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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #301

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hey Axalon,

    I am glad I decided to read through some of these earlier posts regarding Redux #3; MTW 1.1, very interesting. Take your time with its development, with good fortune we'll all be here when it's finished and ready for downloading.

    Too bad we couldn't convince CA to re-release a non-hardcoded version. This would breath new life into the game and creat an infusion of cash into CA's coffers as well.


  2. #302
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon

    Just wanted to echo Rick's post. Take your time, craft your mod, and let us have of your best.

    Looking forward...


  3. #303
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Fortress of the Mountains

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Axalon, keep up the amazing work. Also left you a post on TWC, I'm Basileos Leandros.

    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  4. #304

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the support and encouragement here it certainly makes things more fun for me to work with redux you know. Anyway, I’ll try to get back here shortly and hopefully I’ll be posting some screens or something reduxy to keep moral up here. Sort showing what I’m up to redux-wise these days. I sure wanted to have something wise and important to say here but I can’t think of anything…. Errr… Nope, I’m pretty hopeless for the moment.

    Victor: 22 posts… Can’t you manufacture some excuse to make it 23? On a slightly more serious note, thanks for the support man.

    Edyz: I’ve checked the stuff over the TWC as well. Short version: Your’e hired – but for the moment the reduxlabs-testprogram is on stasis. So I’ll let you know if and when that changes. Finally, I do appreciate the offer man.

    Rick: Reading thru some of the older stuff usually is a good recap of things and I do that myself now and then. I think that more people should do the same. On a less serious note; I did put up a pic of She-Hulk over at the TWC for all “She-Hulk as princess lovers”. Maybe you are one as well? Check it out! O boy, the things you can do to an innocent green girl….

    - Cheers

  5. #305

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon

    I've been playing a bit of MTWII lately There are finally some Mods coming through that make it look decent on-screen, and it has some cool campaign features which are unavailable in our old war-horse. I've played most of the Kingdoms Mods and some are really good. But before you flame me for inappropriate posting, the point is that it underlines for me some of the strengths of MTW(VI) which I hope new Redux will play to. The ones that strike me most are
    - the battles (which is pretty important). Doesn't matter how the AI is modded in MTWII, your opponent always seems to present his missile troops on a plate for slaughter, flanks only with the odd unit etc, etc
    - the look. Modders have to work hard to make MTWII less ugly in campaign, and the battles only look good really zoomed in, which is unplayable. I love the way the MTW campaign map looks with all the quality faction symbols, and I especially love those desert battles
    - the speed of turns. 20+ factions in MTWII take an age to cycle through
    - the unpredictability and therefore replayability. I might be nibbled to death in MTWII (more likely not - just reach stalemate), but I know who's coming for me and they always come wandering in small scale, rather than sweeping over like a tide
    - greater and more apparent variety of troops in MTW (that's look and behaviour)
    - some epic scale armies
    - less micro management
    - more sense of key personalities making a difference and needing to be used wisely
    - more decisive field battles

    That will do for now. I'm sure going to be playing a bit of MTWII, but the point is that it's a very different game to MTW and not in my book a replacement for it.

    Roll on new Redux I think the possibilities of MTW are far from exhausted, and I can't wait to see what you do with it (and by the way, if you need another playtester, I'm happy to volunteer behind Edzy - as long as my pc will still tech back for this game, which is hitting a lot of dedicated MTWers at the moment)

    May the bugs be few and poor at concealment

  6. #306

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hey Wes, what can I say...? M2TW can’t compete, pure and simple!

    If it ever seriously could, I would have probably worked with that instead. I don’t. That pretty much sums up the whole thing for me. I would have been delighted to work with many of the possibilities that M2TW does offer but it is just so ridiculously inferior in regards to battles (and it can't be modded away) that it pretty much kills the game as a serious option for me. For me it has always been the distribution of tactical resources and raw battles that made me play any TW-game, I want the solid battlefield simulator and if they cant deliver that good enough I quit playing them.

    So far I have pretty much quit everything from RTW and onwards. - If I ever wanted to do micromanagement stuff I go for the real thing as Civilization or Europa Universalis (I prefer the latter). If I want sexier GFX I also go for the real thing as in GFX-primary games like Half-life and Unreal Tournament or something like that (again I prefer the latter). I don’t go for RTW/M2TW/ETW. Now, to keep it more redux-related here… (more in spoiler)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - the battles (which is pretty important). Doesn't matter how the AI is modded in MTWII, your opponent always seems to present his missile troops on a plate for slaughter, flanks only with the odd unit etc, etc
    Redux is already superior and more challenging to play than vanilla MTW – which means that it is also superior to M2TW – so that wont change…

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - the look. Modders have to work hard to make MTWII less ugly in campaign, and the battles only look good really zoomed in, which is unplayable. I love the way the MTW campaign map looks with all the quality faction symbols, and I especially love those desert battles
    I am thinking of doing a new stratmap since I got new provinces in 3rd ED, it will at least look just as good as the old one, possibly better. Tactical maps will also be improved upon to some degree. Better trees and better textures here and there - stuff like that….

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - the speed of turns. 20+ factions in MTWII take an age to cycle through
    MTW has always been vastly superior in this regard as we all know....

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - the unpredictability and therefore replayability. I might be nibbled to death in MTWII (more likely not - just reach stalemate), but I know who's coming for me and they always come wandering in small scale, rather than sweeping over like a tide
    Redux is already far more unpredictable than standard MTW ever was - this won’t change since the basic design remains. It is probably that core-design that creates the special and wonderful unpredictability of redux. The vast rebel-held territories in the redux startup leaves too many variables for us to be able to predict what will happen and I think that this is one of the decisive factors for the unique experience and traits of redux. “You” pretty much never know how things turn out until it happens. The AI is keen on attacng rich and developed region which forces you to defend them since this they are most important for you as well. With the naval improvements of the Spanish fix and even further improvements in 3rd ED redux forces to take that into account as well since redux does attack over seas. Even the rebels do that now if you are not strong enough!

    So, one reduxed campaign is never the same as the other and that to a degree that I have never seen in the original MTW. Redux is very different and the AI seems to be keen on putting up plenty of troops (the serious kind) which in turn forces you to commission troops of your own in order to survive. Redux will certainly pressure you and it will also destroy you if you are unable to keep up. As pointed out before by several redux-players (including you, Wes). I would hardly say that this is the case in vanilla MTW due to crappy army compositions of the AI. The system seems to be corrupt in this regard and as long as we leave it alone this will continue – I eventually realized that and so I replaced it with an entirely new one built from scratch and that appears to function a lot better since it obviously builds better troops - in spite of the fact that there are less florins flying around.

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - greater and more apparent variety of troops in MTW (that's look and behaviour)
    Suffice to say; Redux already have more troops and above all a tactical diversity that “vanilla”-MTW can’t really compete with (including any mod that are based upon the CA battle-system and regardless of the sheer quantity of troops included….hehe). As probably most players soon discovers once they have been exposed long enough to the circumstances of reduxed battle. To explain in detail how and why will take some serious amount of Verdanas and perhaps I will do that some other time but let’s just leave it at that for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - some epic scale armies
    Redux already have far more capabilities to create such armies then regular MTW ever had. A quick look at the existing unit-roster in 2nd edition proves that, various royal formations and such (these are regulated by cost and tech-developments). Case closed…

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - less micro management
    I totally agree…

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - more sense of key personalities making a difference and needing to be used wisely
    Well, you have that up to some point in MTW – thus you also have that to the same degree in redux essentially. Key-generals and agents so forth…

    Quote Originally Posted by western View Post
    - more decisive field battles
    Well, the stratmap are different and the designs are different in M2TW which means that circumstances are different as well. There are some aspects that I am sympathetic to in M2TW but on general terms I agree with you and raw MTW already provides that – along the principle; one province, one battle. If there is a castle around we of course get a second battle before the region is secured. M2TW have a different approach and will thus rarely produce such circumstances - there is little else I can say about that.

    Closing remarks
    Most of these things I have pointed out are probably old news. Regardless, MTW also have flaws and those will make an impact on redux as well…. The ones I personally hate the most are the ridiculous policy of 1 turn per year and the blasted random virtues and vices. If I had my way I would have ported redux to STW just to get some decent years back and permanently terminate all random v&v’s crap. I should not be bothering about any of that! I should be focusing on battles, strategic planning and distribution tactical resources as in STW! The years of MTW and onwards is a joke and for each new TW-title it has become less and less of the stuff I do appreciate in STW/MTW – excellent battlefield-simulators.

    Instead it has more and more transformed into tedious micromanagement excesses and witless babysitting of cities, governors, senates etc. (underlined by poor interface and crappy controls and plenty of time-consuming animations that are redundant since the hardwere and game-program can't handle it fast enough. The entire basic layout of the game and interface is less effective than in MTW - plenty of 3-d nonsens essentially that only made the CA-marketing dep. happy. ). Regardless, redux is in my mind a far more challenging and interesting game no matter how one approach it compared to raw MTW and even more so to M2TW – and that makes me coming back for more while I never bother with the two others. Better replayability in short. Once something gets too predictable or too easy it ceases to be interesting. If it happens to be a game - we quit play it eventually - because it has too few real and valid variables in it. And, it is the variables and the importance attached to them that makes up the game – not the setting, not the cosmetics – that’s just packaging.

    I have quit playing both raw MTW (about 2004) and M2TW (about 2006) while I still play redux (and like STW) since it still is interesting enough for me. I think that pretty much says it all. Ok, that is enough of me for now...

    - Cheers
    Wes, you are hired just like Edyz and same circumstances applies as well. I Appreciate
    the offer btw. I will also try too post up some new reduxy screens this weekend…

  7. #307

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi all redux-players out there....

    I finally managed to get some decent screens on the stuff I have been working on. First out is the siege-engine theme with five screen-shoots. Later on I will post up some on the theme of “extreme close-ups” and more regular battle-screens. Ok, without further ado the new screens for 3rd edition then....


    First out are the new ballista-textures and this time the weapon is under English management. Visible in the distance
    are the new castle-textures as well (standard castle)...


    Here we have some Portuguese trebuchets (with the new textures) in action. Note the new trees made for 3rd edition
    – I am really happy about those....


    Catapults in action! These are probably my favourite among the new siege engine-textures. Note also the new shrubberies
    – happy about those as well.


    More catapults in action - now under HRE management and from a different angle. Catapults really did need a make over
    and now they finally got it! :D


    Here we have the HRE as siegers as seen from a distance (from the wall). This also reveals bit of the new castle-GFX and
    how trees will look at a distance in lush-terrain.

    Ok, that’s it for the moment....

    - Cheers

  8. #308
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon

    These images look HOT!

    A (slightly off topic) question if I may: are you able to do anything in the way of restricting how much siege artillery AI armies use in their initial deployment for field battles?

    I all too often run into the situation where I have girded my loins for a ferocious onslaught by an AI horde only to find the eedjit has fielded six mangonels instead of six Varangian Guard/Chiv Knights/Ghazi's, etc. I imagine you get my point. Bringing a couple of catapults to a bridge battle is smart. Denying yourself up to several hundred infantry or cavalry in a 'conventional' field battle, by contrast, ain't.

    Cheers and keep up the good work.

  9. #309

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Im speechless........those new screens are amazing.......Cant wait to try this on my new 28-inch monitor

  10. #310

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi and thanks a bunch guys!

    Are there any other comments or remarks on these screens? Anybody?
    Or are we done with these and ready to move on to some others?

    Victor: In short, no such thing is possible due to hard-coding (as far as I know).
    Sorry, I would have liked that stuff as well BTW.

    - Cheers

  11. #311

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    These are great screens,im ready for more.....

  12. #312

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hello Achilles and all redux players out there....

    More screens then... Ok, this time the turn goes too the extreme close up-screens and let me point out that in an ordinary game “you” probably will never get this close by traditional means and it’s hardly practical in actual gaming circumstances either. I made the these screens so all you guys can see what shields and weapons might look like in redux 3rd edition. In addition to that, these pics also reveal how the various new and reduxed GFX-positions for shields and weapons looks like (in battle at least).

    I think that it is also the first time the reduxed greatsword goes public. I always wanted those in the game since raw MTW never had any of those to a satisfactory degree in a graphical sense (or any mod for that matter – as far as I know). It is far easier said than done to get those big swords to work properly in the game. Oh yes, on pic2 we also can have good look at how spears and halberds will look like up close. Let’s have a look at the screens then....


    First up we have some English feudal champions vs. Italian royal infantry. Note the differences in size between the swords.
    I have wanted to do that for years – now I have finally managed to make it happen. As stated before, easier said than
    done. I am really happy that this old dream is finally realized!


    A solitary feudal champion busy fighting heavy odds.... This pic really reveals proportions for the greatsword and spears
    very well. That Italian formation is really taking a beating by this champion!


    Lastly we have a pic from another battle. Spain vs. Burgundy, Royal Infantry (left) vs. Frankish Infantry (right). There is
    no doubt in my mind that the new GFX for shields and swords are far better than the old ones. Note also that I have
    done some slight reduxing on the spanish banners....

    Well, that’s that. Ok, folks you know the drill.
    Any other comments and remarks on these screens?

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 05-20-2009 at 01:38. Reason: corrections...

  13. #313

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    This is very much in fact i would actually pay $$ for this mod. Creative Assembly needs to hire you Axalon,cant wait for third version

  14. #314
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    If this goes on much longer, Axalon, people are going to think you're a big tease! Looking forward to when you 'put out'.


  15. #315

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon, I've been away a long time. My motherboard fried in my Pentium 4, and though I finally got a new CPU, I now only have a battle map resolution of 640x480. The video card is a ATI Radeon HD 4850. Does anyone know of a fix for the low resolution? Love the previews and I hope to be able to play the mod again.

  16. #316

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hello guys,

    I'll start with you Baron for old times sake. Indeed it has been a long time and it is nice to see you posting here again just like the good 'ol days. To business then; your ATI-card should be able to work just fine with redux and with stock drives - with the reservation that you still get about 60 sec loading times for pretty much everything (I know this since I've tested that myself). That is the downside here - no solutions for that so far (that I know of at least). All this under the assumption that you have XP - for Vista I have no clue (maybe you could try to adjust the resolution to match you desktop, they claim that this should work. There are some stuff on it over at the TWC - perhaps you should get over there check out the threads in the MTW-section).

    Achilles: I would not mind working for the CA as long as they payed me decently enough. Do you know them? Can you arrange it? ....If I were paid for the work I do in redux things would have been done a lot faster around here since I could then disregard pretty much all other stuff that now demands my attention as it is. Anyway, you sure know how praise me.... I appreciate the remark, I really do.

    Victor: It's all just an insidious PR-stunt! ....Seriously, the fact is that I do this all alone and since I always get bothered by other stuff I can't work with redux the way I would have liked - this in effect slows the progress down. Add to that the fact I more or less constantly find new and various aspects of the game that I want to improve upon or fix because they dont work as supposed too and so the workload increases instead of the other way around as it should be - decreases. I really do hope that I can finish this darn project this summer when I have less things on my mind and that distract my attention. It all boils down to money and Achilles is quite right in that regard. If I had the money to work with this unhindered by other stuff - as in getting money for instance - things would have been very diffrent - as you can surely imagine.

    Then there is the question of the level of activity of this place (and this is valid for TWC-redux area as well). Experience shows that very little happens here while I am inactive around here. It kind of depends on me to an extent that I really don't appreciate personally. I have tried and tried to get people here active on their own and without me but so far with little succes. Thus the strategy of portioning out stuff to get at least some decent traffic here while we all (me included) wait for better times - such as the release of 3rd edition for starters....

    Experience shows that pics usually generates posts, posts generates intrest, intrest generates the overall and longterm survival of redux and its small "active" community. So, what you might concieve as teasing here are pretty much created by the behavior of you posters. For some reason people find it hard to debate and discuss redux (or any other MTW-mod for that matter) the way they do with the original - don't ask me why because I have no clue as for why. The circumstances are pretty much the same. The data and experience are available in and thru the game, there are or could be dedicated threads for it and still is does not really happen for some reason.

    The whole thing is pretty redicolous since there are plenty of reduxplayers out there or should be at least considering that we got more that 1100 downloads of redux in total as I write this. What especially dont get is the fact that people dont seem to get that it is beneficial for themselves to have an active community - still most people seems reluctant to get involved in such a movement in spite of the fact that they will only then reap the benefits of it if they do get involved. As long as nobady is involved there will not be any benefits. You tell me man....

    On a general note guys:
    I will probably have to slow things down here, personally at least, for while (at least to the weekend at a minimum). The next and last of the new screens I did are the battlescreens. I will post 'em up when I have had the time to prepare them properly for public release. Again thanks for all the kind remarks, but please also bare in mind that I do not post 'em up just to get some praise from you guys. They have other and more important purposes as well, such as sparking a debate or a discussion about some or several aspects of the game or perhaps what will be (or even could be) in the game....

    Yeah, yeah, enough of me....

    - Cheers

  17. #317

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Achilles: I would not mind working for the CA as long as they payed me decently enough. Do you know them? Can you arrange it? ....If I were paid for the work I do in redux things would have been done a lot faster around here since I could then disregard pretty much all other stuff that now demands my attention as it is. Anyway, you sure know how praise me.... I appreciate the remark, I really do.

    I have no clue how to get ahold of CA,but i believe another modder gained employment through his modding skills.Ive been trying to get into ETW and having a blast in multiplayer....but the campaign i havnt touched...ETW could have used someone with your skills and attention to detail,because it was certainly shipped unfinished.......Anyhoo cant wait for 3rd version can only get a low resolution with a 4850?.I have the same card and was gonna reinstall MTW just for version 3.......Have you messed around trying differnent drivers? Or have you tried the Catalyst Control Center?

  18. #318

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    @Axalon - Please excuse me for going off topic but I'm desperate.

    @Achilleslastand - Very interesting. I'm using Windows Vista 64-bit Home Premium.

    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 2667 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 3.00 GB
    ATI Radeon HD 4850 Series
    Driver Version

    I haven't tried different drivers but I have lowered the desktop display resolution (didn't help), and played around with the anti-aliasing which didn't help. Only resolution in battle is 640x480. The strategic map is a little higher 800x600 or something like that (not bad), but in battle as you can imagine it's very blurry.

    If you can figure it out please let me know how to fix it, or were to get the info. Thanks .

  19. #319

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    I will do some research on this Baron,maybe it has to do something with 64 bit the meantime i would try diff divers.

  20. #320

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Update......just reinstalled MTW and patch 1.1........i was able to get the resoultion up to 1600x1200 on battle maps and campaign with no problems. I am using the catalyst driver version 8.54.......i would go to the ATI site and download a few diff drivers to see if any of this helps you.....Of course i am running XP 32 bit version.....Maybe its Vista thats causing you problems?

  21. #321

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Really nice screens. I haven´t had the time to keep my campaigns going the last month or two, but my MTW-needs are urging. I´m looking forward to the next Redux-release, as well as more screens. Keep the spirit up Axalon!

  22. #322

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Cant wait for more new screens.....any idea when 3rd edition will be available?

  23. #323

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi guys and thanks for keeping this thread warm for the rest of us….

    I’ll try to get back here with the last screens (various battles) soon. I don’t know exactly when this does happen but in the mean time this place is open for business as usual....

    Achilles: In answer of your question; I suspect that 3rd edition might very well be ready for release sometime this summer (just as indicated on the screens) when I got decent enough time to work with it. I am considering releasing one last patch before that (since everything has been so painfully delayed around here), but as I said, I am just considering that nothing else. If enough people nag me about it - it might very well convince me that it should happen. Sort of a limited upgrade for the 1.0b version.

    Baron: You certainly have with your previous deeds done here have earned yourself some leniency around here and thus this time is on the house and I will say no more of it. However, as you well know, I am no big fan of things going off-topic around this place so do try to refrain from moves like this as far as possible, ok? Anyway I am happy that you have returned here (you do have returned to the redux-corner, right?).

    Faremisch: “Keep the spirit up Axalon!” Well, it kind of depends on you posters more than everything else. If you guys want me happy and interested in this thread, post. If not, don’t post. It’s that simple essentially….

    A general appeal:
    Since redux is still steadily gaining new players, I would like to appeal to all more experienced redux-players that you guys did an entry or two over at the “New-player/tips" thread - thus sharing some of your insights and hard-earned wisdoms regarding redux with others less familiar with it. I am sure it would be highly appreciated among all the new players (or any people curious about redux, which are of course entitled to ask questions there as well). It’s nothing obligatory of course but it would be fun and probably very helpful to new players of redux if some of you guys could share some of that.

    - Cheers

  24. #324

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi all redux-players....

    It is finally time for the last part of the series of screens I made – thus the turn has comes to the battle-screens . In these we will see a bit more of castles, weapons, shields and horses. I have included another horse for 3rd edition – I just wanted a tad more variety essentially and it also works well with various unit-markers in redux. We also get a slightly closer look upon royal and feudal knights and their new lances. Ok, here we go....


    First off we have some French light cavalry clashing with english feudal knight (and some royal knights in the background).
    My guess is that the frog-eaters are going to get slaughtered – but all that matters little here....


    Ok, switched battle here. The Byzantines are defending their castle from English intruders that managed to smash the
    walls. Note the new striped shields for the byzantines and the more acurately coloroed English shields. Far away in the
    background we can see the banner of an English siege machine....


    More of the same... This time we can for the first time se how the new castles really look like. I personally think that the
    new textures turned out very well. It just feel more real time than the original textures did. Also check out the fine
    halberds in the right corner...


    England vs. France again.... I think this screen really reveals the proportions of the trees well. Anyhow, notice the
    differences in the French shields, in 3rd edition I have tried to do more diverse markings on various factions because I
    think it looks better in general – most factions have their themes rather than the same 'ol markings as before....

    Ok, that’s it. Hope you guys enjoyed 'em....

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 05-30-2009 at 15:33. Reason: Da English....

  25. #325

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    A+ screens as usual............Cant wait for release

  26. #326
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    In my own little world....but it's okay, they know me there.

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    I have to admit I'm impressed by the graphic/artistic upgrades you've done, Axalon. I especially like the new castle textures, although the trees and shields look amazing as well.

    Aside from the visuals, any hint as to what kind of changes we can expect to see in Redux 3.0? I realize you're probably not radically overhauling the gameplay aspects (or at least, not more than you already have), but I was curious as to what kind of tweaks/balances/etc. you're implementing.
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  27. #327
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon

    Gobsmackingly good.


  28. #328

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Filefront deleted all redux files!

    Hi people, I’m sorry but I will have to put all my regular activities here on hold until all this crap is sorted out and the files are uploaded again. Filefront-management has in their infinite wisdom managed to fup yet again - deleting all the files in spite of the fact that most these were “active” and no warning for deletion was sent to me either….

    I will for the time being put up some auxiliary links to Atomicgamer. I am at this point rather tempted to move my business away from filefront but they will have to do until I find a better and more functional alternative. In the mean time, do enjoy the battle-screens I posted up a few days ago….

    EDIT: I have fixed it now, new Filefront-links in place....

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 06-03-2009 at 17:05. Reason: update....

  29. #329

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hello again guys, I’m sorry for the delay here….

    First of all, thanks to Achilles and Victor for your simple yet effective support here, I appreciate it. It keeps things moving here as well, which is good. Besides everything does not have to be monster-sized around here anyway….

    Martok: while your questions are good and valid, they are also gigantic; it would be simpler and helpful if you could limit things a bit here. Some have also already been discussed. What are you curious about and what did you have mind? If you could specify that I can also probably provide you with straighter and better answers….


    A few guidelines for future reduxy suggestions:

    Since I will soon start working with good ‘ol 3rd again, I thought that some basic practice and guidelines considering potential and future suggestions and ideas for redux could be outlined here to make things smoother. Now is probably the best time to forward stuff like this and if “you” think that that you have some stuff and suggestions that will make redux better - then by all means state your case here and I’ll be happy to hear you out – if the unlikely happens and I like and want to include it in redux, a credit is secured in 3rd edition for you (I’m sorry but I can hardly offer anything else here). Also be quite aware that the rule is that it will be turned down – so don’t feel bad if that happens to your idea or suggestion – it is to be expected, on the other hand you have little to loose by trying, right?

    As a good example here is redux-veteran Western (If he can forgive me for this). He has been more persistent and relentless in these regards than any other around here (I mean that in the best possible way). His ideas are usually pretty good and well thought out, but even so I have probably turned it down more than I have ever applied his various ideas (I think, it feels that way anyhow). So it is to be expected, even for quality stuff like his….

    (My guess is that he applies this stuff anyway on his personal and tweaked copy of redux at home. The western deluxe redux, just to cope with my silly decisions and notions. But that is off the record…)

    Anyway, before anybody starts to do this (if it happens at all, that is). Here are some pointers to keep in mind….

    1. Know the circumstances found in (default) redux…. Do your homework.
    2. Think your stuff thru properly, it will increase the chances for endorsement.
    3. If it disrupts already present design too much it is extremely unlikely that I will include it.
    4. Bear in mind that it will have to work for both v.1.1 and VI. That is an overriding priority for me and that won’t change. No matter what….
    5. If possible, consider the workload-factor of your suggestion/idea - you can be certain that I will.
    6. If possible, try to consider stability issues and aspects for the game - you can be certain that I will.
    7. If I have turned it down, I have turned it down and that is pretty final. If you don’t like it, do it on your own copy of redux! You don’t need my sanction for that!
    8. Do try to determine if the idea or suggestion has been forwarded before. If it has there is little point in trying all over again. After all, it is tedious for me and others to read the same thing over and over again. Besides it makes you look more serious…
    9. ???

    The Dead Concepts List (don't bother with these)
    1. More Factions
    2. More Troops/units (the technical roof is reached essentially)
    3. More provinces
    4. More ships
    5. More agents
    6. More florins
    7. Swiss faction included
    8. Novgorod faction included
    9. Historical events
    10. Change of timeframe
    11. Spawned heroes
    12. Muslim princesses (Hardcoded-reasons)
    13. More playable factions (officially supported)
    14. Making new battle maps
    15. Garrison capacity
    16. New portraits for Muslims/Orthodox/Pagans….
    17. Scalability in Royal Knights, various champion/hero-units…
    18. English longbows and range
    19. Era-progression
    20. ???

    Ok, that's about it...

    - Cheers

  30. #330

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux Released!

    Hi Axalon

    Yes - it's me again. I want to live up to my reputation for propositions.

    I don't seem to be barred from mentioning sea connectivity, so I will. Teleportation by sea over vast distances is not a good game feature. Obviously I haven't seen the new tweaked map, but I would urge thinking about either creating separate sea region groupings (so you can't sail from w. med to e. med for example without breaking your journey in a land province, as third crusade did in Sicily. You shouldn't be able to invade Egypt from Wessex, or worse vice-versa. This is one of the reasons why S. Italy was so strategically important to Hauteville then Hohenstaufen then Angevin - as a launch pad for the east) or at least making more deep sea regions by limiting the number of land provinces with sea borders.

    As you say, I don't mind ideas being rejected because I can always implement myself. All suggestions are altruistically offered as possible contributions to the best standard Redux - but it's your artistic creation, and bears the stamp of a single clear vision. (I did persuade you a bit on mercs though.)

    This is also a quickie to implement, as opposed to some other game ideas.

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