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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #691
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Alemannisches Dreiländereck

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    .........oooohhhkayyy........let me put it that way: That's simply ridiculous.

    I do like a challenge, as everybody kowing my style of playing remembers. But having to build for 120 years (as Norse) to get together a minimum of recruiting possibilities, a more or less decent income and some stability, fighting and building nonstop with no benefit at all ("Builder"with increased Loyalty or, for god's sake, after 15-20 won battles with max. two third of men a Star as general!) makes it pointless to play on. I'll stick to 1.003, rather balanced, really challenging, but with rewards for the eager player.

    Greetings, daigaku

  2. #692

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello everyone and thanks for posting guys…

    Quote Originally Posted by daigaku View Post
    I do like a challenge, as everybody kowing my style of playing remembers. But having to build for 120 years (as Norse) to get together a minimum of recruiting possibilities, a more or less decent income and some stability, fighting and building nonstop with no benefit at all ("Builder"with increased Loyalty or, for god's sake, after 15-20 won battles with max. two third of men a Star as general!) makes it pointless to play on. I'll stick to 1.003, rather balanced, really challenging, but with rewards for the eager player.
    It is unfortunate that you feel this way... On general terms, The Norse is supposed to be one of the harder factions to play in terms of challenge compared with most other RX-factions. The Norse are also intended to provide a different - if not unique – experience something other then what you might get by playing other factions in Redux. I certainly tried to make culture matter much more in Redux, and that in ways that never really happened (or was considered) in the raw game. If RXB1003 does it for you then by all means play that - but you will miss out on whole lot of content and stuff. The difference between RXB1003 and RXB1007 is rather substantial - not just in terms of GFX, but in designs, solutions and overall experience as well. I do all such changes with the constant goal of making things better somehow in Redux. If that ends up successful or not, and if that pleases all players – is another matter…

    And just to be clear here, due to time-limitations I won’t be able support any other release then the most current version of Redux.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 06-02-2021 at 02:45. Reason: Clean up...

  3. #693

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    While I am here, some (lost) Redux-stats for both 2019 & 2020…

    Redux & 2019:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 1190
    Views in 2019: +21.723, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +59.305 views)
    Posts in 2019: +8 & 3 where mine, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had 14 posts & 7 was mine).

    No commentary for this year… Ummm, the TWC awarded MTW-Redux with some kind of editors-choice award, if memory serves.

    Redux & 2020:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 1086
    Views in 2020: +37.897, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +88.708 views)
    Posts in 2020: +1 & 0 where mine, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had 32 posts & 6 was mine).

    No commentary for this year… Corona happened…

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 11-17-2022 at 17:13. Reason: testing

  4. #694

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    5000+ Downloads!

    Over the weekend the RXB1007 reached the 5000 DL-marker - and today it stands at some 5020 DL's as I write this. Whenever I load up these releases - I dare hope for some 500 DL’s perhaps - but everything above of that is just sheer bonus for me. I never expected that anything I released for Redux (or otherwise) would some day end up exceeding 5000 downloads. Naturally, I am very happy about all this. The RXB1007 have truly soldiered on for almost 5 years now – it isn’t perfect (as the 3 available hot-fixes will show), but there certainly are lots cool stuff in it to enjoy anyways. Some things can certainly be improved upon - and I will probably strive to do just that - once I get around working with of another release of the redux beta. I have no idea when that will be however…

    Let me just finish up by saying that “Redux-land” (that’s the game) is still open for adventures and visits from you guys. Thanks to all you folks who played and supported MTW-Redux over the years.

    - A

  5. #695

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    I'm back to playing Redux in 2022! Like daigaku, I've started a campaign as the Norse. In the past, I've found the Norse campaign to be challenging yet satisfying. True, their unit selection is rather limited, but angry Norsemen can steamroll the map given proper handling. At least, that was my past experience... I've said this elsewhere, but the *constant province rebellions* in 1007 make for an unfair challenge, I feel. I can handle a few years of rebellion -- that comes with the territory in MTW. But these uprisings never seem to end! Any rebel province I conquer will have rebellions year after year, to the point where I can't even think of taking on other factions. This drains a lot of fun from the campaign, since I'm just babysitting provinces the whole time. Anyway, I've made my point, and Redux is still so great in many other ways. I just wish you could tone this down somehow. I wonder if changing the campaign difficulty would make a difference, though I am no noob, and playing anything less than "veteran" seems like failure to me. Thoughts?
    Last edited by Cyprian2; 01-07-2022 at 04:36.

  6. #696

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Cyp, it is now 2023 and I have finally managed to make myself post here (again) and in that, a reply to your post no less! Anyways...

    I have also looked into the matter of rebels (in general) - and I have landed in the conclusion that there is in some cases a possibility for rebels becoming too strong for "the game's" own good. There is a "window" for it to happen due to existing designs (my designs, so the fault is mine), and especially so if one does not play in the same or similar ways that I typically do (routinely killing off any rebels and ships that stands in my way somehow). Thus, I will probably redesign the rebel circumstances and tech somehow (yet again) and make them more limited in their capacity to "flood" the game. On general terms, it is not the plan that rebels should dominate the map in Redux. Regular factions should (ideally) do that, not rebels. I suppose that is somewhat in line with what you are hoping/asking for here, or did I get that wrong? BTW, all these remarks suggest that there should be another release for Redux further down the road.

    Having said that, the Norse faction do have a bit weaker infrastructure for generating stability levels then other factions do (eg. Catholic or Islamic ones). However, the stuff that is available to
    The Norse should still be enough tech to manage most provinces on the map just fine eventually ? it will take several turns to get there however. This in turn makes all things somewhat harder (at least on paper) for the Norse to expand and then keep them new territories (assuming you don?t have humongous armies available). It will probably take at least some 20+ turns of intense building and upgrading before the rebels cool down somewhat in most places. Islands might be some sort of exception to that rule?

    Finally, changing difficulty might make the rebels somewhat easier to handle, as they might not rebel as easily as they do on veteran. I seen some such claims (by others) that suggest this. However, I can neither confirm nor contest this (I have no reliable way to confirm/disprove it, basically). Regardless, the veteran-level will make the enemy tougher anyways in combat-sim due to various applied difficulty-bonuses there. This much is clear at least. Playing on veteran-level is in no way mandatory, but I prefer it myself... Playing on the lower levels will make the game increasingly easier overall, no revelations there, but it is true all the same.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 01-10-2023 at 20:25.

  7. #697

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    While I am here, some (lost) Redux-stats for both 2021 & 2022...

    Redux & 2021:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 776
    Views in 2021: +63.000, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +107.000 views)
    Posts in 2021: +5 & 3 where mine (this thread)... (the TWC Redux-thread had 9 posts, 4 was mine).

    Not much commentary for this year... More Corona & I played a bunch of other non-TW games.
    TWC Redux-thread exceeded 500k views and Redux passed the +5.000 downloads marker.

    Redux & 2022:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 644
    Views in 2022: +61.000 this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +104.000 views)
    Posts in 2022: 0... (the TWC Redux-thread had 0 posts, 0 was mine).

    No commentary for this year... I played yet more non-TW games...

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 01-10-2023 at 23:24.

  8. #698

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    15 years and counting

    Today, exactly 15 years ago I publicly released MTW-Redux for the very first time. That version was in retrospect pretty faithful to the original game and its designs. Much of that changed with the RXB1000 release in 2011. In that release the much of the foundations/framework for the “modern” Redux was introduced, and a significant departure from most CA-designs was initiated too. Over the years Redux certainly have changed plenty, and hopefully for the better in most regards – that has been the goal for sure. In 2023, the RXB1007 soldiers on and stands at some 6000+ downloads and though traffic and activity has decreased considerably from the heydays of 2008-2010 – people still download and play Redux it seems. I have more then once considered creating yet another release, but for various reasons it have been put on a backburner several times so far. So, it has yet to happen.

    Anyways, it certainly has been an interesting ride for me going public with this ‘ol MTW-project. Also, my thanks to all folks who helped out with Redux over these 15 years (be it bughunters or otherwise).

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 08-08-2023 at 13:23.

  9. #699

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Some Redux-stats for 2023...

    Redux & 2023:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 424
    Views in 2023: +40.610, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +80.660 views)
    Posts in 2023: +3 - all mine (this thread)... (the TWC Redux-thread had 5 posts, 2 was mine).

    No commentary for this year... I played yet more non-TW games...

    - A

  10. #700

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    2024. Here I am back again after so many years. I seem to remember you were here then, Axalon. Managed to get this gem of a game to work with my rundown Windows 10 laptop. It was by far the best game I have ever come across. Hopefully get to install your Beta Mod now.

  11. #701

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    I just wanna post up a special hi to Gigglisch, thanks for posting man…

    I can only hope that you enjoy/enjoyed the Redux experience and that it will/did refresh the overall MTW-experience for you. It should run just fine on W10 (using the steam-version). Anyhow, Redux is different and more detailed in many ways , while still delivering that special MTW-experience, almost uniqe for MTW1 (STW1 also have some of that).

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 01-01-2025 at 15:03.

  12. #702

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Some Redux-stats for 2024...

    Redux & 2024:
    Releases: None...
    Downloads RXB1007: 331
    Views in 2024: +93.862, this thread... (the TWC Redux-thread had +86.992 views)
    Posts in 2024: +2 - 1 was mine (this thread)... (the TWC Redux-thread had 2 posts, 1 was mine).

    No commentary for this year... I played yet more non-TW games... I listened to the soundtrack of TW-Troy, which was very good (I totally recommend that soundtrack)!

    - A

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