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Thread: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

  1. #1

    Default I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Hi there, I don't know how I stumbled across this website anymore, but I have been on here for about an hour and I must say my jaw dropped and I was about to drool on my keyboard over the game you are working on : ) For the past 8 years now I have been waiting and hoping for there to be a Shogun II Total War with revamped graphics : ( But now I found you guys and I simply cannot wait until you finish! : ) From the looks of it, you've been working on this project for quite some time. Anyways, I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if they were answered, please keep in mind that I am not the best person for dealing with computers. I do not really understand what a mod is. I can only guess that people who are really good with computers are somehow changing the game models... AWESOME!

    Question 1: Do I need Rome Total War and all of it's expansions (Barbarian Invasion, etc.) to play this game?

    Question 2: Once the game is released and I download it, will it harm my computer in any way? Will I be able to play Rome Total War as I normally would without any difficulties?

    Question 3: When playing a mod, does the gameplay suffer from lag or glitch or anything?

    Question 4: Is downloading a mod easy or complicated?... I guess that answer varies from person to person...

    Thanks to anyone that answers my questions, and I greatly look foward to your release of this new game!! : )

    - josh

  2. #2
    Member Member Taneda Santôka's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Welcome, and to answer:
    - You'll need Barbarian Invasion.
    - It won't harm you computer, nor will it prevent you from playing RTW. If you are so excited you just start to pee in your pants, the spill might get to your computer's connections, then yes, it might harm your computer (just saying, cause that's what it'll do to me, I'm just doomed...).
    - No, only if it's made by douchebags.
    - Rather easy, no credit card required, you just have to bellydance your internt braowser to death.

    Thanks for your questions, and i greatly look forward to your release of new questions, feel free to ask! ;)

  3. #3

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Lol, Taneda, our new PR guy...
    Welcome on the forums Josh !
    Forgive my english, didn't practice for years !

  4. #4
    Member Member LennStar's Avatar
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    Default AW: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Q2+4: First, installing something can always harm your computer (just have a look on XP service Pack 3: It completely prevents some computers to start, even after a patch). Thats the reason why one of the first sentences in every EULA (or like that) is always in the meaning of: You are doing it on your own risk. Just have a look in the ROME-EULA. It stands there. 100%. But don't ask me where, I never read them [In Germany I don't need to, its one of the few really good laws: Its only binding if you can read it easely before you buy it]
    If and why it harms one computer, but not the 1000 exactly build same (or why something works fine five month but then not for 3 days) is one of the big mysteries of Computer Science. If you solve it, they possibly create a new Nobel Price for you.
    I blame Murphy, that little bastard of a cat.

    The download is the easy part. Installing it (and apply patches) can be very complicated, but that depends on the Mod. I had some of the "double click and wait until its finshed" and some of the "unpack this, macke this, delete that, create that there...." type.

  5. #5

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    i've got questions too,
    1st is it possible to get a percentage estimate on how much is done? 100% being finished and released mod and 0% being non-existant. even a vague estimate would make me happy, I'm not asking for a release date, just a recap of what i've missed.

    Also, about the Tokugawa, how will we be able to play as them if the Imagawas are included, unless the Tokugawa start later then the other factions at a trigger when the Imagawa lord dies and Tokugawa gets released. Maybe Tokugawa could start as an Imagawa general with no abillity to train troops or build towns and have to survive with what the Imagawa give him until the Imagawa lord dies and Tokugawa can move to his real domains. it would be interesting but i dont know if thats even possible, however it might be if you treat the Imagawa, in regards to the Tokugawa, like the senate, they tell you to do so and so and give you units and once you get your domains you're allowed to declare war if you want.

  6. #6
    Member Member Taneda Santôka's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Hello, the Tokugawa clan is supposed to be an emergent faction with a set date ;)

  7. #7

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    but can we play through the campaign as them? I really don't think it was smart for the original S:TW to disinclude the Tokugawa and i don't think it would be smart to make them non-playable in Ran no Jidai (Era of Chaos, sweet name) seeing as they're the ones that actually unify japan. does the Tokugawa clan have a bonus for its musketeers? I heard they had the best gunmen in japan during the Sengoku Jidai.

  8. #8

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Yes, you can play the Tokugawa... But as far as I know, they won't have a bonus for their arquebuses... Mikawa Samurais were renowed as fearless, but as others does... Uesugi was said to have the best samurais of Japan, as Oda had the best ashigarus, Takeda the best cavalrymen, Mori the most loyals,...
    Forgive my english, didn't practice for years !

  9. #9

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    well, they should have some bonus, maybe ninja? they did have Hattori Hanzo and his Shinobi clan. Tokugawa also had Tadakatsu Honda, which even Oda Nobunaga envied him for. I personally think that Tokugawa should be the more well rounded, balanced faction of the lot with only a ninja bonus due to Hanzo and that's it. Like that it would make it more interesting because it would simulate well the idea of Tokugawa having a weak fledgling clan and building it up to be so powerful that not even Toyotomi's son's troops can rival! Ishida Mitsunari got owned by his own army at Sekigahara, guess he shouldn't have had traitorous allies eh?

  10. #10
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    In matter of fact, Tokugawa existed in the start of our campaign as Matsudaira Clan, which was at the moment independent but pretty insignificant clan in Mikawa. I cant even tell myself yet, whether Matsudaira/ Tokugawa will be a in from the start, or will it be emergent faction. That is decided ultimately which is more convenient for the gameplay.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  11. #11
    Member Member Puupertti Ruma's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    As ares117 already asked, is it possible to play as the Tokugawa clan if it is made emergant. I for once can't exactly see how that would be possible. Maybe autoplay till the date they arrive, like with Civ 4 mod "Rhye's and Fall of Civilization"?

    Personally I'd opt for not making them emergent if it would render them unplayable, as having the clan that did indeed unify Japan as a AI faction (which usually are stupid and suck in battles and in strategy map) would be quite lame.
    Call me Ruma. Puupertti Ruma.

  12. #12
    The Dark Knight Member wlesmana's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    It's possible to make them a small faction allied to Imagawa, where the player must build them from scratch. It's a bit historical though, to make Ieyasu based in Mikawa instead of in Imagawa as hostage.

    Another possibility is to use the rebel faction system, where rebelling Imagawa would be the Tokugawa clan, although this may create the implication where other non-Mikawa province may revolt and create other "Tokugawa".

  13. #13

    Default Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Hello . I got a big problem , so i need your help .
    I`ve played this mod like 2 years ago , and i download it now , again . I instaled , patched everything , but when i start the game , he wont go in full screen ... how can i fix that ?

  14. #14
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: I am new to this place : ) Can I ask some questions?

    Hello xAxazel, welcome to the .Org .

    I am afraid our Ran no Jidai forum is nearly dead. You are more likely to receive an answer to your question on the TWC Ran no Jidai forum.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!


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