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Thread: China world power or not?

  1. #1
    Just another pixel Member Upxl's Avatar
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    Default China world power or not?

    Last vacation some friends of mine (myself included) were having a rather heated discussion about this.
    We where wise enough not to start that discussion again, this went fine till yesterday.

    My friend and me claimed that China has a vast amount of power almost or equal to that of a superpower like the US.
    Economical, military, populous, influence on world diplomacy,…
    So by these reasons we claimed that China is in fact a superpower.

    The opposing party (a teacher ) said that they cant be counted as a world power for the simple reason that they don’t have a steady and secure nation and the large possibility that this nation will in fact collapse.
    Due to the many ethnic minorities in China who don’t want to be Chinese but rather live autonomous, so revolts are bound to happen.
    For this reason it’s not stable so not a superpower.
    This is what she learned while studying history in college.
    As i understood it where these the words of one single professor.
    China is not and never will be a superpower is what the man claimed.

    So what do you guys think of this and motivation why?
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  2. #2

    Default Re: China world power or not?

    You can't deny the fact that China does not only have a large millitary but also has a vibrent econemy and is begaiing to step into world diplomacy. Sying that Chinia won't be a world power because of its minorities is like saying the Soviet Union never was because it also had a lot of ethnic minorities that wanted indpendence.
    When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple, and he hates deeply the fact that there are no bricks and no temples
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  3. #3
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Upxl View Post
    The opposing party (a teacher ) said that they cant be counted as a world power for the simple reason that they don’t have a steady and secure nation and the large possibility that this nation will in fact collapse.
    I am with him, it's a disaster in the making. China is overstretching economically of what it can deliver socially, and it is a country that got burned with the idea of communism, it is going to have some crazy times.

  4. #4
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    It is a superpower. Whether it's sustainable is irrelevant. A pot is a pot until it gets a hole. Then it's collinder.
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    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

  5. #5
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal Murat View Post
    Then it's collinder.
    That would strain our releationship with them for sure.

    I do agree that China is a superpower. It always bothered me that after the fall of the Soviet Union, you'd here people saying that the US is the only superpower.
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  6. #6
    Formerly: SwedishFish Member KarlXII's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Upxl View Post
    My friend and me claimed that China has a vast amount of power almost or equal to that of a superpower like the US.
    But we have the advantage of power projection, China may have a lot of men, but this factor can be negated if they cannot project this power.

    Economical, military, populous, influence on world diplomacy,…
    How is China influencing the world stage?

    The opposing party (a teacher ) said that they cant be counted as a world power for the simple reason that they don’t have a steady and secure nation and the large possibility that this nation will in fact collapse.
    And he's right. China cannot hope to be a power unless it can recieve a wide amount of support with it's populace.

    Due to the many ethnic minorities in China who don’t want to be Chinese but rather live autonomous, so revolts are bound to happen.
    I don't know what you mean by this, it seems student riots are more common than nationalistic ones.

  7. #7
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    America is one, although has debts almost to the point of causing economic collapse, is addicted to oil from the very places it states it detests and is unable to win wars against very weak countries.

    China's main deficiencies are the lack of a blue sea fleet, but it is correcting this quickly.

    China is managing its explosion of economic matters better than America is managing its implosion.

    Ethnic minorities? There's a fair amount of ethnic problems in America.

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Senior Member Quintus.JC's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    China is already a superpower. The ethic minorities will never get their indepence, the living standard there is still not as good as some of the Western countries but that does not stop them from being a Superpower, it never stopped the Soviets.

  9. #9
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by SwedishFish View Post
    I don't know what you mean by this, it seems student riots are more common than nationalistic ones.
    China's 'wild west', the big unknown. Some people forget that China actually has a border with Afghanistan, and the problems of that region are China's problems as well.

  10. #10
    Formerly: SwedishFish Member KarlXII's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fragony View Post
    China's 'wild west', the big unknown. Some people forget that China actually has a border with Afghanistan, and the problems of that region are China's problems as well.
    China has a border with Afghanistan?

    *Runs to check globe*

  11. #11
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    If they decided to mess with the Chinese, there would not be arm wringing, nor concerns about diplomacy, merely a crushing fist coming down both sides of the border.

    Casualties in the thousands would be acceptable for both the Military, the Insurgents and the Locals as far as the Chinese government is concerned. If razing a zone 2 miles deep, using a minefield and shelling anything that moves in the zone, I imagine it would slowly and deliberately be constructed.

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
    Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
    "If you can't trust the local kleptocrat whom you installed by force and prop up with billions of annual dollars, who can you trust?" Lemur
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  12. #12
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by SwedishFish View Post
    China has a border with Afghanistan?

    *Runs to check globe*
    A lot goes on we never hear about, my maid is from there (well close). The west of China is a mess really, but nothing comes out. As far as I have understood things aren't going very well there.

  13. #13
    TexMec Senior Member Louis VI the Fat's Avatar
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    Default Re : China world power or not?

    Is China a world power?

    Let me answer that by pointing to Africa. In the last decade, China has moved more people and capital into Africa than France did in a century of colonisation. The French, British, Portuguese and Arab spheres of influences have been completely overrun, at a pace that's simply astonishing.

    I have never understood this 'China will collapse because of ethnic tension' argument. The first thing that strikes me about China, is that it is such a homogenous country. It's not a country, but a continent, and yet, 80% is etnically, linguistically and religously pretty much homogenous. They don't even share a whole lot of surnames between them. 200 million 'Lee's' alone. Amazing. Try that in India, Europe or Africa.
    Several large, yet sparsely populated Western provinces are different, that's all.

    China is not a world power. China is the world, and it's surrounded by a ring of tiny and short-lived civilisations like the Americas, Europeans, Mongols, Moghuls, Indians, Franks, Romans, Japanese, Koreans.
    Last edited by Louis VI the Fat; 10-05-2008 at 22:28.
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  14. #14
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Nah, China has no internal market it's an export nation, the country will not be able to keep up with it's economy.

  15. #15
    Master Procrastinator Member TevashSzat's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fragony View Post
    China's 'wild west', the big unknown. Some people forget that China actually has a border with Afghanistan, and the problems of that region are China's problems as well.
    The reason that these ethnic minorities aren't that powerful is that their opinion are of the minority. The activists/Tibetians/ffalun gong get alot of press, but the vast majority of average Chinese citizens consider them as rabblerousers who are just out there to make trouble so they will never get any real traction in producing change or unrest unless the Communist party start making some seriously huge mistakes like a Chinese Great Depression or something
    "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." - Issac Newton

  16. #16
    Master of Few Words Senior Member KukriKhan's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis
    China is not a world power. China is the world, and it's surrounded by a ring of tiny and short-lived civilisations like the Americas, Europeans, Mongols, Moghuls, Indians, Franks, Romans, Japanese, Koreans.
    LOL. It must certainly seem so from Peking; buncha johnny-come-lately's.

    For me: anybody who has nukes is a world power. Pop one off, and the rest of the world instantly pays close attention, and everything we thought we knew, changes; economy, military, politics... everything.

    So, yeah: China = world power.
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  17. #17
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by TevashSzat View Post
    The reason that these ethnic minorities aren't that powerful is that their opinion are of the minority. The activists/Tibetians/ffalun gong get alot of press, but the vast majority of average Chinese citizens consider them as rabblerousers who are just out there to make trouble so they will never get any real traction in producing change or unrest unless the Communist party start making some seriously huge mistakes like a Chinese Great Depression or something
    Well that is comming, cheap labour is already moving, no internal market, Africa just happens to be what it is, west is shrinking which is their market. China has a problem.
    Last edited by Fragony; 10-05-2008 at 20:39.

  18. #18
    (Insert innuendo here) Member Balloon Bomber Champion DemonArchangel's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    It's a Chinese world.

    The rest of you just live in it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat View Post
    China is not a world power. China is the world, and it's surrounded by a ring of tiny and short-lived civilisations like the Americas, Europeans, Mongols, Moghuls, Indians, Franks, Romans, Japanese, Koreans.

  19. #19
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    I'm making shrimp fried rice for dinner tonight.
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  20. #20
    Feeding the Peanut Gallery Senior Member Redleg's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    China is a world power in every sense of the word. They have the current manufacturing facialities that produce a good percentage of the goods consumed not only by the United States but much of the world. It has been increasing its economic and political influence in Africa and is the regions primary power for Asia.

    Now if your asking if its a Superpower, it still has a bit to go - not much, power projection outside of its normal sphere of influence is being developed and most likely will happen in the next 5 to 10 years, to a level that they can do what they want for the most part.

    In every other way its very close to reaching Superpower status, if it can survive the economic crisis that the United States is fast developing (and hopefully can stop, but I doubt it with our incompentent politicians and the corruption that has insued), China will most likely be a super power along with the United States and a re-emerging Russia (if these two nations survive). It is possible that China could be the sole super power in 10 years given the economic decline of the United States.
    O well, seems like 'some' people decide to ruin a perfectly valid threat. Nice going guys... doc bean

  21. #21
    lurker Member JR-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    china is a superpower, but how long it can remain one without some glorious technological leaps is another question.

    it has a large military budget, probably the esecond biggest in the world, but it needs fantastic reduction at the same time as massive investment if it is to become a force capable of projecting power beyond its own contiguous borders.

    it is a massive economic power, but it too will suffer massively from resource strangulation necessary to feeds its continued growth, and the more raw materials appreciate the less competitive chinese goods will be.

    it has the largest population in the world which gives it massive potential, but as a result of the one child policy it will be lumbered with half a billion pensioners in a generations time in what is still effectively a third world country.

    it is an economic powerhouse that will continue to rise faster than the G8 group for at least a generation, but this comes at the cost of a devastated environment the amelioration of which will consume at least half og that growth in the next 100 years.

    its diplomatic clout is huge as a result of its economic potential which ha given it the jump over G8 countries on resource agreements with third world countries, but how long before its moral-free expansion is viewed by the third world in much the same way as the belgium congo of years past.

    its biggest problem is all of the above, because its ability to keep the lid on an authoritarian state derives solely on its ability to bring its people unrelentingly out of medieval poverty, when that slows, and when enough people reach a stage which might be called bourgeois, the authoritarian chinese governement will face a crisis it won't beat.

  22. #22
    Horse Archer Senior Member Sarmatian's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Furunculu5 View Post
    its biggest problem is all of the above, because its ability to keep the lid on an authoritarian state derives solely on its ability to bring its people unrelentingly out of medieval poverty, when that slows, and when enough people reach a stage which might be called bourgeois, the authoritarian chinese governement will face a crisis it won't beat.
    Quite possibly, but that will probably result in a new, improved China that's gonna be even more powerful than the previous, but I doubt it will happen that way. Time of revolutions has long since passed and I believe that change will be achieved gradually...

    Louis and DemonArchangel said it perfectly...

  23. #23
    Ice stink there for a ham. Member Mystery Science Torture 3000 Champion, Mini Putt 3 Champion, Super Hacky Sack Champion, Pencak Champion, Sperm Wars Champion, Monkey Diving Champion Yoyoma1910's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gregoshi View Post
    I'm making shrimp fried rice for dinner tonight.
    I hope those are Louisiana shrimp.

    I'd like to point out that a vast amount of the U.S.'s debt is owed to China, and China has always been the worlds largest producer. They have a vast and interesting history, and quite frankly it doesn't show. A lot of the nation is now a big dirty industrial wasteland, as every other country once was while it industrialized.

    But yes, they are one of the most influential nations in the world. Just look at how all the world leaders started refusing to meet with the Dali Lama after China started making threats.

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  24. #24
    Enlightened Despot Member Vladimir's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    China is definitely a world power but like Redleg said, it is not a superpower. The U.S. is a superpower because it can project its power over the world. China is a regional power as it lacks sufficient ability to project all its power potential. Otherwise known as PP.

    Reinvent the British and you get a global finance center, edible food and better service. Reinvent the French and you may just get more Germans.
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  25. #25
    Yesdachi swallowed by Jaguar! Member yesdachi's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    In my mind influence = superpower.

    There is hardly a spot on earth or space that China can’t influence. They have a huge military and nukes, a space program, a UN veto, incredible manufacturing capacity, an economy that can push the US around if it wanted. I would consider that a superpower.
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  26. #26
    Old Town Road Senior Member Strike For The South's Avatar
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    I'm going to disagree with Louis here and say just because you have a large population does not excuse xenophobia or a lack of human rights to people who oppose you. A superpower maybe but China like France likes to inflate its own self importance. China will never dominate the world because it dominates its people. Will America outlast China? The way things are going no since we are becoming a China-lite but the EU India or Brazil might. China will go the way of the Soviets soon enough.
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  27. #27
    Member Member Oleander Ardens's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Chinas economy will tumble too in the next years. Who should buy their products with the USA and the EU tightening teh belt?
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  28. #28
    TexMec Senior Member Louis VI the Fat's Avatar
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    Default Re : Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    I'm going to agree with Louis here

    I'm happy we both agree that China is in a category of its own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike
    A superpower maybe but China like France likes to inflate its own self importance.
    That's below the belt and you know it. What has this got to do with anything?

    What is at stake in this thread is whether China is a World Power or not. And nothing else. This is an important geopolitical question to the sole two current World Powers of the United States and France.
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  29. #29
    Just another pixel Member Upxl's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by rory_20_uk View Post
    If they decided to mess with the Chinese, there would not be arm wringing, nor concerns about diplomacy, merely a crushing fist coming down both sides of the border.

    Casualties in the thousands would be acceptable for both the Military, the Insurgents and the Locals as far as the Chinese government is concerned. If razing a zone 2 miles deep, using a minefield and shelling anything that moves in the zone, I imagine it would slowly and deliberately be constructed.

    That’s one thing what worries me about China.
    And from what I’ve seen they’re really building up their military.

    A recent national law states that all high schools must teach their students martial arts.
    And last thing I heard was that students aren’t admitted to any higher education if they’re not in a good physical state.

    To me china is expansionistic and very secretive, just looking at Africa or Tibet.
    Camera crew’s and reporters aren’t allowed so no one really knows what the heck they are up to.
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  30. #30
    Master Procrastinator Member TevashSzat's Avatar
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    Default Re: China world power or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Upxl View Post
    That’s one thing what worries me about China.
    And from what I’ve seen they’re really building up their military.
    Well, basically every country is building up their military. IIRC, the only US government department that increases in budget every year is the defense department. The main reason for most of China's military budget increase is the need to get a half decent navy since for a superpower, we have a really really really horrendous Navy for anything even kind of far

    A recent national law states that all high schools must teach their students martial arts.
    And last thing I heard was that students aren’t admitted to any higher education if they’re not in a good physical state.
    I highly doubt it. This is more like how it goes in China:

    You are smart and parents are middle class: You go to college
    You are dumb/fat/mentally handicapped/whatever and parents are rich: You go to college
    Your parents are dirt poor: have almost no chance of going to college
    Last edited by TevashSzat; 10-06-2008 at 20:27.
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