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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #91

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by William the Silent View Post
    To me it seems that your MTW 1.1 files have not been replaced with the mod files if you just get MTW 1.1.

    Unzip the mod files somewhere else.
    Then change the name to "medieval - Total War", if it is named "Redux - Total War", otherwise leave it the same.
    Then drop it (or copy it) in the "Total War" file in "Program Files" (if you have installed MTW 1.1 in the automatic way).

    This "should" do the job.
    Are you shure you upgraded to 1.1 (check in the options menu after opening the game what version it tells you it is).

    Hope this will help. Otherwise Ax will have to do the work.
    Hmm tried this with same results.......maybe im missing a step or something...

  2. #92

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Hmm tried this with same results.......maybe im missing a step or something...
    Let's see if the Redux files were copied in your MTW 1.1.
    Go to "campmap/startpos" and see if the files "ReduxSP", "ReduxSPC", etc are in there.
    If not then you didn't install right. If yes then wait for Axalon to give an answer.
    It's very frustrating . I've had stuff like that happening.
    I actually had problems with using MTW 1.1, but I upgraded up to VI 2.01 and my problems were gone.

    It's a fun game. I'm gonna go play .

  3. #93

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon,

    Firstly, I'd like to thank and congratulate you on your work.
    MTW Redux is without a doubt the best mod I have played on. I love what you've done with the units and buildings, especially the champions and unit sizes.

    Please keep up the great work.

    One small bug I found - when completing the construction of an abbey, the finished construction message does not have a picture.


  4. #94

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello everyone, and a special rare double welcome to the Org *and* the redux corner of “MTW-land” to Orph. My welcome also goes to AchillesLastStand as well. Also my thanks go to William for stepping in and holding the fort here. Keeping this place covered, which is undoubtedly a good thing!

    Achilles: first of all, welcome to the redux corner. Now let’s see if we can’t get your game up and running for you. In order for redux to run, it must be allowed to overwrite the original MTW files in the selected/intended installation. If it’s not allowed to do that, it simply won’t run and the effect of that would be the exact scenario that you are describing in your posts.

    Now in order to make things happen you must do the:

    "Install guide 1A, backup & problem edition":

    1. Have MTW V.1.1 installed....

    2. Determine exactly where this MTW V.1.1 installation is placed on your harddrive(s). As in X:/????/?????/Medieval – Total War or something similar like that (since you seem to use that variant). You must find out the exact path of where your MTW is placed on your computer. Once you do that all of this gets real easy.

    3. Open the folder which contains the “Medieval – Total War”-folder in it. Keep it open, perhaps make the window smaller, but keep it open none the less. Let’s call this window the “MTW-Window” from now on.

    4[b]. Decompress the redux files again or download the redux package again (just to be on the safe side here. That is, if you have not saved your redux-Rar/Zip somewhere). Within the folder you will get after you decompressed redux, there is another folder named “Redux – Total War”. Now make a copy of this “Redux – Total War” to let’s say; your desktop. Change the name of this copy, which is now placed on your desktop, to “Medieval – Total War”. Copy it.

    5. Go back to the “MTW-Window” and paste, and let it replace and overwrite all the necessery files until it’s done.

    6. Start up MTW and play redux....

    *However, you should also download and install the “Islamic castle fix” as well (using the exact same method again and the exact right install path as well) to have an optimal game going.

    **If the utter disaster scenario strikes:
    If the game still don’t work, even if you have followed above instructions 1-6 exactly. My only advice to you is to uninstall MTW, then reinstall it again. Patch it up. Download another copy of redux and do step 1-6 again. This should in theory work and secure a funtional game on your PC. If it don't, well then my knowhow on PC's and windows have met it's match.

    7. “Optional Task”, report back here to the redux thread and let us all know the good news that game is now up and running (It should be, at least). I would sure appreciate it to have this verified by you and probably others as well. While you’re at it perhaps you could share with which faction you intend to/have started to play and at which difficulty level. But at the very least, please verify that the problem is solved so we can move on to other stuff.

    Orph: many thanks for the praise, I can’t get any higher grades than that, now can I?!? And thanks for the info regarding the abbey. I will look into it some more and if all you say here adds up I will put your name in the credits in the VI-upgrade pack for this. But as far as I can tell for the time being, all the files are in there. This certainly seems strange. Regardless, do stick around and feel free to post in questions and comments if you want share any of those with the rest of us. Again, welcome!

    Baron: Now, didn’t I say earlier that the AI was a coward? He he! You just proved that the AI is too cowardly for its own good!

    Although, many thanks for the Intel and no it did not matter much that you played on “Normal”, as you know it essentially only make an impact on the AI behaviour and starting cash for the faction in question. and you played long enough to at least cancel the effects of the starting cash at any rate.

    What I was looking for was recruitment issues and the tactical profile on the Moors. And your little story confirms that there are no problems in that area, which is good!

    At any rate, I have decided anyhow that I will unlock the ghazi- warriors, archers and cavalry units for the Moors. Much in the same way the Catholics get crusade units with an order palace. In this case however it is of course with a ribat instead, and an increased building cost for it to balance things out. Other than that, I also unlocked the desert warriors for them, making those available with a “Blacksmith” in place. I guess that makes you and perhaps others as well happy (how about that Qurtubi?) since that ultimatly means that there will be more units available.

    “I have 7 different Medieval/Rome TW mods installed that I play so they all stay somewhat fresh, if that makes any sense.” No, it doesn’t. Whatever makes you happy man!

    Western: We’ll hold the fort for you while you are away, beyond the safe borders of “MTW-land”.... He he!

    As usual, you do have a point, this time with the tactical diversity argument regarding the “Moorish Jinets”; you almost beat me with my own perspective! However, this is also a matter of available bif-plates, and there is none that satisfactory supports such a thing (as far as I can tell at least). And the arduous process of making one for this is simply not worth it (even If I did know how to), considering what you get in the other end. I’m pretty sure you agree with me on that. Besides making new room for “default-units” is more or less impossible by now, I have found that out the hard way. There simply is no more room; otherwise stability goes out the window. And neither you nor I want that to happen, since I know that you are an avid supporter for stability (this of course is a good thing).

    To be perfectly honest with you, I never though much about it since I personally was never that impressed with spear throwers or the jinets from the original game. I though those to be all but useless ”swordfood” essentially never did see them make a true impact in battle.

    Will: “These Moors are way too powerfull. Can you imagine: I'm playing Norse right now and I have to fight stacks and stacks of Moor Navy.” No they aint, they just got more florins and castles than you do, that’s all...

    Thanks again for you helping out here on the thread man.

    Cheers guys!
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-21-2008 at 15:33. Reason: Ooh the English!

  5. #95

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Mr Axalon.
    I started playing the spanish and I noticed that there were no units in Navarra. I just could walk in there and it was mine. He he!

  6. #96

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    I'm not surprised by what you say re jinetes. I had noticed that javelin cavalry are rarer than hen's teeth in all Mods, and I presumed there was a reason. It's a shame but there we are. If we can't have javelins, then having Moors and Arabs much as they are is the best thing. From a realism point of view I'd hate to see these guys dominated by horse archers - that's not how they fought.

    In my offshoot of redux I'm having a lot of fun trying to beat the Moors. My Spanish are going down heroically time after time, but each campaign is different and always a challenge. I love the unit balance you've achieved - good units prove their worth, but none of the main units is absurdly jedi or completely useless. So I may have fiddled around with the playing field, but I'm playing the teams much as you set them up, and the battles are some of the best I've had in several years now of playing. I'm glad to see from the forums that increasing numbers of people seem to be giving this Mod a whirl (of those of us that are left now the crowds have moved on to MTW2)

  7. #97

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hello everyone, and a special rare double welcome to the Org *and* the redux corner of “MTW-land” to Orph. My welcome also goes to AchillesLastStand as well. Also my thanks go to William for stepping in and holding the fort here. Keeping this place covered, which is undoubtedly a good thing!

    Achilles: first of all, welcome to the redux corner. Now let’s see if we can’t get your game up and running for you. In order for redux to run, it must be allowed to overwrite the original MTW files in the selected/intended installation. If it’s not allowed to do that, it simply won’t run and the effect of that would be the exact scenario that you are describing in your posts.

    Now in order to make things happen you must do the:

    "Install guide 1A, backup & problem edition":

    1. Have MTW V.1.1 installed....

    2. Determine exactly where this MTW V.1.1 installation is placed on your harddrive(s). As in X:/????/?????/Medieval – Total War or something similar like that (since you seem to use that variant). You must find out the exact path of where your MTW is placed on your computer. Once you do that all of this gets real easy.

    3. Open the folder which contains the “Medieval – Total War”-folder in it. Keep it open, perhaps make the window smaller, but keep it open none the less. Let’s call this window the “MTW-Window” from now on.

    4[b]. Decompress the redux files again or download the redux package again (just to be on the safe side here. That is, if you have not saved your redux-Rar/Zip somewhere). Within the folder you will get after you decompressed redux, there is another folder named “Redux – Total War”. Now make a copy of this “Redux – Total War” to let’s say; your desktop. Change the name of this copy, which is now placed on your desktop, to “Medieval – Total War”. Copy it.

    5. Go back to the “MTW-Window” and paste, and let it replace and overwrite all the necessery files until it’s done.

    6. Start up MTW and play redux....

    *However, you should also download and install the “Islamic castle fix” as well (using the exact same method again and the exact right install path as well) to have an optimal game going.

    **If the utter disaster scenario strikes:
    If the game still don’t work, even if you have followed above instructions 1-6 exactly. My only advice to you is to uninstall MTW, then reinstall it again. Patch it up. Download another copy of redux and do step 1-6 again. This should in theory work and secure a funtional game on your PC. If it don't, well then my knowhow on PC's and windows have met it's match.

    7. “Optional Task”, report back here to the redux thread and let us all know the good news that game is now up and running (It should be, at least). I would sure appreciate it to have this verified by you and probably others as well. While you’re at it perhaps you could share with which faction you intend to/have started to play and at which difficulty level. But at the very least, please verify that the problem is solved so we can move on to other stuff.

    Orph: many thanks for the praise, I can’t get any higher grades than that, now can I?!? And thanks for the info regarding the abbey. I will look into it some more and if all you say here adds up I will put your name in the credits in the VI-upgrade pack for this. But as far as I can tell for the time being, all the files are in there. This certainly seems strange. Regardless, do stick around and feel free to post in questions and comments if you want share any of those with the rest of us. Again, welcome!

    Baron: Now, didn’t I say earlier that the AI was a coward? He he! You just proved that the AI is too cowardly for its own good!

    Although, many thanks for the Intel and no it did not matter much that you played on “Normal”, as you know it essentially only make an impact on the AI behaviour and starting cash for the faction in question. and you played long enough to at least cancel the effects of the starting cash at any rate.

    What I was looking for was recruitment issues and the tactical profile on the Moors. And your little story confirms that there are no problems in that area, which is good!

    At any rate, I have decided anyhow that I will unlock the ghazi- warriors, archers and cavalry units for the Moors. Much in the same way the Catholics get crusade units with an order palace. In this case however it is of course with a ribat instead, and an increased building cost for it to balance things out. Other than that, I also unlocked the desert warriors for them, making those available with a “Blacksmith” in place. I guess that makes you and perhaps others as well happy (how about that Qurtubi?) since that ultimatly means that there will be more units available.

    “I have 7 different Medieval/Rome TW mods installed that I play so they all stay somewhat fresh, if that makes any sense.” No, it doesn’t. Whatever makes you happy man!

    Western: We’ll hold the fort for you while you are away, beyond the safe borders of “MTW-land”.... He he!

    As usual, you do have a point, this time with the tactical diversity argument regarding the “Moorish Jinets”; you almost beat me with my own perspective! However, this is also a matter of available bif-plates, and there is none that satisfactory supports such a thing (as far as I can tell at least). And the arduous process of making one for this is simply not worth it (even If I did know how to), considering what you get in the other end. I’m pretty sure you agree with me on that. Besides making new room for “default-units” is more or less impossible by now, I have found that out the hard way. There simply is no more room; otherwise stability goes out the window. And neither you nor I want that to happen, since I know that you are an avid supporter for stability (this of course is a good thing).

    To be perfectly honest with you, I never though much about it since I personally was never that impressed with spear throwers or the jinets from the original game. I though those to be all but useless ”swordfood” essentially never did see them make a true impact in battle.

    Will: “These Moors are way too powerfull. Can you imagine: I'm playing Norse right now and I have to fight stacks and stacks of Moor Navy.” No they aint, they just got more florins and castles than you do, that’s all...

    Thanks again for you helping out here on the thread man.

    Cheers guys!
    Ok ive tried everything you suggested Axalon step by step.....I even did a fresh install of MTW1.1 and a fresh d/l of redux again........Still all im getting is MTW vanilla........strange thing tho....when i open up the Medieval Total War i go throught the files....there it sits all together in its own renamed file....i dont consider myself PC illiterate by any means......but this is like my 5th or 6th try and i am perplexed.........any ideas?

  8. #98

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Ok ive tried everything you suggested Axalon step by step.....I even did a fresh install of MTW1.1 and a fresh d/l of redux again........Still all im getting is MTW vanilla........strange thing tho....when i open up the Medieval Total War i go throught the files....there it sits all together in its own renamed file....i dont consider myself PC illiterate by any means......but this is like my 5th or 6th try and i am perplexed.........any ideas?

    Hello Achilles, (I will respond to you other guys as well but I really want to sort this thing out first, I will get back to you guys.)

    Now, I REALLY don’t want to be rude, but what you are seemingly claiming is simply not possible, even in theory (or have I maybe misunderstood what you are trying say here). The only sane explanation I can think of is that you must have 2 or more MTW’s installed (or that you still install redux in a wrong way). If you use a short-cut to start the game, get rid of it! Because it might be set to start another installation of MTW. And don’t start off the CD either.

    If the redux files really are in the right place, it will work. And believe me; you will know the difference when you start up the right installation and if it is properly installed. Now, start the right game by activating the “Medieval_TW.exe” in that very folder where the redux files is supposedly to be. If you don’t get a radically changed game by then, the files are simply not there or are not correctly installed.

    An easy and certain way to check that out is to open up the intended “Medieval – Total War”-folder (as in the very folder you are trying to replace with redux), then go and open the “Quickstart”-folder. In there, search for any files which contains “redux” in their filenames. If there are, the redux files are installed. If not, redux is not installed.

    “…as i go throught the files....there it sits all together in its own renamed file...”

    Please be more detailed in this. Please be overly explicit. Where are these files you are talking about? Post in that path.

    And another thing I want to be surer of, you do have admin rights? Right? And you do use the very same user-profile as you have when you installed MTW? Right? As I said earlier, I’m just making sure here. This is just so I can rule out any such possibilities.

    EDIT: Please also post in the exact and entire installation path for your intended MTW-install (as in the one you are trying to replace with redux).

    EDIT2: If I remember everything correctly you can run MTW directly from the CD. When this happens you can only do so at really unsexy resolutions like 800x600 or something. Can you make the game go to a 1280x1024 res? If not you might be running MTW from your CD. Is that what has happened here? Frankly I am guessing here because I have too little info to go on. You must give me more info to enable me to give you some further pointers. Because without that, I can only do so much, and blind guessing is not that useful or productive here anyways.

    *How many MTWs do you have installed?
    *Are you really sure you have really replaced the right folder?
    *What are your exact install path?

    Respond at your convenience (personally I prefer fast, I always do). If I get no answer of any kind within 24hrs I will assume that it have all worked out for you. I would prefer and appreciate a verification from you.

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-22-2008 at 19:00. Reason: update

  9. #99

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hello Achilles, (I will respond to you other guys as well but I really want to sort this thing out first, I will get back to you guys.)

    Now, I REALLY don’t want to be rude, but what you are seemingly claiming is simply not possible, even in theory (or have I maybe misunderstood what you are trying say here). The only sane explanation I can think of is that you must have 2 or more MTW’s installed (or that you still install redux in a wrong way). If you use a short-cut to start the game, get rid of it! Because it might be set to start another installation of MTW. And don’t start off the CD either.

    If the redux files really are in the right place, it will work. And believe me; you will know the difference when you start up the right installation and if it is properly installed. Now, start the right game by activating the “Medieval_TW.exe” in that very folder where the redux files is supposedly to be. If you don’t get a radically changed game by then, the files are simply not there or are not correctly installed.

    An easy and certain way to check that out is to open up the intended “Medieval – Total War”-folder (as in the very folder you are trying to replace with redux), then go and open the “Quickstart”-folder. In there, search for any files which contains “redux” in their filenames. If there are, the redux files are installed. If not, redux is not installed.

    “…as i go throught the files....there it sits all together in its own renamed file...”

    Please be more detailed in this. Please be overly explicit. Where are these files you are talking about? Post in that path.

    And another thing I want to be surer of, you do have admin rights? Right? And you do use the very same user-profile as you have when you installed MTW? Right? As I said earlier, I’m just making sure here. This is just so I can rule out any such possibilities.

    EDIT: Please also post in the exact and entire installation path for your intended MTW-install (as in the one you are trying to replace with redux).

    EDIT2: If I remember everything correctly you can run MTW directly from the CD. When this happens you can only do so at really unsexy resolutions like 800x600 or something. Can you make the game go to a 1280x1024 res? If not you might be running MTW from your CD. Is that what has happened here? Frankly I am guessing here because I have too little info to go on. You must give me more info to enable me to give you some further pointers. Because without that, I can only do so much, and blind guessing is not that useful or productive here anyways.

    *How many MTWs do you have installed?
    *Are you really sure you have really replaced the right folder?
    *What are your exact install path?

    Respond at your convenience (personally I prefer fast, I always do). If I get no answer of any kind within 24hrs I will assume that it have all worked out for you. I would prefer and appreciate a verification from you.

    - Cheers
    Thank you for the quick reply Axalon....i will give you as much info as i can....
    I only have 1 MTW installed....MTW 1.1 i usually play from disk and usually play at 1280x1024 althought i have played as high as 1440x980 i believe,,,
    The install path is.....Local Disk C/Program Files/Total War/Medieval Total War
    I have checked the quickstart folder and there is no redux to be found.
    And what i meant to say about the files......i renamed redux medieval total war then installed it over the medieval total war folder......then when i opened MTW folder for example you can see all the files,battle,campmap,quickstart,logfiles,sounds,etc...then i also see the redux file that i renamed MTW and it is all together in 1 folder.
    And yes i have full admin rights to everything on pc
    I just d/l redux from filefront{the other d/l were from atomic gamer.....i will try everything again and not start the game from the CD.....i will keep you updated and thank you for all of your help.

  10. #100

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    @Achilleslastand - Right click on the redux file that you renamed Medieval - Total War, copy it, then paste it in your Local Disk C/Program Files/Total War. Let it overwrite and it should work.

  11. #101

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Cheers Baron! Mystery solved!!!

    That means that we all can move on and business returns to normal around here. Ooohh, that means that I will respond to Western and William as well… I will do so soon. Tomorrow or something like that.

    And we will be waiting for your reply and the good news, Achilles!

    - Cheers
    Hey Baron, you got the "100 post" for redux!!!
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-22-2008 at 21:59.

  12. #102

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I just tried that Baron with same results......if someone can tell me how to take a screenshot and post it i will glady do so...

  13. #103

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hold on! I will write a guide for you.... ETA 30min

  14. #104

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello again Achilles, here is what you do.

    The Achilles special guide:
    1. Decompress the redux material. (Again… That way it is certain you got all the files)
    2. Within that folder you get from doing that decompression you should have two folders:

    “Redux – Total War”
    “Redux Bonus Material”

    3. Copy the “Redux – Total War” to you desktop. And once you done that. Copy the name of this folder. Yes, “Redux – Total War”.
    4. Go to Program Files… Open it. Don’t know what you got on your PC, but somewhere in there, among the various folders you should be able to find a folder named “Total War”. (This is utterly based on your posted information).
    5. Locate that folder…
    6. Open this folder named: “Total War”.

    Now if everything is correct you should only find one single folder in there. This folder is called “Medieval - Total War” or “Medieval Total War” again this is based upon the info you posted in. The dash is really important actually.

    Regardless, right click on this single folder, and check “change name”, yes as in change the name of that folder. Once the letters of that folder are marked/activated/darkened, press “Ctrl+V” on the keyboard or “paste” with the mouse. Whatever works best for you. Regardless, the result of doing this should end up in “Redux – Total War”. This is exactly the same name that the copied folder on the desk top has. And it must be!

    7. Now copy the “Redux – Total War”-folder on the desktop and let it replace and overwrite the other “Redux – Total War”-folder, the one found in “Total War” (the one you changed name on). Let it overwrite and do all its stuff. Wait until it’s done.
    8 Open up the newly replaced “Redux – Total War”, which is placed in the “Total War”-folder as in:

    “C:/Program Files/Total War/Redux – Total War”

    Go to “Quickstart” check for redux files… If any are there, the installation is successful. If you can't find any files that contains redux in them, the your installation have failed yet again. But this is the way you do it. So do it again step 1-7, exactly according to the above instructions.

    Report back here with the results…

    - Cheers
    (To take a screenshot, press ”print Scrn” then open up Paint/photoshop or some other similar program. Open a new file. Press “Ctrl+V” or paste” to get the screenshot in there. Mind the the size of the file if you have to do this.)

  15. #105

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I've installed this mod and when I go to start it, I get a message saying
    "Column_building_faction_association (this is the title of the pop up box.)
    Unknown faction specified: column 20, row 8
    I haven't seen anyone else post this complaint so I assume it's unique to me.
    I have 6 other Mods installed on my machine and all work fine, so I got a handle on how to install mods.
    I have a fresh install of M:VI 2.01 and that works fine before the install.
    This is the only mod I've had issues with so not sure what to do with it. Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm really looking forward to playing this, so hopefully someone has a solution for me. Thanks guys!

  16. #106

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi there Mortal flesh,

    Welcome to the Org and especially to the redux corner. This problem of yours is very fixable and yes it seems to be, if not unique, very rare at least. I have never had this one myself. And I have installed redux on VI/V.2.01 plenty of times as you might imagine (as in using the “official” files). Do you have any special edition of MTW that I should know about?

    Have you checked the “Quickstart”-folder for redux stuff? I’m just making sure that it is properly installed here.

    I take it that you have not tried to tinker with anything yet. Right?

    Do you know how to handle a GnomeEditor? Because if you do, change all the “Novgorod”’s in column 20 to lets say… “FN_EGYPTIAN”, that should do the trick. Just make sure it is the right crusader_build_ prod13! Otherwise, you will have to wait a bit.

    But I am interested in which edition of MTW you got, including the VI expansion if this is the case, is it a plain old VI? Or is it something else? Any gold edition or something like that. Era-edition?

    To be really safe here post in your entire install path, better safe than sorry man.

    If you get going with the GnomeEditor, please report back here with the news on how things work out for you.
    Otherwise just post in the stuff I requested and I will take it from there.

    - Cheers
    Well Achilles? How are things going for you?!?
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-23-2008 at 03:40.

  17. #107

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello Axalon.......I tried everything in your letter......and followed your instructions exactly.
    I tried 3 or 4 times and each time when i copy just creates its own file in the TW dosnt overwrite anything....just creates it own file within all of the MTW files....this is very strange as ive never had any problems like this before at all....i changed both names to Redux TW....with same results,even tried MTW as name with same results as well......i made sure there were exact spaces in name and between the - symbol.....I will keep at it because now im obsessed with making this thing work........And Axalon and everyone i thank you for all of your help it was/is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Achilleslastand; 09-23-2008 at 08:38.

  18. #108

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by mortalflesh View Post
    I've installed this mod and when I go to start it, I get a message saying
    "Column_building_faction_association (this is the title of the pop up box.)
    Unknown faction specified: column 20, row 8
    I haven't seen anyone else post this complaint so I assume it's unique to me.
    I have 6 other Mods installed on my machine and all work fine, so I got a handle on how to install mods.
    I have a fresh install of M:VI 2.01 and that works fine before the install.
    This is the only mod I've had issues with so not sure what to do with it. Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm really looking forward to playing this, so hopefully someone has a solution for me. Thanks guys!
    Hi MF,

    I had this exact issue when I attempted to install over MTW-VI after I used the XL Mod uninstall application. Once I did a complete fresh install of MTW, the issue was fixed. This may help??

  19. #109

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Hello Axalon.......I tried everything in your letter......and followed your instructions exactly.
    I tried 3 or 4 times and each time when i copy just creates its own file in the TW dosnt overwrite anything....just creates it own file within all of the MTW files....this is very strange as ive never had any problems like this before at all....i changed both names to Redux TW....with same results,even tried MTW as name with same results as well......i made sure there were exact spaces in name and between the - symbol.....I will keep at it because now im obsessed with making this thing work........And Axalon and everyone i thank you for all of your help it was/is greatly appreciated.
    We have to find a way to make you play Redux.

    If dropping the whole "Redux Total War" enchilada doesn't do the job, I would unzip the mod file (somewhere).
    1. "Select all" the files from inside the "redux Total War" file (see top "Redux - Total War" window in picture).
    2. Then do "copy"
    3. Then go to your MTW installation.
    4. Go inside "Medieval Total War" file (see bottom "Medieval - Total War" window in picture).
    5. Do "paste" and:
    6. Boom!
    7. There you go (hopefully).

    My 7 step solution to enduring happiness .

  20. #110

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello Everyone,

    Not bad Will, not bad at all…. We all know that it’s possible to get redux in there for Achilles. It’s now just a matter of time. By the way:

    ”I started playing the spanish and I noticed that there were no units in Navarra. I just could walk in there and it was mine. He he!”

    Yes this is true, and it is designed that way. But it’s probably the only walkover you’ll get with the Spaniards for a long time. My guess is that the Moors, Aragon, Portugal and France see to that. He he he….. (Oh, it seems that there some troubles with your pic, maybe you should check that out?)

    Orph: “I had this exact issue when I attempted to install over MTW-VI after I used the XL Mod uninstall application. Once I did a complete fresh install of MTW, the issue was fixed. This may help??”

    This certainly was some interesting news to me at least, and I hope that this might sort things out for Mortalflesh as well. On another note, I have looked things thru with the abbey and you just got yourself a credit in the coming VI-upgrade. Congrats man!

    Achilles: This is turning out to be quite a thing. Hang in there, because this is very solvable, you can be sure of that. Most of us now know were the trouble is located, and you will get it right sooner or later.

    (Just a couple of friendly suggestions and ideas for you. How about letting a friend/brother/sister/neighbour have try at it, maybe that will sort this things out. Do you know anyone who can come over to your place and help you out with this? I’m just really interested in making it work for you that’s all. Good luck! And we are still waiting here for the good news!)

    - Cheers
    I will comment Wes post:96 in a separate post.

  21. #111

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    My game keeps crashing after this 1 hour long battle that I won. I just don't know how to post a file here on this forum, otherwise I would have posted a copy of my quicksave. It crashes after all the sea battles after finishing the battle.
    I would continue my game with quick resolve normally, but I'll loose that battle then .

    One other thing: I believe that after I finished an abbey (playing spanish), the message that told me that my beautiful abbey was ready, didn't show a picture.
    I'm not 100% sure of that, because I clicked through all these messages fast, but I noticed twice that no picture showed up during my quick click.

  22. #112

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by William the Silent View Post
    We have to find a way to make you play Redux.

    If dropping the whole "Redux Total War" enchilada doesn't do the job, I would unzip the mod file (somewhere).
    1. "Select all" the files from inside the "redux Total War" file (see top "Redux - Total War" window in picture).
    2. Then do "copy"
    3. Then go to your MTW installation.
    4. Go inside "Medieval Total War" file (see bottom "Medieval - Total War" window in picture).
    5. Do "paste" and:
    6. Boom!
    7. There you go (hopefully).

    My 7 step solution to enduring happiness .

    William,your solution worked like a charm,when i get home from work i will start a english/hard campaign.......Thanks for the great mod that has breathed new life into MTW.....and thank you axalon,baron and william the silent for helping me to get this up and running....thanks again

  23. #113

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon,
    Thanks for the reply. Initially, I installed the M:TW Gold edition which I used to run all mods mods from. When I got this error, I dusted off my original copies of M:TW and M:VI expansion pack. I was surprised it installed as it's old and scratched but voila, there it went. Anyway, I digress. I got the exact same error on the original installs.
    After 3 tries, I manual copied over the seperate files from the Mod over into the original install folders to make sure it went it. The Redux files are in that folder you mentioned, I double checked that.
    I took your suggestion and renamed Novgorod to EN Egyptian in the editor and then I got the next country, Italy, to pop up with the same error. I changed that name and then the same error with another country. Uggh. It's almost as if I don't have a file somewhere but it seems that all the files are there.
    Sorry to ramble on but I really want to try this mod, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate them.

  24. #114

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by mortalflesh View Post
    Hi Axalon,
    Thanks for the reply. Initially, I installed the M:TW Gold edition which I used to run all mods mods from. When I got this error, I dusted off my original copies of M:TW and M:VI expansion pack. I was surprised it installed as it's old and scratched but voila, there it went. Anyway, I digress. I got the exact same error on the original installs.
    After 3 tries, I manual copied over the seperate files from the Mod over into the original install folders to make sure it went it. The Redux files are in that folder you mentioned, I double checked that.
    I took your suggestion and renamed Novgorod to EN Egyptian in the editor and then I got the next country, Italy, to pop up with the same error. I changed that name and then the same error with another country. Uggh. It's almost as if I don't have a file somewhere but it seems that all the files are there.
    Sorry to ramble on but I really want to try this mod, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate them.
    @mortalflesh - It looks like you may have copied the mod folders into the vanilla folders instead of overwriting them. If you copy all the mod folders and simply paste them in the Medieval - Total War folder, you will get a message like "Battle folder already exist do you wish to overwrite? campmap folder already exist do you wish to overwrite? etc. etc."? Select "yes to all" then BOOM! you're done.

  25. #115

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello everyone,

    Achilles: At last the good news!!! Yay! A long overdue welcome to the world of redux! Hope you have some real fun with it! You have suffered more than enough I think, time to have some fun instead. And do stick around here now when you finally got things going!!

    Manteuffel: What would I do without you?!? Thanks for holding the fort here...

    That’s the good news…

    The Bad News:
    Oh, and let’s do this with a smile guys, because tomorrow could be worse….

    William: It sounds to me like a corrupted save-file. Sorry, but there you have it. It’s not much I can do about it. For what it’s worth, this is not in anyway unique for redux. It happens now and then in the original game as well. You should have a “mastersave” at least every five years/turns to have some sort of damage control (and save at the very beginning of the turn, before you do anything!). It sounds to me that you are now forced to go back at least 2 turns and start over again. Sorry but there you have it.

    Concerning the abbey, sorry again. Orph beat you to it, since he identified the problem and reported it in before you did. Better luck next time (you’ll get another chance sooner or later I guess). Sorry for all this, but that’s just how things are….

    Mortalflesh: More bad news…. This is what you do:

    1. Download the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_UPGRADE_PACK (BETA A)”
    2. Download the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_TAC_FIX”
    3. Make a fresh install of MTW + VI + 2.01 patch
    4. Decompress MTW Redux 1.0
    5. Install MTW Redux 1.0 (Either by using my “Achilles guide” or Williams “happy 7”, Manteuffels “Boom model” or the instructions that comes with redux. The “how to install” guide. Take your pick)
    6. Decompress the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_UPGRADE_PACK (BETA A)”
    7. Install the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_UPGRADE_PACK (BETA A)”
    Using the exact same method as before.
    8. Decompress the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_TAC_FIX”
    9. Install the “MTW-REDUX 1.0 VI_TAC_FIX”
    Yes the very same method…
    10. Start up the game… Using the “Medieval_TW.exe” found in the install. Step in to the world of redux…
    11. Promise me (yes me, Axalon), that you check things out more thoroughly the next time. As in, current info and such. And always read the instructions! He he he!

    Happy fighting!

    Download all the files here:


    I know now why I never encountered this problem myself…
    Just so you know, I do expect a reply for this Mortalflesh!

    - Cheers
    Now, can everything go back to normal around here?!?
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-24-2008 at 19:45.

  26. #116

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Some 10 posts up, (before all the turmoil of the installation problems) Western wrote among other things this:

    “In my offshoot of redux I'm having a lot of fun trying to beat the Moors. My Spanish are going down heroically time after time, but each campaign is different and always a challenge. I love the unit balance you've achieved - good units prove their worth, but none of the main units is absurdly jedi or completely useless. So I may have fiddled around with the playing field, but I'm playing the teams much as you set them up, and the battles are some of the best I've had in several years now of playing. I'm glad to see from the forums that increasing numbers of people seem to be giving this Mod a whirl (of those of us that are left now the crowds have moved on to MTW2) “

    Wow Western, this is really some serious and sky-high grades you are giving me here. It means a lot to me and it sure makes me smile. Not only because you being one of the very first who ever played redux after I released it to the public. But I also realise that this is based upon some amount of experience (quite rare so far) with the special reduxed circumstances which together creates the overall game that is redux (unit-, tech-tree-, tactical profile-design and among lots of other things). Apart from all that, it also shows that redux evidently can be flexible enough to entertain people of other convictions and preferences than my own. Since I know that we are in fact followers of different “schools”; fun/cool (me) vs. realism (you), anachronism (me) vs. history (you). Thanks man.

    “My Spanish are going down heroically time after time, but each campaign is different and always a challenge.”

    This sounds really cool, grand Armageddon’s or Ragnarok’s. As in like “how long can you hold out and survive?” kind of thing. If nothing else this indicates that redux can actually “bite back at you” and that it is not a “one way show” in this game. As in, it’s just a matter of time before the player wins (Personally I always kind of get that feeling in the original MTW). Then again playing Spain/Castile is not supposed to be easy and you know my beliefs regarding that; expert should really mean expert and nothing else (and I can’t really believe that you have changed the strategical circumstances for Spain that much in the “Western Deluxe-version of redux. It would simply be unhistorical. Dunno if you tinkered with the income? Is it changed?). Your story here further confirms that this is actually so, which of course make me happy. After all, this was my intensions with redux and Spain, and the design seems to work, which is great!

    I love the unit balance you've achieved - good units prove their worth, but none of the main units is absurdly jedi or completely useless.

    Well this is something that I have tried to achieve by working a lot with unit-design, balance and tactical diversity, and the same time keeping an eye on tactical functions for each unit and the redux unit grid as a whole. I also thought that the standardized unit sizes could be torn apart to create some more interesting diversity (as you know this is not the only thing I have destroyed from the original game, the MTW projectile system is out the window for instance). The format of 20/40/60/100 formations is quite ok, but 1/5/10/20/40/60/80/100 is more diverse and interesting to me. Also it does allow you to expand the available tools of tactical diversity and unit-design in MTW. In the original there was too much conformity to my taste, almost all infantry units was 60/100 and cavalry was 20/40. I never really understood why it had to be like that. I wanted the diversity you get in redux so I designed it that way, as simple as that.

    The tactical diversity and unit design in the original game felt to me underdeveloped and even neglected at times. There are 5000 different spear units and too few regular infantry units, for instance. All the cavalry had too standardized movement-values; there simply is too little diversity there and because of that you don’t have any real reasons to go beyond your favourite set of units. Since you don’t have any such reasons you get the result of more or less ignoring a lot of available units in the original, I don’t like that trait. I simply wanted to change all that, and it seems that I have actually managed just to do that in redux, at least according to the experiences that you seem to have with it. This is of course great, and I can’t say that I am complaining about the news you bring me here! It really feels great when your intensions and designs appear to actually work out!

    “…the battles are some of the best I've had in several years now of playing”

    Music to my ears man, music to my ears… (One should never underestimate the importance of thorough unit-design, balancing and tactical diversity, and the individual functionality of each unit-type in regards to the overall unit-grid. I dare promise you this; if all the above aspects where neglected you would still not get a better experience of the game even if you had 1000 different units put in the game. This might not be the most common and popular way of seeing these things but it sure is the way I see it.)

    “I'm glad to see from the forums that increasing numbers of people seem to be giving this Mod a whirl (of those of us that are left now the crowds have moved on to MTW2)“

    Me too man, me too, much has happened here in the last 6-7 weeks. However, I still appreciate your very first post man. Because with it you showed others (the world actually) that redux actually is playable and that “you” actually could have some fun with it. I don’t know if you realize how important that is. If not, go and have a visit over at the TWC, and then you will know exactly what I mean by that (it’s a very different story than we got here so far). Also, Martoks kind support for redux has done wonders for it right here at the Org. Hope to “read you here” soon.

    Cheers man!

  27. #117

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Didnt get a chance to get very far in my english/hard campaign..........I usually play at 1280x1024......but my monitors native resolution is 1680x1050 but the highest i can crank MTW is there any way to fix this or make it where i can play at 1680x1050?

  28. #118

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Now, can everything go back to normal around here?!?
    I guess Redux TW is kind of the Disney version of MTW

    I've been enjoying my spanish campaign so far. I got by the crash by going back and abandoning my plan to take out the Italians (with their 2 x 7 full stacks of unit opposing me) by taking out their heirless king in another area. I had to fight two battles against 7 stacks after my attempt. That took about 1 1/2 hour each. And then you find out the game can't continue .
    I'll use battletime limit next time.
    Ok I'm over it.

    I had some little remarks/questions:
    I noticed that their is no recruiting of foreign units possible through anything other then the inn. Ever thought about that, or is there a reason you abandoned that in Redux. Would be cool to recruit some scottish clansman since I own their land now.

    Also in VI the Vikings can leave an area (over seas) without having to have a harbor (since longboats don't need harbor). This was an advantage for raiding an area. Maybe something to use in Redux if you ever are going to make Norse playable .

    Great work axalon. you'll get busy writing replies if the Redux family grows.

    Back to fight these evil italians.

  29. #119

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Those Moors really are a danger in redux.

    My first campaign with the English was going great - I had the British Isles, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Normandy and Flanders, and then they turned up - smashing through the Spanish and French, and landed 5 full stacks on Normandy!

    I held out for a little while, but soon lost due to lack of funds to keep up my armies, and got rolled all the way back to Scotland, where my king and the tattered remains of heavy infantry went down in flames!

    Next campaign - Spanish, and first priority was to smash the Moors. I drove them from the Iberian penninsula, held Morrocco against the hordes, but then crusaded to Egypt and Palestine - choking off their money-making provinces. This seemed to cut them down, and I was able to mop up Afroca quite quickly.

    I really like how redux rewards a well run economy. The changes to trade and agricultural returns are great.

    My current campaign ( I tend to finish up once the tide has turned in my favour - the spanish campaign saw my empire stretch from Portugal to Kazar, and from Tunisia to Norway, with only the Russians left in their top corner of the map), is with the French, and this one is definitely a fun challenge.

    I currently hold the french homelands, as well as Navarre, and a line of fortified provinces from Friesland to Burgundy. Just now building up a strikeforce of royal infantry, frankish knights and feudal bowmen to take back Iberia for the true faith :).

    I can't say enough good things about this mod! Waiting pateintly for the update.... Thanks Axalon.

  30. #120

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks for the link for the patch for Redux, it worked great!! The mod looks awesome and I look forward to playing it. Unfortunately I gotta run to work. Thanks again for the patch and the mod. Good work.

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