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Thread: Amazon: Total War

  1. #151

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    This new map is brilliant, especially the nile valley. I look forward to playing with this new map

    Principate Total War

    < from Emperor of Graal for PTW

  2. #152

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    Thank you luke. It is already getting hard going back to other mods that use the vanilla textures...

    I finally fixed the problem of victory videos not playing. I was mistakenly putting the mod path in descr_sm_factions.txt.

    I only have stills looped into a video for now. I am not sure when I will be able to create actual new videos. But it is a lot better than a black screen.

    I also imported neo_deus' Numidian Legionary shield for my own Numidians. It really completes the excellent work that Medusa0 did for them. Special thanks go to both for their contributions.

    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  3. #153

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by SubRosa View Post
    I finished creating new sprites to go with the new horses. I have decided not to create new unit cards for every mounted unit that has changed their horse, as that would take forever. However, I probably will create new ones for the Amazon factions.

    In the meantime, I have been playing with descr_lbc_db.txt in order to make the city views more interesting.

    It is a very simple file to mod. You only have to add in the DMB entry of the units you want in the format you already see there. They do not even have to be units owned by the faction whose cities you are giving them to. Just do not try to add a mounted unit, as it will cause an immediate CTD. Also, units weapons will not be visible, but they will still walk around as if they are holding them. Shields are also still visible. So regular infantry units look strange. However, archer and crew units will walk around in a normal posture, as will generals and captains. So they are your best choices to use. I also found that mounts (without riders) work fine. So you can have horses, camels, elephants, dogs, pigs, etc... roaming around your cities.

    So in version 2.6, expect to see views like this within your cities:
    I like this a lot:D

  4. #154

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    Thank you Legio. I get a kick out of seeing the Elephants roaming around the cities.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  5. #155

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    For quite a while now I have been thinking of putting another faction in the British Isles to make that corner of the map more interesting. Essentially a Pictish/Irish faction that would counter-balance the Britons.

    The trouble has been I am out of free faction slots to use. I could use Dacia, but I worry about the power vacuum that would create in Central Europe. I suspect the Thracians would run wild throughout that region without the Dacians in their way.

    I have also hesitated because I do not know how I could make a Pictish faction unique. Rather I expect it would be just another Celtic faction like the Britons and Gauls. While Dacia is a boring faction, I really do not want to put a lot of hard work into replacing them with another boring faction.
    Then I started thinking, why not replace them with another Amazon faction? That would give me Amazon factions in every corner of the map, and certainly make the British Isles more interesting.

    I see two basic options to do that. One is to replace Dacia with an Amazon faction and put it in northern Britain/Ireland. This would put them in almost immediate conflict with the Britons, and I suspect that one would eliminate the other early on. The Amazons would most certainly have to wipe out the Britons in order to expand anywhere else.

    Option two is more complex. Replace Dacia with an Amazon faction in the British Isles. Remove the Briton faction completely, and replace them with an Indie Celt faction. These Indie Celts would have territories in both the British Isles and scattered throughout Europe, including some of the former Dacian territories. They may or may not be a rebel faction shadowing Gaul. This would call for a merging of what are currently Briton units with those of Gaul, which would make Gaul more interesting in the bargain.

    I must confess while option #1 is the simplest, #2 is sounding very appealing to me. I think the main issue is how I would be able to make a 4th Amazon faction unique. As it is now I have a desert faction, a steppe faction, and a classic Mediterranean Amazon faction. I would need a way to make the British Amazons (Bamazons?) stand out.

    I am thinking that perhaps they would be the most heavy infantry-oriented amazon faction. Something like Amazon Legionaries in gear and tactics perhaps, but with a barbarian flair. Maybe give them light and heavy chariots of the celtic style. I could remove the Berserkers from the Valkyrja and give them to the Bamazons.

    I do not know what rationale I would use to create them either. I suppose they could be colonists from the Valkyrja. Or they might be home-grown Amazons who heard the tales of Amazonia et al. and decided to create their own Amazon state. Maybe they could be some dark cult exiled from one of the other Amazon factions for their unspeakable crimes?

    Does anyone have any ideas? If I can see a way to create a unique Amazon faction, I will go ahead with option 2. Otherwise I think I am going to just leave things as they are now.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  6. #156

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    I have been busy working on adding the Bean Sidhe Amazon faction, who will be using the Dacian faction slot, but will be starting in Ireland and Scotland. I have finished their models and skins, and am in the process of doing the coding for the units. Most of the shield textures have been donated by either Halie Satanus or Dol Guldur.


    1st tier - Spearwarband

    2nd tier - Sworswomen

    3rd tier -Fianna

    4th tier - Chosen Fianna



    Chosen Archers.

    Head Hurlers


    Bean Sidhe Cavalry - This will be their only pure horse unit (barring generals)

    Early General's Bodyguard

    Late General's Bodyguard

    There are a few more units than pictured here, such as light and heavy chariots, I might have screenshots of them later.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  7. #157

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    The Bean Sidhe are finished. Here are their starting territories:

    Now I just have to tackle turning the Britons into the Indie Celts, which will also include merging their unit roster and temples to some extent (maybe completely) with the Gauls. After that I might do some Amazon Auxiliary units for the Romans. Then I will release version 2.6.
    Last edited by SubRosa; 07-24-2009 at 23:04.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  8. #158
    Rampant psychopath Member Olaf Blackeyes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    In his own little world.

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    Everytime you make an update i just wanna play this game once. I HATE the fact that it wont work for me.

    My own personal SLAVE BAND (insert super evil laugh here)
    My balloons:
    My AAR The Story of Souls: A Sweboz AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Dayve View Post
    You're fighting against the AI... how do you NOT win?

  9. #159

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    The Bean Sidhe

    The Bean Sidhe (pronounced "ban-shee") are a nation of Amazons living in the islands of Albion and Hibernia. They did not originate there however. Rather they are the descendants of an invasion force that was sent by Amazonia to conquer those islands over five hundred years ago. It began when the Amazonians were flexing their military muscle and expanding from their home fortress of Themiskyra. Urartu was busy encroaching upon Assyrian territory, and the Assyrians themselves were in decline under weak rulers, while the last remnants of the Hittites had long since been vanquished.

    This put the nascent Amazonian state in a position to expand its frontiers. First conquering the cities which were renamed Myrina and Trapezus, then turning their gaze westward at the Phrygians and Ionians. It was at this time that an Amazonian spy achieved an amazing coup. He learned the closely guarded secret of the source of the Phoenician's tin trade, a rainy island far beyond the Pillars of Hercules they called Belerion. This rare and valuable metal was required to produce bronze, which had remained highly prized even after the advent of the Iron Age. The Amazonians resolved to seize the tin for themselves and reap the profits.

    With this in mind they assembled the largest fleet in Amazonian history, and with it transported fully one third of their entire army. The Amazonians were never the best of sailors however, and their galleys - made for the calmer waters of the Mediterranean - fared poorly in the stormy Atlantic. Many of them foundered, and those that did not were blown far off their original course.

    They did eventually make landfall on a green island populated by tribes of wild Picti who adorned themselves with tattoos, painted themselves with woad, and took the heads of their defeated foes as trophies. The Amazons who had survived the voyage were naturally dismayed at the barbarous foes they found arrayed against them. However, the leader of the expedition - a princess of the Royal line named Deianira - burned their ships on the shore to prevent any return home. This steeled their hearts to the task at hand. The conquest of the rainy isle.

    However they soon found that this was not the Belerion of the Phoenicians. Rather its inhabitants called it Eiru, and it was on a different island altogether. The Amazons did the only thing they could. They dug in and named their new home Mag Ealga (meaning "Plain of the Nobles") and conquered the surrounding tribes, absorbing those who saw the wisdom of adopting Amazon culture, and exterminating those that would not. This was a long, slow process however, lasting not years but generations, and the fabled tin mines of Belerion were soon forgotten in the pursuit of the more immediate goal of survival.

    For the first decade of the struggle they anxiously looked to the seas for reinforcements from Amazonia to help them complete the invasion. Yet help would never come. For two years after the launching of the fleet the army of Amazonia met an allied army of Phrygians and Ionian Greeks at Heraclea and was utterly annihilated. Amazonia was not only unable to reinforce their expedition, but was in danger of complete destruction. In time Deianira's women learned of the disaster from of all people a Carthaginian trader. They were on their own.

    Since then the Amazons of Deianira have grown strong, absorbing many native tribes into a larger federation led by an elected Queen. They came to be known to the Picts and later the Celts as the Bean Sidhe, or banshees, due to their unearthly battle cries. It is said by them that to hear their warcry means death. The Amazons found this to their liking, and gradually came to use the term themselves. This was not the only local custom they adopted either. As their own goddesses seemed distant in this far-off isle, they were quick to take up the worship of several local deities, giving them their own distinctive Amazon style of course. Likewise they soon discarded their old hoplite style of fighting, and eagerly adopted the great swords and chariots of Celts, and the deadly javelins of the Picti, improving upon each with Amazon engineering know-how. In fact, the Amazons adopted as many of the local customs as they enforced of their own resulting in a fusion of the cultures.

    From their capital of Tir na nOg and colony of Tir Tairngire, the Bean Sidhe are now in a position to expand more deeply throughout the rainy isles. Under the leadership of a great Queen, they might finally realize their ancient goal of conquering them altogether, perhaps far, far more...
    The starting territories of the Bean Sidhe:
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    Danu = temple_of_justice
    The Morrigan = temple_of_victory
    Brigid = temple_of_forge
    Abnoba = temple_of_hunting


    Governor Tree:

    1st Tier - Peasants

    Missile Tree:
    1st Tier -
    2nd Tier (practice_field) - Slingers (male)
    3rd Tier (archery_range) - Bean Sidhe Archers
    4th Tier (catapult_range) - Chosen Bean Sidhe Archers, Head Hurlers, Onagers,
    5th Tier (siege_engineer) - Heavy Onagers

    Infantry Tree:
    1st Tier (muster_field) - Spear Warband
    2nd Tier (militia_barracks) - Swordswomen
    3rd Tier (city_barracks) - Fianna
    4th Tier (army_barracks) - Chosen Fianna
    5th Tier (royal_barracks) - Fianna (exp 1)

    Cavalry Tree:
    1st Tier -
    2nd Tier (stables) - Warhounds
    3rd Tier (cavalry_barracks) - Heavy Cavalry

    1st Tier -
    2nd Tier (blacksmith) - Light Chariots
    3rd Tier (smiths_workshop) - Heavy Chariots

    Temple Units
    Temple of The Morrigan Tier 2 - Screechers
    Temple of The Morrigan Tier 4 - Berserkers

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    Peasants are reluctant warriors, but numbers are useful in all armies. Forcing peasants to fight is one way of getting lots of women in the field quickly and cheaply. They have little tactical sense, and even less willingness to fight - they would rather be defending their own homes rather than be dragged to a battle they neither care about nor understand. But if nothing else, they are useful when there's digging to be done! They are, however, experts at reading the land and hiding whenever there is cover.

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    A sling is a deceptively simple weapon: a slinger can bring down the strongest warriour with a single shot. These slingers can send a hail of bullets towards the enemy, and target their shots for maximum damage. After all, they will have been hunting with slings since childhood. Slingers should not be allowed to get into melee combat, as their lack of armour and their relative lack of equipment - just a knife and a small shield - will soon lead to them being cut to pieces. Used to kill enemies from a distance, they are superb missile warriors.

    Bean Sidhe Archers
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    These women are foot archers of the Bean Sidhe, the long range killing power of their armies. They are armed with the powerful composite bow of the Amazon people. Yet being lightly armored they are vulnerable in melee combat, especially to enemy cavalry.

    Unlike other civilized cultures, the Bean Sidhe prize archers as daughters of Abnoba. While most of these women came from the lower classes, many gain higher standing by distinguishing themselves in battle. As young girls they would have spent long hours every day practicing with their bows while watching over their livestock, hoping for the day they might earn their place in the ranks of these proud women.

    Where most other nations only use archers to simply soften up an enemy, they are the cornerstone of every Amazon army. In fact, the infantry are often used to merely protect the archers, who are generally the main killing power of the army, and then cavalry sent to mop up the remnants.

    Chosen Archers
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    These women are elite foot archers of the Bean Sidhe, the deadliest archers in the world. They are armed with the most powerful composite bows of their people. However, they are also well-protected with good mail and armed with a sword as a secondary weapon, and so can give a good account of themselves in melee combat if necessary.

    Where regular Bean Sidhe Archers are drawn from the lower classes, these women are all well placed in society, either from birth or from earning that higher status by distinguishing themselves in battle. The greatest of all the archers of Bean Sidhe, these women have been known to win battles simply through their arrow-fire alone. They are the most fearsome archers in the world, and strike fear into the hearts of all who face them across the battlefield.

    Head Hurlers
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    In battle, head hurlers throw the heads of fallen foes coated with quicklime. These missiles are both dangerous and loathsome. Head hurlers combine the practical and the macabre in equal measure - they collect the heads of fallen enemies and preserve these by dipping them in quicklime. The limed heads are used as disgusting missiles in battle, flung into enemy ranks at surprisingly long range. As missiles the heads are heavy enough to cause injuries (and have an undoubted impact on morale) but it is the lime that really does the damage, causing nasty burns. Head Hurlers also carry swords for use in close combat should this be necessary.

    Head hurlers, however, also show little regard for their own danger and are not above rushing into combat without orders.

    Onagers & Heavy Onagers
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    The onager is a catapult jokingly named for the tremendous kick it has when fired at the enemy (an "onager" is a wild ass). This war machine is powered by a twisted spring of animal sinew ropes, the most elastic substance available.

    The throwing arm is held in tension by the sinews. When pulled back and held by a catch it can fling a boulder with considerable speed and range. This version can be used for reducing stone fortifications, but it can also be used on the battlefield for destroying enemy artillery and harassing troops (although admittedly by killing some of them outright).

    The onager can also be used to launch incendiary missiles such as firepots, making it a versatile piece of artillery to any commander.

    Spear Warband
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    Spear Warbands are comprised of women armed with the heavy spears that give them their name and protected with large body shields. They are taught to maintain a rigid shield wall in battle, and can be expected to hold it against most opponents, most especially cavalry. However, they lack the discipline of more professional troops and cannot be expected to win battles without the support of heavier troops.

    The women of a spear warband are one of the most basic components of the Bean Sidhe military. Rather than being members of the warriour aristocracy, these women are common members of society who have taken up arms in service of the state. In Amazon society all women serve a mandatory term of service in the military when they come of age. During this time they both learn the craft of a soldier and serve as a standing army.

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    As their name implies, Swordswomen carry the longswords characteristic of the Bean Sidhe and Celts, which they wield to deadly effect. They wear shirts of good quality mail and open-faced steel helmets for protection. They are disciplined fighters, but only to a certain point. After that their sense of honour and bravery can make them eager to get into any fray and distinguish themselves.

    A step above the militia Spear Warbands, Swordswomen are the lowest rung of the Bean Sidhe warriour aristocracy. They are women who have completed their mandatory service and continued on in that role. They are eager for battle, as it is only through the shedding of blood that they can prove their worth as warriours and advance themselves to positions in the Fianna, or even a general's personal bodyguard.

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    Armed with the powerful longswords of the Bean Sidhe, the Fianna are extremely dangerous infantrywomen who have a surprise for unsuspecting foes. They also carry powerful javelins which they throw before coming to grips with their enemy. Protected by mail of the best quality, oval body shields, steel helmets, and greaves, they are well able to stand firm in a protracted melee against any foe. The are quite simply the anvil upon which the enemies of the Bean Sidhe are crushed.

    The Fianna are the rock solid foundation of the Bean Sidhe military, a professional force of women who do nothing but train for war and fight when called upon. They come from the upper classes, or are women of the lower classes who have gained elevated status by distinguishing themselves in action as Spearwomen or common Swordswomen. Their motto is: "Purity in our hearts. Strength in our hands. Action to match our words." For them honor and service is everything.

    Chosen Fianna
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    Armed with the great blades as long as a woman is tall, Chosen Fianna are the elite of the elite, the most powerful women in the Bean Sidhe military. Their greatswords are so large that they require both hands to wield, and are etched with symbols that are said to be magical in nature. Some even whisper that these blades are forged by Brigit herself, and quenched in human blood so that they will acquire a taste for it. Others say that it is the Morrigan who does the forging, for it is her insatiable thirst for death which the mighty swords serve. As one can imagine, these women inspire terror within all enemies who catch sight of them.

    Along with their terrible weapons, the Chosen Fianna are armoured with the finest mail available, including pieces of solid plate along their shoulders, as well as greaves and sturdy helms. As both their hands are required to wield their massive swords, they have slung their round shields across their backs. In short, they are armoured from head to toe.

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    Warhounds are bred for a savage nature and great size, but then hunting men is only a little more dangerous than hunting wild boar! The beasts are muscular and powerful. Originally bred for hunting large prey, they are now trained to hunt and attack men. Warhounds are usually unleashed on an enemy to break a line and unnerve opponents. Few men are able to stand steadily in the face of a snarling and partially-starved beast. The dogs are trained to bite and hold on, dragging down their human targets, and hamstringing horses.

    Their handlers are brave, foolhardy and not easily intimidated: many have fingers, hands or even chunks of limbs missing!

    Bean Sidhe Cavalry
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    Bean Sidhe Cavalry are javelin-armed horsewomen who can also fight hand-to-hand - a potent combination in one force! They wear mail armour and carry shields and swords so that they can close with opponents and fight when the situation requires.

    Their primary means of attack, however, remains the javelins that they carry. They can pepper an enemy with missiles and then have the option of closing to deliver the coup de grace, or they can withdraw and await another opportunity for mischief!

    They are not ideally suited to fighting other skirmishers - many of their javelins will be wasted against targets who can dodge, after all - but they can be very useful in driving broken enemies from the field.

    Light Chariots
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    Light chariots are very fast, very noisy and, when used in large numbers, quite intimidating. They combine the swiftness of cavalry with the long-range power of archers. The drivers concentrate on controlling the chariots, while their passengers fire arrow after arrow into the target. They can also simply charge into an enemy, perform the same scouting duties as cavalry, harass enemies with missiles and may even be worth sacrificing to break a previously unyielding enemy line. They can also be very effective in pursuing fleeing foes.

    Heavy Chariots
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    Heavy chariots are an elite in Bean Sidhe armies. They are shock troops, relying on speed and shock to break enemy formations. Every woman carries a fine sword and is equipped with a good mail armour, while their chariots are pulled by two horses.

    They perform the same function as heavy cavalry, charging home to cause casualties before wheeling away to launch a fresh attack. Any infantry foolish enough to stand in the way are ridden down, hacked to pieces by the rider!

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    Priestesses of the Morrigan, these women are clad in sturdy mail shirts and cloaks of ravens feathers for protection. They carry great sickles with with to reap their prey. However, they are best known for not their fighting ability, but rather for the terror which their unearthly wailing inspires within the enemies of the Bean Sidhe. It is said that to hear their cry means death. Typically they will stand behind the main battle line and send their entreaties to their dark goddess while the battle rages around them.

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    Berserkers are Amazons who have so dedicated themselves to the Morrigan that see themselves as being her own personal agents of death in this world. They are the ravens of the battlefield, choosing who lives and dies and carrying their souls away with them. They are known to be without mercy, common sense, and the willingness to stop fighting once unleashed. They are supremely dangerous foes in close combat.

    These women eschew all forms of armour, as they see it a sign of weakness. Instead they wear bearskins and cover their faces in black masks, completing their frightful appearance by painting their bodies in woad. They carry a great double-bladed axe which they use to an effect which the Agema Axewomen are envious of.

    Amazon Berserkers are extremely ferocious, aggressive, indomitable warriors with no thought for personal safety once the rage of battle comes upon them. They will use chants, strong drink, potions, rituals and even self mutilation to whip themselves into a fighting frenzy. Once the madness is upon them, little can stop them - their blood-crazed dash into the thick of combat is deeply disheartening (at best) to any who stand against them. They may try to cut their enemies to pieces in this state, but will think nothing of trying to gouge, bite, head butt and kick opponents to death as well.

    Early Bodyguard & Captain
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    This general has a bodyguard of loyal heavily armoured cavalry to accompany her onto the field. Armed with javelins and swords, these women are not only very good shock cavalry, able to deliver a devastating and almost unstoppable charge, but they can also stand off and slaughter an enemy with missiles.

    Like all general's guards, this unit is best committed to the fight at the point of crisis, when the general's inspirational leadership and the combat power of her women can tip the balance.

    Late Bodyguard
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    This general has a bodyguard of loyal heavily armoured cavalry to accompany her onto the field. Armed with composite bows and swords, these women are not only very good shock cavalry, able to deliver a devastating and almost unstoppable charge, but they can also stand off and slaughter an enemy with arrows.

    Like all general's guards, this unit is best committed to the fight at the point of crisis, when the general's inspirational leadership and the combat power of her women can tip the balance.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  10. #160

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War

    Amazon: Total War 3.0c is now out!

    Go here to download it.

    Please note that this version and all future versions of ATW are for the Barbarian Invasion executable only. I have ceased support of the RTW exe.

    Here is a full list of new features and changes:

    • Added new Amazon Bean Sidhe faction.
    • Converted Briton faction into the Independent Celts.
    • Created land-bridges between Ireland and Scotland, Iberia and North Africa, Thrace and Asia Minor, Sicily and Italy, and Britain and the Continent.
    • Added more territories to British Isles, and renamed all existing ones there.
    • Paved roads to the Barbarian and Eastern cultures.
    • Added Stonehenge and Hesperides Wonders.
    • Implemented Pinarius' Horse mod.
    • Integrated Riczu's ships and blockade icon.
    • Added high resolution campaign map textures.
    • Tweaked ship stats to make naval combat more decisive.
    • New units - Thracian Heavy Pikeman, Rebel Barbarian Slingers, Latin Mercenaries, Mercenary Barbarian Axemen, Mercenary Barbarian Swordsmen, Roman Amazon Auxilia, Roman Amazon Auxilia Archers, Rebel Amazon Militia Cavalry, Rebel Amazon Peasants.
    • New reskins of many units, including a new Amazon General, Bull Warriors (Devotio), Carthaginian Generals, Iberian Scutarii, Macedon Standard Bearer, et al.
    • New unit cards for all mounted Amazon units and many others.
    • Made all slingers armour piercing.
    • Increased morale of all units to make battles last longer.
    • Added more units to the city views of your settlements.
    • End of support for RTW executable.
    There are never enough hours in the days of a Queen, and her nights have too many...

    ATW Version 2.5 is now out!

  11. #161
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    This is to let everyone know that the Beta 1.02 release

    for Amazon:Total War - Reignited is out.

    Adult Warning
    Caution: This mod contains female nudity depicted in ancient combat. If you are precluded by the law to view such content (under the age of 18 in most areas, for example), please refrain from accessing the mod.

    Rather than posting the link everywhere, here is the thread to access the download,

    or you can search for Amazon Total War Reignited Beta in TWCenter.

    Attached below is the Read-Me file which is part of the download zip.

    Amazon Total War - Reignited
    Version 1.01 Beta
    For Barbarian Invasion 1.6 or later
    Latest bug fix:
    - reported by Spartan198 with a crash entering the strat screen because the model file has reference to amazon cas file over at the BI/data folder
    - reported by chrisb for erroneous installation links in this document
    - script now functions for all three intended factions with no warning side-effects.

    :::::::::::::::::::: MAJOR CHANGES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    The new Amazon Total War - Reignited is a mod based on Subrosa Florens as well as Ares7667's Amazon Total War Mod.
    Key Differences are (Please read throught the entire description before installation)

    - This mod contains female nudity, if the law of your location prohibits you as an individual from viewing such content for whatever reasons (being under age of 18 in most areas, for example), please refraining from installing or playing this mod.
    By installing this mod, the user acknowledges that he (or she) alone is legally responsible for the use and the consequences of its use.
    - The Reignited mod is less fantasy based, most Amazon factions and locations are based more on archeology and data extrapolated from current anthropological theories.
    - This mod attemps at establishing a relationship between the animation-skin (the textures) of the units with the specific unit's cost. The unit cost is much more in line with the equipment and training of the combat units. Wherever possible, there is explanation to list the equipment+training to show their relationship with cost.
    - To bring recruitment in line with the community infrastructure, many of the units have been re-skinned, and the light units are either using animal pelts as clothing, or their clothing reduced to reflect cost and time required to recruit such units.
    - Use of iron implements are reduced, and most units are bronze alloy armored. Units using iron have both high maintenance cost as well as high procurement cost.
    This reflects the fact that iron object rust away very easily and must be constantly maintained. It also requires different furnace technology to produce which is more hazardous than bronze alloy.
    Bronze alloy (Beryllium Copper, for example) can achieve 90% of the hardness of the best moden steel, at fraction of the cost at manufacturing.
    - Chain mail armors used to be depicted in previous RTW mods as cheap alternative to plate mail armor. Well, it is far from being true. Chain mail is both exhorbitantly expensive to produce and highly effective.
    Therefore, use of Chain mail in this mod has been greatly curtailed, and it is mostly used as limb armor, unless the factions are Romans, Carthage, or Armenia.
    - Use of other missile weapons have been deployed.
    - Game has been kept more interesting as each Amazon faction has their own perils to overcome.
    - Egypt is portrayed as Ptolemaic, not as ancient Egyptian as in the original RTW game. The officers and some units are Greeks, mixed with local Egyptian levy units.
    The cards for generals as well as diplomat remained Egytian, as it is customary for the Ptolemaic rulers to retain dual cultural identities.

    :::::::::::::::::::: Credit and Acknowledgement ::::::::::::::::::::

    - There is no chance of this mod being created without the brilliant works of both Subrosa and Ares7667
    I wish to thank both of them for their kind permission to allow me to use their Amazon TW as the foundation for Amazon TW - Reignited

    - Similarly without the great folks at Heavengames forum, both Terikel Grayhair and Edorix, there is not a chance this mod would be published.

    - Special Thanks KLA for his kind permission to use his Amazon models, even though his terrific work was not able to be used in the current mod because we are out of modeling slots.

    - Special Thanks Quaztalcoatl to allow my partner and me to use his Amazon .cas files for the re-skinned Amazon units used in the Re-ignited mod.

    - Special Thanks to Trajan to allow me to use his .cas files from AR_S_Late_Roman_Army_Mod_V_3.0

    - Special Thanks to OC Grenadier to allow me the use of the Amazon Axe cas file for re-skinned Amazon units.

    - The Thracian Peltast is a re-skinned animation from Andronicus

    - The Caro-Ballistae soldier and non-elite unit standard bearers are re-skinned from FATW.

    I intended to acknowledge all the artistic work from all the artists whose works are included in the mod.
    And I apologize beforehand, that if by accident, there is an omission of credit of any kind, please send PM to me at your earliest convenience and I will gladly include the mentioning of your work in the future release notes.

    The following are acknowledgement from Subrosa to the contributors from Amazon TW release 3.0c, still very much applicable to the current mod.
    "...Special thanks to Palantir/Dol Gulder/Master of None for donating the Bean Sidhe faction symbol and several shield textures from Viking Invasion 2.
    Special thanks to Andalus for his Thracian Heavy Spearman skin.
    Special thanks to luke_liddle for the horse texture on the Armenian Legionary shield.
    Special thanks to Punic Total War for their Carthaginian General, Devotio, Macedon Standard Bearer skins, and Iberian Scutarii shield texture.
    Special thanks to Riczu for use of his strat map ships.
    Special thanks to neo_deus for the Numidian Legionary shield.
    Special thanks to Pinarius for use of his horse mod.
    Special thanks to Medusa0 for the Seleucid, Armenian, and Numidian Legionary reskins.
    Special thanks to Halie Satanus for donating the use of many shield and armour textures.
    Special thanks to Signifer One for allowing me to use his Animations pack.
    Special thanks to Darth Divus for providing the loading screen overlays...
    Special thanks to Private Clark for his work on the New Amazonia Faction skins and donating his figure 8 shield for the Valkyrja Drakones and Bean Sidhe Spear Warband...."

    ::::::::::::::::::::The Basics::::::::::::::::::::

    Amazon Total War is a conversion for Rome Total war version 1.5 or Barbarian Invasion version 1.6. It uses the mod:switch option, so it will not interfere with any of your original game files. Be sure you apply it to a clean install of RTW, as you may experience ctd's when entering battles if not.


    ATW - Reignited re-structured the four Amazon factions in the game:

    Amazonia, still remains as Amazonia
    Valkyrja, renamed Thyssa Amazons
    the Bean Sidhe, renamed Geothe Amazons
    the Gorgons. renamed Libyan Amazons

    "...The Amazon Federations, who for milleniums have been safeguarding the Caucasus Gates and the Asia Minor to potect the Europa Ecumene from beeing destroyed by barbarians, had finally collapsed, thanks in no small measure to the Dorian intrigue. Centuries later, a minority still uphold their secret code and teaching. Others have fell into decadence and formed into their own petty fiefdom in the Northern Plains, where they call themselves the Thyssagetae. Still, others have settled in Themiskyra and gave the Dorian Greeks some paybacks from time to time. The nimble ones trekked back to Libya, a place centuries later is known to the Romans as Africa...."

    These still belong to a new culture, that of the Amazons, with new units, generals, entourage, etc.
    All diplomats, assassins, and spies are now females with correct strat animation.
    In general, the current mod makes them less Greek and more Phrygian or Central-Asians/Asia-Minor of their time, which means, by definition, they are more blonde, or red haired, with light color eyes.
    For they are the progenitors of many modern European people. This is the time when the Goths, the Alans, the Sarmatians have not migrated to Europe yet.

    The Amazon frontier units are available to the most of their neighboring factions.
    Gaul - Finnic Amazon Archers, both mounted and dismounted.

    Macedon - Geothe mounted and dismounted brigandine archers

    Parthia - Thyssa Amazon Frontier Horse Archers

    Seleucid- Mounted Amazon Heavy Cavalry

    With very few exceptions, most Amazonian elites units are equestrian.
    Here are the categories of units in the Amazon ranks:

    Halberd units - both mounted and dismounted.
    militia warband
    militia hoplite - female instead of male long shield warband
    skirmisher - armed with long javelins
    peltasts - armed with javelins, swords, and wicker pelta shield.
    foot archers - armed with sword, composite bow or mano-ballista, some with shield.
    horse archers - same as foot archers, except mounted on horseback with extreme weight limitations.
    brigandine - same as foot/horse archers, with brigandine armors and if mounted, with medium horses
    elite archers - mounted chosen archers with either medium horses or race horses, armed with double bow.
    caro-ballista - carriage mounted mobile artillery unit
    heavy cavalry - heavily armored Amazon cavalry armed with integrated shield and mano-ballista.
    noble maiden - fully lamellar armor suit on special bred race horses with long sword and double-bow.
    noble maiden cataphract - head to toe lamellar armored on cataphract horses
    Amazon chariot - long range archers on two horse chariots.
    elephant Troop - Amazon Elephantine unit
    armored Elephant- Amazon Armored Elephantine unit
    guards - these are foot/mounted/chariot guard units for the priestesses, as well as mounted guards for the generals.

    Some mounted units are trained, as in medieval Hungarian or Romanian ways, to make the horses lying down on the battlefield, and so they can remain hidden even if there is no foliage.

    Type of missile launching platform:
    large composite bow
    double giant composite bow
    giant composite bow
    composite bow - Only available from factions bordering the open steppe or forest steppe.
    double bow - double cocked, double limbs bow with two bow strings to shoot a missile to longer range, also allows a petite warrior to shoot at long distance
    mano-ballista - precursor of man-portable crossbow, with the difference of a torsion spring instead of a limb-spring. With some game engine animation limitation, it was supposed to be cocked with the rider resting her 'bow' on her the sole of one of her shoes and with the hand(s) pull the string to be cocked and ready to shoot.
    caro-ballista - these are a larger version of the same ballista weapon mounted on the carriage.
    Greek Ballista - stationary or low mobility version of siege weapon
    Roman Scopion - more nimble version of Greek Ballista, unchanged from RTW game
    onager - siege weapon, more platforms per units, available to all factions if their cultural development become matured.
    super Onager - heavy siege weapon

    Type of missiles:
    pilum - heavy thrown spear to disable an opponent
    javelin - thrown short spears used by units such as the peltasts.
    long javelin - long spear used by Amazon skirmishers.
    arrow - number can be carried by a soldier is more limited in this mod, unless the faction is rich in tmber and has lath technology.
    iron cased lead - iron casing filled with molten lead, used by faction with less wood and lathing technology to make straight arrow shaft.
    sacred fire missile- can be used either as an ancient version of grenade, or shoot off a mano-ballista, or double-bow, like a rifle grenade launcher.

    As it is from the previous Amazon TW Mod, the original game map has been modified by the inclusion of 34 new territories.
    Most of them are located in North Africa, the Steppe, and the mountains of Armenia.
    As in Amazon TW 3.0c, Scythia has been moved to its more historically accurate starting position in the Crimea and lower Ukraine.
    Scythia has also undergone some change in its unit roster, now having many more infantry units of better quality than before.
    This reflects the effects of their having become partially sedentary at the time the game begins.
    Every Barbarian faction now has a 4th tier of development. All factions now have a Law temple.
    There are many new units, including Onagers for all Barbarians. Maiden Axes have been added to Britannia and Gaul from ATW 3.0c release.
    Chosen Slingers added to Britannia, Carthage, and Iberia.
    Gaul and Germania have regular Archer Warbands.
    Mercenary Cretan Archers and Rhodian Slingers are now recruitable by the Hellenic factions from their home islands.
    Scutarii are now recruitable by Carthage.
    Elephants and Noble Cavalry have been added to Numidia, Noble Cavalry to Iberian, and Heavy Cavalry have been added to the Greek Cities.
    Thrace has had a dramatic make-over as well, gaining new units such as Thracian Peltasts, Thracian Infantry, and Thracian Nobles, new temples such as to Sabazios and Kotys, and more.
    All Amazon factions can now get Elephant troops, as can the Sarmatians, this only happens when their culture is almost fully developed.

    ::::::::::::::::::::Take Note!::::::::::::::::::::

    Voice and Speech:

    As in previous Amazon TW mod, the pre-battle speeches of the Amazons have been disabled.

    Four Season Turns:
    The game uses Maadral's Multi-Season script. But it has been integrated to the game script. So if you have been using his multi-season script, you can not re-generate the season script on this mod, doing so will cause fatal error in the mod.

    ::::::::::::::::::::Installation Instructions::::::::::::::::::::

    You must have a previously installed version of Rome Total War Barbarian Invasion in its vanilla form.
    If you have not own a Rome Total War game software before, you can purchase online from sources like Steam under Rome Total War Gold.
    Unzip the file you download to your base Rome Total War folder (i.e. the one with RomeTW.exe in it). When you are done you should see the folder "Amazon TW-Reignited" alongside your data, logs, Miles, preferences, saves, and other folders. Like so:


    :::::::::::: For Non-Steam Users :::::::::::::::::::::::

    Now create a new shortcut for Amazon TW-Reignited.
    Open Windows Explorer, then go to your base Rome Total War folder, find the RomeTW-BI.exe file, and right click on it.
    An options box will pop up.
    Move your mouse down to "Send To". Another box will pop up along side the first one.
    Move your mouse over to "Desktop (Create Shortcut)", and click on it with your left mouse button.
    Now go to your Desktop and you will see the new shortcut there, named "Shortcut to RomeTW.exe"
    Right-click on the new shortcut, and a box will pop up.
    Click on Properties in this box.
    A new window will open up, with three tabs across the top. If the Shortcut tab was not already selected, click on it.
    Click in very right end of the box named Target.
    Now add in a space and then the following text: -mod:AmazonTW-Reignited -show_err
    So your Target box should look something like: "C:\Program Files\Rome Total War\RomeTW.exe" -mod:AmazonTW-Reignited -show_err
    Now click on Apply.
    To rename it something more descriptive click on the General tab.
    There will be a field at the very top of the window. Type in: Amazon Total War Reignited.
    Now click on "Ok". You are done.
    Optional: This mod also has some several desktop shortcuts from Subrosa which you may wish to use. While you still have the Shortcut Properties window open, click on the Shortcut tab, then click on the Change Icon button at the bottom of that window. A Change Icon window will appear. Click on the browse button to navigate to your RTW\amazon folder. You will find several.ico files there. Select the one you would like by double-clicking on it. Then back at the Change Icon window click on Ok. Then finally click on OK again to close the Shortcut Properties window.

    ::::::::::::::: For Steam User :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    Creating the shortcut has described above. Now edit the target box of the shortcut has follows:
    "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 4760 -mod:AmazonTW-Reignited -show_err -nm
    Last edited by parthian shot; 08-30-2011 at 00:39.

  12. #162
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Default Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    Some more background and facets of Amazon: Total War - Reignited

    The mod depicting the time around 270BC (same is RTW), but it shows the uprising of the Amazon factions after centuries of patriarchal encroachment. Story basically tells the Amazon Federation originally organized by one secret sect of Artemis with Camilla as its revered head-priestess centuries ago has been linking matriarchal communities to protect each other from the invasion, the raid, the pillage, or other encroahments from the so-called hero-quests.

    After the death of Alexander in 323BC, the Amazon factions finally realized that it is now or never to throw down the yoke imposed by men. So they have been quietly preparing for that eventuality for the past half a century.

    When finally at the time of 270BC, news broke out that the Gaulic King Brennus has invaded Greek Peninsula and had won resounding victories. And Carthage, which is founded by Queen Diddo, a formal Amazon Priestess, is inciting war between the Romans and Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. The die is cast for the Amazons to declare to the world who they truly are...

    Equipment Based on more Logical Anthropological Extrapolation

    The mod also try to be more realistic on unit procurement cost regarding equipment and infra-structure. And attempt to show a direct relationship of the unit's cost vs. the unit's texture.

    A summary is listed below:

    1. For 270BC, clothing is very expensive as well as time consuming to fabricate, so only the rich, mercenary, elite, patrician, or aristocratic units have more properly garmented attires. Light units, barbarian units, as well as the rebel units are lessly so. And if possible, they are dressed in animal pelts, or without dress.

    one example of the Thracian Peltast by Andronicus is shown below:

    and here is the Amazon Re-ignited Rendition of the same unit

    2. Many previous mods portray chain mail as a secondary armor to plate mail armor. and cheaper one to procure. Well, in reality this is completely false. Chain mail is exorbitantly expensive to produce in 270BC. So in the Reignited mod, only the Romans, the Carthaginians, the Armenians have units featuring full chain mail armored units. Other factions only has chain mails armor suit for VIPs or aristocratic units.

    Here is a previous Amazon TW example, many mods share similar trend:

    Here is an Amazon TW Re-ignited equivalent:

    Notice the armor is not a perfect fit, as none of the armory issued armors should be. As a matter of fact, unless the armor is custom tailored, then it should not be a snug fit. In most cases, custom tailored armored should only be afforded by aristocratic units.

    And here is an example of the Amazon Noble Maiden, in snug fit lamellar armor suit:

    3. Iron armor equipped units have both high maintenance and procurement cost. Only Romans, the Carthaginians/Iberians, the Gauls, the Armenians have units with complete iron equipment, with iron armor, helmet, and so on. Other factions only use iron for missile (arrow head), spearhead, sword blade, or helmets. Iron rust rather quickly, so it is a full time work to maintain the full suit of armor, therefore the procurement cost as well as the upkeep cost is increased to reflect that overhead.

    4. Most line fighting units are only armored frontally, the old thinking was that the less a unit is protected on their back, the less likely they would turn tails and run away from the fight.

    Last edited by parthian shot; 08-25-2011 at 03:53.

  13. #163
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    This is to announce that the Amazon:Total War-Reignited 1.04d is out.

    With Amazon units playable by Carthage and Sarmatia.

    Each of the Amazon Factions as well as Carthage and Sarmatia has their own unique quests.

  14. #164
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    Amazon: Total War 6.0B is now available

    You can download the mod file [here]


    Once again, this mod contains female nudity in the depiction of ancient conflicts, so if there is any reason the law of your locality prohibits you from viewing such content (for example, if you are under the age of 18 in most areas), please do not access the download.

    By either downloading or installing this mod's compressed file, the user who performed the download/installation acknowledges that he (or she) is legal to view such content and he or she is solely responsible for the use as well as the consequences of the use of this mod.

    The new mod size is now 816MB, so I have to use .7z file format instead of .zip file format. The compressed download file is 230MB. If you need the .7z utility, you can get it from 7-zip in public domain.

    Thanks to the help of Andrey and Granto, I am finally able to add some features we have planned but was not able to do so.

    - with Granto's help, looks like we finally have working RSII battlefield map without changing the vanilla RTW/BI folder. It also bump the file size by about 250MB.

    - Andrey have fixed many problematic .cas files, of which we have always want to add to the mod.

    New Features for 6.0b are

    - RSII Battlefield map, assuming it would pass the test, and combined with many 512x512 skins, the mod looks like a MTW2 project instead of RTW/BI project.
    - New Armenian Armored Amazon Gladiatus Legion Cohort.
    - New Amazon Gladiatus Cohort for Amazon Factions.
    - New Amazon Foot Companion, Amazon Round Shield Cavalry skins.
    - New Amazon Chariot cards, skin, according to the BUM principle.
    - New Amazon General Units skin.
    - New unit defense parameter for Foot Companion, Round Shield Cavalry.
    - new Amazonia game start configuration.
    - new Amazonia quest configuration
    - Armenia Quests and Armenian Amazon units.
    - new weapon type called the "pole-sling" has been added.
    - Armenian can now recruit Amazon Trireme.
    - Quests for Thyssagetae adjusted.
    - Grenadier Cavalry can now be recruited by Thyssagetae and Armenia.
    - Improved animation .cas files by Andrey, now have
    better combat and hiding appearance.

    This is in addition to the 6.0a changes...

    - New Thyssagetae force and units for the campaign.
    - New Amazon General Units for Thyssa Amazon and Amazonia.
    - New Thyssa Amazon Quests.
    - New Balanced Load screens.
    - New Amazon Ballista Cavalry and infantry units.
    - New Amazon Ballista Elephant Animation by Andrey.
    - New Amazon Round Shield Cavalry.
    - New Amazon Standard Bearer.
    - Newly expanded Amazon agents and general picture repository.
    - Revised Roman and Greek ballista and scorpion units.
    - New Amazon Border Horse Archer skins
    - New Amazon Heavy Peltast
    - New Amazon Halberd Units cas file by Andrey with modified skin by me to make them looked like speared labrys.

    To make room, I am sorry to announce that the following units have been disabled.
    - Geothe Priestess Chariot
    - Iberian Chosen Slinger
    - Skythian Noble Women which now uses the same .cas file as Sarmatian Noble Women

  15. #165
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    Amazon Total War 6.0J is now available for download.


    Once again, this mod contains female nudity in the depiction of ancient conflicts, so if there is any reason the law of your locality prohibits you from viewing such content (for example, if you are under the age of 18 in most areas), please do not access the download.

    By either downloading or installing this mod's compressed file, the user who performed the download/installation acknowledges that he (or she) is legal to view such content and he or she is solely responsible for the use as well as the consequences of the use of this mod.

    Keeping the aforementioned pre-requisite in mind, Please do not pass along or forward link to the download file without this warning be shown.
    And while playing multi-player online, please be mindful of the opponent's age or status, as each player is solely responsible for the unit he or she selected to play.

    You can download 6.0J release [here] .
    You need 7zip utility to uncompress the file. Due to increase in complexity, it is recommended the system has a minimum of 4GB RAM to have more trouble free gaming experience.

    The original Whitepaper is published [here]

    For the weapon description, you can read them [here].

    For the factional background of the game, you can read more detail [here].

    For the Balanced Unit Modeling Concept, or B.U.M., you can read more [here].

    We are finally getting out of our beta cycle. But it doesnot mean we are bug free. So please feel free to report any issue.

    Also please remember to restore the sound volume and set the proper enable/disable music option, otherwise the game would have no sound which is our standard test environment.

    Changes and specification in 6.0j Patch 1

    Corrected CTD when player faction battle against the Libyan Amazon Horde.
    Added Steppe Axemen and Axe Cavalry
    Updated Correct Text for Libyan Amazon

    Changes and specification in 6.0j


    1. Added Amazon Agent's ability to recruit/raise own faction's army in certain enemy territories where there are Amazon communities.
    2. new caro-ballistae crew animation and skin
    3. new Sarmatian Virgin Cavalry animation and skin
    4. corrected Sarmatian "cataphract" armor for caro-ballistae, scale armors are actually made of tile sliced from horse/ox hoofs which was attached to the fowler netting, not linked metal plates.
    5. re-adjusted Amazon unit size. This is trying to deploy the decimal system for most unit size configurations. The recommended unit size is the highest setting.
    6. removed load screen files to free up more memory, because there about 60 new event monitors running in the script, reducing the load screen files compensates for the memory loss.
    7. fixed the minor prize re-entrant issue.
    8. Libyan CTD reported by Satapatiš
    9. New Armenic Peltast Animation and skin
    10. New Geothe Foot Archer unit size.
    11. New Thyssagetae Amazon Lesser General Animation
    12. Trimmed the download file size by 15%

    Corrected 6.0j Beta bugs

    1. missing Amazon Militia Horse Archer Unit Info file.
    2. Amazon Militia archers are too under-powered.
    3. Incorrect Caro Ballistae crew skin for Sarmatian
    4. Corrected Thyssa Heavy Lancer which used incorrect animation of a demi-lancer.
    5. New skin for Libyan Militia Demi-lancer with corrected animation
    6. The 6.0J release also corrected Libyan CTD when viewing of the settlement in battlemap.

    6.0j Pre-Beta Features

    - added minor bonus if certain important cities are captured.
    - New BUM transformed light units mainly for the Scythians.
    .New Scythian Head Hunting Maiden unit, now taking the form of semi-armored horse archer unit mounted on fast horse.
    .New Scythian Horde units
    .New Scythian Virgin Archers
    .New Sarmatian Virgin Cavalry Skin
    - brand new Amazon Militia Archers
    - brand new Amazon Militia Horse Archers animation and skins
    - new Amazon Longbow Archers,
    - new Amazon Companion Horse Archers animation and skins.
    - The number of warriors in advanced tech units have been reduced.
    - New animation for Libyan Heavy Cavalry
    - All male light horse units are now mounting medium horses instead.
    - thoroughbred horse as tradable commodity, and units with race horse can only be raised in the regions where the thoroughbred horses are available. The exception being if the region has circus maximus or higher equestrian sports facility.
    - 6.0j also tries to refine the previous BUM concept detail regarding attire.
    The change is, female light units does not mean it has to be without clothing. It is true for mounted light horse units because any extra weight would increase the load, and for the light horse mount, it is of paramount consideration to keep the weight to a minimum. But the foot units do not have to have the same weight restriction. So for the Scythian changes, some of non-combat oriented light foot units have animal pelt as their attires. There will be no uniform because according to the BUM principles, the cost would be prohibitive. So in a way this is a logical extension to the Thracian Peltast unit change, in which instead of wearing fabricated garment as in the original RTW, it has animal pelt as the attire. With the animal pelt as the unit attire, the cost is justified, otherwise it is not. Still, for CQC light units equipped with shields, many of the units will have naked upper torso and limbs, because this is the only way to guarantee free movement during combat and field maneuver.

    Changes and specification in 6.0i
    New Amazon Pathfinder units for Geothe and Amazonia.
    New Amazonia Patrician Horse Archer skin.
    This completes the storyline for the Amazon units for 6.0 series, as we complete the BUM changes for other factions (German and Celts, for example), the objectives for 6.0 releases would be met.
    6.0i with patch also repair the CTD reported by "Professor Chaos67"
    The download sequence is the same as normal mod release, no special steps required.
    6.0i patch 2 has
    -new Amazon Horse Archer for Corinth (Greek Cities),
    -new text for 6.0i units,
    -and expanded Amazon characters roster which doubles the names library.
    6.0i patch 3 has
    -revamped Amazon Xiphos Cohort skins for all factions that can recruit Xiphos Cohort.
    -new Pathfinder animatiion to correct secondary weapon problem.
    -Re-adjusted Limigantes Archer attributes
    -Female icons for agents, finally.
    -Horse as tradable commodity
    -Re-hashed Amazon Character Gallery with added pictures

    Changes and specification in 6.0h
    The main focus on the "H" release is trying to get Parthia to conform to the Balanced Unit Modeling (or B.U.M) principles.
    New Parthian Horse Archer skins, and no more Persian rider for Parthian cavalry.
    and there are many new parthian unit skins.

    Other new units:

    Libyan Amazon Foot Archers
    Greek City States Armored Amazon Horse Archer Mercenary

    Correction and Alterations:

    Geothe Xiphos Cohort now uses thermite fire jar instead of leadened darts (plumbata) for missiles.
    Greek Rebel units had Macedonian officer, it is now corrected.
    Libyan Amazon had standard bearer wearing bronze armor although almost all libyan Amazon units are iron-armored.
    number of missile reloads have been re-evaluated.
    new Darth Mod fix parameters refined to be even better.
    The old Libyan Amazon Archers are renamed Amazon Barber Archers.

    Changes and specification in 6.0e-6.0g
    - Emergency patch to repair Seleucid Cataphract Missing officer skin file CTD.
    - Emergency patch to repair Parthian Cataphract Missing officer skin file CTD, as reported by Resef.
    - added load screen from RSII battlefield landscape.
    - corrected Parthian armor issues to use more bronze than iron.
    - Emergency patch to repair Macedonian Peasant missing file CTD.
    - fixes for errors reported by Mark Centurion
    - added standard bearer for Barbarian.
    - added officers for all units except horde, merc, and rebels.
    - re-skinned Armenic light horse archer
    - more improved Darth Vader Foot Missile Bug parameters. AI is much more aggressive on the battlefield now.

    Changes and specification in 6.0d
    - Renamed titles and units to be more consistent with the storyline and their functionality.
    for example, the head of Geothe Amazon is now Priestess Marshal, as the Geothe is an Artemis/Camilla Sect Theocracy.
    The Gladiatus Cohort is now renamed, Xiphos Plumbatarii to indicated that they use the Xiphos style sword with shield, and they throw leadened darts using pole sling.
    - New Armenian Units
    ~ Armenic Guard Immortal
    ~ Armenic Halberdier
    ~ Armenic Amazon Elite Horse Archer
    ~ Armenic Amazon Xiphos Legion
    ~ armored conscripted spearmen with pole sling throwing stones
    ~ Armenic Heavy Cavalry with pole-sling throwing leadened darts
    ~ Armenic Light Lancer
    ~ re-skinned Armenic Legion
    ~ re-skinned Armenic Archer
    ~ re-skinned Armenic Noble Maiden
    ~ Armenic Standard Bearer
    ~ new Armenic officer and general
    ~ new Armenic officer and general on strat map

    - Until the first quest is completed, Armenian faction units mostly have the following characteristcs:
    a. Their units are the best equipped, and almost exclusively all iron armored
    b. They are awfully expensive, both in recruitment and upkeep.
    c. They have the best equestrian mounts of any factions.

    - New Armenian faction color, flag, and standard bearer, based on Armenian Artaxiad Dynasty flag
    - Fine tuned Armenian Quests again to be more playable and interesting.
    - Corrected the Amazon sword women animation issues.
    - Re-factored offense points for Amazon and Armenic units using mini-leadened-bolts (plumbata)
    - Re-animated Amazon Heavy Manu-Ballistae Cavalry units for all Amazon factions, switched from sword to spear/lance
    - Amazon General Units adjustment on offense point and unit strength.
    - New Armenian General Units and strat animations.
    - Celt is now playable but not recommended if you intended to play a faction to achieve world domination.
    - Roman remains Purple as Spartan198 suggested
    - re-skinned Amazon Libyan units to be more Eurasian than African.
    - New Amazon Cavalry of the Line Animation and skins.
    - New Geothe Amazon Lanciarii Animation and skins.
    - New light unit skins for most amazon archers, militia axes, militia cavalry.
    - use the newly tested result from Darth Vader Foot Missile Bug parameters to enhance the AI's battlefield tactics.
    - corrected mercenary units missing skins errors.
    - new adjusted skins to make the Amazon unit more photo-like.
    - new Amazon unit .cas files
    - new sprite files as well as more sprite changes for existing files. This is by no means a completed task, but I am glad we finally have test methodology in place.
    - Changes to give peasant and light units more ragged look, in keeping with the Balanced Unit Modeling principle (aka Parthian Shot's 6 Laws).
    - Because the above changes in light units will make unit identification more difficult (Amazon TW has the banner turned off to make the battle more realistic), each peasant unit as well as light unit is given a standard bearer for easier unit identification on the battlefield.
    - Add happiness points for Amazon cult temple even if some non-Amazon factions own the territory.

  16. #166
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    This is just to update everyone that a new Amazons Total War mod has been released...

    Amazons Total War 7.0 allows the player to validate many modern military concepts on the battlefields of antiquity.

    Such as

    - Mobility and Stand-off Weapon capability using various women cavalry units.
    - Deploying Area Denial "minefield" on the battlefield using field engineers.
    - Wagon fighting units with battle tactics not unlike German Panzer in WWII.
    - Guerrilla Warfare, allowing agent to infiltrate into the enemy territory to raise army deep behind the enemy line.
    - Long Range Mobile Artillery, allowing artillery barrage, fire support, and fire-base concept.
    - Linked Armor-Clad Cavalry, a dominating cavalry formation in Eurasia for centuries, never before depicted in any video game.
    - Terrifying Super-heating Incendiary Weapons, in modern day military parlance it is also known as the thermite munitions.

    Other Highlight of 7.0 Series

    - New extended campaign map, now from British Isle to Afganistan.
    - New factions such as New Far Eastern Celt, based on latest archaeological finding and anthropological theories.
    - Newly re-balanced Amazon Advanced Units.
    - New longbow chariots units.
    - Lush landscape using customized RS II battle environment.
    - Quest based game play, a player's faction can not attain higher cultural level without certain quest objective being met.
    - Balance Unit Modeling, animation appearance and equipment of a unit adheres to direct relation with the cost and the infrastructure of the recruiting region.

    You can download the latest file

    You can watch a demo video below

    Please remember to "like" the video if you feel the video has useful information.

    You can also follow amazon TW tweets at @Amazonstw

    Sample screenshots

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	upload20130106_5.jpg 
Views:	634 
Size:	463.4 KB 
ID:	8375   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Amazon General Bodyguard Geothe.jpg 
Views:	695 
Size:	1.17 MB 
ID:	8376  
    Last edited by parthian shot; 02-21-2013 at 23:19.

  17. #167
    Amazon Total War Admin Member parthian shot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Amazon: Total War - Reignited Beta Release

    Thanks To admin's help, Amazons Total War mod now has its own forum

    You can join see the latest of the mod [here]

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