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Thread: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

  1. #1
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version (a patch for MTW-VI-XL mod)

    After months of re-working on my patch I’m glad to show this community the final version of this work. Although based on XL mod, you will find substantial changes from the original version.
    This mod is intended as mainly a graphic upgrade and unit upgrade over Miguel Kristensen's (Viking Horde)Total War XL awesome mod since my knowledge is on the graphics area and so far from programming skills, I decided not to make a complete mod for myself, so I asked VH permission to release it and he gave it to me.
    Over all XL mod additions such as New campaigns, factions, and units,
    Tyberius Mod contributes with the following additions and changes.

    Battle mode Improved Features:

    1.- Complete shield textures Improved.
    Personalized and improved shields for every single unit, you will hardly recognize a re-used shield, even bare wood shields. Several units now use heraldry and faction colored shields, Some shields have been repositioned too.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Feudal Knights

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Byzantine Lancers

    2.- Complete Weapon textures Improved.
    No more Sticks, toothpicks or matches instead of Spears and Lances, Great variety of swords, maces, war hammers, pole arms and scimitars, accordingly to the unit’s original culture. Higher Knights have Colored knightly lances, Some units such as the Royal Knights (all periods), Chivalric Knights, Lancers, Kataphraktoi, Carska Garda and Teutonic Knights, now have fluttering pennants!.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Longsword Men-at-Arms

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    High Ghulam Bodyguards

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    3.- New men textures added.
    Now Korean units use the STW Mongol invasion non faction colored Korean troop textures, but with improved weapons (bamboo spears!) and fixed animations.
    Pikemen, Swiss Pikemen and Swiss Halberdiers use the PMTW pikemen texture and fixed animations.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Korean Spearmen

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Swiss Pikemen

    4.- Sword Animation for Lance Cavalry
    Knights and Heavy cavalry now leave their lances after the charge and use their swords for close combat!
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    High Royal Knights

    5.- Animation improvements
    Most wrong animated sword and lance combat action have been improved putting the weapon in the wielder’s hand instead of floating over it. Most weapon lengths and widths have been fixed too.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Chivalric Knights

    All Cavalry Lances and some other weapons have been repositioned.
    Put special attention on Swabian Swordsmen, Varangian Swordsmen, Gothic foot Knights, Pikemen, Swiss Pikemen, Swiss armoured pikemen, Swiss Guards.

    6.- 42 New units:

    1.-Berber Lancers
    2.-Berber Warriors
    3.-Berber Archers
    4.-Andalucian Cavalry
    5.-Elite Bedouin Camel Warriors
    6.- Seljuk Lancers
    7.- Seljuk Horse Archers
    8.- African Warriors
    10.-Hebredian Warriors
    11.-Saxon Warriors
    13.-Balkan Warriors
    14.-Croatian Lighthorse
    15.-Swiss Guard
    16.-Steppe Warriors
    17.-Byzantine Kontarioi
    18.-Byzantine Skutatoi
    19.-Milicia Concejil
    20.-Breton Militia
    21.-Kievan Lancers
    22.-Volga Bulgar Warriors
    23.- Italian mercenary Cavalry
    24.-Longsword Men-at-Arms
    25.-Karelian Warriors
    26.-Lowland Clansmen
    27.-Norse Archers
    29.-Baltic Warriors
    30.-Basque Warriors
    31.-Carpathian Warriors
    32.-English North Militia
    33.-Mounted Squires
    34.-Regular Bowmen
    35.- Cuman Horse Archers:
    36.-Khwarazmian Swordsmen
    37.-Pecheneg Cavalry
    38.-Slav Horsemen
    39.-Scottish men at arms
    40.-Scottish Pikemen
    41.-Milanese Mercenary Crossbowmen
    42.- Cuman Royal Cavalry

    A complete Exel guide for the new unit is provided with the install

    7.- New battle flags and banners:
    Battle flags changed in concordance with the faction, and new shaped battle banner
    Even rebel faction has a flag!

    8.- New crews and dismounting artillery
    Now artillery pieces have new texture crews, according to the artillery type and era and can dismount before battle!
    Artillery Type-----------> crew texture--------> dismounted unit
    Ballista crew-----------------> same texture--------> Urban Militia
    Catapult crew--------------->same texture---------> Urban Militia
    Naphta Catapult crew------> same texture--------> Urban Militia
    Trebuchet crew-------------> custom5 texture----> Militia Sergeants
    Mangonel crew-------------> custom5 texture----> Militia Sergeants
    Bombard crew --------------> custom5 texture----> Militia Sergeants
    Mortar crew-----------------> burnous texture----> Arab Infantry
    Demi-Culverin crew--------> hlplarhm texture---> Arquebusier
    Culverin crew---------------> hlplarhm texture---> Arquebusier
    Serpentine crew-------------> hlplarhm texture---> Arquebusier
    Organ gun crew-------------> hlplarhm texture---> Arquebusier
    Demi-Cannon crew---------> burnous texture---> Mamluk Handgun
    Siege Cannon crew---------->burnous texture---> Mamluk Handgun

    9.- new arrow and javelin textures

    Campaign Mode Improved Features:

    1.-New Flags and Shields
    Almost all faction flags and shields have been re- designed or redrawn for historic accuracy or image improvement
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    2.- New Faction Colors
    Some Faction colors have been changed some for aesthetic purposes, some to avoid confusions, but mostly to match historic colors.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    3.- Overall graphics
    New unit info pics, review panel icons and unit icons have been made for the new units and some old units, Omar pacha’s icons included.
    New building icons added.
    New portraits for pagan and muslim princesses
    New Campaign Map

    4.- New ships
    Three new ship types added to Tatar factions.
    Junks (same stats as the dhows)
    War Junks (same stats as the baggalas)
    Gunned Junks (same stats as the booms)
    Since I was unsuccessful on finding historic ships for the European Tatar (or Mongol) factions I made available for them Mongol ships from the Japanese invasion, I hope you don’t find it too unaccurate.

    New music: The excellent Mongol Invasion (tm) music now available for the steppe factions, An special music track for the Scottish (and Irish) factions, 4 new themes from MTW2 for the european, viking and muslim soundtrack.

    Credits and Special thanks regarding all Tyberius mod and patches:

    Viking Horde: for giving the permission to patch his mod. and for making it!

    Cegorach: for all the tips and ideas and the graphics I stole from PMTW :D

    Blind king of Bohemia: for his great BKB mod and the (several) units I stole from too :)

    Axalon: for Additional unit-review pics, additional unit icons, additional info-pics and other various graphic material used in this game (for several and various info-pics),(and for teaching me in his "advanced whining mode" about how to make a good info pic) .”

    Duke john: for his great pikemen textures

    Omar pacha: who showed me how an icon must look

    And To all the people in the forum who helped on this mod development with tips and comments.

    Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version (Atomic Gamer)

    Tyberius 2.0 Music Pack(Atomic Gamer)

    Local Server download

    Tyberius Update Patch 2.1(Atomic Gamer)

    Tyberius Update Patch 2.2 (Atomic Gamer)

    no longer available (Atomic Gamer)

    Optional Addons:
    Corrected map, (spells “Greece” instead of “Grece”) also shows the Sweden-Finland land bridge.

    Tyberius Map update 2.2 (Atomic Gamer)

    Load Screen 3.0 (Atomic Gamer)

    This mod must be installed in sequence:
    Mod 2.0
    Music pack (should be installed in order to add the patches)
    Patch 2.1
    Patch 2.2
    Patch 2.3

    The optional map can be added anytime after the mod 2.0.

    New! Viking Horde's XL Mod Tyberius Modded (one step Install)
    No longer available


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Armenian Heavy Cavalry

    Last edited by Tyberius; 12-02-2008 at 04:03.

  2. #2
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Wow...I love it, it's wonderful Tyberius, breaths new life into MTW. The graphics are stunningly well done and vibrant, it's what MTW should have been from the start. All hail Tyberius for perfecting an already grand mod!

  3. #3
    Spirit King Senior Member seireikhaan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Well, I guess I found out the answer as to whether or not save games will be compatible. Loaded up an old crusaders/high era game and got some really, uh, interesting things happening. Notably, all my units were different. Royal units were 20 varangian guard, and I had several units of 100 Knights of Santiago.

    Not to mention all the rest of my units looked were basically a hodge podge of nearly every unit in the game.
    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then, the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Looks tremendous......will d/l and play after july 4th holiday.......wonderful looking work........btw is your previous patch included in this or does this contain all?

  5. #5
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by makaikhaan View Post
    Well, I guess I found out the answer as to whether or not save games will be compatible. Loaded up an old crusaders/high era game and got some really, uh, interesting things happening. Notably, all my units were different. Royal units were 20 varangian guard, and I had several units of 100 Knights of Santiago.

    Not to mention all the rest of my units looked were basically a hodge podge of nearly every unit in the game.
    OOPs! I guess I didn't told you that all previous saved games (including those of my first patch will be messed up cause the unit position on the prod files has changed (if you can notice) in this order: all artillery are listed first, then archers,crossbows and gunners, Spearmen and throwing spearmen, Swordsmen and Axemen, Foot Knights, Militias and polearms, pikes,Javelinmen,peasantry,General units, Mounted knights, heavy lance cavalry, heavy bow cavalry, light lance cavalry,light javelin cavalry, light bow cavalry, light sword cavalry,and finally, camels.
    so oops! oops! I think you will be used to this new order, which I find more logical...

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Looks tremendous......will d/l and play after july 4th holiday.......wonderful looking work........btw is your previous patch included in this or does this contain all?
    yes, this new mod has been worked over the previous one so you'll find all the stuff that were on it, with the exception of the african skirmishers, (I have given the african Warriors the ability of throwing heavy spears intead of the javelins of the skirmishers sort of unifying two-in-one units and replaced the skirmishers with the powerful Longsword Men-at-Arms, unit I think you'll love as I do) Btw this one adds a lot more...However as I said the campaigns started with my previous patch sadly will not work with this mod.

  6. #6
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    To the Admins:
    Can you host this mod?
    Could you please make this thread Sticky?
    I think it deserve it

    Thank you very much
    Last edited by Tyberius; 07-05-2008 at 22:06.

  7. #7
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Well done Tyberius !!
    Your work is brilliant .
    TW needs more artists like you !!
    Will you be looking to take on another project again ?
    cheers .

  8. #8
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by dimitrios the samian View Post
    Well done Tyberius !!
    Your work is brilliant .
    TW needs more artists like you !!
    Will you be looking to take on another project again ?
    cheers .

    Thank you dimitrios.

    I have various projects, like an extended viking invasion including more provinces of the northern continental europe, scandinavia, finland, iceland and greenland but I'm not very good at programming or making new campaigns, that´s the reason I didn't made my own mod and upgraded XL. so I have to learn more about it before making a "proper" mod. On the other side I may asociate with someone good at programming and do the graphics myself.

  9. #9
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Wow, I've been looking forward to this. Can't wait to try it out.
    Thanks Tyberius.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    An excellent job you've done here Tyberius !

  11. #11
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Thank you all for your support, I'm so glad that you were expectant for my little contribution to a GREAT game and to a GREAT mod... I just want to know all good and bad experiences the mod has to offer.. and really I would like very much to asociate with two or three people (An Historian, one or two campaign programmers) to make the "mod of mods" someting based on medieval periods, near XL and BKB's but with more extended game time and even more units, using the mirror units and the dismounts to boost their numbers. Sadly I have found that all non-agent-mount-ship-crusade units added beyond slot 256 makes the period that utilizes this unit prod file to CTD on custom battle mode...That's why I didn't included the nearly 30 units I created to be dismounted units, like Bedouin foot warriors (dismounted bedouin camels), Saharan infantry (dismounted saharan cavalry) Royal foot knights (dismounted royal Knights) or foot boyars (dismounted boyars)... I have All this units on my own copy of the tyberius mod, but I make myself sure not to play custom battles...

    Again: thank you guys for your interest on this mod..
    cheers to all.
    Last edited by Tyberius; 07-06-2008 at 12:10.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Excellent mod! At first glance i didn't think much had changed in this update, but it has. The thing i like best is the new titles you have brought in for certain factions, particularly thoose conferring command points. Asa result of this, for the first time in any medieval mod, the HRE does not collapse immediately, which in itself is a great leap forward. Are all of these titles actuallyattached to specific buildings? Anyway, good work, well done!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Thank you for your amazing work! It would be nice to collaborate with you in the development of a mod based on medieval periods. I've spent a lot of time to discover the secrets of campaign maps development (MapTex, Lukupmap...) but I never finished a work. What type of mod have you in mind? Since MTW and XLMod cover the map of Europe and the Mediterranean basin, I think in a mod which cover a special geographical and historical context of the MTW map. In other words "a scenario mod" like the Viking campaign itself or the mod Reconquista by MonkWarrior and the sub-mod Punic Wars of Ancient TW by MacsenRufus.

    I would like to make a mod based on the Western Mediterranean (the reason is totally subjective), and in fact I've begun to erase the names and sea borders of the MTW original Maptex using the clone tool in Gimp. I encourage you and other guys to talk about other alternatives. Maybe we have the chance of doing the "mod of mods".
    Last edited by Belisario; 07-07-2008 at 18:30.

  14. #14
    Nur-ad-Din Forum Administrator TosaInu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!


    Tyberius files can also be downloaded here:
    Ja mata


  15. #15
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Westwater View Post
    Excellent mod! At first glance i didn't think much had changed in this update, but it has. The thing i like best is the new titles you have brought in for certain factions, particularly thoose conferring command points. Asa result of this, for the first time in any medieval mod, the HRE does not collapse immediately, which in itself is a great leap forward. Are all of these titles actuallyattached to specific buildings? Anyway, good work, well done!
    Opps, I forgot to list the new titles, but, I think they are a good surprise..I've made just one mistake, I gave titles with command points to the byz! maybe a patch...

    Quote Originally Posted by Belisario View Post
    Thank you for your amazing work! It would be nice to collaborate with you in the development of a mod based on medieval periods. I've spent a lot of time to discover the secrets of campaign maps development (MapTex, Lukupmap...) but I never finished a work. What type of mod have you in mind? Since MTW and XLMod cover the map of Europe and the Mediterranean basin, I think in a mod which cover a special geographical and historical context of the MTW map. In other words "a scenario mod" like the Viking campaign itself or the mod Reconquista by MonkWarrior and the sub-mod Punic Wars of Ancient TW by MacsenRufus.

    I would like to make a mod based on the Western Mediterranean (the reason is totally subjective), and in fact I've begun to erase the names and sea borders of the MTW original Maptex using the clone tool in Gimp. I encourage you and other guys to talk about other alternatives. Maybe we have the chance of doing the "mod of mods".
    Sounds good, maybe something about spanish-moorish-venetian wars? about the time of the "batalla de Lepanto"?..

  16. #16
    Evil Overlord Member Kaidonni's Avatar
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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you. England.

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!, I think the concept of me modding M2TW has just gone down the drain. Why, Tyberius? WHY?! You just HAD to create a great mod for a great mod!
    I believe in a society without rules, laws and regulations. A society where there are only ideas - strict ideas that must be followed to by the letter - and any failure to comply is punishable by death. This would be no dictatorship or police state, no one would be living in terror. It would merely be a 'reassessment of one's preferences,' people living in 'not-so-optimistic security.' So, welcome, those who are 'longing to be blindly obedient and loyal, unbeknownst to them.'

  17. #17
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu View Post

    Tyberius files can also be downloaded here:
    Thank you TosaInu for hosting my files. I think the local server is faster and safer.


  18. #18
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Update patch for Tyberius mod 2.0

    Update patch for Tyberius mod 2.0

    Problems corrected:

    1.- Added portraits of inquisitors and grand inquisitors for the order factions
    2.- initial Teutonic knights units on late now are the XL type and can be retrained
    3.- corrected axe animations for the norse archers
    3.- corrected shield animations for the norse archers
    5.- almughavars and armoured almughavars now have shooting animation
    6.-corrected sword fight animations for: Early royal knights, feudal knights, mounted nobles, norman knights, scottish lancers, early naxarars, chernye klobuki, byzantine lancers, armenian heavy cavalry and mounted squires.

    Features added:
    1.- new shields for the Feudal sergeants
    2.- improved shields for the italian mercenary cavalry
    3.- improved shields for the coustillers (the dragon is black for all factions)

    Tyberius Update Patch 2.1

  19. #19

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    @Tyberius: The 2.1 patch appears to be cosmetic, so is it save game compatible ? Did you include the princess portraits for the order factions too ? Thanks
    Last edited by Baron von Manteuffel; 07-11-2008 at 23:42.

  20. #20
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Manteuffel View Post
    @Tyberius: The 2.1 patch appears to be cosmetic, so is it save game compatible ? Did you include the princess portraits for the order factions too ? Thanks
    Yes, the 2.1 patch is merely a bug killer and is fully save compatible, But the princesses are in the basic 2.0 mod, including princess arwen and a blonde beauty and a gorgeous redhead, (lucky those who will marry them).

  21. #21
    Evil Overlord Member Kaidonni's Avatar
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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you. England.

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    AtomicGamer is down right now - will the changes in 2.1 show up in current campaigns, or would I have to start a new campaign to see them?
    I believe in a society without rules, laws and regulations. A society where there are only ideas - strict ideas that must be followed to by the letter - and any failure to comply is punishable by death. This would be no dictatorship or police state, no one would be living in terror. It would merely be a 'reassessment of one's preferences,' people living in 'not-so-optimistic security.' So, welcome, those who are 'longing to be blindly obedient and loyal, unbeknownst to them.'

  22. #22
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaidonni View Post
    AtomicGamer is down right now - will the changes in 2.1 show up in current campaigns, or would I have to start a new campaign to see them?
    All changes will show up in current campaigns, except for the two initial teutonic knights units on a previously saved late period Teutonic Order campaign, because once created, units can't be changed. Although a new campaign will display the right units at the start.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyberius View Post
    Yes, the 2.1 patch is merely a bug killer and is fully save compatible, But the princesses are in the basic 2.0 mod, including princess arwen and a blonde beauty and a gorgeous redhead, (lucky those who will marry them).
    Perhaps it was just my download (hope not), but while playing with the Teutons, I was offered an alliance (princess) from the Hospitallers and got the error message of "portrait not found". I simply copied the Catholic princess folder into the order factions folder. Minor stuff and still an excellent mod. Thanks

  24. #24
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Manteuffel View Post
    Perhaps it was just my download (hope not), but while playing with the Teutons, I was offered an alliance (princess) from the Hospitallers and got the error message of "portrait not found". I simply copied the Catholic princess folder into the order factions folder. Minor stuff and still an excellent mod. Thanks
    I think that you should have downloaded my mod very early, because I've uploaded it two times. On the first I've noticed the lack of princesses so I've added they on the second...two hours later. just, download TM 2.0 again, add the TmusicPack and the TP 2.1, no problem with the savegames.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyberius View Post
    I think that you should have downloaded my mod very early, because I've uploaded it two times. On the first I've noticed the lack of princesses so I've added they on the second...two hours later. just, download TM 2.0 again, add the TmusicPack and the TP 2.1, no problem with the savegames.
    Thank you Tyberius.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Hi, I wanted to know if all the factions are supposed to be able to build the trading post/merchant? I'm using the Papacy 'high era' and can't build them. What are the specifics for building the trading post/merchant buildings? What do you need to build them? Which factions can build them? I thought all factions could build them. Thank you for your help.

  27. #27
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron von Manteuffel View Post
    Hi, I wanted to know if all the factions are supposed to be able to build the trading post/merchant? I'm using the Papacy 'high era' and can't build them. What are the specifics for building the trading post/merchant buildings? What do you need to build them? Which factions can build them? I thought all factions could build them. Thank you for your help.
    Building prerequisites:

    Trading post: Fort
    Merchant: Keep, Trading post
    Merchant's guild: Castle, Merchant
    Master Merchant: Citadel, Merchant's Guild

    The main prerequisite to build the trading post chain is that any tradable goods must be present on the province
    All factions can build the whole chain in all periods.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyberius View Post
    Building prerequisites:

    Trading post: Fort
    Merchant: Keep, Trading post
    Merchant's guild: Castle, Merchant
    Master Merchant: Citadel, Merchant's Guild

    The main prerequisite to build the trading post chain is that any tradable goods must be present on the province
    All factions can build the whole chain in all periods.
    Thank you for the response. I finally figured it out last night. I tried the Papacy 'Late era', and took Naples from the rebels which does have tradable goods.

  29. #29
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    I've started a new campaign as the Castile-Leonise in the early period... and I must say Tyberius, you've really outdone yourself. Everything is so beautiful, even that old campaign map has been reworked, and I've noticed that it's been reworked quite a lot, like the names of the provinces and the pictures of whales and ships on the sea regions - and did I notice the borders have changed too?
    This really has exceeded my expectations, thank you Tyberius - Whenever the wind rattles the tiles on my roof, I'll hit that escape key just so I can see that wonderful loading screen and think of you...
    Joking of course.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Tyberius Mod 2.0 Final Version Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyberius View Post
    Sounds good, maybe something about spanish-moorish-venetian wars? about the time of the "batalla de Lepanto"?..
    I think about an early date and three start periods:

    1. Early, 1065 AD: Christian Iberia splitted in many kingdoms after the death of Fernando I el Magno, the taifa kingdoms/emirates and the emergence of the Almoravids in southern Morocco.

    2. High, 1157: the so-called "Spain of Five Kingdoms" (Portugal, Leon, Castile, Navarre, Aragon), the Almohad Caliphate, the Andalusian kingdom/emirate of Murcia and Valencia under Muhammad ibn Mardanish, and the Almoravid redoubt of the Balearic emirate under the Banu Ghaniya dynasty.

    3. Late, 1230: Castile and Leon permanently united under Fernando III el Santo, the Crown of Aragon under Jaume el Conqueridor, the Almohad Caliphate on the point of collapse, the emergence of the Marinid, Abdalwadid, and Hafsid dynasties in North Africa, and the golden twilight of Muslim Iberia, the Emirate of Granada under the Nasrid dynasty.

    I've focussed this schematic presentation on Iberian and North African events, but I would like to include Italia, a huge part of France (above all the Languedoc area), and southern Germany (HRE interventions in Italian conflicts).

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