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Thread: Redux: Debug-Area...

  1. #91
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...


    had taken older savegame to test (year823/1003version); starts freezing again 837; pity, I loved those Princesses ;-)

    So I´ll have to go for the 2.01/1003 and have a look wether that happens as well or not (kept savegames from 1002 of year 1108, and will start new one 2.01/1003)

    Could there be a chance any new units turning up which confuse the engine?

    grumbling greetings daigaku
    Last edited by daigaku; 05-03-2012 at 10:04.

  2. #92
    VictorGB Member Trapped in Samsara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Quote Originally Posted by daigaku View Post
    How are your experiments going? Did you solve the above mentioned battle with the predicted results? Would be interested in info about wether worked or not!
    Hi Daigaku

    This saga has gotten rather involved. I have made some progress - it involved swapping the video card in my MTW PC to an Nvidia 6800GT plus 61.76 drivers and x2 antialiasing. [Me 1800 dead; Byzzies 2600 dead, 1900 captured which were not ransomed; battle duration 190 minutes]

    In fairness to Axalon I propose to write up my findings and conclusions in a separate thread. That won't be for a while however, owing to the demands and obligations of 'real life'. I'll let you know the link.

    Best o'luck with your own MTW struggle.

    Best regards

    Sapere aude

  3. #93

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi guys,

    The v.1.1-engine always was a bit moody and hardly as reliable and stable as the v.2.01. Although faster, the v.1.1 is more unstable. I think the problem is either a standard freeze, which happens in v.1.1 (pretty common) or possibly a corrupted save. Either way, you will have to go back at least 5 years/turns and use a save to counter all that for sure. I have written about both possibilities in "Redux_ReadMe1003". Possibly you could also check the "Redux: corrupted saves & symptoms"-thread for additional info...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trapped in Samsara View Post
    In fairness to Axalon I propose to write up my findings and conclusions in a separate thread.
    If you think that is a better solution - do so...

    - A
    I like the new girls too, Dai.

  4. #94
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...


    @ Trapped in Samsara: Hey, nice outcome that battle - so your predictions were nearly correct. I feel sorry for your hardware issues - it´s such a pity this great game is so "choosy" with video cards and drivers (had my share of that as well, as you know)!

    Aboud thread choice: As long it´s related to crashes, bugs and general difficulties with the game I think you´re at the right place here. Epic stories about battles, okay, that´s another story ;-))

    @ Axalon: 1.1 versus 2.01 : first, I don´t "feel" the 1.1 to be faster - reactions to mouse actions is quite delayed in comparison to 2.01; always had some problem with that. Second, what makes me wonder is the fact that going back to a savegame about 20 years earlier results in freezes at quite the same time as before - first time started to freeze 840 and kept freezing (after restart of computer) every second year; second time freeze at 837, with the same symptoms. Had checked the threads and files you mentioned, but no help/solution works for my circumstances :-(
    So for the sake of gameplay I think I´ll stick to the v2.01, but certainly will miss those girls, girls, girls... ;-)) You having told me the available units are the same, for my "cartography project" there will be no difference.

    greetings daigaku

    ps.: seems in all those christian regions from HRESaxony till down Granada I can´t recruit anything beyond Archers and LightCav - but have to verify...

  5. #95

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hello Dai,

    Well, the remark was made with W7 in mind, to be honest here. All the same, I can only go on the experiences I have had with v.1.1 on my hardware and there is little doubt that - regardless if it is on 2000 or W7 - it has faster loading times. Especially so on W7. The v.2.01 is clearly slower by a few seconds on that hardware (both OS). It is possible that different hardware "reacts" differently to the engines, and if you like the v.2.01-experience more (all things considered) by all means stick to that. Why not? Anyways, as for your problems, you could reload a "mastersave" and move agents and fleet differently, re-arrange, re-assign, abort missions etc. etc. In short, create different circumstances. That usually helps, as both these things are usual causes for freezes somehow.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 05-04-2012 at 21:51. Reason: clarification...

  6. #96
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi Axalon,

    remember, on my old machine I´m playing right now, since have found out about the settings for AGP, I play win98SE still ;-))

    Had tried the master save thing, but got freezes after a few turns as well - the only lasting longer was the one from 20 turns earlier:-(

    Loading time is nearly no theme, taking between 12 and max. 25 seconds - for that old iron not bad, I think....

    The freezes happened most times when, after a turn, those infos popped up and I tried to "ok" them - the first went well, the second maybe, and the third froze.....

    But now, bashing my way down to Konstantinopolis, with 2.01 I´m in the year 1193 and have no freezes at all - and found those fabulous Norse Mercenaries to be recruited; though you state sometimes you´re not looking for "historically correct" stuff that one is ;-)))

    So altogether, my try with 1.1 was exactly that - a try, and didn´t work for me that good, so I keep sticking to 2.01 and fight happily along!! ;-)))

    greetings from Birka Castle, daigaku

  7. #97

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Alright, roger that.... Anything else on RXB1003, folks?


    • I have discovered that Longbowmen are listed as AP-units in RXB1003, that is an error, they are using swords in combat not axes like in raw MTW...
    • "Hall of Warriors", description states a happiness bonus - it sholud be stated as stability...
    • "Hall of Seers" - the same error as hall of warriors....
    • RX-Classic campaign-intro, incorrectly states 4 optional factions available for play in that scenario... It should be 5 - the Russians are also an optional faction...
    • Campaign-map spells Ireland wrong... Logged...
    • Rebel killer vices (I don't remember which ones exactly), screwed up grammar and should be "is" somewhere in there. Logged it...
    • Eastern Mediterranean connects with Sea of Create - obviously this is wrong, it should not.... Logged it...

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 06-04-2013 at 13:30. Reason: update...

  8. #98
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    A small bug.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	00000014.jpg 
Views:	278 
Size:	187.9 KB 
ID:	11265
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  9. #99

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Alright, noted and thanks for reporting it Staz... My guess, its a "VI/v.2.01 only" error - time will tell. Anything else on RXB1004?


    • Poor AI-performance upon the VI/v.2.01 engine. AI builds typically too many ships (there are "exception-campaigns" on this).
    • The brothel "pleasure palace"-building states +1 valour bonus - that is wrong. It provides no such bonuses. (Reported at the TWC, by slowpoke).
    • On VI/v.2.01... Some sea-squares are mislabelled. Yet to determine, which ones exactly, as some are ok. Please feel free to report in the errors you find on this note. (Reported at the TWC, by slowpoke).
    • On VI/v.2.01... Wrong minimap displayed in campaigns. A correct minimap can be located in gamedirectory - "campmap"-folder - "minilukup.bif"-file. Copy that file. Open gamedirectory, "textures"-folder, "campmap"-folder and paste and replace - and then you got the right one...
    • Sword-animations for units "Crossbow Cavalry" and "Tyrolian Cavalry" are a bit off... They should not be...
    • Campaign-map texture is missing a text/title for the (sea)square "Costa Verde". It should not... *Another one, the "North Atlantic" is also missing from the texture, however that's open sea so I'm ok with that.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 12-06-2013 at 18:51. Reason: Clean up...

  10. #100
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    still for 1003:
    repeatedly, men "disappear". First thought I had misremembered, but last situation: Trying to rid me of some unwanted heirs, put them to rebel-owned Saxony. A few nasty battles with the dai-typical results (dismounted Royal Knights, put into forest, slaughtering happily along hundreds of foes), but the moment there were only the three Princelings left they disappeared into empty air after battle, reloading to the campaign map. Is this a known issue or new?
    Another thing that struck me as weird: Rebel forces (iirc only them, but may be mistaken) do use Heavy Crossbows not to shoot, but to charge - even if my men are put in open field! They come along, and instead of staying in shooting range to my completely exhausted guys and pepper them, they charge straight in, of course loosing badly instead of giving me hell with their ?quarrels?.
    scratching-my-head greetings,
    Last edited by daigaku; 12-06-2013 at 13:35.

  11. #101

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Dai, you really need to get updated to RXB1004… Finish your 1003-campaign and upgrade to the “VI-RXB1004e” in your case. The RXB1003 has been taken out of service - it is in effect not supported anymore…

    Quote Originally Posted by daigaku View Post
    ...repeatedly, men "disappear". First thought I had misremembered, but last situation: Trying to rid me of some unwanted heirs, put them to rebel-owned Saxony. A few nasty battles with the dai-typical results (dismounted Royal Knights, put into forest, slaughtering happily along hundreds of foes), but the moment there were only the three Princelings left they disappeared into empty air after battle, reloading to the campaign map. Is this a known issue or new?
    Strikes me as new, but I must have it confirmed, without that this will go nowhere. The VI/v.2.01-engine is what it is, weird but stable… And, it is possible you made a mistake somewhere somehow. Without pics or saves or something to back it up/confirm it – I can do diddly about it and I won’t log it as a result. Sorry…

    Quote Originally Posted by daigaku View Post
    Another thing that struck me as weird: Rebel forces (iirc only them, but may be mistaken) do use Heavy Crossbows not to shoot, but to charge - even if my men are put in open field! They come along, and instead of staying in shooting range to my completely exhausted guys and pepper them, they charge straight in, of course loosing badly instead of giving me hell with their ?quarrels?.
    Sounds like a bad AI-call… Not a bug… Dismissed (sorry)…

    - A

  12. #102

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Alright folks, I have created the "RXB1004 Mapfix" the fix is relevant to ALL versions of Redux. The fix corrects/updates the strat-maps on the two missing titles/names that I noticed a few days ago. Again, it works universally on any version, regardless of v.1.1 or VI/v.2.01 as that makes no difference. Download and install it at your discretion...

    - A

  13. #103
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    not sure if bug but nevertheless very, very strange:
    Sudden drop of influence, from 9 to 3, but I had nothing lost: No region, no battle, no crucade. Only declined proposal of alliance with small faction(Hungarians). How comes?!?

    greetings daigaku

  14. #104

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    My guess is that a new king/succession is involved somehow - the MTW-engine does that to new kings and it disappears within 3-4 turns (unless some disaster strikes. This way there is plenty of civil wars in MTW, due to this very trait.). A loyalty/influence drop... If not, that then it is something else and its not by my designs. And, I doubt it is a bug - even CA would not have missed something like that back in 2002 (these days yes, but back then nope).

    - A

  15. #105
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    not sure this question belongs here, but anyway...

    About: Those randomly given V&Vs

    Many of those, like "drunkard" or "arrogant", are "given" with no trigger at all. Others, like for example "good runner" or "secret incest", are only "given" for a definite action of a general/king. What would happen if I deleted those undeserved and unwanted V&Vs from "events.txt" and from "changes.txt"? Did you try this yourself, and if, with which outcome?!?

    curious waiting for an answer,
    greetings daigaku

  16. #106

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    I don’t know, I have not tried, I think? I can’t remember… I have always assumed that the MTW will crash or refuse to start or some such, if one did something like that… Try and find out… Anyways, this is not very bug-related, let's try to keep things on topic here...

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 01-14-2014 at 09:50.

  17. #107
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    ...will give it a try to delete all V&Vs which aren´t bound to activities and report results. Will need to copy the whole game to another hdd for tests, so takes some time (rig is full).

    greetings, daigaku

  18. #108
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    ...the garrison of Corsica - a tradeship?!?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	corsica3.jpg 
Views:	222 
Size:	126.8 KB 
ID:	12003

    bewildered greetings, daigaku

  19. #109

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi Dai,

    Could you please triple-check this so we can exclude to possibility of some confusion/mistake on your part? Better
    still, provide a save-game as to 100% confirm your claim? Or some extensive screens that leaves zero doubt here?

    Due to the new file-structure introduced in v.1004e, I think it is possible that this might be a rebellion mechanics-error generated by the VI/v.2.01-engine, much like the previous Muslim-rebellion bug. If so, it is probably connected to the Orthodox and/or possibly the Catholic cultural-marker. However I need (much) stronger evidence and better basis to confirm this claim. I have had no previous experience or hint of it anywhere. Therefore, please upload a relevant save here to allow me to do a full investigation on it – unless you prefer to do it for me… Until then, I will not log this as a bug, on the info available to me at this point...

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 01-29-2014 at 20:20. Reason: update...

  20. #110
    Member Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Playing as England....

    king of Burgundy offered his daughter´s hand for marriage to one of my heirs. A info screen with this information pop up. And at the end of the text, there was written "King Charles I of the Magyars".

    I think there is something messed up with text file. I remember similar bug in 2.01 version of the game, when factions had swapped names in diplomacy and similar screens.

  21. #111

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi Revenant, I replicated your bug and thus confirmed….

    It’s a VI/v2.01 exclusive bug, and it’s a mixup on Hungary and Burgundy in the files.
    Had it been a Hungarian princess it would have read “Burgundy” instead. I’ll credit
    you in the RXB1005 release…. Noted & logged… And thanks…

    - A

  22. #112
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    here come requested confirmations.
    iirc, an italian respawn with destruction short time later happened between 1082 and 1124 (didn´t care about, didn´t look at outcome).

    A pic with more obvious expression:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cors1142_1.jpg 
Views:	263 
Size:	109.3 KB 
ID:	12052

    Tried to fight this thing, in autocalc it takes some 400+men to destroy, in personal attack direct CTD.

    Never fiddled out about complete savegames, but maybe this is enough, with the pic being quite obvious...

    greetings, daigaku

    addition: email sent with savegame 1124/Russian
    Last edited by daigaku; 02-01-2014 at 10:27. Reason: addition

  23. #113
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    ....same thing happened to my 1004e-VI/English/Veteran game. Sent you savegame to the known-to-me email-address "The English 1107". Pity circumstances aren´t retraceable exactly for me, happened definitely after Lombard respawn.

    greetings daigaku

  24. #114

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hey, @daigaku,

    Would love to see what happens if you land an army there. CTD, I'd suspect. But still. How do you think those boats would fare against some Slavic warriors?

  25. #115
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Cyprian2,

    In the russian campaign game crashed only with "attack personally", with autoresolve didn´t. In the English campaign (iirc 8 tradeships in garrison in Cilica) it started to crash regularly after "I had seen" them. No stable gameplay possible any more. Pity, I enjoyed the game...
    As told in the other thread, this single Tradeship chewed up some 400 men - but weren´t SlavWarriors. Of those, I guess about 250 taking in account the fighting abilities....

    greetings, daigaku

  26. #116

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Alright Dai, I have now examined your saves, it’s an error/bug generated by the engine...

    This is a VI/v.2.01-exclusive bug and it is explicitly linked to the new file-structure of VI-1004e and PAGAN-culture marker (I did not expect that). Its actually easy to fix - if you start a new campaign (old campaigns are screwed, sorry). What needs to be done is to open “CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11.TXT” - manually - cut out (ctrl+X) all 4 raider units (under Agents), and paste them (ctrl+v) under/after the 3 Heathen units at the top instead, then it should work just fine. This would mean that the raider units should be No:4-7 units if successfully done and if viewed in gnome-editor, for instance. Back up the file before attempting this.... Anyways, congratulations you finally managed to find you very own confirmed bug, after a long hunt - score 1 for Dai... Noted & logged… I’ll credit you in RXB1005 for it. Thanks…

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    How do you think those boats would fare against some Slavic warriors?
    It was totally deliberate! It’s the new secret feature of RXB1005 that I am planning for, landfearing rebel-“Deathships”! ...Seriously, its stuff like that which makes me happy that Redux is still declared as just a BETA…


    • I found another error in the VI-1004e, in CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11.TXT-file, Heathen Warriors are restricted and available to "ID_Scotland" only, and they should not be. Just delete that entry and leave it blank, and it’s all good to go… Use the Gnome-Editor 2.0 or some such…

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 02-03-2014 at 06:36. Reason: Mo!

    Member thankful for this post:

  27. #117
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    Anyways, congratulations you finally managed to find you very own confirmed bug, after a long hunt - score 1 for Dai... Noted & logged… I’ll credit you in RXB1005 for it. Thanks…

    Thanks for that, but I didn´DO anything actually - just stumbled over some weirdness and told about ;-)) Pity I can´t go back to an earlier save to complete the campaign, was running quite smoothly for what I expected from "Veteran".....

    greetings, daigaku

  28. #118
    Member Member daigaku's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Hi @Axalon,

    hadn´t changed yet the "HeathenWarrior" entry, but they nevertheless turned up in a norwegian rebellion, half a stack strong.

    greetings, daigaku

  29. #119

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    Updating this thread to the RXB1005 as I recently found my first bug/error on it (valid for both versions btw)...

    The GFX shown for pagan factions regarding the "Sacred Stone", "Large Stone" and "Gigantic Stone" is wrong...
    It is however possible to fix this on your own... Go to "X:\?\RXB1005\campmap\review_panel\Buildings", find
    and copy the following files...


    Copy... Now, open up to the pagan folder... As in... "X:\?\RXB1005\campmap\review_panel\Buildings\Pagan"...
    Paste and replace... Done. You may need to restart/re-load the game for it to take effect.

    The error will be gone after that...


    Anything else on the RXB1005? ...?...

    - A

  30. #120

    Default Re: Redux: Debug-Area...

    The Redux universal patch is valid for all 1005-versions, and what does is to update RXB1005 to RXB1005c. As such it updates and corrects a number of minor errors of previous 1005-releases, regardless the kind. The "unipatch" is fully save-game compatible and does not change the game-experience in any way, other then correcting detected errors, bugs and typos. It is important that you select/use/apply ONLY the stuff from the folder that corresponds to the MTW-version you are using. If you do that, there will be no problems with this patch and Redux will update just fine upon install (using standard method of copy, paste and replace in game-directory).

    Patch Name: RXB-Unipatch 1005c
    Patch Version: 1005c
    Language: English
    Terms of Use: P.U.O, Personal Use Only (restricted material).
    Size: Zipped 0.5MB/Uncompressed 1.4MB
    Compatibility: RXB1005 versions only (all versions).
    Operating System: -
    Hardware: -
    Description: see above...
    Credits: Axalon all over...
    Download Links:

    Download zip-version: (primary)

    Download rar-version: (reserve)


    • Building completed string, “shipyard 4” is now included...
    • University colorpic for Catholic factions is now the right one...
    • Errata on the rebel-kill description for “grim justice” corrected.
    • 8th star promotion for generals will no longer stack up with the 9th star promotion description.
    • Townwatch, Orthodox factions, Level1 has now the proper GFX assigned, as was always intended...
    • Name on “large Warehouse” is wrong. Changed to “Large Warehouse”, as it should be...
    • "Daimyo"/ruler promoted string/blurb is no longer missing...
    • All pagan sacred stones will now use the correct GFX, as always intended...

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; 12-02-2014 at 00:54. Reason: update

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