this is the very city where his own ancestors had lost there chance at reuniting an empire more than a hundred years prior:

    Far from Pyrrhos' offensive, another man apposes the Demetrids. In Babylonia, Isidoros Oresteus had marched his men across the deserts and back to the Euphrates river. Now he comes to the home of his men, in Babylon:

    He rests his men, but his supply line is nonexistant and an army of this size cannot survive on foraging and looting alone. He'll have to make his move quickly, whatever it may be:

    In Makedonia, while his family and nation fights a civil war, Euphrantos, third-born son of Pyrrhos, administers the region. While there, he spends some time on training and education but even more of his time on corruption. Being the son of a great man, he is given leniency and grows ever more corrupt:

    On the far side of a sea, Herodes, son of Herakleon, comes of age in Bosphoria. His father had once been a candidate of the throne, but now his family is only consumed with the goal of making his killers pay. Before being murdered, Herakleon had gathered his forces but they had sense dispersed to defend from attack. Herodes quickly calls them back, takes command, and prepares to sail to Pontos and fight the Demetrids:

    While the friendly forces of his nephew gather across the sea, Lysippos decides to finally finish off the Demetrids in Sinope:

    Lysippos' army of veterans had originally been formed in Pontos, and many of his men's homes were in or near the city of Sinope. Dispite this, they had decided to stay loyal to their general and now march against their own homeland.

    Engaging the battle, Lysippos tries to take the walls with siege towers. As they approach, the city defenders manage to damage one and set it on fire:

    Though one tower is lost, the rest easily make it to the walls and Lysippos' men charge onto them. In one section fighting breaks out, but for the most part the walls are taken without fight:

    Once the walls are taken completely, Lysippos moves his archers and slinger onto them. The city defenders attempt to make one last counter attack with their elephants but they are easy targets for the men on the walls:

    The city easily falls and elephant meat is used to feed those within the city who had been living off only grain reserves during the siege. The city happily welcomes Lysippos and her long lost sons:

    The fall of Sinope is the last step in a vital part of the war. With the fall of this region into Pyrrhos-friendly forces the lands of Lyssipos and Pyrrhos are connected, trade is restored, and with the help of Herodes' fleet the Euxeinos Pontos is completely restored to Makedonike control.

    Though Lysippos is a war hero, he is getting old and tired of fighting. With this last battle, however, Lysippos finally decides to retire from military command and simply govern Pontos.

    Around the same time, the great city of Pergamon falls to Sotades. Never strongly in the Demetrid camp, the rulers of Pergamon arrest the Demetrid military garrison and surrender the city of Sotades. Sotades moves into the city and the city uneventfully trades hands:

    On the other side of Demetrid territory, Isidoros finally reaches Babylon:

    The city of Babylon is a strange place. The city was founded thousands of years ago, but had been destroyed and rebuilt countless times. It had been the capital of many nations and empires. It was where Megas Alexandros died, and had afterward fallen into the hands of Seleukos. When Seleukeia had been founded on the Tigris, many people had moved from Babylon to the new regional capital but Babylon remained at least somewhat important. The Arche Seleukeia had mostly forgotten the city, but when the Ptolemaioi conquered Babylonia and held the city for several years, it regained its importance and was used as a headquarted for Ptolemaic forces. Demetrios' attack on Ptolemaic Anatolia had weakened the Ptolemaioi enough for the Seleukids to retake all of Babylonia and the city was once again forgotten. During Aristotelis' attack on Baylonia, Bykoli and Pefkoloas had conquered the city and lived there a couple years. In that time, they used funds from the Arche Makedonia treasury to rebuild the city. Now, the city is a mix of many cultures and peoples, rebuilt as a Hellenic city:

    The people of the city had been expecting Isidoros Oresteus and his army for a long time. Isidoros' wife had secretly left Seleukeia, where they had lived and moved into the city. Once there, she helped an underground of anti-Demetrid agents who caused riots, discontentment, and disrupted the military. By the time Isidoros and his men arrive, the city is ready to welcome them. The people simply leave the gates open, and Isidoros is able to quickly move his men into the city as soon as he arrives:

    He then orders his medium spearmen along the northern wall, where they meet slight resistance...

    ...and his archer-spearmen to the south where they meet resistance:

    The medium spearmen quickly break their foe and the archer-spearmen corner their enemy in a sidestreet:

    Circling around to the northern side of the city, near the library, the medium spearmen once again face an enemy:

    There, medium infantry unit of Makedones face off against Isidoros' men:

    Meanwhile, the archer-spearmen move near the city center and open fire on the remaining city garrison, who are waiting there:

    And a small group of Demetrid spearmen circle around the side of the city and attempt to hit the rear of Isidoros' line, but before they can strike Isidoros orders his cavalry to counter:

    The cavalry wipe out the light spearmen, the medium spearmen break the Makedones, and the archer-spearmen lay waste to their enemy from afar:

    Isidoros then gives the signal for all of his men to move in to finish off the enemy. As the killing blow aproaches, the defenders put up a feable defense:

    While his men surround the last of the enemy, Isidoros personally moves in to witness the end:

    And the end comes when the archer-spearmen charge in from the rear of the last standing foes:

    Isidoros wins himself an easy victory, loosing only a few men:

    The battle also brings out Isidoros' skill in the ability to lead men in battle:

    Having conquered the ancient city, Isidoros sets himself up as king of Babylon. Not only does Isidoros Oresteus lay claim of the city itself but also to the cities and villages following a descent length of the Euphrates both upstream and downstream from Babylon. Declaring Bablyon an autonomous state, Isisdoros quickly sends envoys to Pyrrhos and begins strengthening the city's defenses. Another client state is the last thing Pyrrhos wants to deal with at this time, but he agrees to an alliance as long as Babylon promises to follow Pyrrhos' lead in all matters.

    The known world in 172BC:

    Next: Chapter 58 : In Defense of the Arche

  5. #95

    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Oh thats very nice Marcus, when i read your stories it's like theres a little movie playing out in my head.
    Last edited by Frodge; 05-23-2008 at 23:54.

  6. #96

    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    I really enjoyed this chapter....I am looking forward to see what is going to happen with the Galatians.
    Do you plan for them to rebel???

  7. #97
    Βασιλευς και Αυτοκρατωρ Αρχης Member Centurio Nixalsverdrus's Avatar
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    Default AW: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Very nice chapter MAA.

  8. #98
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Thanks, guys.

    The Arverni are being defeated in Gaul (somehow the Aedui who nearly fell to the Iberians more then recovered from their losses) and I was thinking of transplanting the Arverni to be Galatia, but I think the Arverni will hang on for a while longer. I'll wait until the civil war is over to deal with the Galatians, anyways.

    Next chapter is going to be just random events, then a Philippos chapter, then finally back to the civil war...

  9. #99
    I is da bestest at grammar Member Strategos Alexandros's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    A great few updates I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the Galatians too.
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  10. #100

    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    awesome job maa. Very interesting developments in the war. Keep it up :)

  11. #101
    An Imperfect Follower of Light Member Wolfman's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Excellent update MAA! How did you manage to make him King of babylon? It being a client state wouldn't he get the interloper trait? Though that little red blob down in southern hellas is annoying me. Are you planning to invade sparta anytime soon or are you saving it for last?
    Tales of Gods and Kings - An Arverni AAR-DEAD
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  12. #102
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Thank again.

    I set up a Type3 in Babylon so that I can get basically all the regional troops but don't have to worry about the client-ruler system.

  13. #103

    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Since Phyrros is from..Eperios, is there any chance of a Chaeonian Agema-ish unit or something coming back?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluvius Camillus View Post
    What I'm showing here is that it doesn't matter how well trained or brave you are, no one can resist an elephant charge in the rear


  14. #104
    Not your friend Member General Appo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Wouldn&#180;t that interfer with some other unit due to shared model?
    The Appomination

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  15. #105
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Olaf The Great
    Since Phyrros is from..Eperios, is there any chance of a Chaeonian Agema-ish unit or something coming back?
    Pyrrhos is the great grandson of Demetrios I and is a "Makedone Argeades". However, he was raised in Illyria and educated in Epieros. I was thinking about writing into the story that his mother of grandmother was Illyrian or something though... And his father's hero was Pyrrhos of Epeiros (thus why he was given the name)...

    I think the Chaeonian Agema shares a model with another Hellenistic phalangitai and probably isn't available to me. Elite Epeirotes will just have to join the reformed Pezhetairoi. (The reformed Pezhetairoi in Sotades' army, that took Pergamon, were all recruited in Epeiros.)
    Last edited by MarcusAureliusAntoninus; 05-24-2008 at 22:02.

  16. #106
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Chapter 58 : In Defense of the Arche

    While civil war rages in Anatolia, Pontos, Kappadokia, and Babylonia, the western side of the Arche is forced to repel attacks from foreign forces. With no powerful mobile army in these areas, the cities are left to fend for themselves and repel attackers with their own garrisons. After more than half a year of being besieged, the defenders of the city of Seguntum finally are confronted by their enemy:

    The forces of the Iberian Confederation, having completed contruction of their siege equiptment, move forward toward the huge walls of the city. Once they are in range, the defenders throw all they have down on their foe:

    The wall defenders do quite well and manage to destroy both enemy towers and both rams:

    The Iberians now know that the only option to enter the city is breaching the walls with their mines they had begun outside the walls. Collapsing the foundation of the walls by destroying their tunnels, the Iberians breach the wall just west of the northern gate:

    The Iberian troops rush into the breach...

    ...where they confront coastal Iberian spearmen who are defending their homes:

    While fighting continues to the west, the Iberians make a second hole in the wall and attack to the east. Here, Iberian swordsmen loyal to Makedonia face Iberian swordsmen loyal to the Iberian Confederacy:

    Taking to the offensive, once their enemy breaks, the spearmen to the west charge out from the city and confront the enemy general outside the walls. There, they surround and kill him:

    With only a few losses of their own, the defenders of Seguntum kill or capture ever last one of their attackers:

    A few months later, to the south another city garrison is forced to defend itself. The city of Ippone and its mixed garrison of Sikilians and Numidians must once again fend off an attack from Numidia:

    On a calm autumn day, the defenders of Ippone awaken to find that the enemy has moved siege equiptment into position just out of range of the walls. Then suddenly the silence is broken and they move foward and toward the city. Once the towers are in range, the local archers on the walls open fire with flame arrows:

    The flame do not catch and the towers and ram reach the wall. However, the oil at the gateway kills enough Numidians that they are forced to abandon their ram and fall back:

    On the walls, the enemies rush from the towers and attacks the Sikilian defenders:

    Then, suddenly, with a loud crash, the walls come crashing down, completely surprising the defenders:

    The reserve defenders quickly rush to the breach and hastely line up in formation, just in time to receive the enemy charge:

    While they fight below, the defenders above on the walls are suffering huge causualties but manage to push the enemy back and gain a slight advantage:

    Perhaps seeking to take down the gate with their elephants, the Numidians move the great beasts forward toward the city. When they get in range, however, they are pelted by great masses of javelin from the walls. This panics the beasts and causes them to charge at the closest thing they see, their own men:

    With the attackers at the breach repelled, the city defenders rush forward. Outside the gates of the city, the local skirmishers unleash a deadly volley of javelin at the last elephant, riden by the enemy leader:

    Both the Numidian general and the elephant fall dead and the defenders turn their attention to the siege towers. Compromising the base of the tower, they manage make the whole thing come crashing down, killing the last of the Numidian attackers within:

    Although they hold the city, great losses are taken amongst the Sikilians and the garrison is greatly weakened:

    Though these battles are of little importance to the Arche and little is gained or lost by either side in either conflict, it does have effect. Seeking to ensure a more secure border and to knock the Arevaci out of the war, Philippos moves forward with his attack in Iberia.

    This time, Philippos sends an allied army of Iberians forward first. This is both a military, social, and economic move. Philippos plans to have the coastal Iberian allies weaken the garrison of the Iberian capital of Numantia while at the same time allowing glory to his allies and decreasing the amount of men on his military payroll because of the inevitable friendly losses. The Iberian allies readily agree, even though they know many of them will die, seeking to do their part in the war. The Iberians move forward and besiege the city of Numantia. A few months later Philippos mobilizes his Thorakitai army stationed in Lusotannia and follows:

    Next: Chapter 59 : Philip's War (Part III)

  17. #107
    Member Member Africanvs's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Another great update. What a massively epic campaign.
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  18. #108
    Member Member Aaldaemon's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Beyond epic stuff...

    Been a long time since I last saw these men... Brought warmth to my heart to see those awesome cats.

  19. #109
    Βασιλευς και Αυτοκρατωρ Αρχης Member Centurio Nixalsverdrus's Avatar
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    Default AW: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    How did you manage to destroy the siege tower with infantry from the outside? Only option I get in this case is to enter the siege tower, not to destroy it.

  20. #110
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Thanks for following.

    If you have a unit selected, the icon will turn to a sword when over a siege tower (I think you have to place the icon about halfway up the tower). Then your guys will think about attacking it, then slowly move a couple guys to surround it, then start poking it. After a few minutes it will collapse. I would advise never attacking any siege equiptment with multiple groups as the multiple units sometimes get "confused".

  21. #111
    Βασιλευς και Αυτοκρατωρ Αρχης Member Centurio Nixalsverdrus's Avatar
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    Default AW: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Aaahhh... thanks.

  22. #112
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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  23. #113
    Member Member DeathEmperor's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    I come back from a short vacation and find not one but TWO updates!

    A truly magnificent story MAA.

    "I fought with all that I had, but at the end I was left wounded, bloodied, and broken and asking myself, "Why?"."

  24. #114
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Excellent update, as always MAA!!

  25. #115
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Thanks for following.

    Btw, I recently fought the battle against the Spartans (two battles actually).
    Last edited by MarcusAureliusAntoninus; 05-26-2008 at 19:36.

  26. #116
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Cool, any of those famed hoplitai present in them?

  27. #117
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Maion Maroneios
    Cool, any of those famed hoplitai present in them?

  28. #118
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Hope you turned them into dust!!

  29. #119
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    wow- i just discovered this... now i am ashamed i didnt see this sooner... i should get back to my AAR as well.....
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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  30. #120
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Pyrrhic Dynasty : A Makedonian AAR

    Thanks for following...

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