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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #1

    Arrow MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    This is a BETA-version of new Redux (Medieval Total War-Redux 3rd Edition) as such not everything is carved in stone yet, however most things seem to be settled at this point. Anyhow, it requires the original MTW game in order to run - as in the V 1.1 version or with the compatibility-module it can also run on VI/V 2.01 versions - the game and experience is the same. To install Redux you first set up a clean install of MTW somewhere and then properly patch it up to either V1.1 or VI/V2.01 ? once that is done you THEN copy/paste over Redux on top of MTW, standard package first and VI-module last? If done this way, Redux should work just fine.

    The primary campaign in this version of Redux is "RX-classic", a scenario which offers a campaign spanning from 700-1260 AD, in total 560 turns. 11 out of 18 factions are playable in it along with unruly rebels and pirates as well. The overall goal is total supremacy over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, either by achieving 60% or a 100% domination of all provinces. The means for achieving this goal are troops, ships and agents, and yet more of the same. Development and a functional economy are key-factors for survival on the road to glory - without it you will surely perish. Anyhow, please report in bugs, typos and anomalies if you encounter any.

    Mod Name: Medieval Total War - Redux
    Mod Version: Open Beta 1007
    Language: English (Multi edition compatibility, European editions)
    Terms of Use: Restricted material. Personal Use Only...
    Size: Zipped 273MB/Uncompressed 395MB
    Compatibility: All major versions. Medieval Total War v1.1 or VI/v2.01 using the VI-upgrade module, see below...
    Operating System: 2000/XP/W7*/W10*/W11* (* with Steam)
    Hardware: see "Redux_ReadMe1007.txt"-file, virtually everything else is try and find out, essentially.
    Description: see above...
    Credits: see "Redux_ReadMe1007.txt"-file, credits section?
    Download Links:

    Download primary:

    Download reserve:


    This is the VI-upgrade BETA module, as such it makes Redux compatible with the Steam/Gold/VI/V2.01 versions of MTW. At this point it does not bring any ?extra features? to the game-experience which is thus nearly identical to the standard version of Redux. This is still a beta so it is possible it may contain some minor errors here and there. Anyhow, please report in any bugs, typos and other errors if you encounter any. All MTW-Steam users must also use this upgrade (no exceptions). Finally, the VI-upgrade is as of now included in the standard Redux package directly (as a separate folder named "Redux - VI-UPGRADE"). It is no longer available as a separate download.

    Module Name: Redux VI-upgrade
    Module Version: Open Beta 1007
    Language: English (Multi edition compatibility, European editions)
    Terms of Use: P.U.O, Personal Use Only, thus it is restricted material.
    Size: Zipped 0 MB/Uncompressed 0 MB
    Install: VI-upgrade must be installed after the standard package.
    Operating System: 2000/XP/W7*/W10*/W11* (* with Steam)
    Compatibility: Medieval Total War V2.01 only. (Steam-, patched Eras- and Gold-editions included).
    Credits: see "Redux_ReadMe1007.txt"-file, credits section.
    Download Links:

    Download primary:
    The VI-upgrade is included as a separate folder in the RXB1007-package...

    Download reserve:
    The VI-upgrade is included as a separate folder in the RXB1007-package...

    Some demo-screens of new Redux...






    Apart from this regular TWC Redux-thread there is an entire sub-forum over at this place dedicated for Redux and discussions about it. Any interest, discussion and questions can be posted right here or in that external sub-forum ? at your discretion. The direction of topics is limited to the framework of Redux but beyond that it is up to you guys where the focus ends up. The intensity and traffic-levels here is also up to you people ? not me (the more posts and traffic, the more probable it is that I will be around here regularly). After all, this thread is for you guys! Well that's about it.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 11-19-2022 at 13:28. Reason: update

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  2. #2

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Well, it seems like I don’t have the proper privileges in order to do what I initially intended here. The plan was to put up some screenshots right here of redux for you all to see so you could get clearer hint on what it is. But that won’t happen, since I clearly don’t have privileges to do that. Well there is always plan B. It might not be as much fun as plan A, but it works at least and you can get some hints about redux anyway.

    Now some more info on Redux 1.0 then; I did these screenshot-montages for my upload over at “filefront” but I think they will work around here just as well. I guess that the best way to do this is to open links in new and separate windows.

    EDIT: Well, I have the privileges to do it now so I fixed it....


    First off, pic1 shows which factions there are in redux, which factions you can play and how the starting positions looks like (by default at least). As redux offers a somewhat more colourful experience than the original map, you can basically see via the colours if region is arid/lush/temperate and so on. Sahara is put back in the game and few land bridges have been removed, all clearly indicated on the map and the campaign timeframe is AD 700-1260, 560 turns in total, so you could play it slow, real slow if that’s your style.


    Pic2 shows some reduxed stuff in the strategic mode in SPC (single player campaign). Princesses, Bishops and Emissaries have all the colours of their faction. What the picture don’t show are that spies and inquisitors have been changed as well. The Grand Inquisitor, Priest, Alim and Cardinal has been removed and I have put in the Druid for the pagan factions (Norse and Lithuanians). That’s the white-bearded brownish old-timer that is doing some “druid_awaiting.Buf”-stuff.

    There are several other changes here; plenty of new buildings (quite a few actually and I wont list them here, maybe some other time) and of course all catholic portraits has been changed. I never really liked the CA style on the portraits so changed ‘em all, it sure took its time but I did it eventually. There are also some changes in castleflags and shields (HRE, Russia etc.), on the pic some such stuff is shown for the Lombards.


    Pic3 shows some examples of reduxed tactical mode. Various troops from the HRE and Portugal battle things out. I wanted a more colourful experience in tactical mode than the original game offered, so among other things, I changed some shields and in this case we have examples of Portugal and HRE. However, the game does not seem to like that, so my original plan of making some further changes for almost all other factions was abandoned. I only did what I had to, for new or altered factions; Lombards, Portugal, HRE etc. I have also given the Royal “reduxed” Knights some colour in tactical, which really makes them easy to spot and stand apart from other knights (you have such an example in the left corner).


    Pic4 shows various examples of units in the game. There are some 200+ tactical units in redux and not all are available to the player, at least by conventional means (just like Viking Invasion actually). There are a few units here and there that truly are unique and that are only available by playing some special faction. To name a few here; “Spanish champion” (Spain), feudal longbowmen (England) or Byzantine palaceguards (Byzantium). Redux also introduces some high quality mini and solo units like “Ghazi Warlords”/”Feudal Champions”/”Norse Berserkers” or “Nubian Slayer”/”Champion”/”Polish Hero” and of course the grand daddy of them all; Grand Champion. Given the right support units like these can really make a difference in battle, especially if they got plenty of valour to spare. Anyways, I always felt that the original had too little variation regarding tactical units, and that was especially true for spearless infantry. Redux changes all of that and you get the chance to make some serious choices instead.

    By the way, if there are some questions, if any, this thread would probably be a great place to post ‘em to.

    Well that’s that, and that’s it.

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 06:50. Reason: update

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  3. #3
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Wow! I looked at those pics and it took my breath away.
    I noticed it's only available to MTW without VI, since I've got gold edition, there's not a way to install it on my PC.
    But still, those pics are quite something, I look forward to more works by you.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon

    After all that work you might like to know that it works! I dug out my old disks, installed and I am really impressed. Feels like MTW but also very fresh. I'm still digging of course at this point, but having a very interesting time as the Byz. It's not trying to be historically accurate, as you say, but at the same time in a certain way - ie how you run your faction - it is. The armies of different cultures feel very different; there's a big difference between unit types; no ahistorical tendency towards spear phalanxes that sweep the field in the age of heavy cavalry; always plenty to build. I like it!

  5. #5
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Very cool, Axalon. If you've not already done so, I recommend you PM TosaInu to see if he'll host this here (like he did for Tyberius XL Mod add-on).
    Last edited by Martok; 08-11-2008 at 05:48. Reason: Gah!
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  6. #6

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi there guys, glad to hear you like it.

    Raz: This stuff about gold-edition not being compatible with v1.1 was news to me. I did not know that. I lost track of such things after I got my own MTW-VI copy, back in the day when no gold-editions or Era-packs and such where around. This really is some bad news, so much for making redux usable to all happy owners of MTW, including all of you gold-edition people.

    EDIT: That statement was done at a time when redux was uncompatible with VI. These days it is indeed compatible, so there are no such problems any more....

    Western: your news is good news and much appreciated. You can probably toy around with redux for quite some time if you like. I know I have. Just curious, are you one of those people that have a newer GFX-card that wont work with MTW? If so, what kind of card is it?

    Martok: I kind of get the impression that you like camels; there actually are two or so camel buildings in redux, that is, if you have not found that out already for yourself. Anyways, PM TosaInu? Yeah, I might just do that, if no one else beats me to it. It would be my pleasure to have redux hosted around here.

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 05-27-2009 at 12:56. Reason: update

  7. #7
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi mate
    It looks brilliant, good work mate.
    I cant play MTW at the moment becose the 8000 driver problem, i am waithing for a update so the people with 8000 Ge force grafic card cane play MTW again
    But if the update commes i will play this mod

  8. #8

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    In answer to your question, I'm playing on an old computer. I've never had video card problems because mine is still MTW vintage.

  9. #9

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    "I'm playing on an old computer."

    Me, too. I was very interested to see this, Axalon. So I still have the MTW 1.0, plus the patch, I bought and I decided to give it a go.

    I've done a test run as the Moors. The feel , with the fewer factions, is something like Shogun. So far all the additions/changes i like. However, after overrunning the rebels in Sahara, I tried to "Enslave " them and the game froze. I had to get out with Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

    Second attempt : the Moors again. I fulfilled the first turn, building things and recruiting. When I press End Turn the music goes on a kind of loop, and the game freezes. This time I can't get out with Ctrl + Alt + Del. I have to switch off the computer.

    Maybe it doesn't like my graphics card. MTW plain Vanilla plays game to play , in fact.

    I'll try a re install when I get time.
    Last edited by Tony Furze; 08-10-2008 at 08:26.
    A single leaf falls,
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    RANSETSU (1654-1707)

  10. #10
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Amazing work, looks great!, gives great freshness and another concept to MTW. I've always thaught, that we should all unite to make a great mod, each one of us doing what we do best. Why to have dozens of mods based on the same period of history?.

    By the way, I really loved your Info pics, and your review icons are great, May I use some of them for my own purposes?


  11. #11

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Tony, I am on it. I will get back here with my findings soon.

    Tyberius, hold on.

    - out

  12. #12

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi again guys,

    Tony: I have no short answer for this “Moorish bug”, so I give you the solution for it first and then I have some further remarks afterwards. This solution aint pretty, but it works 8 out 10 times or so. It is imperative that you follow these instructions exactly in order get things going in the game:

    Solution for “Moorish Bug” in redux:

    1. Start up a new Redux SPC as Moors. (Whatever difficulty)
    2. Go to Morocco, move your “Moorish Warriors”-unit to Algeria.
    3. Go to Tunisia, move all existing units (including ruler) to Cyrenacia.
    4. Go to Egypt, move one “Moorish Infantry” unit to Cyrenacia.
    5. No more moves, with any unit. Don’t move anything else.
    6. Build stuff and commission troops or change taxes at your own discretion.
    7. End turn... Let the game do its stuff and wait for the first news of rebellion within the empire (let those rebels and peasants have their fun). AD 701 arrives and you can play the game as much as you want from now on. Make save of AD 701 just to be safe.

    - If the game for some reason still freezes, “alt-ctrl-del” and shut down MTW. Do step 1-7 all over again.

    This “Moorish opening” is of course not what or you or anyone else wants but it works. However, once you make to AD 701 you should be able to play redux anyway you like (and you have some 559 turns to correct the disasters of the Moorish opening).

    The Moors have bugged on me before and it extremely unfortunate that the Redux 1.0 Moorish campaign start is somehow still configured in such way that game-program may freeze on the very first turn. I thought I solved this problem long time ago, your findings clearly shows that I was all wrong here. Now, I suspect that this bug might be connected to multiple rebellions events in a single turn and this sometimes makes the game-program to freak out and not load related audio-files properly (the rebel screams). Hence the game freezes. That’s a least what I think, based on previous experience. This is almost certainly not a redux exclusive bug and it has happened to me in similar forms many times, even in the original game. See “known bugs” in the “redux read me” (entry no:6), that’s the ones we are talking about here. What is really bad in this case, is the fact that you don’t got any such old saves to rely on and thus you are stuck with the weird manoeuvres of the “Moorish opening” to be able play game properly. MTW is a fairly stable game but not much more than that.

    There might be other ways to halter this “Moorish Bug” other than doing a “Moorish opening”. If you are up to it, experiment some and try to keep your Moorish subjects as happy as possible and target some provinces high taxes and you might be able start your campaign in another way. Ironically, it is very much in line with the Moorish campaign description, you will have to leave some provinces in order to save others. Otherwise do the 7 steps listed above and take it from there. Hopefully your troubles end here and can you start playing the game instead.

    (As far I can tell, your redux-install is probably in good health and you’re GFX-card dont seem to have a problem with redux either),

    Tyberius: sorry for being a bit minimalistic on ya earlier on. Glad to hear you like my stuff. Regarding the “lending part” then, sure man, just give me the proper credits for my work and I will have no problem lending some to you. What are your plans or is it some sort of secret?

    Axel: happy that you like redux man, but why the big wait (for your drives)? If your PC are up and running, why dont take chance and install redux now? Hell, it might even work, you never know until you tried. As I said earlier, I have a GFX-card, and it aint that old, that actually runs redux but wont go anywhere near original MTW-campaigns! Try it. If it don’t work, then by all means wait or try some other drives. ...It might...

    With Tonys discovery the box of big bad bugs has been opened for sure and it is only fitting that a proper bug-hunt is declared. So, if you stumble upon something suspicious, weird and bug like in redux and it is not already charted in redux “known bugs”, then posting it here would probably be good idea. All help here will be much appreciated, since my bug-slayer-skills will only go so far. I will see what I can do to counter or fix it, and if I can’t then perhaps someone else can step in. After all, there are some really serious MTW-specialists and such around here at the .Org... The best!

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 07:07. Reason: Cleaning....

  13. #13
    Member Member Tyberius's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post

    Tyberius: sorry for being a bit minimalistic on ya earlier on. Glad to hear you like my stuff. Regarding the “lending part” then, sure man, just give me the proper credits for my work and I will have no problem lending some to you. What are your plans or is it some sort of secret?
    Never mind, See, I'm a good designer myself, and I have done plenty of info pics and unit icons, panel etc. But yours must be the best info Pics I have ever seen. the question is that several of your info pics fit perfectly on some of my Tyberius Modded units, that have been using duplicate info pics from the original game, and some of yours looked even "properer" than the original MTW ones! and that is the use I want to give them, giving you the appropiate credits.

    but, that's not all, your work was so inspiring, that I had to demonstrate myself that I could do something like it, and i think I got pretty close:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    XL Armoured Almughavars

    TM Breton Militia

    TM Milicia Concejil

    TM Skutatoi

    TM Mounted Squires

    XL Arsenalotti

    And I've made this three almost from zero..

    Korean Spearmen

    Korean Skirmishers

    Korean Guardsmen

    If you find some of my work useful too I will gladly put it at your disposal.

    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 07:12. Reason: Less scrolling... - Axalon

  14. #14

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi there Tyberius, again thanks for the praise.

    I have been entertaining my self by looking at your little exhibition here. To me it’s all a question about shape and light. You basically got the shapes right, but you are often having some slight problems with the light. As a spectator you can sense that some parts are external rather than a piece along with others in the pics. This is a problem I have had and battled with many times and I know all about it myself. It can at times be really hard to make things blend “correctly” and create the impression or illusion for the spectator that all the stuff belongs together. I would say that generally this is your weakest aspect in these pics.

    All in all I think you got some real fine work going here, but many of them could be strengthened by some slight and further adjustments in light. This is especially true for your Korean boys who are otherwise really good shape wise. My altered Frankish spearman/your Breton militia is really devious, I get the feeling I did him myself! At the same time I am fully aware that the shield is not mine, but sure feels like I always have put it there. You got a really god angle and light on that one. Your shields on the Almughavar and Skutatoi are excellent pieces of work, the kind I am looking/aiming for when I do a pic myself (although some tiny problems with the light again, especially with the squared one, otherwise first class shields). The Concejil shield must have been a real fuzzer for you, but you have nailed it in the end (nice blend). The Skutatoi is spot on, that is plainly put a kick-ass pic! Regarding the “mounted squires” guy, I would suggest that you move him rightwards about 1-2 cm and do something in line with what I did for reduxes “feudal cavalry” and shield from the “russian knights”. It’s your call, but that’s what I would have done. The Arsenalotti, its my head is not? I can’t remember if it is or not… Ha! How about flipping his head horizontally? Wouldn’t that be good?

    I realize I sound like a whining know-it-all but as a fellow pic-artist I guess you would be more interested in this kind of input than many others. A simple “great/bad” isn’t that useful here, at least the way I see it. Personally, I usually go/aim for the “great masterpiece” each and every time, even if the common sense of a brick-wall alone clearly tells you that this is not going to happen. Still I try and try. So I guess I am not that smart after all. He he! Regardless Tyberius, as far as I am concerned you have a GO on using some redux-stuff for your mod. I would be my pleasure to help you out by lending some redux material to the Tyberius mod.

    (I’ll keep your offer in mind for sure, but for the moment I probably got what I need for redux, but if that change and you have something that works, I’ll be looking for you and your stuff)

    - Cheers

  15. #15

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks, Axalon, for finding the solution and putting in so much hard work!

    Your mod is one of the most interesting I've come across as a player - the portrait work reminds me of the vividness of the Knights of Honor game. As a rampant strategy /roleplayer it looks very promising. I'm a fan of muslim armies so the Moors were the natural choice.
    A single leaf falls,
    then suddenly another,
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    RANSETSU (1654-1707)

  16. #16
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi mate,
    Ok ill give it a go, also got my old PC running again so i cane play it soon

  17. #17

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    I found out a bug on my own (or rather it's an old mistake by me) concerning Islamic castles in tactical mode. I will post a Fix for it within 24hrs.

    Tony: it’s good and appreciated news!
    Axel: that’s the spirit!

    - Cheers

  18. #18
    Spirit King Senior Member seireikhaan's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon, this is some nice looking work you've got here.

    A couple of queries, I guess:

    First of all, do the Mongols still appear around 1230? You said it ends about 1260, and I was just thinking what a nightmare it would be if someone was going for the 100% victory and was juuuuuust finally getting to Khazar at 1231.

    Also, I don't suppose that there's any way some of the other factions can be made playable? I'd love to give the Lombards a go.
    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then, the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

  19. #19

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I know to make the other factions playable, go to the startpos file and find: SetActiveFaction::, and change minor to major. What issues may arise insofaras stability and/or balancing only the creator knows.

  20. #20

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi all, as promised here is the” REDUX-ISLAMIC CASTLE FIX” for you guys. What it does and such is all in the attached “ReadMe”. Download, install and continue your reduxed games. Get it here:

    Link 1:

    Link 2:

    Makaikhaan: I’ll get back here soon, hold on! (the Baron is on the right track)

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 07:15. Reason: Cleaning

  21. #21
    The Pale Horseman Member Galagros's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    How do you use the bonus files?
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  22. #22

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello again,

    GALAGROS: I’m assuming here that you mean the bonus portraits. To apply one of the redux bonus portraits in the game you apply and follow the steps of “GUIDE 1A”-on altering game portraits in MTW-Redux:

    1. Determine what kind of unit it is that you want to change portrait on. Let’s say it is a general and he got the white number-tag “16” in the right upper corner.

    2. You locate the bonus-portrait you want to put in “general 16’s” place in the game. Let’s say it’s the one located in “Redux Bonus Material\Bonus Portraits\Hero “–folder with the filename of “Hero20”/ “Hero20.tga”.

    3. You make copy of “Hero20.tga” and put this copy on, let’s say, you’re desktop.

    4. Now you locate your reduxed MTW-install folder, either named “Redux - Total War” or “Medieval – Total War” and from there you go to “………-TotalWar\campmap\Portraits\Catholic\General”, when you found your way to that place, you locate the file which is named: “general16.tga”. Copy that file-name.

    5 Get back to your desktop and the “Hero20.tga”-file you earlier put there. Now, replace or change that filename with the one you copied at step 4. The “Hero20.tga” should thus now be named; “general16.tga” if you have followed the instructions and steps correctly.

    6. Now open up the “………-TotalWar\campmap\Portraits\Catholic\General”-folder again, make a copy of your renamed file placed on your desktop and paste it into the generals-folder and let it replace the existing file with the same name.

    7. Start up redux a locate the general you wanted to change portrait on, he now has the portrait of “Hero20” taken from the Hero-folder in the “bonus portraits”-folder which in turn is placed in the Redux Bonus Material-folder.

    Now, if you for some reason would want to reset one or all portraits the game-portraits to redux default again, you simply use copies of the files located in the Back-Up Files-folder. As in the same way you did on step 1-7. Also located in “Bonus portraits”. There are back-ups on both “kings” and “generals” there.

    This concludes “GUIDE 1A”…

    Lastly, if you do mean the stuff in the “Review Unit Markers”-folder, these are auxiliary markers for tactical units in the game. They are made ready for you or anybody else that would like to use them in redux. As in, adding some new and custom units of your own into the game. They are there for that very purpose, since many considers it hard to make such markers that also works the way they are suppose to. Now, if you want to use these in the game there are plenty of guides for these things right here at the -.Org. Read those guides and then you’ll know when and where to use em’. Otherwise forget all about it.

    (The wallpapers are pretty much self-explanatory, don’t you think?)

    MAKAIKHAAN: Glad you like it man. Some answers for your questions then, first question; nope they don’t, but even if that is technically true, something could appear (cause this might very well be hard coded stuff). It all depends on one thing; are the Lithuanians eliminated or not. If not, nothing happens. If they are, you’ll get this message:

    “The Lithuanians have allied themselves to a new and powerful force in the east; it is known as The Golden Horde. It is rumored that the horde dominates all land to legendary Cathay; with such an ally the Lithuanians have found a renewed strength."

    And then you get a serious assembly of cavalry to deal with (probably in Khazar). That’s what happens.

    Second question; the good baron is quite right, “C:\Program\Total War\Redux - Total War\campmap\startpos” and then the appropriate entry, change “minor” to “major”, in this case the Sicilians. However, this is beyond the default framework of redux and such you will get no intro text – If you can manage to live without that, it will probably, in the case, work just fine. But, I would not recommend these kind changes for all other existing minor-factions. The factions that I would advice you and everybody else stay away from in SPC are the following; Portugal, Lithuanians, Norse, Russians, Papists and Saracens for various reasons.

    This leaves you with the following functional minors; Aragon, Burgundy, Hungarians and Lombardy which should in a strict technical sense work just fine. Playing as Lombards in SPC will probably be similar to that of playing as Italy, maybe slightly harder. The Lombards tech-tree is the same as the “Italians”. It's a diverse and rich tech-tree so you should have a decent shot of doing just fine in redux-SPC with the Lombards. Go to “custom battles” and Redux-MP, there you can find out which units are available to Lombardy. Redux is all about customizing your personal game man, so you have my full blessings in the matter, if you should ever need em'. And you don’t. Hehe!


    GOOD NEWS: Redux 1.0 - “Viking Invasion compatible pack” on its way!

    After Raz gave me wake-up-call about the fact that newer editions of MTW are not compatible with version 1.1, I have been, let’s say… …“Vexed”, about that. My “Plan A”, was in short, making redux available to all MTW-players, hence I did the 1.1 version. Because I do know the feeling of being unable to play a seemingly cool mod because you don’t have access to VI (or whatever game), so this is no news to me. Now, there is always plan B (any of this sound familiar?), and that is of course to make redux compatible with MTW version .2.01 so everybody can play redux if they wanted to.

    I can now reveal that “Plan B” is already in the making and I have converted some 95% of redux to version 2.01 and this “compatible pack” should be ready very, very soon. However, I have so far not had the time to properly double-check everything and therefore I am seriously considering releasing a beta-version of it first. There are two potential advantages with such a move; 1) you “v.2.01”-people get to play redux faster and 2) stupid snags, bugs, bad-grammar, lost words and such could be countered faster and BEFORE releasing a more proper and formal version of it. Any happy helper/player that finds valid bugs or some bad grammar/lost words and such I would be delighted to pay for your "prey" with a credit in the final release. So, are there any happy “bughunters” around here?

    Finally, let me also point out that this does not in anyway mean that all you v.1.1 guys will be left behind. As I said earlier, the plan is that all MTW-players shall be able to play redux if they want to.

    Well, that’s about it…

    - Cheers

  23. #23

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    Excellent news about the 2.01 version. I, for one, will be very happy to do some bug-hunting.

  24. #24

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Great! Much appreciated Western! I’ll probably release the ReduxVI compatibility beta within 24 hrs. (You better go and oil up those ol’ catapults!)

    - Cheers

  25. #25
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    24 hours? That's great news. I'll be waiting patiently 'til then.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  26. #26

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Almost there Raz...

  27. #27

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Well, the beta is out (available over at the “debug thread”) and I hope it works. Could anyone verify this?

  28. #28

    Thumbs up Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!


    Yes, the beta works. Sadly I now have to go to work, but I will aim to do some bug-hunting tonight.

  29. #29

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks Western, much appreciated. - Happy hunting…

    TONY: If you’re still around, I never got the proper chance to ask you this earlier but I am still curious; what do you find interesting with redux? Also, why do you find these things interesting? I would be interested to hear your views regarding those things since I think it might be interesting stuff to get some info on. If you don’t want to answer me on this, just tell me so and I’ll accept that, but I am curious here.

    (If anybody else wants share their views regarding these things, feel free to do so, I will probably be just as curious on that.)

    - Cheers

  30. #30

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon

    I've played as the Byz and the Moors on the beta. Very stable - no bugs spotted yet.

    I like what you've done with the rebels. They are more aggressive than I've seen on other Mods, and they don't run into massive debt, which has traditionally been their problem. The building ban is a clever idea. Is that what is making them more active and worthwhile foes?

    I also like the use of some high building costs (eg church, shipyard). Is that to soak up excess money as the game proceeds? I'll share a simple idea for the same purpose which I've used but not seen in other Mods. I give certain building upgrades negative cathedral income (operating costs). So if you upgrade your court or armourer, for example, you get the benefits, but you also get part of your royal income consumed by running this new, bigger court/better armoury. It helps to combat the situation where you are actually struggling to spend all your income as the game goes on - and it's kind of realistic. Got to be careful with it though, because I read somewhere (Cegorach I think) that too many income producing buildings in a province can cause a crash

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