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Thread: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

  1. #61

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyberius View Post
    Thank you all for your support, I'm so glad that you were expectant for my little contribution to a GREAT game and to a GREAT mod... I just want to know all good and bad experiences the mod has to offer.. and really I would like very much to asociate with two or three people (An Historian, one or two campaign programmers) to make the "mod of mods" someting based on medieval periods, near XL and BKB's but with more extended game time and even more units, using the mirror units and the dismounts to boost their numbers. Sadly I have found that all non-agent-mount-ship-crusade units added beyond slot 256 makes the period that utilizes this unit prod file to CTD on custom battle mode...That's why I didn't included the nearly 30 units I created to be dismounted units, like Bedouin foot warriors (dismounted bedouin camels), Saharan infantry (dismounted saharan cavalry) Royal foot knights (dismounted royal Knights) or foot boyars (dismounted boyars)... I have All this units on my own copy of the tyberius mod, but I make myself sure not to play custom battles...

    Again: thank you guys for your interest on this mod..
    cheers to all.
    Is it possible to get a copy of this version with the understanding of no custom battles? I'd love to have more units for this excellent mod and I never really play custom battles anyway. Thanks for the 2.2 patch.

  2. #62
    Evil Overlord Member Kaidonni's Avatar
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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you. England.

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Erm...what files to do with the presentation of the display did you change, Tyberius? I ask this because when I'd installed the two new patches, I loaded up the game...and black screen of death. Combined with blue screen of death on the other monitor in my bro's dual monitor set-up. Granted, I'd played RTW before, trying out a mod that, when I alt-tabbed, screwed everything up and almost led me to need to reboot...

    This is the first time I've ever had any trouble running the game...could it be that, since as when I managed to knock out RTW, it didn't put the resolution of the second monitor back to it's default 1280x1024? And loading up MTW pushed it over the edge?

    I also have to implement the two campaign map buttons to bypass any CTD issues on the campaign map normally, also, so is it safe to replace the ipnext and ipprev buttons with the ones from Napoleonic Total War?

    EDIT: I don't mean to be it possible I could have a version of the main 2.2 patch minus any changes to the review panels, etc, if any changes to the display messed my game up? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Kaidonni; 07-30-2008 at 23:22.
    I believe in a society without rules, laws and regulations. A society where there are only ideas - strict ideas that must be followed to by the letter - and any failure to comply is punishable by death. This would be no dictatorship or police state, no one would be living in terror. It would merely be a 'reassessment of one's preferences,' people living in 'not-so-optimistic security.' So, welcome, those who are 'longing to be blindly obedient and loyal, unbeknownst to them.'

  3. #63

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    I just wanted to say great job with the 2.2 update patch. It runs flawlessly on my system, although my computer is 6 years old. I upgraded my NVIDIA drivers about 1 year ago to one of their latest beta drivers and while RTW ran great, MTW did not. I don't think the game responds well to high end video cards, Direct X, antialiasing, etc. You can try lowering the strategic map resolution and the battle map resolution in options/video, if you haven't done that already. Good luck to you.

  4. #64
    Evil Overlord Member Kaidonni's Avatar
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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you. England.

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    I'm about to try loading up again now, didn't have a second chance last night. The resolutions are just fine, it wasn't until AFTER my alt-tabbing issue with RTW that I had the two black screens (the blue screen only appears for some reason due to the dual monitor set-up and the shunting of resolutions, it used to be black and there should have been a smaller version of my bro's desktop background in the middle...). I'm figuring, hopefully, that it was that alt-tabbing issue that did something, closing RTW didn't solve it, and loading MTW must have pushed it over the egde...

    EDIT: Yep, works fine now. Also, I haven't needed to use those campaign map buttons from NTW (the ones Peter_de123 found fixed the CTD issues). So, don't need to ask for any version of the mod without any graphical changes, all is fine now. Must have been that other thing. You see, I'd alt-tabbed from RTW, but seeing as how I'd only just installed it, I hadn't got around to setting the resolution properly. On alt-tabbing, I had a whole world of pain as the main monitor screen was black, and I couldn't get anywhere else or back into RTW. Using alt-F4 was my final solution to that...but only I don't think it put the resolution on the dual monitor set-up back (lower resolutions shunt windows, etc, to the right, and closing RTW didn't put anything back, unlike MTW...).

    EDIT 2: Sorry for getting so panicky. Was just kinda worried, LOL. That said, just took a peek at the changes made, and I must say, love what you've done to the map, Tyberius. All those extra trade resources help spice the game up more. There used to be a whole load of provinces that weren't very useful (such as Finland), now they're a bit more enticing. Love the extra resources and trade goods. :)
    Last edited by Kaidonni; 07-31-2008 at 10:16.
    I believe in a society without rules, laws and regulations. A society where there are only ideas - strict ideas that must be followed to by the letter - and any failure to comply is punishable by death. This would be no dictatorship or police state, no one would be living in terror. It would merely be a 'reassessment of one's preferences,' people living in 'not-so-optimistic security.' So, welcome, those who are 'longing to be blindly obedient and loyal, unbeknownst to them.'

  5. #65

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    One other thing:will the update work with v 2.0 campaigns or will we have to start over,cause when I updated from 1.0 to 2.0,it did some wierd things to my armies..

  6. #66
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by oz_wwjd View Post
    One other thing:will the update work with v 2.0 campaigns or will we have to start over,cause when I updated from 1.0 to 2.0,it did some wierd things to my armies..
    Any campaign started with 2.0 or 2.1 will work fine with 2.2 with the exception of the new trade goods and resources,the landbridge between sweden and finland, that will show up only in new campaigns. also some stuff like the stars of the byzantines titles and the metalsmiths on england will stay in old savegames.

  7. #67
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Manteuffel View Post
    Is it possible to get a copy of this version with the understanding of no custom battles? I'd love to have more units for this excellent mod and I never really play custom battles anyway. Thanks for the 2.2 patch.
    Let me see what I can do about that, maybe I can make a mini pack with those and fix the ctd's.

  8. #68
    Senior Member Senior Member naut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    I was wondering if I could make use of two of your review_panel/UnitIcons images?


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  9. #69
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rythmic View Post
    I was wondering if I could make use of two of your review_panel/UnitIcons images?
    Please, be my guest, The fact that someone could find something of my work useful, only makes me happy, I don't believe in the copyright stuff. All the people of the guild are free to use it. :blink:

  10. #70

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hi Tyberius,

    I thought it was my turn to visit your thread. How are things going with the info-pics? Did you have any use of my input? - If you generally think that I should keep the “advanced whining”-mode to my self, just tell me so and I will. If so, I will leave it back at home and right away switch to “happy basic”-mode instead, even if it might not be as useful, interesting and evolving for you as an artist. That is, if you still might be interested of my input in that area in the future.

    I have been thinking on what you said earlier and think you are 100% right, we few MTW-modders should stick together since we probably are a dying breed. MTW is six years old and to the average player, I guess, it does no longer hold the beauty that you, I and few others see in it. In that spirit I have brought with me a little problem that I thought perhaps you could help me out with. If you are interested to help me here I would sure appreciate it and definitely credit you for it. Regardless, I clearly don’t have what it takes to solve this one, but I thought perhaps you do. This is the problem in question:

    In the “redux\textures\men\HlPlArHm”-bif plate I have put in a crossbow (not anything fancy but still, its functional), because I always thought that MTW could use another plate of possible crossbowmen (as in light crossbowmen etc.), and I think that “HlPlArHm” is the right place to do it in. Now, I don’t know how to properly calibrate the numbers to get it to work in an acceptable fashion (or good) in the game. The bif-plate should have all the positions necessary for handling a crossbow, using the Arquebusiers positions, but I can’t make the boys to handle and hold the crossbow correctly. Also, I already know that the “loading moves” should be removed, so that’s no really the problem either.

    What do you say Tyberius? Will you do it? Can you do it? I’m kind of hoping for that you can and will. If so, the timeframe is not the vital factor on this one, but the faster it happen the better it is. If not, well that’s a shame.

    While on the subject on tactical “bif”-stuff in the game. Further down the road I will probably go and “buy/thieve” some weapons from your “smithy”, particularly some spears, maybe swords and possibly even a shield or two. Since your weapons and such really are among the best around since Viking Horde released his. Do I have your blessings to do this?

    (I’ll credit you for sure, that much is at least certain)

    - Cheers

  11. #71

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Tyberius I just wanted to say I think your work is excellent and very professional. You've really put a lot of polish on the XL mod. My only wish is that you could or would do the same on the BKB Supermod. That would be great!

  12. #72
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hi Tyberius,

    I thought it was my turn to visit your thread. How are things going with the info-pics? Did you have any use of my input? - If you generally think that I should keep the “advanced whining”-mode to my self, just tell me so and I will. If so, I will leave it back at home and right away switch to “happy basic”-mode instead, even if it might not be as useful, interesting and evolving for you as an artist. That is, if you still might be interested of my input in that area in the future.
    I do prefer the "advanced whining" mode, since I shall learn nothing from the "happy basic" one, don't you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    I have been thinking on what you said earlier and think you are 100% right, we few MTW-modders should stick together since we probably are a dying breed. MTW is six years old and to the average player, I guess, it does no longer hold the beauty that you, I and few others see in it. In that spirit I have brought with me a little problem that I thought perhaps you could help me out with. If you are interested to help me here I would sure appreciate it and definitely credit you for it. Regardless, I clearly don’t have what it takes to solve this one, but I thought perhaps you do. This is the problem in question:

    In the “redux\textures\men\HlPlArHm”-bif plate I have put in a crossbow (not anything fancy but still, its functional), because I always thought that MTW could use another plate of possible crossbowmen (as in light crossbowmen etc.), and I think that “HlPlArHm” is the right place to do it in. Now, I don’t know how to properly calibrate the numbers to get it to work in an acceptable fashion (or good) in the game. The bif-plate should have all the positions necessary for handling a crossbow, using the Arquebusiers positions, but I can’t make the boys to handle and hold the crossbow correctly. Also, I already know that the “loading moves” should be removed, so that’s no really the problem either.

    What do you say Tyberius? Will you do it? Can you do it? I’m kind of hoping for that you can and will. If so, the timeframe is not the vital factor on this one, but the faster it happen the better it is. If not, well that’s a shame.
    Well, that's a hard one, repositioning a crossbow should be the hardest thing to do in MTW modding, since crossbows are actually a "shield" item, you have to deal with four instead of two coordinates on the item animation files. normally to place a weapon you should just define a "line" between two points where the item is placed, with the crossbow you have to define a "plane". Said this, I must tell you that, yes, I can do it, but it will take some time. I will pm you when its ready.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    While on the subject on tactical “bif”-stuff in the game. Further down the road I will probably go and “buy/thieve” some weapons from your “smithy”, particularly some spears, maybe swords and possibly even a shield or two. Since your weapons and such really are among the best around since Viking Horde released his. Do I have your blessings to do this?

    (I’ll credit you for sure, that much is at least certain)

    - Cheers
    Of course you have all my blessings (although I'm far from being the pope )
    You got to have in mind that the real secret about having a good looking weapon, besides the weapon's looks is the coordinates definition on the weapons.txt file.

    For a width 1 spear,open the 12 frames on photoshop or similar, place the spearpoint two pixels away from any border on the texture_H_frame number.bmp, The spear pole must be 5 pixels wide and the spearpoint shouldn't be more than 1 pixel broader than the pole. Also important is to place every weapon or shield at least 6 pixels away from each other.

    To define the coordinates, open the texture.bif(small one) on the bif reader. Always take two pixels up and down from the pole, and three from the the tip. otherwise you'll have the well known "toothpick" look.

    A similar action should be done for a sword or polearm, always take one extra pixel from the broader/longer side of the weapon.

    For a shield you can define the top left corner exactly on the shield corner but the bottom right corner should be one pixel wider and one pixel lower, since the game seems to cut the last bottom right pixel lines out.

    If you want you can mail me your bif's and I will make the weapons.txt and shields.txt for each one.

    Here's a little showcase of what I have done using your input (and some parts of your info pics) .
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    TM Andalucian Cavalry

    XL Bohemian Bowmen

    XL Coustilliers

    XL Early Didebuls

    BKB English north Militia

    MTW Feudal Foot Knights

    XL Gael Gaedhils

    BKB Hebredian Warriors

    XL High Naxarars

    TM Italian Mercenary Cavalry

    XL Norman Foot Knights

    XL Norman Knights

    TM Saxon Warriors

    TM Swiss Guard

    XL Voi

  13. #73

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Wow your info pics look, once again, brilliant. I especially like the Swiss Guard and the Feudal Foot Knight. The others are fantastic, too, but if I had to pick a favourite, those two would be it, plus the Arsenalotti from the other thread.

  14. #74

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hello again Tyberius, I don’t seem to have the proper privileges in place to be as practical as you, so bare with me here…

    “I do prefer the "advanced whining" mode, since I shall learn nothing from the "happy basic" one, don't you think?”
    - Agreed

    Furthermore, I am very happy that you will help me out with the crossbow-problem and fix it. I will prepare a mail for you shortly. Much appreciated Ty.

    I will also read your stuff here regarding tactical inventories some more before I get the full hang of it all. But as far as I can tell, it seems that you are on the right track here. The “anti-toothpic” manoeuvres are definitely one of those things I was looking for. I might have some ideas of my own regarding spears that I want to try as well (if they work, then …!!!... and I will tell you all about it). Maybe we will discuss those later, we’ll see. Anyways, to me, one of the weaker areas in redux are that of the tactical bif-weapons area (it complies to MTW-standard but not much more) and it sure wouldn’t hurt to “spice things up” some in that section. This is stuff that are of course further down the road, as said earlier. However, it is very good to already know that I do have your blessings here, pope or not (you’re pope enough for me! Hehe!).

    Now, I guess you are interested in what input I can offer you and your pics this time, so of to the whining part then….

    ("Advanced whining"-mode on…. Here we go….)

    PIC 1

    This is just…. One splendid piece of work. I could not have done this better myself, even if I wanted too. This is a masterpiece and I for one, think it deserves to be treated as such. (Oh yes, I am in whining mode here! Now to the more interesting parts for you) Why then?

    Shape, light and composition are utterly correct and it all fits together creating the illusion and feeling that “this is indeed the way it is suppose to be and it has always been so.” Add on top of that, the special dim “MTW light” over it, making it easily mistaken for a CA original, thus it blends with the style of CAs original stuff without any effort made from, or arising any suspicions for, the spectator (as in “does this pic really go with the others?” Kind of thing.) There simply is that graphical continuity here with the CAs pics which I assume is in accordance with your plans.

    PIC 2

    Again a very, very good pic, light, shape and composition are first class. There are only three things I can complain about here, actually its just two since the third is not even by your making, it is the fault of the CAs artist (the grip-end on the sword it’s to short). Complaint 1 & 2 are the dots at the head near the chain mail (I can’t remember if I got them in mine as well). Otherwise, I could not have done this better. It is spot on and first class, and essentially masterpiece material. You got a really good angle on the shield and lion.

    PIC 3
    Again, first class…. The only thing I would have changed in this one is toning of the shield, because even if it is very faint, the shield still presents the question to the beholder; “am I external or am I not (especially the whitish section)”. - I suspect that you by now know were I’m going here. (By the way, this is some serious high-flying-whining and the pic is excellent enough as is. I guess that most people won’t even notice it).

    PIC 4

    Again…. Really and truly excellent pic. - Masterpiece (essentially for the same reasons as pic1. “I want to him-good!”). Again, I could not do this better. This one is among the best I have seen made for the game.

    PIC 5

    Again, first class…. Personally, I don’t like the pattern on the shield but I suspect that it relates with some rev-pic in XL, right? In that regard it functions and works just fine. No distortions that harms the overall impression of the pic, and it seems to me that you even bothered to throw in some “dust” to strengthen the illusion of space and depth, which by the way works its magic brilliantly.

    PIC 6

    Again…. One happy specimen of kick-ass excellence. Really great pic, actually reminds me of some similar stuff I did myself but never used it. But yours got better sharpness and your sword is probably better as well. And now that shield-pattern is used in an excellent manner. Have you done the castle as well or is it processed? It’s cool regardless. - I have only two problems with this pic, otherwise its all flying colours.

    1. the upper line of the shield pattern (separating the white and black areas) I think you should straiten it out just a tiny bit more (this is some very delicate stuff) because it does not ad up with the surrounding material properly (it looks distorted). Straitening or bending it slightly would probably fix that.

    2. The tone differences between the background and our cool hero here are too strong, let them blend some more, because now it is creating the feeling similar to that of an old theatre setting, as in painted scenery with an actor in front. And that’s not your plan, your plan is to make the two blend. The way I see it you have three options here; A you make the background more solid or B you tone down the hero making him blend better with the background (as in less opacity for insance) . C you do both to an acceptable level. Either A, B or C because I think this pic deserves it.


    This is also excellent work. Light, shape and composition are of the highest standard, and it could easily blend with CA material. Personally I think the hammer too small and perhaps to long (this of course being a matter of aesthetics and as such it is not that valuable for you. But, I am supposed to whine here and that’s the best thing I could come up with in this one! Within the borders of reason). However, if it is a XL-thing and it corresponds to that, then I would probably stick with the hammer anyway.

    PIC 8

    Again a very good pic. Light and shape are all in place. Even if the background works out it is dangerously near the problems of our cool hero from 2 pics above. I would probably strengthen the background slightly, just to be safe here. Now the only aspect that I could remark on otherwise is the composition. I get the feeling that the shield placed is too high and to much to the right. If you’re trying to camouflage any problems with the shield (If there are any, I can’t tell) just move the man rightwards and clone some on the background or something. And of course move shield downwards slightly, I am almost certain this will strengthen this pic further for you. All this, is of course, some high-flying-whining and the pic is very good already.


    Well Tyberius, that’s all advanced whining I could produce for you for the time being. Your work have improved immensely and moved into an entirely new level. You also shown that you are a fast learner and that you can apply what you learned. The most obvious part here being that you now let light do its magic for your pics and that the pics works as solid entities (as in, no obvious external parts). Light can be a really difficult aspect to master at times, but you have clearly shown that you can be in control of that, if you put your heart in it.

    You are also rapidly entering the zone were whining ceases to be meaningful (at least on the level I can provide you with), if not already there, you most certainly will be. And if you keep this explosive learning curve up, I will probably end up coming to you for pointers! I can only congratulate you, because I think that you have become a better artist and it is with a bit of pride and joy that I feel that I have been somehow part of that development. Providing you with the necessary nudge into the “realm of light”, making you more aware of its importance.

    By now you can probably can discover the full advantages and power of “dust and dirt” on your own and then in a major fashion shine with your pics. That is at least what I am hoping for here (I also think that the Korean boys should get second chance, so go and get them, and fix the “right” tone/blend on them because those pics deserve it).

    I suspected that you had it in you, thus I decided it was worth the risk, and at the same time meaningful, to go “advanced” on your work. But I never expected that you would get here that fast. All I can offer you now, is the explicitly subjective and yet always entertaining and interesting debate on aesthetics and style (but it probably wont develop you as an artist, in a practical sense at least. But the endless debates about it, sure is fun). Other than that, I can’t offer you much more now than a “second opinion” on a pic if you should ever need one. All the rest I can offer here, you already know by now. My hat is off to you! May the colour-gods be with you, always…

    ("Advanced whining"-mode…. Turned off….)

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 08-26-2008 at 16:11. Reason: Ghastly English

  15. #75
    Member Member Gyrfalcon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hi, I am in a spot of bother with trying to install this mod. After installing everything, I am still met with the normal XL game (this has actually happened twice). I am not qiute sure where I have gone wrong, have I installed it in the wrong file (I used the default one). Any help would be appreciated as I really want to play this brilliant mod.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hi there Gyrfalcon,

    I suppose a welcome to the Org is in order here and especially welcome to the MTW-corner of things. Now, I know that Tyberius is very busy, so I’ll take this one for him. Here is most likely your problem:

    MTW-XL 3.0 install path:

    "C:\Program\The Creative Assembly\Medieval - Total War - Gold Edition"

    Tyberius XL 2.0 install path:

    "C:\Program\Medieval - Total War"

    That’s the difference between them, and thus you don’t get the Tyberius touch on your XL. Now if you make it so that they have the same install path you’ll be playing MTW-Tyberius XL 2.0 in no time.

    - Enjoy!

  17. #77
    Member Member Gyrfalcon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Thanks Axalon. So, just to clarify, it is the Tyberius install path that I need to alter to be the same as the XL install path, right?

  18. #78

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Yes, that's about it....

    - Good Luck!

  19. #79
    Member Member Gyrfalcon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    I got it, eventually It looks so bright and vibrant! Now for the music pack etc.

  20. #80
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!


    I too wish to thank VikingHorde and Tyberius for their fantastic addons. Amazing work guys.

    One small question, once I've installed XL 3.0 and Tyberius 2.x on MTW:VI what should I see during the opening (menu)screens to reassure me that the mods are correctly installed?

    Perhaps one of the cognoscenti could post a screen shot, please?

    Best regards

  21. #81
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!


    Yes: thought things weren't as they should be so I did a complete uninstall and reinstall of MTW, VI, 2.01, XL 3.0 and all the Tyberius .exes, ths time being careful to direct everything to C:\Program files\ Total war\Medieval total war, and OH MY GOD! Gorgeous, vibrant... sublime! The strategy map alone is just simply beautiful.

    VikingHorde and Tyberius, you guys are going to go straight to heaven when your time comes.

    Thank you.

  22. #82
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Thank you Victorgb,for me and VH, I just did to the mod what I thought that could be improved, since the XL mod is great by itself.

  23. #83

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    @Tyberius - The Gothic Footknights do not have any buildings assigned in the MTW_XL_LATE_UNIT_PROD11.TXT for their recruitment. Is that a mistake? Are you planning on working on any other projects? Thank you.

  24. #84

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hi guys.I tried to download my first Mod today and i made the start with this tyberius mod that seems awesome.I added it to programm files/the creative assembly/medieval - total war - gold edition and then i installed it.I started the game and it hadthe tyberious XL mod at the background and such but when i pressed to start campaign the game didnt start but it stucked at the loadin screen and then the game closed automatically.Then i tried to start the gmae again but it says all the time Unable to find Deadpage you know what has happened?can you help me please ?

  25. #85
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!


    I am no expert but, (if you haven't already tried this) I suggest a complete reinstall from scratch, being careful to note exactly where the initial MTW installation goes and then being sure to direct everthing to the exact same location.

    The above sorted me out.

    Best o'luck

  26. #86

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Does this mod have to be installed OVER the XL mod? i.e do I have to install that mod first and install Tyberius' mod over the top?

    Or am I ok to just go straight for Tyberius' mod?

    Sorry if this has already been explained before, I did scan-read all three pages but couldn't find anything to tell me.

    Only a few seek liberty; the majority seek nothing more than fair masters - Sallust

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  27. #87
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!


    "Does this mod have to be installed OVER the XL mod? i.e do I have to install that mod first and install Tyberius' mod over the top?"



  28. #88

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    This mod is excellent. Thanks for putting it together.

    Makes an already fantastic mod (XL) many times better.

  29. #89
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Santiago de Chile

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Tyberius update patch 2.3 (and last)

    1.- more than 30 new info pics.

    2.- About 15 new review panel/unit icons
    3.- Arab Horse archers new unit (placed instead of the mounted nobles, redundant unit IMO)
    Stats Equal to eastern horse archers, but steed slightly faster.
    4.- Horsemen (medium cavalry) Available as basic cavalry unit for westerners. (weaker than the VI horsemen, just peasants or urban militia on horseback) can be trained everywhere by christians and pagans.

    5.- Viking invasion campaign updated with some corresponding xl/tyberius units and graphics, such as the Lowland clansmen, irish horsemen, gael gaedhils, saxon warriors, drangar, norse archers, etc.

    no longer availableTyberius Update patch 2.3[/URL]

    Well, this is the last thing I'm gonna do about Xl/Tyberius patch. also I´ve made a complete version, including all tyberius patches AND the Xl mod sort of an "XL patched" (available on own thread)

    Last edited by Tyberius; 12-02-2008 at 04:08.

  30. #90

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Tyberius, your work is truly amazing. great job! I just downloaded the 3.0 XL and Tyberius 3.0 all in one install and it works great.

    I was wondering if anyone had any info on the new units and stats. I found some info for the XL mod and the new units for it, but would like the info for all the upgrades in the Tyberius mod. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

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