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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #451

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hi guys, all I got to say is…

    Quote Originally Posted by Marku View Post
    downloading this mod now :)
    Amen to that....

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    Long Easter weekend coming up, immediately followed by May Day + royal wedding weekend. Woohoo! (I'm not a fan of the monarchy, but thanks for the extra day off work, Wills and Katie.) So a MTW - read Redux - fest is in the offing chez moi. The beer, pizza, coffee and cigarettes are on order.

    Dowloading the 1001 + VI module files right now. Looking forward to enjoying the fruits of your hard work and skills. Big thanks.

    Best regards
    Amen to that - too....

    Anyhow, I have created some new demo-pics for Redux as it needed new ones. I suppose they won’t do much good for people who already play it - but hopefully they will assist to convince other “less receptive and open minded” people that Redux is well worth trying out. All I can say is that I certainly think so and it appears that I am not completely alone with that notion (thank god!). I do think that much more people should try it out however and hopefully these pics will support the process. Hope you guys like 'em...





    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 04-27-2011 at 16:43. Reason: Clean-up...

  2. #452
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Nice pics as always. I don't know why but those pics reminded me of the very old game Lords of the Realms II (hmm...good old times). Maybe it's this new greenish map.
    I especially like princesses' strategic icons but their portraits... you know.. it's probably personal taste but they look like some man who changed sex (no offense).
    I haven't noticed this before but did you change bridge textures?

    Thanks for the VI version. Tomorrow starts my 2 weeks holidays. You couldn't choose a better moment for the release....damn, when have you uploaded the VI upgrade? I've noticed it just a while before.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  3. #453

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Staz, (never heard of that game),

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Nice pics as always.
    Thanks… I do what I can.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    ...this new greenish map.
    Well, I changed it as I don’t like the usual “grey” map of MTW. It is better for the eyes and I think it looks better too. To me it is cleaner and better, I prefer it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    I especially like princesses' strategic icons...
    Me too… So then we are two...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    ...but their portraits... you know.. it's probably personal taste but they look like some man who changed sex (no offense).
    There is a first for everything it seems…. To be honest, I have hard time taking this stuff seriously. I mean, if you really feel that the MTW-princesses somehow look more attractive to you then by all means revert back to them. After all, that is your privilege and headache. Suffice to say, I won’t do it as I (and bunch of other people) clearly prefer the RX-kind. Any day actually… No offence intended.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    I haven't noticed this before but did you change bridge textures?
    Yes, I changed the bridges. For the better I would say. There are a lot of changes from MTW to Redux. Unless people look closely enough much of it will barely be noticed – but it is there alright. Set up some solo fight, similar troops, lush, river-map X for instance both in MTW and Redux at the same time and you can see plenty of changes when compared closely – escape out and check next screen and then go back – troops, interface, textures, animations etc. etc. is changed. I think that is probably the best way to put the scale of Redux into proper perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Thanks for the VI version. Tomorrow starts my 2 weeks holidays. You couldn't choose a better moment for the release....damn, when have you uploaded the VI upgrade? I've noticed it just a while before.
    My pleasure. It was released 12.04.2011. Due to the new Org-management-craze on various TWS2 contents of sorts; my Redux-release-note disappeared pretty fast from the front-page-section. I guess it is hard to avoid and there is little to done about it – many/most regular Org-members are as indifferent to Redux as I am to their TWS2-stuff. And so it goes.

    Anything else fire away...

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 04-21-2011 at 18:57. Reason: blubb...

  4. #454
    Member Member Plato's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Would there be any hope for some Reduxed Historical Battles?

    I know that you state in the Readme "Selecting historical battles will cause Redux to crash, so don’t do that." Is this the same sort of crash as when original MTW Quick Battles aren't deleted?

    I'm sure that Custom Battles could be created with ease, but they're really not the same.

  5. #455

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Plato,

    Well it depends… If you are expecting me to do it – then essentially no, there is no hope… If you or somebody else interested decides to do it - there certainly can be hope for it… I don’t know and I can not tell…

    If you are asking me if it is ok for me that you try to do it – then the answer is yes, go right ahead… The troops and GFX you already got (and it is unlikely they will change). Set up a thread for it and any further discussion on what battle to focus on, how to progress, research etc. etc. etc. can be discussed there. Completed reduxed historical battles can also be distributed and downloaded in that thread – all such stuff in one place essentially… It can be your and others project – it seems limited enough to be very possible to see thru to completion – or so I think. Use the guides for how it is done… Here….

    Quote Originally Posted by Plato View Post
    I know that you state in the Readme "Selecting historical battles will cause Redux to crash, so don’t do that." Is this the same sort of crash as when original MTW Quick Battles aren't deleted?
    Yeah, more or less…

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 04-27-2011 at 16:41. Reason: Mo words...

  6. #456

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Over at the new thread(!), Redux: size-settings, Victor wrote….

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    Hi Axalon

    Off topic: am playing Beta 1001 + VI module and having lots of fun - Italians, Standard difficulty. Absolutely rock solid (no crashes or hiccups) after 88 years; say, a dozen hours' play. What do the "Embargo" line of buildings really do? I cannot figure this out.
    The embargo-stuff is essentially an AI-thing… The AI can at times benefit greatly from taking a break in constructions in order to save cash (due to reduxed economic-model, but it would work in MTW too). This is especially true for the rebels in Redux – for which this stuff is primarily used… Players can of course “build” an embargo too, but all it does is to swallow up turns while no buildings are constructed during the specified time – as suggested in the description.

    Anything else fire away folks….

    - Cheers

  7. #457
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    I've started a Saracens' campaign. Some of my first impressions.

    They don't have any recruitable horse archer unit!! Camels are useless as skirmish unit (too slow). IMO "Camel Archers" are totally useless. 40 camels too weak for melee even with medium cavalry. They use the worst bows so can't cause any significant losses to the most of the units.

    Muslim factions really need some love - especially Saracens. They don't have any armor piercing unit - missile or melee. One Nubian Slayer doesn't count. Their units are not cheaper or greater in numbers than christian or orthodox. Most of their units have lower stats than similar european units. No pikeman or halberdiers of any type. They can win in the desert thanks to heat and camels but outside the desert they can't compete with all those heavily armored freaks.
    Ohh... I've forgot about Naptha Throwers. I don't count them as normal missile unit but rather kind of special team. They are good but not last long if enemy has any archers.

    ---- EDIT ----

    Some additional thoughts about campaign:
    Rebels seems too powerful. There was a moment they owned 2/3 of the map. Their units seems too cheap. Some provinces hold 4 full stacks, others 2 stacks at average. Units are not strong but they win with pure numbers. After some factions reappeared they got the rebel armies that stayed in their provinces. It made them insanely powerful right after reappearing. It may seems fun to play but it's not. You have to fight the same rebel units (mostly light infantry, xbows, etc) all the time - no matter if you fight real rebels or returning faction with rebel units. These units are no match even for small but well-trained army. Personally, I like when different factions have their own units.

    Graphically, your mod is absolutely amazing. I've fully realized this when (after a few hours of playing) I switched to the original version. Now, it looks pale and plain. I like the variety of units and buildings, new icons, info pics, etc. btw muslim slaves in cuirasses? Slightly too well equipped don't you think?
    Last edited by Stazi; 05-05-2011 at 15:50.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  8. #458

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Axalon, it's been a long time. I finally got a hold of an older PC and can't wait to get my fix.

  9. #459

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    This mod is one of the best I've played. Amazing artwork with all the new portraits / unit icons / camp map, it really breathes new life into this game. So far I've played as English/Moors, playing as Germans now. I find that as the English (or any faction with access to ports in the beginning), I could just establish trade and never attack the rebels and it worked (I had about 200,000 florins). Then suddenly all the Spanish regions suddenly started revolting (its was ~850 A.D.) and the rebels attacked Flanders which had two of my armies (both full stacks). Script or not, but it certainly changed the flow of events in the game which I thought I pretty much won. As Germany it is definitely much harder since your land income is meager and once you start attacking rebels, you have no chance of getting sea trade going because each sea region will have a million rebel ships.

    Very nice graphics for what used to be plain old royal knights, really makes them stand out with that solid faction color on the horse armor or whatever it's called :P I was wondering why the Germans/Papacy didn't get a piece of that, theirs are still white, but different model i guess.

    For the Moors btw it would be nice if theirs or the Egyptian's unit rosters were different from each other, otherwise they are not all that quite unique. would be most happy!

    Very nice unit roster for the English. Denmark, although having way fewer units still makes it attractive, but I did not really like the Byzantine units, I guess I could always add back the ol' Varagian Guard, it had one of the best looking icons / graphics. I understand you want to encourage to get Mercenary troops for the Byzantines, that's a cool idea although it can get pretty darn expensive. Haven't played as them yet though, but I will soon since it is my favorite faction.

    I really wish you continue with this project and I look forward to any future releases :)

  10. #460
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!


    When RL stops cr@pping on me (my boss has resigned = huge increase in my workload) I intend writing up some thoughts on my first Redux campaign as the Italians, i.e., the Venetians.

    But just want to say I think what you've done with the sea regions plus giving rebels the ability to build pirate fleets is genius, Axalon. It works on so many levels, with maybe the best being the disruption to trade which massively impacts on the player, of course.

    As the Venetians my conquest strategy has virtually been dictated to me by the need to keep 'pirate suppression fleets' at sea to stop the b@$t@rd$ from cutting my (very lucrative) trade routes. Pretty historical, I believe. So I have, e.g., taken the Crimea to have a port on the Black Sea to keep the support costs sensible.

    Also, haven't encountered any stacks with stupid amounts of artillery - which has been a longstanding gripe of mine.

    Also, the other night I got my @r$e kicked by the Lithuanians in a battle I expected to win, and lost my 4 star (= second best) general in the process. It's been a while since something like that has happened to me in MTW. Refreshing.

    Thanks Axalon.

    Best regards

    Sapere aude

  11. #461

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hi and thanks for posting guys…


    It certainly has, but that don’t make me any less happy to see you posting here once again.


    In general, I think your inexperience with redux is the main cause and source to most remarks in your post – and thus, I suggest that you gather more experience and solid understanding of Redux before you do further suppositions about it (as it is, the stuff can so easily be deceptive and misleading to casual readers here, even if that was probably not your intention, I still fail to see how such circumstances is somehow desirable here. We should try to avoid that as much as possible, at all times. Everybody wins that way, this includes you too). And, you will probably find plenty of answers and surprises in regards to your own post that way.

    Anyway, if you got problems in battle with Byzantine and Catholic “tanks” etc. Just make a post in the “Battle & tactics”-thread and I or anybody else with enough experience in reduxed combat can help you out there - as it is still very possible to defeat them with Muslim forces - and outside the desert too…

    Camel Archers are not “totally worthless”; if that had been true they would not be able to do anything worthwhile in battle – that is not true. Revise your tactics and get more experience and you will realize that. Camels are slower then horses (as usual) and thus skirmishing on infantry is more viable tactic...

    • RXB1002 will include Muslim horse archers as this has been an oversight by me.
    • RXB1002 will get new infopics on Slave Militias. I will make a better and more representative one. The old CA-pic will be removed…


    Thanks and welcome to this place… It’s nice that at least some people recognise and value the work done on portraits, stratmap etc. etc. Anyway, interesting strategy with the English – as you already pointed out it is hardly very sustainable one as it is a virtual timebomb just waiting to go boom…

    Rebels & pirates
    Personally, I think that one should contain the rebels as soon as possible or when one can afford it. At least in the relevant region of interest - before they get too dangerous and strong there – as they can at times. If rebels are left alone for too long in provinces with ports and castles they will obviously grow stronger, with more troops and ships, eventually becoming truly dangerous as long as they stay there… We are more or less forced to actively fight them in Redux - sooner or later – or there might be chaos all over the map. Still, I have seen plenty of campaigns were it never comes to that as they are pretty fast reduced to obscurity in some corner. This is Redux, so it can go either way, depending on what happens in game. Anyway, allowing the rebels/pirates too many functional ports and wharfs is never a good idea in the long run….

    Factions & unit-rosters
    In Redux I work with cultures and regions rather then single factions. Because of that circumstance, some factions have very similar unit-clusters assigned to them while others have very special ones. England, Norse and Byzantines for instance have very special unit-clusters (there are both benefits and drawbacks with that, as it should be). The HRE, Lithuania and Russia have also plenty of that. Poland and Hungary to some degree too. While France/Burgundy or Italy/Lombardy or Spain/Portugal/Aragon (essentially) has similar units and tactical profiles (as they are in the same regions, same cultures, same war-traditions etc. etc.), and so does Saracens/Moors (essentially). This is how things are designed. Region and culture (and also war-traditions) is what primarily matters - not the faction as such.

    I know that many others have designed with such faction-perspectives, as did CA, but I don’t like it much personally, thus I abandoned that. I prefer region and culture instead as done in Redux. And in contrast, I prefer when all units have at least some clear function and purpose in battle, if not unique, then at least distinctive. As in “quality in parts” (reduction, distinctiveness in traits and purpose etc.) is better then “quantity in parts” (addition, standardization in traits and purpose etc.) – the latter is however a common design-approach in most major stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    Germany it is definitely much harder since your land income is meager and once you start attacking rebels, you have no chance of getting sea trade going because each sea region will have a million rebel ships
    Yup, that is fairly true. Especially games upon VI/V.2.01 it seems (due to slow starting activity by the Norse). It is a bit problematic as the pirate-fleets can easily become too powerful if we play HRE (with other starting-factions this is hardly a problem). I have already investigated these very circumstances before but I have yet to find a good and acceptable solution to it – all things considered. Still, we can all the same counter it in Redux, but that requires a determined strategy of reducing functional pirate-ports and preferably building up a few ports to the HRE as well. And preferably fast.

    If we do that, then it is still very possible to have some sea-trade as the HRE as well. I like when pirates are strong but as you say “millions of ships” are too much – some 50-60 ships over the map would have been much better, however I have yet to find a really good way to make that happen due to the engine (the ship-stats don’t work, never did in MTW, otherwise that could have been one possible solution). Thus, if we truly want sea-trade with HRE, we must actively fight for it in a way that is much harder then with other factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    …I did not really like the Byzantine units,
    Well, that’s a shame, you can’t win them all I guess… Anyway, they are good enough for me (and others) anyhow. You can always include units on your own as already pointed out - there are vacant slots for it in RXB1001 – “Additional01” etc. etc.

    • Pope and HRE knights have “white-horses” as the faction-colours would be crappy in V.1.1 thus I decided to stick with the old white for those two. As simple as that.

    If I somehow forgot something here, by all means remind me… Victor, I'll
    get back to your stuff in another separate post (soonish hopefully)...

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 05-27-2011 at 16:08. Reason: formatting...

  12. #462
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    In general, I think your inexperience with redux is the main cause and source to most remarks in your post – and thus, I suggest that you gather more experience and solid understanding of Redux before you do further suppositions about it (as it is, the stuff can so easily be deceptive and misleading to casual readers here, even if that was probably not your intention, I still fail to see how such circumstances is somehow desirable here. We should try to avoid that as much as possible, at all times. Everybody wins that way, this includes you too). And, you will probably find plenty of answers and surprises in regards to your own post that way.
    As I wrote at the start of my post - it was my first impression so I think any casual reader understands that it's very subjective opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Anyway, if you got problems in battle with Byzantine and Catholic “tanks” etc. Just make a post in the “Battle & tactics”-thread and I or anybody else with enough experience in reduxed combat can help you out there - as it is still very possible to defeat them with Muslim forces - and outside the desert too…
    It's not about me. It's about the factions balance for the AI. I can win with any faction but not the AI. When I play as one of the western european factions, muslim armies are easy to beat even when I'm outnumbered 10:1. Their armies don't contain any really dangerous unit. Maybe it's because of my playstyle - my armies are missile heavy so lightly armored muslims are not a threat for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Camel Archers are not “totally worthless”; if that had been true they would not be able to do anything worthwhile in battle – that is not true. Revise your tactics and get more experience and you will realize that. Camels are slower then horses (as usual) and thus skirmishing on infantry is more viable tactic...
    My fault. "Totally worthless" was a bad choice of words. I meant "worthless comparing to other units". Even skirmishing with fast horse archer unit is risky when enemy army contains any cavalry units. In this case camels get caught by cavalry and finished by any other unit. Situations when enemy army doesn't have any cavalry units are very rare. Skirmishing with slow camels is a waste of a unit slot. Of course, it's my personal opinion.

    Anyway, I'm going to gather some more experience this weekend so I hope my next impressions will be much more... balanced. Thanks for your efforts. Your mod is totally different from all others and it's very refreshing.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  13. #463

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Regarding adding new units, is there any difference if I put them into rows labeled "blank" as opposed to "Additional xx" ?

    Btw id really like if someone could help me with a link for a bif reader, all the links here go to the paint shop pro download...

    Also, has anyone ever even tried making completely new unit textures or is that impossible for this game besides adding new shields/weapons to existing unit textures or slightly modifying or recoloring the base textures for units (the ones in LBM format)?

    I have a strong desire to add a unit based on snapshots of a 3d model from different angles / movements and rescaling and cleaning up the images and of course getting the right coordinates and stuff for the individual frames when assembling the LBM file. Anyone ever try this, im just curious how feasible that would be?

  14. #464
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    Regarding adding new units, is there any difference if I put them into rows labeled "blank" as opposed to "Additional xx" ?
    I don't know if blanks are used for something but generally - no difference. One unit - One row. That's all.

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    Btw id really like if someone could help me with a link for a bif reader, all the links here go to the paint shop pro download...
    This package contains bif reader and some other useful stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    Also, has anyone ever even tried making completely new unit textures or is that impossible for this game besides adding new shields/weapons to existing unit textures or slightly modifying or recoloring the base textures for units (the ones in LBM format)?
    Check e.g. Hellenic, Napoleonic, Pike & Musket mods. They contain a lot of new units so yes - it's possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by berserkr View Post
    I have a strong desire to add a unit based on snapshots of a 3d model from different angles / movements and rescaling and cleaning up the images and of course getting the right coordinates and stuff for the individual frames when assembling the LBM file. Anyone ever try this, im just curious how feasible that would be?
    Repository is the place where you should look for. There are 2-3 sticked treads that contain useful information how to do this.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  15. #465

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello berserkr,

    I have not much to add to Staz remarks on the matter but I suggest that you try to stay away from the “blanks” as much as possible as these are slots that might be used in the future versions by me. If that don’t matter somehow, then by all means use those too – they are fully functional.

    - A

  16. #466

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Ok Staz, this post is for you….

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    As I wrote at the start of my post - it was my first impression so I think any casual reader understands that it's very subjective opinion.
    Well, let us hope that you are right. Anyway, I can explain in full detail as for why I have problems with it in the first place. For details, see spoiler….

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    First of all, let me outline some of the vital the differences between “personal claims” and “general claims”. The reasons for it will become clear eventually. So…

    A strictly personal opinion or claim holds certain safeguards and privileges as it by definition only concerns and is representative for the person who expressed that opinion/claim – thus tradition would have us greet it with leniency as it usually does not concern the rest of us anyway. The usual way to signify that it is in fact a personal claim/opinion is to insert the “for me”-clause or similar within the claim. That way there is no question about what it is and thus it will be, and can be, expected to be treated accordingly…

    Now, a public and general claim aims to be universal and valid at a collective level – as in elevated above and beyond the person that makes the claim – it is essentially declared to concern all of us somehow. Due to that very circumstance the terms and rules for such claims are radically different then personal ones - and all safeguards and privileges are long gone with it. We enter the realm of facts, basis, credibility and relevance - as these are the only stuff that matter at this level – while we also leave all the personal and subjective stuff behind us it is irrelevant in a universal context. The reason for that practice is obvious; the subjective and personal simply fails to concern or be valid for us all - and it is not truly dependent on facts. At a collective level, facts is the only thing we can truly deal with as these remain valid for all of us regardless what we may personally think of them. They just are, no matter our opinions of them.

    If the facts are unknown to us, we then rely on basis, relevance and credibility to provide strength to our claim. The more the better. Now, tradition has it that all public and general claims are allowed to be tested and examined to determine if they are actually valid or not - as declared. This is called scrutiny, and anybody is within their full rights to exercise scrutiny upon any public claim anywhere, and whenever they feel like it. As a result, the only way public claims can hope to survive somehow are to rely on facts, basis and credibility – and plenty of it to support and strengthen the claim.

    All claims that have these things, and in good order, are usually referred to as “serious” - while claims that somehow is lacking in such regards are called “unserious”. “Serious” essentially means a credible and valid claim, while “unserious” essentially means a faulty and defect claim – usually of too poor quality to be taken into any serious consideration by the collective hence the term “unserious”. Both categories must be explained and warranted when declared as either one (serious/unserious) - that is the global tradition. Tradition also has it that all claims of explicit sub-standard quality should be ignored on sight. The textbook example of that is a claim without any basis to support it somehow.

    With those distinctions cleared up….

    So why do I have problems with your supposed “impressions” in the first place? First of all, there are no clear distinctions between what are general claims and what are personal claims within these supposed “impressions” of yours. For me that is not acceptable due to the scale of your claims.

    They may be presented as mere personal impressions but in reality they are essentially formulated as public and general claims. How so? For starters, they essentially lack the vital “for me” clause and add to that a frequent categorical style in within these claims. That circumstance further suggests it to have universal intentions rather then limited personal ones. Hence the only rational interpretation and explanation is that they are not personal claims as they are clearly not devised and functional as such. The only alternative left is that of public and general claims. So, it is like declaring a train to be an airplane essentially – it simply does not add up. Thus misinterpretations are very possible as a result as their status as either personal or public claims is not truly traceable, if it were then I would not be writing this, now would I?

    Furthermore, the stuff is far too bold and categorical to actually comply with any standard concepts of “impressions” - as defined in dictionaries. For instance, “One Nubian Slayer does not count”. That doesn’t leave much room for doubt as it is clearly not formulated accordingly to what it is claimed to be – an impression. It is a declaration, and a universal declaration at that - as it is categorical. It simply leaves no room for alternatives and/or exceptions and it is nowhere near “I don’t think one Nubian slayer should count” - which could have been a functional personal impression (not a very good one but still a possible one).

    Now, regardless what these impressions are actually interpreted or intended as, they still have chronic problems with lacking basis all the same - as there virtually are none. Much of it is inaccurate, flawed (or even false or plain irrelevant at times). In essence, it simply creates unnecessary problems and promotes flawed information in the process. That is counterproductive and misleading to the casual reader.

    I do have an obligation to ensure that people who come here is not provided with flawed and false information, as I am responsible for this place. The casual reader must be able to rely and trust this place - and above all on the information they can find here as this is indeed a public space, not a personal one. If they can not do that – then their motive to come here is gone (and thus the whole point of this forum is also gone). That is exactly why I don’t want to see any such stuff here in the first place as it is by definition counterproductive here.

    So, let us leave it at that as long as you don’t do this stuff again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    It's not about me. It's about the factions balance for the AI. I can win with any faction but not the AI. When I play as one of the western european factions, muslim armies are easy to beat even when I'm outnumbered 10:1.
    Alright, it is about “factions balance for the AI”… Regardless, solid and credible basis first, remarkable claims later, alright? Otherwise, dismissed as unserious, due to lacking and untraceable basis…

    And then there is the question of proper experience once again. You don’t have enough to attempt such bold conclusions in the first place and it would be better if you could recognize that willingly, rather then having me to remind you of the fact in public. If only to give your own credibility a break.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Their armies don't contain any really dangerous unit.
    Not true…. I’ll explain it shortly, but first, if you are going to forward supposed criticism - then at least do it right and proper. As in check your actual supposed grounds for the criticism if that is solid enough to really forward criticism in the first place and this before you actually do forward it here. That way the rest of us get a sporting chance to take it seriously and the criticism might actually end up as productive and worthwhile here. As long as you don’t – it will be nothing of that and essentially reduced to merely an expression that, in this case you, somehow need/want to pass judgment on something even at the price of you don’t having any valid grounds to justify it. This is hardly a flattering prospect for you and in the process it robs me of all possibilities to stay friendly here for long….

    Declaring stuff in public is one thing, backing it up with solid and credible basis to support it all is quite another. This is the part were you fail and this is also why I can’t take that (or anything like it) seriously simply because it has no proper and credible basis to it. It boils down to this; you will have to start treating Redux seriously - so I can start treating your posts about it seriously. It is that simple really. That said…

    Now, all I have to do to dismiss your claim is to do a bunch of solo battles (no upgrades and bonuses, veteran-level, default size, everything enabled short of camera and clock) - 1 on 1 to prove it wrong. The results and reality found there is obviously in direct conflict with your claim as the Muslims can indeed win against virtually all units the Catholics can muster – the only possible candidate that I could find as an exception to this rule are the royal spearmen formations as Muslims have no true counter to that in 1 on 1 match-ups at least. If you were actually right in your claim, none of that would be possible somehow – it would be impossible. As it clearly is very possible, your claim can not be true as a result. It may be of interest here to also point out that on general terms all units fare better in combat if they are under player supervision then under the control of the AI.

    For instance, Muslim heavy cavalry can essentially triumph over everything the Catholic have in cavalry, archers and sword infantry. The only thing that will usually spell doom for them in battle are Feudal knights – however these can be countered by using Saracen/Moorish Infantry units instead and they might very well win in that scenario. And, this is a unit that the Muslim-AI builds in abundance so it is hardly a problem. Muslim regular archers are also able to defeat many Catholic troops in 1 on 1 match-up’s and the list goes on and on and on.… That is the reality here, check it out first hand and find out for yourselves folks. Use RXB1001 files, I doubt it will deviate much…

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    My fault. "Totally worthless" was a bad choice of words. I meant "worthless comparing to other units".
    I agree, it was a poor choice of words and overall phrasing – thus it could be worthwhile for you to be more careful and humble with phrasing and words in the future. Now, personally I would in that case clearly state the context what it was supposedly all about (“Redux, camel archers and possible problems”) and what is my perspective was there (“something is problematic with the camel archers”) and then confine myself to that stipulated context (“camel archers appear to have problems, due to X, due to Y, due to Z etc. etc. and this despite potential factors like A, or B etc. etc.”). I would also provide examples and/or identify such comparative units that I had in mind (at least some, like “Slavic Horse Archers”, “Russian Boyars” etc. etc.) - so people can get a sporting chance to see and examine for themselves what I mean and how I reason. Solid grounds, traceable relevancy and valid perspective are everything to any serious claim – without all that, it is nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Even skirmishing with fast horse archer unit is risky when enemy army contains any cavalry units. In this case camels get caught by cavalry and finished by any other unit.
    Again, not true…. All I have to do to prove that is to start 10 solo-battles (same settings as before) 1 on 1 camel archers vs. feudal cavalry and essentially charge head on – then I got all I need to dismiss it…

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Situations when enemy army doesn't have any cavalry units are very rare.
    More of the same… I’ll have to refute this claim as well as I have seen just that numerous times, over multiple campaigns (I can post up pics if need be. I would also say that this is even more common in MTW actually). I have even been on the receiving end as well – and I can assure you that all my curses are genuine when it happens. It is not always so that we have the luxury to have a fully functional and equipped army. Sometimes we are forced to make due with what we got. A lot of good infantry has died that way, before I manage to drive the blasted camel archers (for instance) off the map or kill them (this has usually been outside the desert btw).

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Skirmishing with slow camels is a waste of a unit slot. Of course, it's my personal opinion.
    Even if I personally agree with that, it still does not necessarily make it so for all others, now does it? I wish you could phrase it for what it is then… As in; “Personally I think that skirmishing with the slower camels is a waste of a valuable unit slot” or something like it. See the difference there? One is phrased like a categorical general claim; the other is merely a voiced personal opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    Anyway, I'm going to gather some more experience this weekend so I hope my next impressions will be much more... balanced. Thanks for your efforts. Your mod is totally different from all others and it's very refreshing.
    Before you do post up any further impressions here, do consider all things that I have written in this post and adjust accordingly. Otherwise there will only be more problems and difficulties were there need not be any – and how is that somehow desirable?

    Furthermore, in this massive post I have been focusing more on how a matter is - or should have been - treated and presented rather then the actual matters at hand. That is not how it should be here. I simply can not sit here and worry about attitude and phrasing when I should be focusing on the actual matter at hand directly. So, hopefully this post will be the last of its kind and we can move on (and leave all such problems behind us)…

    - A

  17. #467

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hi again Victor and sorry for the delayed response (in regards to post:460), some stuff for you then…

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    I intend writing up some thoughts on my first Redux campaign as the Italians, i.e., the Venetians.
    You are welcome to post stuff on Italy and experiences with it at any time.

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    But just want to say I think what you've done with the sea regions plus giving rebels the ability to build pirate fleets is genius, Axalon.
    Yup it seems to work very well. With the change in sea-zones in Redux the AI got a good shot at doing some actual overseas trading too – that of course is very good for the game and the AI. I see it happen all the time – over multiple campaigns and factions (provided they have enough ships for it of course)….

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    It works on so many levels, with maybe the best being the disruption to trade which massively impacts on the player, of course.
    For the player perhaps, still the impact can also be felt for other AI factions as well since the rebels pose a problem for them too. England is a usual target for it and it can at times outright break them, Byzantines and Constantinople is another common target with severe consequences. Naval invasions are possible all over the map as long as there are enough pirate ships around essentially – and provided there are target-provinces that are wealthy enough (it can happen in other cases as well but this strike me as the most common scenario). Like Flanders, Constantinople, Wessex etc. etc.

    Obviously the pirates are there to somehow force us to fight for sea-zone supremacy and control in much the same way we fight for various provinces at various points. Trade, transports and coastal security should not be without problems. It also makes all things much more dangerous, unpredictable and interesting as rebel/pirates can do unexpected attacks if they have enough ships that link together. I have seen it plenty of times and it certainly does encourage you to build a fleet and hunt down all pirates close by….

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    As the Venetians my conquest strategy has virtually been dictated to me by the need to keep 'pirate suppression fleets' at sea to stop the b@$t@rd$ from cutting my (very lucrative) trade routes. Pretty historical, I believe. So I have, e.g., taken the Crimea to have a port on the Black Sea to keep the support costs sensible.
    I can’t say I blame you for it. Sardinia, Sicily, Crete and Cyprus are all interesting targets in such regards – almost regardless of faction. Ironically the V.1.1 AI actually strikes me as better at this then the VI-AI. Don’t ask me why, but it is more active and better in conquering stuff, and does faster too it seems. My fave example for it is the Norse but it is true for other factions as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    Also, haven't encountered any stacks with stupid amounts of artillery - which has been a longstanding gripe of mine.
    I don’t think you will either, as it is a matter of design. In some extreme cases the rebels might muster up trebuchet or two but other then that I don’t think you will see any warmachines in Redux as the AI can’t handle it properly. Regular factions will never build any.

    Quote Originally Posted by victorgb View Post
    Also, the other night I got my @r$e kicked by the Lithuanians in a battle I expected to win, and lost my 4 star (= second best) general in the process. It's been a while since something like that has happened to me in MTW. Refreshing.
    It can happen… I guessing it will not be the last time either, it has happened to me as well at various points (during test-runs) and especially with the Lithuanians (which I all too often seem to underestimate). Remember this is Redux, not MTW, and that it is much less forgiving and standardized then MTW and it is a lot different as well. I am not saying that for kicks, I am saying that because it is true. Either take my word for it or feel free to check that out first hand if you like.

    Applying MTW tactics in combat is not even a good idea long term in Redux – we will probably fare much better if we just adapt to the more detailed and complex circumstances that is reduxed combat. The best of all is to adapt straight away to that and to get solid experience in what troops are actually capable of - friend or foe alike. After that point it is easier to properly estimate what can be expected in a battle and how it is likely to end up – victory or defeat. It takes time to get there but personally I think it is well worth it as it provides clarity and overview to many circumstances in the game in a whole other way.

    Alright, anything else fire away…

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 06-17-2011 at 02:00. Reason: Correction...

  18. #468

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Some news...

    RXB1002 is coming….

    It looks like I will soon release the next beta for Redux – version 1002. It contains a bunch of things like various small GFX-improvements, a new calibration of building-AI schematics, a few adjustments of troop AI, cost-adjustments, new campaign-set up and various other minor stuff to improve the overall game experience etc. etc. Also, due to various changes I made to bypass some hardcoded engine-weirdness, the RXB1002 will NOT be save-game compatible. Hopefully it will be out soon...

    2nd Edition hits 3000….

    Ironically, the 2nd edition has hit the 3000 downloads-marker this month despite that the first 3rd edition betas hit the world in March/April this year. I am guessing that it is due to people that do not frequent the Org or TWC Redux-threads very often. My guess is that it is the old official CA-forum and the RX-thread there that is the main culprit for this continued usage of 2nd Edition. I also know that this older version is still distributed here and there over the net – sites from China, Israel, USA and Poland etc. etc.

    Reduxy-personal projects….

    Over at the TWC one gamer has set up a thread for his own personal Redux-project, namely making the Lombards playable and changing their faction-colors for the VI-version. If there is anybody else with other Redux-related projects somehow, or that is interested in that or such stuff, it might be worthwhile to head over there and make a post or two. Sharing whatever ideas, plans and personal projects that you might have in mind for Redux. Eventually, I or somebody else will set up a dedicated thread for “alternative versions” of Redux in this forum as well – but until then, I guess that this TWC-thread is the next best thing for it. Here is the link:

    Alright, that is all I got for now… News, tips or whatever, post it, I would….

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 06-18-2011 at 14:28. Reason: Correction...

  19. #469

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Ok, the links for RXB1002 are up...

    Last edited by Axalon; 06-22-2011 at 21:58. Reason: update...

  20. #470

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Installing this now onto VI 2.01

    Does the beta version 3 require a Spanish Fix or is that just for older versions?

    I seem to remember something like that a few years ago when I first tried this mod out. Just wondering.
    Last edited by Madden; 07-30-2011 at 08:41.

  21. #471

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Nah, no such thing is needed with RXB1002. It only goes for obsolete 2nd edition stuff (which I have abandoned btw – still there are some people here and there that download that version all the same. I don't know why as 3rd ED beta is better in every regard - at least I think so)…

    - A

  22. #472

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello again folks...

    I have been meaning to post up this stuff on the AI for quite some time and now I finally come around to it. This test of 10 games/campaigns was made to gather further information about Reduxed campaigns and AI-behaviour (game 1-8 on VI/v.2.01, game 9-10 on v.1.1). It is an effort to gather some data about it and chart it out somehow – just to provide a better grasp of what can be somehow expected and concluded from the new AI of Redux.

    The findings is very interesting to me personally and they obviously show that Redux have a high level of unpredictability among many other things. Each campaign is evidently not like the next (despite played faction), the AI is generating new and fresh experiences over the map - time and time again even without the player...

    Anyway, I can make plenty of conclusions out of these tests and this material - and it certainly can provide basis for any further discussion, examination and conclusions of these things - if so desired. It also provides a decent clarity and effective overview of circumstances found within Redux - when the results are compiled together like this. Things like the tendencies of the AI (if any), circumstances that possibly generates doom and prosperity to various factions all over the map, and some general answers of in regards to faction-balance, and the AI capacity in such regards etc. etc.

    - A

  23. #473
    Member Member Leith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Axalon,

    I have been playing your mod now and then and here are my comments so far:

    The first thing that got my attention was the new interface and the sound effects associated with it. I chose to play as the English and as soon as I logged in the campaign I was taken by the beautiful map. You did a fine job there. I built my forces and started attacking the rebels only to find out to my great surprise that they attacked back. They almost defeated me. That in my opinion is a great feature in Redux--the rebels should never be underestimated.

    You have obviously tinkered with some of the unit bifs, sometimes making them darker, like the Bowmen bif, which blends in nicely with the newly textured ground tiles. Some of the unit shields look great. I especially like the looks and feel of the Cataphract Regiment. Recolouring the Eastern Horse is a nice touch, too.

    Probably Redux' strongest point is its dark atmosphere which captures the Medieval theme quite efficiently. Thank you for the hard work you put in this mod and I hope you will continue to develop it.

    Best of luck

  24. #474

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello again folks… As I have plenty to say this time, I will do multiple posts here – if nothing else, for the sake of clarity. Making it easier for all to follow what I am discussing - and when and where I am discussing it. I’ll do some remarks to Leith in a separate post. Later I will post up some news and other stuff. Anyway, first up…


    Redux & 2011… (Late, but all the same…)

    Overall, MTW is going to be a 10 year old in August 2012 (for games that is a virtual eternity) and thus one can surely argue that the releases of the new Redux betas in 2011 was indeed poorly timed (if it happened 2003-2004 at the heyday of MTW1 it obviously would have been better). So, the timing as such was truly awful as these days one can hardly expect that people have much interest in any or some work that rely on the MTW1-engine, such as Redux for instance. All the same, the 3rd ED betas did manage to get some +500 downloads in 2011 (and the 2nd ED managed to hit the 3000 marker as well). This very thread still somehow generated +10.000 views in 2011 (and we have the same story for the TWC-counterpart, +10.000 views as well). Evidently, somebody other then me, was still interested in Redux somehow during 2011….

    In March 2011, the RXB1000 was released to the public (v.1.1 only) and this was the first new material to be released for Redux in 4 years(!). It was to be the first of the three betas that was released in 2011. Up to that release the 2nd ED had soldiered on as there was nothing else available for Redux at the time. To me the 2nd ED was – GFX speaking – in many ways a continuation of the original MTW and corresponding to those standards found there (weapons and shields is an obvious example, among others). As we all know, things do change and obviously Redux had changed as well over time and the RXB1000 release probably made that abundantly clear to all people who have tried out 2nd ED. Just in GFX, the project had travelled far and beyond what we had in 2nd ED. To me that was also very true in terms of designs and mechanics as well. In short, I think the RXB1000 brought a new look, new designs and new ideas to the table. To me, the new beta was in comparison pushing the boundaries and framework far beyond what was ever realized in the previous 2nd ED of Redux. The new Redux had evolved to something that was not just merely some more or less extensive modification of MTW1, but something else that could provide a distinct and unique experience in it’s own right, clearly and undeniably different from MTW1 (or even 2nd ED Redux). My old goal had finally been, at least more extensively, realized with the new beta.

    In April, the RXB1001 hit the world and this time Redux (again) attained full compatibility to all major versions of MTW1 (v.1.1 and v.2.01 compatibility, including Gold- and Eras-editions). A bunch of bugs was detected in that version as well – as expected. All the same, all the previous known bugs had been killed (or charted) – and stability was improved further. Still there were a few bugs and errors around along with things that could be improved upon. Again my thanks to all the friendly souls that helped out with the bugs and other stuff during 2011.

    In June, the RXB1002 was released and it was to be the last beta released in 2011 (again both v.1.1 and v.2.01). The changes to AI, and the further upgrades here and there created what turned out to be a very polished beta with few reported bugs, while offering solid stability. To me, the RXB1002 was what the RXB1000 should have been.

    Autumn 2011, I also found out that new Redux also worked on W7 and thus that nagging question mark was finally answered in full. It turned out to be very possible to play Redux on W7, and this on some fairly modern hardware and drives (in my case, ATI HD5800 cards, Catalyst 11.8, 64-bit drives etc.). In some regards, Redux actually seem to run better on W7 then it does on W2k or XP - imagine that (loading times, sound-settings etc.) I still did find a few minor anomalies however (thus it is to be expected while using W7), but these were in most cases small-time issues (see the Redux & W7-thread for details). All this means that future releases of Redux will be branded as W7-compatible. It does not mean that it will work perfectly every time on whatever hardware people might have out there, but it does mean that Redux - evidently - do get along with the OS as such – and thus potentially hardware that rely on it as well. Whatever fuss there might be in the future on this - it will be a problem that is limited to various drivers.

    At any rate, 2012 is already here and I can only hope that it will be a good year for Redux as well. I do think that we will see more releases for Redux in 2012, but I don’t know how many at this point. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up being more active on these boards this year? After all, I have already played enough of Skyrim (yup, I killed da dragons, watched the bugs, and did all what the Bethesda-designers wanted me too. After all, I was given little choice…), Dragon Age II (I screwed Isabela, since she seemed to be the only foxy enough option to me…), Mount & Blade (this game I truly recommend btw, but mod it folks!) and TW Shogun2 (better then I expected it to be - but it is not STW1 and it has all the usual junk and problems of the MTW2/RTW-engine. Still, I did like the sea-battles... Steam is as unsexy and unwanted as ever) in 2011…

    - A

  25. #475

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Alright, some remarks to Leith’s previous post…

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    The first thing that got my attention was the new interface and the sound effects associated with it.
    I don’t know, but you might be the first one who ever commented on the fact that Redux do have a different interface and SFX (and even some unique music as well). I changed it because I felt it would be better that way – hopefully people agree with me on that. Suffice to say it was not done on a whim; it was a conscious decision as I felt these things could be improved upon to serve Redux better. Futhermore, it distinguishes Redux from MTW1 more clearly as well. Both games do have a different style and profile. At any rate, I would be interested in seeing some more on what people might think of these things and the changes in experience it brings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    I built my forces and started attacking the rebels only to find out to my great surprise that they attacked back. They almost defeated me. That in my opinion is a great feature in Redux--the rebels should never be underestimated.
    That’s Redux for you right there…. We should not assume anything in Redux that it will be like MTW, because usually it is not – as you obviously found out… Redux, is a new and alternative take on the concepts of MTW, and thus it is designed differently, with other and new ideas applied (which obviously will change the mechanics and circumstances of the game – ultimately providing a new and different game experience)…

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    You have obviously tinkered with some of the unit bifs, sometimes making them darker, like the Bowmen bif, which blends in nicely with the newly textured ground tiles.
    Yup I did…. It is gratifying to know that at least somebody around here notices and appreciates such stuff (other then myself)… Thanks…

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    Some of the unit shields look great.
    Yup, I agree, some shields do look great. But what we are striving for is to make ALL shields look great in whatever work it might be, Redux or elsewhere – as ridiculous and impossible as that goal may be to us. I do think you are indirectly on to something here, because I also agree that not all shields look great and that some of them in RXB1002 can (and should) be improved upon to look better. This is one thing that I have in fact been working on in the up and coming RXB1003-release - upgrading several shields and other GFX to look better. I think the only reasonable goal here is to strive for making things look “good” at least, as “great” will always be exclusive and thus impossible to achieve for everything. Thus, at least I will have to settle for “good” on such material as a general standard.

    As for the style of Redux shields, because I do think that they have a certain general style that goes all over – distinct and apart from the original game – namely dirt… Shields in Redux are with little exception seemingly dirty. Dirt is probably more then anything that makes it possible for us to recognize and distinguish the Redux-shields apart from the intended CA look and style of MTW (and indeed even other MTW-work as well, I have yet to see any such examples elsewhere. Until I do, I think this is probably unique for Redux).

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    I especially like the looks and feel of the Cataphract Regiment. Recolouring the Eastern Horse is a nice touch, too.
    Well Thanks… I think we all have our various fave things in Redux. Suffice to say, I made all these and other changes as I felt it would be for the better and that Redux would benefit from them. Hopefully many people will agree. Still, it is always interesting for me to hear what whatever these fave things may from one player to the next. So again, thanks for taking time posting and sharing on these things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith View Post
    Probably Redux' strongest point is its dark atmosphere which captures the Medieval theme quite efficiently. Thank you for the hard work you put in this mod and I hope you will continue to develop it.
    More of the same, we all have our various fave things in Redux and stuff that we value and prefer above others (as is to be expected). Among my own fave stuff is the blatantly superior freedom of choice offered to the player (as compared to MTW) that we have in - for instance – troops and their actual capacities and how we might use them. Redux is more diverse and detailed on these things, and thus every such choice matter more and we will more swiftly and more decisively reap the consequence of our choices in whole other way then what is actually possible within the framework of original MTW designs. This spells more freedom and flexibility on how we might solve things in battle for instance – to name one…

    That should not to be confused with some mere quantity of troops that one might include in a game such as MTW. Mere quantity, only offers mere quantity, and that will never ever be actual diversity. In short, if we got 5000 hamburgers, we will still only have hamburgers as our possible choice and that is not diversity, it is just quantity. True diversity comes out of varied and distinctly different traits (capacities) allocated to each individual unit/part within or related to aspect X, not adding more quantity of units/parts that are doomed to only be incrisingly impossible to distiguish individually regarding that aspect X... Anyhow, another fave I have is close to what you seem to like here, namely the different feel and look of Redux.

    At any rate, thanks posting man….

    - A

  26. #476

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Another post on the AI of Redux (RXB1002).... This time I have gathered data on the opening moves by the AI - as in the first 10 turns and how that might look like. It may serve as a decent reference on how the AI might expand as the campaign starts. While the info, when compiled like this, is very revealing on what we might expect of the AI - it still does not show every possible rout the AI might take (I have seen many scenarios that are not represented in these 10 reference games). Anyway here it is....

    - A

  27. #477

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Redux News….

    I am currently working on RXB1003 and thus I can now confirm that there will be another Redux-release in 2012. Maybe more, but one thing at a time. I don’t know about release dates at this point – all I can say is that “its on its way”. One thing is certain anyhow - as of RXB1003 - Redux will officially support Windows 7 and that means that folks using (or considering to use) that OS will then be free to try out Redux at will (and from that point I’ll then try the best I can to support people, if problems occur on Redux) – if there previously was any uncertainties due to OS – they are now gone as far as W7 is concerned. I can now fully confirm that running RXB1003 on W7 (and essentially modern hardware) seems to present the game within fully acceptable parameters with only a few small-time anomalies of various kinds that can’t be helped due to the MTW-engine and various drivers (see Redux & W7-thread for details).

    As for Windows Vista, that OS will continue to hold the status of “not officially supported”/unconfirmed on Redux, even if I have seen several claims that it too does work with Redux as well. I don’t have any Vista available and thus I can not confirm and check on anything related to it. Regardless, that status will still stand until further notice.

    At any rate, what might we expect of the future RXB1003-release then? Here are the things that are already are set to be included in the release – it is possible that there will be even more stuff eventually, time will tell…

    • Upgrades on GFX, Burgundy
    • Upgrades on GFX, France
    • Upgrades on GFX, Papacy
    • Upgrades on GFX, Portugal
    • Upgrades on GFX, Russia
    • Upgrades on GFX, interface (various)
    • Upgrades on GFX, units (minor)
    • Upgrades on GFX, Peasant BIF-plate (minor)
    • Upgrades on GFX, models (for improved experience with W7)
    • Upgrades on “battle-animations”, Dragon order knights
    • Upgrades on various files (minor)
    • Russia will be unlocked and be fully playable as an optional faction (officially)
    • Minor adjustments on unit-roster
    • ?

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 02-03-2012 at 19:41.

  28. #478

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hi again folks,

    I just wanted to put some spotlight on the fact that I have formally opened up a new "section" in the 'ol Redux-archives (the "adventures-thread") and totally recommend all curious people to head over there and have good and entertaining read. That's all. Anything else, fire away....

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-26-2012 at 14:33. Reason: formatting...

  29. #479
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Alemannisches Dreiländereck

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hi Axalon,

    "...that the releases of the new Redux betas in 2011 was indeed poorly timed..."

    Can´t agree. After those 10 years I personally only start to play any MODs and so am happy about someone like you still working on a game for others! Like you, I didn´t get along with the engine of RTW and onwards, so kept playing MTW/VI all since they were available. Right now downloading your MOD and hope for a good time :-)
    greetings from a traditionalist,

  30. #480

    Default Re: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

    Hello Daigaku,

    Well, in general I think it is easy to forget that Redux (or something like it) is truly fighting against the odds in terms of attention these days. Most of the older major stuff still rely on old merits from the glory days of 2002-2004, and manage to do fairly well because of that. Redux don't have that advantage and it's primary problem - even after 4-5 years of public distribution - is still that many people don't even know that it exists. And, even if they do know about Redux it is hardly certain that they will ever bother to actually try it out like you do. This is in large part due to timing, supposedly a "too old game to bother with" etc. etc. etc. If it had been 2002 it would have been a different tune I'm sure. So, timing is important in many ways. Redux would have been much, much better off as a public entity - if the timing had been better. And that was essentially what I had in mind as I wrote it.

    Anyway, have fun. If you want ask or discuss something about Redux, this is the place for it...

    - A

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