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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #61

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    **** Manteuffel! You are absolutely right!

    I had forgotten to fill in the “coffers” of both Lithuania and Burgundy in the “startpos”! I my book that at least an error! There you go again Manteuffel, you are good hunter no doubt about that! EDIT: I had also overlooked Russia.

    On a different note, I’m really interested in your coming results from experiment “1a”. If it works the way I hope it will, then ….!!!.... That would be drop-dead cool!

    Once again, good luck!

    Cheers man.
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-07-2008 at 13:42. Reason: update

  2. #62
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Err, the download link on the first page for the RAR-ed version isn't working. The one linking to filefront.
    Just thought I'd share that with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  3. #63

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks Raz, I’m on it….

    EDIT: All the links are operational again.
    Last edited by Axalon; 08-31-2008 at 14:04. Reason: update

  4. #64

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Okay, I played around with the engagement threshold increasing the value from 1500 to 10000, as you requested. I used the Agincourt battlefield and made sure it was a fine day. Tested the French with 3 Frankish Spearmen, 2 Regular Infantry, 2 Frankish Crossbowmen, and 1 Royal Knight unit against the English with 3 English Spearmen, 2 Regular Infantry, 1 Longbowmen, 1 Feudal Longbowmen, and 1 English Foresters unit. I tested this same scenario 8 times and the results were: I believe the missle fire was more deadly, but I wouldn't go as far to say 'beyond a shadow of a doubt'. At first I tried so hard to find a discernable difference that I increased the value to 100000 with the idea of making it obvious, but I couldn't see a difference. I don't know if the game can recognize a value that high anyway so I went the down to 1000. Again, no discernable difference. What was obvious was that the English always chose the Longbowmen unit as their General unit. I made the French attack them with a simple frontal assault every time without flanking maneuvers or anything fancy. 50% of the time the English met them head on with their infantry up front and bowmen in the rear, and 50% of the time their infantry went way over to their right and paraded around while I went for their general unit. Wierd??? Reguarding the engagement threshold, I thought the value indicated when one infantry unit engages with another in hand to hand combat, the collision mass of the men at the point or threshold of the engagement. Not really sure how that would affect a missle unit, but it did appear the missle fire was more accurate and deadly at the value of 10000. Hope this helps. to me

  5. #65

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    I'd echo the Baron's comments. I expected something dramatic and didn't see it. Playing with a classic French line-up, a couple of times I manoeuvred my cavalry so I didn't get shredded, got in among the bows and beat them. More often, if I played it straight and just marched straight into the arrows, I'd get decimated before contact - but that seems normal.

  6. #66
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    About lak of time on work i stil did nt play this mod but, will do soon mate

  7. #67

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I (and all my little ”rev-pics”) wish you a happy birthday good baron! Congrats! :) ....I don't know how to do those **** smileys. He he!


    Hi Axel, there you are!

    I was wundering were you might have wanderered off too! Anyways, welcome back here and I hope you will have lots of fun with redux when you get the chance to play it!


    Now, what I was interested in finding out in this experiment was: if the 10000 value somehow would make an impact on how the English longbow units behaved. My hope was that they would fire away much sooner than the usual standard range. Both of your reports does not clearly indicate that this is the case so I would think that this experiment is, if not a failiure, at least disappointing so far. If it had worked it would have changed the entire game completely. Ahh well, you win some, you lose some. At any rate, thanks guys for reporting in and doing this thing for me. If you guys got any other stuff or replies on stated questions etc., you know by now were to post ‘em. I’m off to continue my investigation with Wes strange anomaly.

    Cheers guys!

  8. #68

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    I (and all my little ”rev-pics”) wish you a happy birthday good baron! Congrats! :) ....I don't know how to do those **** smileys. He he!


    Hi Axel, there you are!

    I was wundering were you might have wanderered off too! Anyways, welcome back here and I hope you will have lots of fun with redux when you get the chance to play it!


    Now, what I was interested in finding out in this experiment was: if the 10000 value somehow would make an impact on how the English longbow units behaved. My hope was that they would fire away much sooner than the usual standard range. Both of your reports does not clearly indicate that this is the case so I would think that this experiment is, if not a failiure, at least disappointing so far. If it had worked it would have changed the entire game completely. Ahh well, you win some, you lose some. At any rate, thanks guys for reporting in and doing this thing for me. If you guys got any other stuff or replies on stated questions etc., you know by now were to post ‘em. I’m off to continue my investigation with Wes strange anomaly.

    Cheers guys!
    Well, now I know what you were looking for and yes, it is dissappointing.
    Last edited by Baron von Manteuffel; 09-02-2008 at 07:45. Reason: It needed it.

  9. #69
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Ok, I've only just recently been able to download and install Redux (as well as the patches for the VI version). Anyway, I only had time to mess about in the campaign, from what little I saw I found it to be terrific. The campaign map and the completely new unit rosters are quite interesting.

    One thing though, I thought I'd take the time to look through all the units, I typed in badgerbunny, and out popped: The Wrath of God, Death for Hire, Mr Warhammer, Mystic Knight and a few others who's names escape me. I found their description hilarious! I won't be using them of course, but I can see I'll be enjoying Redux for a while to come.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Haha, a beautiful maiden dancing naked around a sacred stone at midnight. Classic.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  10. #70

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    ...Guilty as charged, Raz! (Thanks for the praise by the way)

    I simply could not resist the temptation of putting in some fun and stupid stuff in redux. I was actually wondering when this might come up. I always knew that it would happen sooner or later and it turned out to be you who first posted it in. As for "the magic units", here is the “highly classified” truth of behind them:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Mr Warhammer: is a reference to a really old cover for the Warhammer RPG.

    Mystic Knight: is a reference to the old Amiga game “Moonstone” and so is the naked maidens as well (however, (sadly) they were not completely naked in that game of course).

    Death for Hire: is a redux original and is basically reduxes own superman gone bad, whose sole mission is to destroy all game balance what so ever.

    The Wrath of God: is a monster formation of royal knights which should have no equal in the game and these guys are having a morale bonus of +99, so they won’t break easily. It’s basically a Monty Python kind of thing (the Holy Grail, if you or anybody else remembers that film)

    I can’t remember if I put in more obviously stupid and silly troops in there, but I don’t think so. All of these “spaced out” units have of course ridiculous stats and should not be regarded seriously in any way. They are there because I always felt that most real games always have some fun and stupid stuff hidden within them. In MTW however there never was (if there are, I've missed it), so I decided to remedy that once and for all in redux (the cheaters must have their fun as well). Publicly, I will of course deny all of this; “wrath of what???!! Really….”

    - Cheers

  11. #71

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Has anyone successfully recruited a Norse Mercenary unit in their Byzantine campaign? I believe they're supposed to randomly appear in Constantinople, but I never see them.

  12. #72

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi good baron, (The “clone-bug” has had my attention for a few days now)

    Regarding the Norse Mercenary unit then; well I got them at least (Byzantines, turn 729). Technically they are available in Constantinople; I know that you can read a GnomeEditor just as well as I can. Have you played the Byzantines for a longer period (or have you captured Constantinople) and the Norse mercenaries have still not showed up? The safest way to attract them to Constantinople is to build a lot of high-end Taverns, Brothels and Merchant Buildings along with an Inn of course (since all of these helps to attract mercenaries in redux).

    The buildings that have an opposite impact on mercenaries are Admiralty, Chancellery, Marshals-, Captains-, Champions-, Constables-, Order- and Royal Palace and also the military academy has a particularly big negative impact. Castle-size can also have an impact on mercenaries. All the exact stats are in the “CRUSADER_BUILD_PROD13.TXT”. Perhaps you just have too much of those negative-impact buildings in Constantinople? (Perhaps I might need to do some further adjustments on those values for the coming “official” upgrade-pack).

    I repeat von Manteuffels question: has anyone else had any luck on hiring them?

    - Cheers

  13. #73

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Moving on then….

    Now, “for the greater good of redux” (which has a nice and deliciously dubious ring to it) I never had the proper chance to respond to Westerns comments on the Byzantines in post: 59 and the various issues regarding them so I do that now....

    Byzantium Alterations : (last chance to influence me guys)
    These are the plans I made for the Byzantines so far. This is in many ways influenced by the input and Intel posted in from both of you Western and von Manteuffel, regarding the Byzantines. Which have turned out to be a bit semi-problematic faction to deal with…. - Wes and Baron now is the time to speak up, before I carve this in stone. The changes then:

    Campaign Difficulty level: upgrade to “Hard” (currently “Normal”)

    Byzantine Infantry: (all regions)
    New unit: 1050fl. (Including the faction discount bonus. Same tech requirements)
    Support/turn: 100
    Other: +1 Morale

    The Byzantines must have some good unit available regardless wherever they might be. Otherwise they would be too unbalanced compared to other factions. If the Byzantines can pay, they can have ‘em! Having a few of these running around should really make an impact on the coffers (it is at least supposed to do so).

    Byzantine Lancers: (all regions)
    New unit: 1350fl. (Including the faction discount bonus.)
    Other: +1 Morale

    Recruiting these guys is hard enough as is. Regionizing them will unbalance the Byzantines compared to Catholic/other factions.

    Byzantine Cavalry: (regionized to: Greece, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Nicaea, Trebizond, Anatolia, and Rum, Georgia)
    New unit: 1800fl. (Including the faction discount bonus)
    Support/turn: 200
    Other: -

    Byzantine Cataphracts: (regionized to: Greece, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Nicaea, Trebizond, Anatolia, and Rum, Georgia)
    New unit: 260fl. (Including the faction discount bonus. 10 men)
    Support/turn: 25
    Other: +1 Attack

    “New” Light Militia: (all regions)
    New unit: 100fl. (40men)
    Support/turn: 5
    Other: -

    I hope this little addition will end up being a good thing. Wes I would be particularly interested in Intel regarding these guys if you find anything worth while to report in (that goes for you as well Baron)…. And, yes these guys really are worthless soldiers.

    Optional Mission/Experiment: 2A”

    Manteuffel and Western, since I already know that you guys have the know-how to do this without any problems this optional mission is especially for you guys (its nothing fancy but I don’t want to write any guides for it). Download and install the files below and put them where they belong in your redux. Don’t forget to backup your regular CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11.TXT-file! Play as Byzantines on expert (with the experimental files, campaign experiment 2a) for 20-25 turns, do it at least twice (I guess you could do it all in 1-2hrs). Report back here with your findings and impressions of such circumstances. Please play it to 100% of your abilities! Fast responses are preferred, as usual, and good luck!

    I will remove the link and “destroy” the files within 48hrs since this is not supposed to be a standing gig possibly even sooner if both of you guys have successfully reported in before that. EDIT: I have removed the experimental stuff now....

    (Anybody else is of course welcome to participate in this little mission/experiment as well but, I will not offer any support what so ever for it, none at all. So, if you are in any way uncertain of how to do this, don’t do it! For your own sake….)

    Link to “Experiment 2A-files”:
    That link self-destructed about 15 seconds ago….

    Cheers guys
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-07-2008 at 13:15. Reason: update

  14. #74

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi, I'm a slow builder and so I played for 48 turns. Usually I play on the normal level, but on the expert level I really didn't notice a huge difference except for the starting florins. The militia unit would be a nice cheap unit if you needed it, I guess, but I never recruited any. I go for quality over quantity. I dissagree with the Campaign Difficulty level: "hard" as I found it fairly "Normal". I had a lot of mercenaries I could recruit if I had wanted to in Constantinople, unfortunately never a Norse Mercenary . Anyway, overall it is a fun campaign. My opinion of mods in general is that "fun should always outweigh realism". I believe you've already stated that this mod was something you put together the way you like it, and that you weren't really striving for realism. I feel you should stay on that path. An occaisional unit update or whatever you see fit would be cool. Thank you for sharing this mod with the public.

  15. #75

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    OK Axalon. Because I'm an early riser, here's my feedback from 2 games as the Byz on expert using the experimental files (1 for 30 turns, the second for 25).

    First, everything stable as always.

    Changes slow down expansion, but not dramatically. First time I went by land and had all of Asia Minor, the Balkans (less Croatia) and Moldavia by the end, with a healthy income surplus rolling in. Second time I started with the islands and by the end had Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus, Asia Minor and Bulg.

    What the changes do is drive me towards a much greater reliance on mercs and peasants (as garrisons). The first is good. Don't like the second though - peasants are an ahistorical MTW invented unit. I'd prefer that they were not available to recruit and I had to rely on militia garrisons. But that may be too big a change for others.

    As the game played on - and I started to come up against factions and I had more money, I would have been using my core Byz troops more to give some backbone to my armies - but always very aware of the cost (with upkeep more significant than purchase price).

    So I think the changes are good - but militia are a bit irrelevant as long as I can spam out 100 peasants at need.

    By the way, I was on constant lookout for Mercs and - to answer an earlier question - the Norse mercs never showed in Const.

  16. #76

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Ok guys, (again thanks for the praise Manteuffel, it always feels good to be appreciated for what you do)

    Many thanks for the fast replies; it makes things easier for me to work faster. Now neither of your “reports” indicated that you had any significant problems playing with these settings. Hence I am inclined to rule to Manteuffels favour, as in the “Normal” campaign difficulty level stays. Wes, you said yourself that you had florins to spare in spite of these settings and that have convinced me that a change to “Hard” campaign difficulty is not justified.

    Western your point regarding the peasants is duly noted and the peasant availability goes out the window (just like the Moors, cause they don’t have any peasants available either. In that way I can force the AI to build some more serious units instead). I will lock them out for the Byzantines (I never liked the peasants anyway, he he!). The Cataphracts stay on 10 men since with these newer settings the Byzantines must have some option of raising “tac”-units that don’t cost a small fortune. Basically it’s a balance thing and it’s more or less about to be carved in stone already. It’s good to know that you finally started to be more sensitive to support costs while playing as the Byzantines, because this was the basic plan from day 1. Compared to other factions Byzantine support costs are now in a league of their own, but since I wanted a different feeling and experience while playing as the Byzantines I am willing to accept that. I have always felt that in almost all other cases that support cost is not, and should not be, the big issue. Initial training and equipment are supposed to be that.

    Anyways, I think that redux is finally getting close with the Byzantines regarding my different take on them. Playing different factions should preferably offer a different experiences, not just in the obvious way of another strategically different starting positions and the various special units (which is great), but I prefer it also on a deeper level as well and especially if different cultures are involved. If that don’t happen I personally feel that the reasons to have another faction available for the player are limited.

    Regarding the Norse mercenaries:
    Now, back to our dear little mead drinking Norse mercenaries again; it appears to me that I need to recalibrate the “mercenary magnetism”-values to sort things out properly. I will do so, if not sooner, at least to the release of the “official” VI-upgrade. It should not be half-impossible to recruit these guys otherwise the whole god **** point is lost by having them available in Constantinople. So, I will look this over again.

    It seems that “experiment 2a” fared better than the last one. Due to your fast responses I can get things done faster and for that I am grateful to you guys. Again that also includes your willingness to help me out and keep my perspectives strait and sharp, which is always a good thing. Again, many thanks for your (fast) help and useful Intel!

    - Cheers
    (BTW: Wes, you graciously put your earlier stuff on hold for me. Now, if there still is anything of that stuff you still want me to comment on (in case of I might have forgotten something) please give me a reminder me by posting them in again. /cheers)

  17. #77

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Over at the debug area Baron von Manteuffel wrote this:

    “Hi, As far as the Lombards [go], I thought that may have been an oversight. I gave them the building. Apparently they're just for custom battles??? The Hospitallers weren't founded untill the First Crusade in 1099, but if the Venetians have access to them in 700 AD, you may as well give them to the Lombards as a prelude to the Genoese having them. Favorite faction, all . No, probably England for the Longbows, and it's an easy home base to defend. I like France for all the heavy royal units and Templars. I've tried all except: the Saracens, Russians, Portuguese, Papacy, and Lithuanians..."

    Ok ok, I will unlock the building (order palace) for the Lombard’s since your argument is as good as any. It will be done with the release of the “official” upgrade-pack. By the way I have recently discovered that the Russian faction seems to run without any problems in the VI-version of redux so I am seriously considering to make them available as a playable faction as special feature for those who are running redux on VI/2.01. (making them playable was my original plan from day1). Redux on MTW V.1.1 already has some unique features so it is only fair that the VI/2.01 will get some as well.


    I have set a formal deadline for the release of the official redux VI-upgrade 1.0. It’s October 1st, possibly even sooner but it is my goal to have it out no later then that. When it is released, all bugs and errors so far will have been fixed with it (as far as it is possible, the clone-bug is the special exception since it is most likely hardcoded and thus I can’t do anything about it). Which means that all fixes for VI/2.01 will become obsolete and I will probably remove them from filefront after the release of VI-upgrade 1.0.

    While looking into the future, after the VI-release I will probably put together the first patch for redux. Mainly making the MTW V.1.1 version of redux to catch up with most of the changes already done or on their way for the VI/2.01-version and incorporate the various fixes already charted for that version. Thus even stuff out between the versions for V1.1. and VI/2.01. After all it is supposed to be the same game/mod (almost at least). Maybe I will put in some additional “quick battles” and maybe some other things as well, we’ll see. I guess that this will happen a few weeks after the release of VI-upgrade 1.0.

    - Cheers

  18. #78

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon

    Wow, what an amazing effort you have gone to! The images look great.

    I've been trying to get the Moor campaign to work, but with no success, even using the moorish opening, reducing all taxes, etc. Maybe I just have to keep trying. Since you hinted the problem might be to do with too many rebellions at once, why not just reduce the number of their starting provinces?

    I just have a few suggestions to make also - take them or leave them, no worries, and I do know you've gone for fun over realism. But having looked at the troop types available with badgerbunny... all the Islamic troops look completely generic. Would I be wrong in thinking that most of your effort has gone into the European (esp Norse) aspects? I think you've missed some great potential for rich and interesting troop choices by going with a plain "Moorish/Saracen x", "Desert x", etc.

    For example: you could have had a range of Berber soldiers (light cavalry, javelins, etc); saqaliba regiments (the armies made up of imported slavic slaves); various arab infantry and cavalry units. Then you could have made it really, really interesting with Murabitin elites - a range of javelin infantry, camels, and shock infantry - famous for charging into battle with their faces veiled and with terrifying drum beats. They used flags and drums to transmit orders in battle as well, making them far more disciplined than the other military forces in Spain. They would be regionized to the desert provinces. That would be much more interesting than the silly "ghazi" idea of the MTW creators.

    Anyway, just a few thoughts. I look forward to the updated version and the Moors bugs being fixed up. Congratulations on your great effort!

  19. #79
    Fighting the Good Fight Member Zasz1234's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    Kudos! This mod is fantastic and singularly responsible for putting MTW back on my pc. I love the feel of it. The units act like the their names imply and I really feel like a king raising troops. This is especially true for my French campaign. It is hard, but I am loving the fight. Great job and keep up the good work!

    Inhale, exhale
    Forward, back
    Living, dying:
    Arrows, let flown each to each
    Meet midway and slice
    The void in aimless flight
    Thus I return to the source.

  20. #80

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello there Zasz and Qurtubi,

    Welcome to the redux corner of MTW and I’m glad to hear that you guys like the redux stuff and I do appreciate that both of you considered it worthwhile to post it in (it got me smiling guys).

    Zasz:"The units act like the their names imply and I really feel like a king raising troops." Yep Zasz, thats basically the plan here, and you feeling like a king is a plus! He he! Do stick around here and post in additional questions and comments if you have any. Happy fighting!

    Qurtubi: you have trouble with your Moorish campaign, let’s see if we can’t get things going here! I take it that you have redux running on a MTW v1.1 because the Moorish problems are none existent on the VI-beta (as far as I know). The Moors seem to be a reappearing problem in v.1.1 and that is really bad, and of course it is not supposed to be anything like that. The “Moorish opening” should work out for you and it is really strange that it seems not to (maybe close variants will work, some extra unit here and there). Give it a few more tries and if it still don’t work for after a total of ten tries then my guess is that it wont work at all for you (if so, that would really be strange because it is supposed to work and I have even had it verified that it does work).

    However, there is no reason to give up even if that should be the case, I still can offer you one other foolproof solution to get things going. As usual it isn’t pretty, but it works and that’s what we are interested in, right? Download the saved game below and you should be able to take it from there. I have just done a variant of the “Moorish opening” in it and I have not built or commissioned any troops in it, except of 1 slave Militia unit in Granada, basically it’s blank but it starts at turn 701. It’s set on expert level. If you want still want to try and do an opening of your own you could always copy the moves I have done in this save, that should also do the trick.

    Download “Moorish Save”:

    Additional comments for Qurtubi:
    I also got some additinal comments here on your ideas and it ended up being a lot of text. I hope you have the stamina go thru it all (sorry, but I am trying to give you some good answers here). But first of all; let me say that it is always interesting to hear other people’s ideas and views on redux, and yours is no exception....

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Now, as I already said to Baron von Manteuffel, for the time being I’m not that interested in putting in some new additional troops in redux (of any kind, short of snarling dragons and sexy amazons, becuse that would be really fun) and all your pointers here are fine and ok. To me it sounds like you should do the “Islamic troop expansion” for redux since you clearly know more about that stuff then I do anyhow so why don’t you? I am all for it and this is my little counter-suggestion to your suggestion he he! My guess is that there is always someone out there that shares your particular interest in Islamic troops and also plays redux. You got 12 available and vacant slots for tactical units just waiting to be filled with whatever content you so fit, so that sounds to me like a good place to start (if you don’t know how to, there are plenty of guides on the subject right here at here at the .Org). Use the design of redux!

    I have already paved the way and made room for you and everybody else to make it easier to put in your/their favourite special units in there! Because I know that even if I had managed to put all those units that you particularly like there would always be someone else with other preferences and thus wanted me to put in some other special units instead. And redux (and original MTW as well for that matter) can only hold so much troops, and as always, the lines have to be drawn somewhere. It is because of all that I have intentionally designed redux to be more flexible and fairly adaptable in order to better comply with each personal preference (as in, among other things, having 12 vacant unit slots available for you and everybody else). Because that is the only solution that makes everybody happy and I have recognized that fact in my design.

    “...why not just reduce the number of their starting provinces?

    This is just an excellent idea and I will probably just do that in the future on the v.1.1 version of redux. I have been so busy working on VI-things that I so far have not had the time to think about these things. With your little idea here I might not have to think much about it either (at least on that matter, which would be real nice!). I guess that MALTA is the most likely and first target for such a move. It is a simple, yet very good idea, and it has gone straight to the “to do” list!

    “Would I be wrong in thinking that most of your effort has gone into the European (esp Norse) aspects?“

    Well, a little bit of both I guess; half-right or half-wrong, pic one.... He he! There is some substance in your assumption however, because most work has been directed towards the Catholic factions in redux. Personally I don’t find this to be that surprising either. After all, most factions in redux are Catholic (14 out of 18 to be exact) so focusing on them seemed to be the natural move for me (the circumstances are similar in the original as you well know).

    Regarding the Norse interest then; as far as tech-tree goes, yes I have given the Norse and Lithuanians some special interest because I deemed the “pagan”-culture to be badly neglected in the original games (both in VI and MTW). I always wanted the pagan culture to be far more than it ever was (and can be with the existing elements) in the original game and with the redux design I dare to say that I have changed all that. To me, paganism is an enormous concept that is far too diverse and interesting to be so blatantly ignored the way it was in the original games. Actually it’s too big of a concept to be healthy for it self, but all that is another story for another place. In redux I have tried to restrict it to the Norse and Lithuanian mythology and all research I did has been limited to that basically. This of course is just puny parts of the concept of paganism but the lines have to be drawn somewhere.

    Since I am a Norseman myself, Vikings is close to home and I thought that they deserved a better treatment then they have had before in MTW. As far as Norse units go; no I can’t say that I given the Norse a special attention or treatment. They have the similar design guidelines as any other faction. The only thing I have done on them was to emphasize their characteristics for which they are world-famous for. No fear of death, berserkers, excellent fighters and seafarers and that sort of thing. I have reflected some of these “Norse” traits in the redux design because I think it would be cool and at the same time offer some diversity to the game. In a practical and technical sense this means that they have a semi-ridiculous moral bonuses and have access to first class, but numerically limited, infantry formations and at the same time their cavalry is cut down to measly 4 units and so on. As with all factions in redux, I have tried to create different profiles on each faction that at the same time felt right for me. And this is especially true if different cultures are involved. The culture in the Apennine peninsula is different than the one found in Frankish Western Europe or the Iberian Peninsula and so on. Even if all are essentially Catholic areas (again, yes there are exceptions). And this is to some extent reflected in the redux design, as in different troops and tech-trees, being many times regionized or restricted to special factions etc.

    “I think you've missed some great potential for rich and interesting troop choices by going with a plain "Moorish/Saracen x", "Desert x", etc. “

    Yeah, you might be right. However, if you look closely this don’t differ much from any other of the factions. Most factions are built up upon such symbolic categorizations and standards. The Islamic factions, to my mind, are not in anyway that different from other factions as far as name construction goes; Slavic Warriors, Slavic Bowmen and Slavic Knights? Or how about Frankish Spearmen, Frankish Infantry and Frankish Knights? To me it sounds like they follow the similar guidelines as Moorish Raiders, Moorish Warriors or Moorish Bodyguards? Or is it just me?

    Yes, it might sound generic to someone that has particular knowledge or interest of let’s say Spanish Conquistadors and the “Reconquista” or anything else, but it works and it does comply with the fact that the room for units in MTW are limited. In order to create a workable and meaningful tactical profile for each faction in the game (because I personally value that higher than sheer quantity of available troops) I simply can’t just focus on one particular culture and related factions. This is one of the “hard” practical reasons for this reality.

    Other practical reasons are the raw and time-consuming GFX-work involved for each unit, which for me at least must have a satisfactory standard compared with other material in the game; it must blend in and go together. After that there is the pure unit-design part of stats and how the unit functions and works compared to other troops and of course the dreary practical coding of the unit in question etc. 1 unit, no problem, 10 units, problems dead ahead basically, 100 units just your average nightmare. I have done some 200+ of these (and discarded plenty of them for various reasons), so I do have some experience of what I am talking about here. Maybe I’m just lazy, but after a while (umm let’s say 40 unit rev-pics/40 unit icons/40 info-bifs speaking from a strictly GFX view here) the fun of doing them have kind of disappeared (at least for me)....

    There are other more “softer” reasons as well, by using symbolic names the game avoids to get entangled in special terms like “Khataphraktoi” or anything like that (which by the way is just begging to be spelled wrong). All these symbolic classifications work and are easy to understand, and they can cover much ground since they are above all symbolical and are intended to function on an associational level.

    Another advantageous thing with symbolical names is that it does not require an encyclopaedia close by to understand what the hell the troops are all about, thus avoiding all problems of let’s say; “Szezkelly” (I spelled that wrong didn’t I, there you go!), because that problem is eliminated altogether with easy understandable and symbolical names (and the encyclopaedia can peacefully continue to collect dust instead).

    “ could have had a range of Berber soldiers (light cavalry, javelins, etc); saqaliba regiments (the armies made up of imported slavic slaves); various arab infantry and cavalry units. Then you could have made it really, really interesting with Murabitin elites - a range of javelin infantry, camels, and shock infantry - famous for charging into battle with their faces veiled and with terrifying drum beats. They used flags and drums to transmit orders in battle as well, making them far more disciplined than the other military forces in Spain. They would be regionized to the desert provinces. That would be much more interesting than the silly "ghazi" idea of the MTW creators.”

    Now, if I read you correctly it seems to me that most of those troops that you are talking about are already more or less (or could be regarded as) covered within the ruling and strict possibilities of MTW. As in the available bif-plates, stat-system, limited framework of the program, audio and graphical capabilities and so on. And with the already existing units within redux.

    “Berber soldiers”
    These are more or less covered with the various desert formations (not the right names of course, but in function and style)

    “Saqaliba regiments”
    I get the feeling that this is more or less covered by “Slave Militias”.

    “...various arab infantry and cavalry units.”
    Yes I could, but again there is no room for that stuff and it is essentially covered by Saracen and Moorish formations. The Islamic factions already have more troops allocated to them than there ever was in any original game, the Moors alone have 10 more units than found in the original (at least in redux MP). The lines have to be drawn somewhere and they happened to end up the way they did.

    “Murabitin elites”
    Well redux got the Moorish “Black Guard”; perhaps those could fill that void for you? They are pretty “elitish” and to me it sounds that they do essentially fulfil that roll you are talking about. Again not the exact and right name perhaps....

    Now, I am no specialist on these things and it might sound stupid to you, but you are stuck with silly, ignorant me here, and that’s just the way it is.... He he! My point being twofold:

    Firstly, everything usually has more than one single name, and depending on whom you are talking too, each name is more correct and understandable or accurate than the other. Let me give you simple example here: It is called “Skane” by those of us who live here! Not “Scania”! Skane is a more correct term for those who might live there and perhaps to other people from Scandinavia but for almost everybody else it is basically “Marsian” and they don’t have clue what it means or signifies. With “Scania” however chances for recognition improves drastically. If you have ever looked at a MTW-XL map you might perhaps know were that region roughly is, but if you don’t my guess is that you don’t have a clue were that is, and if you do, I would say that you are an exception. This of course applies to all things and the various “spaced out”/”specialist” troop names in MTW are no exception. I’ve tried to keep it simple so at least I can play the game and skip the encyclopaedia part. If I don’t use the exact specialist term so be it. I can live with that.

    Secondly, there is another thing that I personally consider to be paramount. This is the fact that most troops have a meaning and actually plays a part in the over all unit grid of redux. Basically every unit has some purpose and function and they are balanced with all other units and profiles in the redux grid to a satisfactory degree. And this is especially true for playable factions in redux. I know this, since I have thoroughly tested it with friends of mine, doing some redux MP together. We have battled things out a few hundred times so this is fairly certain (apart from my own personal tests which probably are a few thousands). Now, the Moorish troop’s works and they are different and they do have a different style, compared with troops from other cultures and that’s way I want it to be. Because I have the notion that playing different factions should offer different experiences if possible, beyond the obvious geo-strategical differences and available unit arsenals. The troop’s themselves should feel different, the way and how they fight should be different. If all that happens I am happy, because that’s just the way I want it....

    Redux & The Moorish Profile:

    The Moors as any other faction have limits and strengths. To me, cavalry and quantity are strong points for the Moors. Specialized infantry is one the weaker aspects. This together begins to draw a “profile” on that faction. Add to that a special tech-tree and the profile gets more explicit, then you have the aspect geography and regions and the profile evolves even further. This is the case for every faction in redux, to a more or less explicit degree depending on these parameters and others as well. Wealth is another aspect for instance. And were that wealth is found, as in which region you can find riches to commission expensive troops surely have an impact in the game. Regional development is another and the list can probably be expanded further.

    The existing troops in redux works together in creating a diversity in the game yet they still balances each other out fairly well. Considering all the parameters involved here. To me there is no or little meaning of putting in new troops for the sake of it, because if those troops don’t have any real and valid function in the game, why are they there? There are of course a few exceptions, but there always are. My point being; any fool can fill the troop rooster to the max with let’s say “peasant Xs” and call them “Heavy Whateverings”. That’s not the trick, it is to give them purpose and diversity between them and thus strengthening the game and the experience of it as a whole, that’s the trick. That is at least the way I see it. Maybe you agree with me on this? It has definitely been my goal for redux at any rate.

    I hope all of that sorted stuff out for you (or at least reveals for you how I see these things). Now, my external Intel on the Moors is a bit scarce and perhaps I could unlock some of the existent Islamic units for the Moors as I have done for the Catholic factions earlier (this seems like very good idea actually). How about that Q?

    Anyways, I hope you get redux going (preferably by doing a version of the “Moorish opening”) and I would appreciate if you reported back here with some Intel on how things work out for you regarding starting up the game (and feel free to post in additional questions and comments as well, you too Zasz!).

    - Cheers
    Baron and Wes, the “redux agency” is currently looking for Intel on the Moors, concerning troop availability in perticular, if you guys are interested. Basically its up your ally baron since this cheifly concerns stuff in the "CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11.TXT"-file. Note! This is not supposed to be a bug-mission it is a matter of design and opinions and I would like your input to keep things safe from possible misstakes. As usual, fast responses are preferred since I need to keep my perspectives straight, and I do like to work fast on these things, as usual.... No surprises here! He he! /cheers!
    Last edited by Axalon; 10-15-2008 at 08:58. Reason: Cleaning

  21. #81

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    I'm just in awe at how helpful you've been to everybody! I feel a little embarrassed now.

    I had tried the Moorish opening perhaps six or seven times before posting; naturally enough, it worked the very next time after making my post! The campaign is progressing nicely. The only thing that I found a little strange was owning Egypt, so far east of my centre of operations - I was going to pull my troops out of there, until I saw how much money it was bringing in, hehehe. The battles feel quite different to the original - somehow they seem more lethal and desparate. Very gripping. There's quite a gap between the weak troops and the real soldiers, especially in morale - i like that!

    I will do my best to keep you posted on how things go and any bugs than turn up : )

    As for the troop types... I totally understand, and yes, if there's things I would like to see, the natural thing would be for me too do them myself : ) At present the only mod experience I have is tinkering with startpos, but everyone has to start somewhere right.

    Thanks again for your trouble.

  22. #82

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    A week ago I noticed the exsistance of this mod thanks to mentioning it. I'm always looking for some new challenge so I was exited.
    I tried to install it on MTW 1.1, but that didn't work somehow. But after installing VI 2.01 all my problems were gone.

    I started with the French on hard: and it was hard.
    But I loved it.
    Great all these new units, hero's and sexy princesses. Great idea.
    Awesome. Original MTW should have looked like this.

    But I have some questions/remarks:
    I unlocked the other factions, but I'm wondering when the Turks or other factions come in that do not start out.
    Also is there going to be a change in the kind of units/buildings through the years, because of progress in weaponry.
    The pikeman are showing up as mercenaries, but they were not (re)introduced in medieval warfare untill 1200's I believe (am I trying to be too historical).

    Are they going to give you your own little home for the mod. I mean, your info's are kind of spread out all over the Guild. Hard to find. You deserve it I think.

  23. #83

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello there Qurtubi and William the silent,

    And while I’m at it, a special welcome to you William to the redux corner of MTW. Now, I will start with Qurtubi here and after that I will get back to you William (because it’s easier for me that way).

    Qurtubi: First, I appreciate that you posted in the stuff regarding how you got the game goin. Now, “I'm just in awe at how helpful you've been to everybody!” Well I do try, and it’s nice to know that at least somebody appreciates it.

    “…naturally enough, it worked the very next time after making my post!” Typical, aint it!? Ah well Q, it is small price to pay to get your game goin and, I for one, am more than willing to accept it the way it turned out. He he!

    “…I found a little strange was owning Egypt, so far east of my centre of operations…” Yes, that is hardly very historical, but this is a pure design matter, because the Moors need second chance if their front fell in Iberia or even worse in Marocco. Especially if the Moors are run by the AI. That’s why they got Egypt, to assure them a second chance and a still functional economy. Since I don’t want the Moors to be "over and out" just because they happen to lose Marocco to a crusade or something. After a while, the Christian pressure in Iberia can be intense if not Portugal, Spain and Aragon are destroyed and conqurered. In my experience, the Moors usually have a two-front war after a while, One front in Iberia and the other in the middle east with the Saracens, possibly the Byzantines as well.

    “The battles feel quite different to the original - somehow they seem more lethal and desparate. Very gripping. There's quite a gap between the weak troops and the real soldiers, especially in morale - i like that!” Yes, this is my intensions at work here and I’m glad you like these traits.

    “I will do my best to keep you posted on how things go and any bugs than turn up : )”
    Please do, I for one would appreciate it.

    “At present the only mod experience I have is tinkering with startpos, but everyone has to start somewhere right.” Well, that’s how I finally started out back in 2003, so my guess is that you get to the troops and the GnomeEditor and maybe beyond that as well all in due time.

    William: “A week ago I noticed the existence of this mod thanks to mentioning it.” Yes, Martok’s kind support for redux has really done wonders for it. That week there were more people downloading redux (and perhaps even playing?) than there ever has been before. I am very happy about that fact.

    “I tried to install it on MTW 1.1, but that didn't work somehow. But after installing VI 2.01 all my problems were gone.” Well first of all, this is strange…. Perhaps you could post in some additional info on this so I can get a clearer picture of what has happened here? My experience tells me that this should not have happened (with the exception of the Moors, minus a “Moorish opening”). Did you try to start up a campaign with any of the non-official factions? Or was something else irregular you did? I can only guess here because I got not enough info to give any valid answers on how this might have happened. At any rate, the VI/V.2.01 is far more stable for redux at least and because of that I would recommend most people to use that version if possible. V.1.1 usually works fine but is more unstable (not just for redux but for the original game as well, sad but true).

    “I started with the French on hard: and it was hard. But I loved it.” He he! Hard is supposed to be hard! At any rate, it won’t get any easier because I will lower the starting income drastically in the near future for both versions of redux. So, it will get even harder! And as far as the French goes, their overall difficulty level is most likely about to be downgraded to “Normal” (that is, if no one else can thoroughly convince me that this is a really bad idea).

    “…hero's and sexy princesses. Great idea. Awesome.” Actually you are the first one who have finally and openly mentioned this and all I can say is that I worked my brains out on those girls. Oh boy, did I work on those! Eventually I was finally happy with the results and what else can I say than; hey I am guy! This is the way I like my princesses, and I can’t be the only one now can I?!? Their (princesses) function in the game so ridiculously limited that I thought that something had to be done (so “how about making them look good at least” I thought). At the very least, it’s very “DC/Marvel-ish” and that works just fine for me. I never really liked the CA girls (nor the men either) basically too little “Marvel-factor” and too much “comedy”-factor on those. Actually, I personally feel that “the redux girls” got some different personalities going on as well when I look at them. Some of them seem to be just proud and beautiful others have just ended up being lecherous vixens. He he! Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. Anyways, I am glad you like it, I do too…. BTW I usually get a good laugh when I look at the various portraits of bishops, inquisitors and druids, many of them do look really dubious and questionable to me. He he! I do like that!

    “I unlocked the other factions, but I'm wondering when the Turks or other factions come in that do not start out.” Feel free to do this; it’s your personal game man. If you feel the need to do it, do it! But you must also realize that my practical support for these things is very limited compared with the “official” stuff. The reason why I left out certain factions in redux varies from stability issues, hardcoded errors and balancing-issues (as in accessible units and other stuff). Now, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you with the Turks, because they won’t ever show up in redux. They have been converted to the Portuguese and this is related to the fact that redux was originally built on plain MTW and not VI (since I never really have had a burning urge to put in some extra additional factions in the game especially with plain MTW, the faction-colours are just awful). And personally I never thought the Turks were worth keeping in my design so I removed them altogether. You and everybody else will have to make due with the Portuguese instead. Sorry, but I got another disappointment for you regarding the “coming in” factions in the middle of the campaign and the like. Personally such stuff never impressed me much so I did redux without all that. The starting factions in redux is the ones you have to worry about, what you see is what get, and usually that is more than enough compared with the original game. You might get reappearances and such things can and probably will happen during your campaign at some point.

    “Also is there going to be a change in the kind of units/buildings through the years, because of progress in weaponry.” Yet another disappointment for you here, I have thrown out the era-progression altogether in redux because I never really liked it that much anyhow. Personally I feel that it did not make the game anymore interesting and all potential and related bugs have been killed by doing this. Redux is an ever standing “gunpowder free” romantic anachronism and thus there is no era-progression at all. Cause I simply don’t like it myself.

    “The pikeman are showing up as mercenaries, but they were not (re)introduced in medieval warfare untill 1200's I believe (am I trying to be too historical).” To put it plainly for you; yes you are… (You could always change this of course, hell you could even throw back in the era-progression to get your particular historical feeling back if that’s what you want. There are guides on these things, use those for such moves if you want to do this. I however are just happy about how things are, after all I designed it that way).

    “Are they going to give you your own little home for the mod. I mean, your info's are kind of spread out all over the Guild. Hard to find. You deserve it I think.” Well, this is basically all up to the Org-administrators. I would be delighted to have all the redux stuff at a more permanent place here at the .Org, no doubt about that. However, I have not yet sent a formal enquiry for these things to administrators (TosaInu is probably the appropriate man regarding things I guess) since I at a minimum want to have at least released the formal VI-upgrade before I do any such thing personally. I don’t really know these routines that well here at the Org. I have only been active here a few weeks myself so I basically know nothing about this. Maybe it is supposed to be me that send such a request, maybe don’t have to be me. Maybe it is like the administrators offers "you" such an oppertunity. I honestly don’t know and have no clue here on how these things usually is done. If you personally feel the urge to sort these things up now, now. I guess you could always send a PM to TosaInu and ask for info about it and decide what to do from there. As far as I can tell, I can only send a formal enquiry about it. But that does not in anyway guarantee that it will happen anyhow, since this is a decision entirely made by the .Org-administrators alone. It’s basically out of my hands. All I can do is ask for it, nothing more. And so far redux stuff has only really spread to the MTW-Mainhall area, which I personally have no problems with (rather opposite actually). And the VI/V.2.01 debug area is just next door and that fact keeps at least me sane, so that suits me just fine as well.

    Hopefully all this have sorted things out for you. Do stick around!


    Baron & Wes: if I don’t get any Intel on the Moors from you guys by noonish tomorrow I take it that you guys got better and more important things to do. I realize that you can’t always help me out and I won’t hold any of it against you guys in any way. It simply would be wrong and indecent of me to do so. I got another request or rather an enquiry for you guys as well. It’s extremely secret so you will have to open up the spoiler here....

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    One other thing and this is important, I also want you guys to know that you are free to help out other less experienced redux-players on this thread. Feel absolutly free to do this. I actually would encourage and welcome it. And you two are the most experienced redux-players that I know of, so I can’t really think of anybody else better suited to do it (however, one does not have to be experienced to help out, everybody can quote me on that!). Share your insight and know-how. I would appreciate it much and probably others as well, and let us not forget that the answers to various questions will get here to this very thread faster, which undoubtedly is good thing. And if you are uncertain about something, just openly say so, and I will know on what I should concentrate on when I do post in. - And if you guys just happened to be wrong about something, that’s not the end of the world. We are all wrong at some point and we get it sorted out eventually.

    Basically what I am trying to say here is that does not have to me who answers each and every question on this thread; you guys could probably in many cases just do it fine as well. I utterly certain that you could for example answer at least a few of the questions found above here in the previous posts. Now, von Manteuffel I know that you have tried this before on this very thread and I give you a golden “carte blanche” to that again (and again! etc. This is explicit invitation to do so is also handed to you Western since I certain that you as well could do it). Both of you are legal redux-“bugmeisters” with one solid and confirmed kill each, so this should not be that hard for you guys. All this of course all voluntary and it indisputably is all up to you, but I for one would certainly appreciate it.

    That’s that, and that’s it I guess.

    - Cheers

  24. #84

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    About that problem that I had with MTW 1.1:
    What happenend is that after hitting "Start Campaign" the bar would come on that shows you the game is loading, but after that I was send back to option screen.
    I don't know what went wrong (I tried twice). Maybe I made mistake with installing, but after I uninstalled everything and installed up to VI 2.01, I had no problems.

    Thank for your indepth reply.
    I'll continue with my Viking campaign now. It's cool to be a viking, but not easy. I needed about a 100 turns (I guess I'll see them as weeks, since there is no era progression) to establisch 6 regions. So after 400 I'll have 24 .

    Btw. not many princesses with these norsman. Do they throw girls away after they are born?

  25. #85

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Will,

    Did you install anything after the MTW-Redux 1.0 full package, any fixes or something like that? It sounds to me like the installation went wrong somehow, because you are the first that I know of who have had this problem so far. At any rate, this my guess based upon the limited info I got here.

    I try to give you guy’s thorough answers.

    Well, you rascal! Playing as the Norse is officially unsupported! …Is it any fun!? It’s quite different isn’t it?

    Regarding turns/years; you can of course allocate whatever term you feel appropriate. Personally I see it as “turns”. I actually stopped caring about any of that, from MTW an onwards. To me there is only one game that ever had a time/turn system that I could take seriously and regard as acceptable. That is Shogun total war, with its 4 turns on each year model. All else is nonsense the way I see it, but that’s just me. Enjoy your raiding with the Vikings.

    Ah yes, I almost forgot the pagan girls…. Well it’s a matter of me being lazy. The game only needs 24 of them to function correctly so I did what I had to (as I said before, you are not supposed to play the Norse…He he…). And usually most people are not that interested in the little pagan girls so that’s why (you being the exception of course).

    Cheers man!

  26. #86

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi, just so you know, I lurk in the Total War forums daily and I have read all you've posted. I have 7 different Medieval/Rome TW mods installed that I play so they all stay somewhat fresh, if that makes any sense.

    I know you were asking for Moors intel, but I'm not sure I can give you accurate information. What I mean is, I play on the normal setting and from what I've seen, you use the expert setting. I have little experience on the expert setting, and don't have the patience to deal with the rebellions.

    Anyway, playing the Moors on the normal setting, of course I found it easy. In the year 827, I have a yearly income of 12,468 florins, full balanced stacks on every province which are all golden armour, at least 1 ship in every sea, almost every building built in every province, and I've easily taken Sicily, Sahara, and Malta after it rebelled. I've had practically no altercations while I was building this solid juggernaut.

    Portugal tried to sink some of my Dhows, but couldn't. So did the Saracens, and they managed to get 1 or 2. I then began to mass produce Bagalas and both factions quickly sued for peace. So I resumed building the empire, but never forgot their treachery.

    In the year 827, I decided it was time to test this elite horde of an army against some Catholic knights so I attacked Portugal. They had about a full stack and so did I, and the result was... The Portuguese have decided they cannot win the battle and have retreated. You have captured bla bla number of troops including the King......The King of Portugal has been killed in battle. He has no heirs and his forces no longer pose any real threat......

  27. #87

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hi Will,

    Did you install anything after the MTW-Redux 1.0 full package, any fixes or something like that? It sounds to me like the installation went wrong somehow, because you are the first that I know of who have had this problem so far. At any rate, this my guess based upon the limited info I got here.

    Cheers man!
    No fixes. Ax I would not worry about it as long as no one else has the problem. I'm happy with my VI 2.01.

    Anyway, playing the Moors on the normal setting, of course I found it easy. In the year 827, I have a yearly income of 12,468 florins, full balanced stacks on every province which are all golden armour, at least 1 ship in every sea, almost every building built in every province, and I've easily taken Sicily, Sahara, and Malta after it rebelled. I've had practically no altercations while I was building this solid juggernaut.
    Mister Man Devil I recommend you play the French for instance on hard. See if you laugh as loud. You'll be . Suffering is fun for me : I gained 4 provinces in 100 turns and only make 1000 fl/turn ...................................................................................

    These Moors are way too powerfull. Can you imagine: I'm playing Norse right now and I have to fight stacks and stacks of Moor Navy.

  28. #88

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    I have people staying at the moment, so not much computer time to help out I'm afraid. Sorry - back in the fray in a few days! I have one thought from past games as the Moors though (aside from agreeing that they might start with less provinces). Javelin cavalry was one of the things they were most famous for, and provides an interesting bit of tactical variety. This is one thing original MTW always lacked - jinetes looked too western. I wonder why you haven't gone for a moorish javelin cavalry unit?

  29. #89

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello everyone.......I cant wait to try this wonderful looking mod out.
    Only problem is i extracted the files over program files/total war/medieval total war.........and still all im getting is MTW1.1 vanilla........ive tried this many times even followed the install instructions to no avail...................can anyone offer any advice or tips?
    Thank you...

  30. #90

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    To me it seems that your MTW 1.1 files have not been replaced with the mod files if you just get MTW 1.1.

    Unzip the mod files somewhere else.
    Then change the name to "medieval - Total War", if it is named "Redux - Total War", otherwise leave it the same.
    Then drop it (or copy it) in the "Total War" file in "Program Files" (if you have installed MTW 1.1 in the automatic way).

    This "should" do the job.
    Are you shure you upgraded to 1.1 (check in the options menu after opening the game what version it tells you it is).

    Hope this will help. Otherwise Ax will have to do the work.

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